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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Cheebs said:
You love it or you hate it...ITS THE DAILY GALLUP




Cheebs said:
You love it or you hate it...ITS THE DAILY GALLUP


e: It looks like soft Obama supporters are moving back to undecided, though they still lean Obama if Rasmussen is to be trusted
And what the hell has Obama done to change perception that would make them do that? It definitely couldn't have been anything McCain has done, he's been running a terrible campaign so far.



GhaleonEB said:
Just shows how much the MSM has control over the masses, RE: Jim Johnson fiasco while completely ignoring McCain's many lobbyist buddies literally running his campaign. I'm expecting a dozen or more stream crossings between now and the election.

Rasmussen has a different trend.


Obama up 46-39, the first time McCain has been below 40%.
This is nothing new. Every time there is a small media flare up numbers shift.

A good 10-15% seem to switch based on whoever has the best media coverage on a given day. It's odd.


I am still completely baffled at how McCain can be so close. Even when Obama had his 6-8 point lead last week. How can this country STILL be undecided after the past 7 years of GOP leadership? I really thought McCain would be at least 10 points behind.

Blows my mind, really does...


Diablos said:
I am still completely baffled at how McCain can be so close. Even when Obama had his 6-8 point lead last week. How can this country STILL be undecided after the past 7 years of GOP leadership? I really thought McCain would be at least 10 points behind.

Blows my mind, really does...
Carter had approval ratings around 20% before the election yet he won around 45% of the popular vote in 1980.

Why? Party members and leaning independents almost always vote for their parties candidate, no matter the electoral mess they are in nor if they even like or trust them.


I doubt it has anything to do with something as trivial as Johnson resignation, the afterglow of the primaries is just fading and certain, perhaps low information, segment of the population is willing to give both candidates a second look.

I don't see why anyone thought this wouldn't stay relatively close at least until the election day when fence sitters will finally have to decide and voter enthusiasm and partisan identification will very likely favor the democrat. The only one in serious trouble is Mccain if he can't go into the election day with a lead.


Hitokage said:
Jesus fuck, are you people LOOKING for reasons to panic?
Nope. He had a decent lead and now it's a tie. The only possible thing I can think of is Jim Johnson. If something that insignificant contributed... well, that's crazy.

At the same time, yeah, primary season is over and people may not be as interested, and Obama has a lot of time.

I'm not saying he's totally fucked, and that the sky is falling. I'm just saying that only if such a trend continues and he can't kill it, then it could spell trouble. As of right now, it's NOT serious trouble, but COULD be. Could. McCain could do something dumb next week and be down by 20 points. Or the opposite. :p


thekad said:
If we elected Presidents based on daily tracking polls, maybe.
Speaking of which, where can I find all of the Bush/Kerry polling data from this time in '04? I'm curious to see how the numbers shifted around.


Cheebs said:
This is nothing new. Every time there is a small media flare up numbers shift.

A good 10-15% seem to switch based on whoever has the best media coverage on a given day. It's odd.
That's what I've been saying.


I always wondered just who are these people who change their mind depending on who gets the best coverage on CNN that day? They are obviously out there since there is ALWAYS movement every time a negative story breaks. Why are their political beliefs so unloyal and changing?

BTW politico reported on who will be the next meet the press host. Their sources basically narrowed it down to 4 names NBC will consider:

Andrea Mitchell
David Greggory
Chris Matthews
Chuck Todd

Matthews is too wild, Chuck Todd isn't the interview type, Greggory already has his own show so I say it will be Andrea Mitchell.


:lol Christ, you guys love to freak out. Obama's 8 point lead wasn't going to hold steady forever.

Geez, reading PoliGAF a week ago you'd think Obama had this locked up, but reading now you'd thin McCain had just hit 270.


the disgruntled gamer said:
:lol Christ, you guys love to freak out. Obama's 8 point lead wasn't going to hold steady forever.

Geez, reading PoliGAF a week ago you'd think Obama had this locked up, but reading now you'd thin McCain had just hit 270.
People just need to realize the "newness" factor of winning a primary has to wear off.

