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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Beavertown said:
The few people I watched it with noted that Obama was very gracious, respectful and generally well mannered compared to McCain who acted like an ass most of the night.

The people I watched it with thought that he wasn't nearly aggressive enough and that McCain was going to steamroll him.

I told them that they were not worthy of so much as gazing upon my beloved clenched fist Obama pin.


PrivateWHudson said:
Could it be that he's not, not looking at Obama, but going out of his way to make sure that he's always looking directly at the camera?

How dare you sir! Are you suggesting that McCain is a camera whore and a drama queen? Well I never!

It's not like he announced he was suspending his campaign to spend half a day in Congress.
PrivateWHudson said:
Could it be that he's not, not looking at Obama, but going out of his way to make sure that he's always looking directly at the camera?

Not really; he spent most of the time looking down to his podium.


On my TV, McCain's tie has a weird banding effect. It makes him look dated, like I'm watching reruns of the Price is Right from the '70s.
Looking at the poll numbers now I an curious to watch the debate ;) Maybe next week.

Looking back just a few pages it is really funny to see how many of the comments are so off from the polls. Not that there is anything wrong with having a differing opinion. Where are all the Mccain won people all of a sudden? Don't make me starting quoting posts :)
kaching said:
This is PoliGAF and I expect more handwringing than this. Somebody has got to see an angle whereby she could exceed expectations and thus register a "win". Where's Youngblood, BTW?

Biden was on the air right after Palin's acceptance speech trying to hype up expectations for her. These jokes of interviews have just been the Repub's opposing strategy, which the media of course falls for.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh my lord. Really hot brunette in the crowd just now:

"I think he was embarrassed."



Red Scarlet said:
Nowhere has been posted yet, but a couple channels are replaying the debate right now..so you could watch at least half of it on CNN or one of the C-Spans right now.
ive got no TV... just the net:/


PrivateWHudson said:
Could it be that he's not, not looking at Obama, but going out of his way to make sure that he's always looking directly at the camera?

You mean the camera that was not broadcasting to the feed?


Stoney Mason said:
Looking at the poll numbers now I an curious to watch the debate ;) Maybe next week.

Looking back just a few pages it is really funny to see how many of the comments are so off from the polls. Not that there is anything wrong with having a differing opinion. Where are all the Mccain won people all of a sudden? Don't make me starting quoting posts :)
Still here? Or were there a bunch of others? I came in late so maybe I'm the only one still posting.


Obama had to play the respectful young man but still look presidential or he would have been pinned as a smarmy jerk or worst the "angry negro". In that respect he did great, kept cool. Thank god he doesn't have gaf as his advisory board.

Red Scarlet

reilo said:
Oh my lord. Really hot brunette in the crowd just now:

"I think he was embarrassed."


:lol the lady before and after her.



"GAF's biggest wanker"
I almost thought McCain was going to try to dodge a handshake after the debate, based on the way he was behaving.


WickedAngel said:
But you're still missing the climate here. You're not taking anything other than the debate into account; this was McCain's "last best hope". He's down in the polls and he and his VP pick have been skewered in the national spotlight this week. The economy is struggling (His weak area). He looked weak on the economy, competent (In the eyes of his surrogates) on foreign policy, but all of his positives were outweighed by his disrespectful tone, insults, and inability to look eye-to-eye with the man who he is supposed to be more experienced than.

He had to win this debate by a landslide; anything less would be seen as a significant win for Obama (And that is exactly what happened).
I wasn't talking overall anyways. I don't disagree that a tie in a debate is of no real help to McCain. As many pundits have said, McCain appeared competent on the economy as it was all played in his terms. Most of the discussion was about pork and spending. I am just simply refuting the notion that Obama won easily. This is independent from the likelyhood that Obama wins easily overall.


Stoney Mason said:
Looking at the poll numbers now I an curious to watch the debate ;) Maybe next week.

Looking back just a few pages it is really funny to see how many of the comments are so off from the polls. Not that there is anything wrong with having a differing opinion. Where are all the Mccain won people all of a sudden? Don't make me starting quoting posts :)

You should watch it, you'll see something quite different from the Hillary/Obama debates. You'll see open condescension from McCain of all people and Obama actually being confident in a debate.


devilhawk said:
There have been numerous "Obama easily won" remarks. I wasn't saying to you were sensitive, which is partly why i responded to you. Just that after my first comment there were a dozen replies which make it hard to quickly answer, especially the "spin baby spin" stuff lol.

A lot of people, including some Obama supporters, were pessimistic about the debate until polls came out showing strong support for Obama from a variety of sources. I don't really think anybody thought or thinks that Obama won by some huge margin.

Most people at this point either think it was a draw, or that Obama won by a relatively small margin, which is quite frankly fantastic and all he needed to do considered the common perception regarding his F.P. experience vs. McCain's.

McCain really hurt himself with his attitude today. His disrespect for Obama and his general exasperation came across very clearly both in terms of his body language and his manner of speech.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
thefit said:
Thank god he doesn't have gaf as his advisory board.

If nothing else, this is certainly one thing Obama has in common with Nintendo.


Sucks at poetry
how long was the debate? I just watched part 1 on CNN but I don't think the other parts are up yet... ugh, anywhere else I can watch this online?


GhaleonEB said:
I'm 4 pages behind right now, but WOW.

No kidding this place was in meltdown mode during the debate, everyone here wanted Obama to pull out a bat and beat the shit out of McCain but in the end the MSM has sealed McTroll's fate. Appearances count big time and McCain coming off as a complete jerk towards the man that beat the Clinton Machine and has been out campaigning the old dog really rubbed the media bad.
Tamanon said:
You should watch it, you'll see something quite different from the Hillary/Obama debates. You'll see open condescension from McCain of all people and Obama actually being confident in a debate.
While I did think Hillary won the majority of debates versus Obama personally I would have been surprised if Mccain did win. His debate performances in the rep primaries were mainly won on bluster and false bravado. After 8 years of Bush that isn't a very appealing style to moderate people.


mclem said:
I didn't quite get that impression. I didn't feel that McCain has any problem with Obama himself, he just hates anyone publicly disagreeing with him or questioning his stances. It's okay if *he's* the big brave maverick out there kicking the arse of those in power, but turn it around and he gets petulant.
I felt this way as well. McCain does seem to hold a grudge against others that disagree with him. Not as bad as a Palin grudge but I would believe his white house would be very loyalty based.


Stoney Mason said:
Looking at the poll numbers now I an curious to watch the debate ;) Maybe next week.

Looking back just a few pages it is really funny to see how many of the comments are so off from the polls. Not that there is anything wrong with having a differing opinion. Where are all the Mccain won people all of a sudden? Don't make me starting quoting posts :)
PoliGaf was thinking obama would tear mccain