It will happen again in August. Obama will get a boost out of the convention but a week later it will level out again.


Cheebs said:
I always wondered just who are these people who change their mind depending on who gets the best coverage on CNN that day? They are obviously out there since there is ALWAYS movement every time a negative story breaks. Why are their political beliefs so unloyal and changing?

BTW politico reported on who will be the next meet the press host. Their sources basically narrowed it down to 4 names NBC will consider:

Andrea Mitchell
David Greggory
Chris Matthews
Chuck Todd

Matthews is too wild, Chuck Todd isn't the interview type, Greggory already has his own show so I say it will be Andrea Mitchell.
I say they pick Norah O'Donnell. Smart and beautiful, plus I think she'd give fair interviews.

That's a pipe dream though. Andrea Mitchell would be the best candidate, I agree. David Greggory annoys me for some reason. Chuck Todd... eh, doesn't seem likely. He's all about polling and numbers. Chris Matthews is going to run for a PA US Senate seat in a couple years, so that would be a bad move.


Diablos said:
I say they pick Norah O'Donnell. Smart and beautiful, plus I think she'd give fair interviews.
That's a pipe dream though. Andrea Mitchell would be the best candidate, I agree.
Norah is not very high up on the food chain, they wouldn't promote her that quickly to the highest position in NBC's news section lol.

I agree with you about Greggory. When I watch his show there is something about him that turns me off I cant put my finger on it.
As an Obama supporter, don't I wand the polls to stay as close as possible for as long as possible?

Don't I want the Republicans lured into a false sense of security, throwing money at McCain for a presidential bid I don't see him really having a chance of winning, instead of focusing all their time & money on keeping elected seats which they have been losing?

I'm pretty sure as an Obama supporter I want McCain & Co. to continue doing what it is they are doing, cause thanks to the MSM is appears to be working. I want the MSM to keep giving McCain his "Free Pass" right up until the end of August when the "Free Pass" should expire and all of McCains flip flops, mis-statements, lobbyist filled campaign, Bush the 3rd policies, priest/pastor problems and lack of organization really comes back to haunt him all at once and not leaving him with any time to recover or counter attack.

I want McCain to be stuck on the defensive at the most crucial time in the election to be standing strong. Independents and Undecided will then have no problems making up their minds as to which side of the fence to sit on

In other words, to make this short, I want the polls to stay as close as possible right up until near the end, when it not only becomes real clear who is (& has been) winning this election, but its too late to really do anything about it.


Cheebs said:
Norah is not very high up on the food chain, they wouldn't promote her that quickly to the highest position in NBC's news section lol.
But she's sooooo hot <3


And, really, she's smart. It's nice to see a female that is good looking AND smart playing such an important role on a news network. Every time I turn on Fox, I swear, it's some blonde bombshell reiterating talking points.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
BlackNMild2k1 said:
As an Obama supporter, don't I wand the polls to stay as close as possible for as long as possible?

Don't I want the Republicans lured into a false sense of security, throwing money at McCain for a presidential bid I don't see him really having a chance of winning, instead of focusing all their time & money on keeping elected seats which they have been losing?

The GOP has already told them that all money is going to go for McCain. They are left to fend for themselves.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Diablos said:
If this continues and Obama can't keep a pretty solid lead, it spells trouble. Serious trouble.
And this is why syllogism has a point about posting daily gallups :lol
Diablos said:
I am still completely baffled at how McCain can be so close. Even when Obama had his 6-8 point lead last week. How can this country STILL be undecided after the past 7 years of GOP leadership? I really thought McCain would be at least 10 points behind.

Blows my mind, really does...

Because the Country is packed full of idiots.

We never learn, no matter how bad things get for us.

Amirox, sorry I can't relinquish my title just yet. I will match diablos blow for blow if I have to :lol
I have no worries

I already plan to line up at my bank and change my twenty dollar bills for the new crisp $40s with Obama's head on it.

"You have Change for a Barack?"


I still think Obama is in a position for victory. I have ever since I got over the whole fear of America wanting to vote for Hillary over Obama because of the whole experience and white/black thing.

I thought it was interesting to see Newt Gingrich say that Republicans should stop hammering the "Obama has no experience" talking point, because he is very intelligent and is advised by smart people. Very unexpected, but he's right.


Cheebs said:
I always wondered just who are these people who change their mind depending on who gets the best coverage on CNN that day? They are obviously out there since there is ALWAYS movement every time a negative story breaks. Why are their political beliefs so unloyal and changing?

BTW politico reported on who will be the next meet the press host. Their sources basically narrowed it down to 4 names NBC will consider:

Andrea Mitchell
David Greggory
Chris Matthews
Chuck Todd

Matthews is too wild, Chuck Todd isn't the interview type, Greggory already has his own show so I say it will be Andrea Mitchell.

One point someone raised about Todd is that didn't Russert get his interviewing start on Meet the PresS?

And I can't see Nora O'Donnell doing it because isn't she going to be going out on maternity leave soon?:p


syllogism said:
:lol Nice!

Smiles and Cries said:
I have no worries

I already plan to line up at my bank and change my twenty dollar bills for the new crisp $40s with Obama's head on it.

"You have Change for a Barack?"
Would be awesome.

And I can't see Nora O'Donnell doing it because isn't she going to be going out on maternity leave soon?:p
It was wishful thinking :D


Unconfirmed Member
Cheebs said:
I always wondered just who are these people who change their mind depending on who gets the best coverage on CNN that day? They are obviously out there since there is ALWAYS movement every time a negative story breaks. Why are their political beliefs so unloyal and changing?
Doesn't have to be the same group of people etc. or soley that days issue. its a culmination of things. also note that both are dropping in the dailies.

I maintain that the extended primary was NOT a bad thing for clinton, obama, or the paty(despite MSMs drum beat that it would tear the dems to their very core, and that the party would collapse) because it was a wall to wall saturation for the candidates and the party (no such thing as bad press etc.).

I think obama is falling off the adrenalin fest of the primary, imo. notice the last couple of ticks have both candidates falling, to me that is a sign of lack of interest, or in this case a lack of stimulation after such a bout of hard campaigning, rather than a fallout from a policy or gaffe.


McCain and Lieberman sure can't seem to get away from each other. Anyone else find it a bit revolting? Gotta wonder if he'd pick him. If he did, lulz. Evangelicals would just love that. Talk about a chicken little scenario (for Republicans, anyway) :p
Figured PoliGAF might enjoy this:

http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/06/obama_if_they_bring_a_knife_we.php said:
Obama: If They Bring A Knife, We Bring A Gun
By Eric Kleefeld - June 14, 2008, 6:28PM

At a fundraiser last night in Philadelphia -- a unity event of sorts, featuring former Hillary-backers Ed Rendell and Michael Nutter -- Barack Obama vowed that he will not be passive in the face of political attacks: "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."

Obama has to strike a careful balance between his promises of hope and optimism, against the pitfall of allowing himself to become a political doormat. One benefit of the long primary season is that he learned how to pull that trick off against Hillary Clinton -- and now he can do it against John McCain.

The McCain camp was quick to object: "Barack Obama's call for 'new politics' is officially over."



I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
mamacint said:
Figured PoliGAF might enjoy this:


At least Obama as a candidate isn't a pussy like Kerry. That's one thing the repubs don't have going for them this time around.


Remember the talk of the Dem concention fundraising falling behind? They missed a March goal by $5m. They're even further behind now.


Dem Convention $15 Million Short Of Fundraising Goal

The Democratic National Convention's host panel is falling far short of its fundraising goals, one of the few serious weak spots in Dem fundraising along with the DNC as a whole.

The host committee would need to raise $15 million by Monday in order to reach its goal -- an unlikely occurrence, to say the least.
Rather embarassing considering all the advantages the party has right now.


yikes. oh well

Re: "Bring gun to a knife fight"

I actually think this was a bad move on Obama's part. Yes, we know where it came from and the relative appropriateness of its use can be debated, but in terms of a political candidate using it in this case it just seems a bit ugly.

It goes counter his 'change' message, speaks to OLD politics, and brings along with it a whole host of negative imagery that a black candidate does not need.

I'm against Obama on this GAFFE


Still funny though. I agree, he probably shouldn't have said it, but gaffes will happen.

Could the DNC rejecting lobbyist and PAC money have anything to do with their lack of funds, btw?


Amir0x said:
yikes. oh well

Re: "Bring gun to a knife fight"

I actually think this was a bad move on Obama's part. Yes, we know where it came from and the relative appropriateness of its use can be debated, but in terms of a political candidate using it in this case it just seems a bit ugly.

It goes counter his 'change' message, speaks to OLD politics, and brings along with it a whole host of negative imagery that a black candidate does not need.

I'm against Obama on this GAFFE
He was talking with fund raisers, and was reassuring them that they're not going to lie down as Kerry did in the face of what is going to be a withering assault from the GOP. But yeah, it's going to be mis-interpreted. Obama has made it clear he's not going to slander McCain's military service, as the GOP did to Kerry. He's not going to target McCain's wife, as the GOP is Michelle. Obama is going to hit back on policy, which really does represent a change of tactics. But he's going to hit back hard - which he has to do to survive. McCain/MSM is going to paint it as something different, though.

Also, read Obama's Father's Day speech. It's remarkable.


You know, sometimes I’ll go to an eighth-grade graduation and there’s all that pomp and circumstance and gowns and flowers. And I think to myself, it’s just eighth grade. To really compete, they need to graduate high school, and then they need to graduate college, and they probably need a graduate degree too. An eighth-grade education doesn’t cut it today. Let’s give them a handshake and tell them to get their butts back in the library!

It’s up to us – as fathers and parents – to instill this ethic of excellence in our children. It’s up to us to say to our daughters, don’t ever let images on TV tell you what you are worth, because I expect you to dream without limit and reach for those goals. It’s up to us to tell our sons, those songs on the radio may glorify violence, but in my house we live glory to achievement, self respect, and hard work. It’s up to us to set these high expectations. And that means meeting those expectations ourselves. That means setting examples of excellence in our own lives.


GhaleonEB said:
He was talking with fund raisers, and was reassuring them that they're not going to lie down as Kerry did in the face of what is going to be a withering assault from the GOP.

The context in this case doesn't really matter, because it was just a poor way to put it. If the intent was to say "I will not take their barbs lying down", there were many better ways to put it. Yes, I understand the media is reactionary but in this case Obama has to be careful not to give them fuel. This was pretty significant fuel, I thought.

GhaleonEB said:
But yeah, it's going to be mis-interpreted. Obama has made it clear he's not going to slander McCain's military service, as the GOP did to Kerry. He's not going to target McCain's wife, as the GOP is Michelle. Obama is going to hit back on policy, which really does represent a change of tactics. But he's going to hit back hard - which he has to do to survive. McCain/MSM is going to paint it as something different, though.

Right, but he's not going to help anything if McCain's camp perceives it as "open season" on negative politics, which Obama sort of implied with that comment even if that wasn't his intent.


As far as "open season" on negativity goes -- I don't think it would have mattered. If he didn't do this, the McCain campaign would have eventually looked for any little thing. I really don't know how much longer either side can just go along without slinging the mud. The GOP especially is in such bad shape right now that I'd be shocked if they don't resort to smearing by November.

I'm not too worried about the quote because once the mud slinging starts (and it will, someday), this quote won't be such a big deal.


Amir0x said:
Right, but he's not going to help anything if McCain's camp perceives it as "open season" on negative politics, which Obama sort of implied with that comment even if that wasn't his intent.
Do you realy think McCain/GOP had any intention of going light on Obama? Or changing their tactics one bit from the last cycle? Everything we've seen has them playing by the same script. It's ALWAYS open season for the GOP. That's how they work.
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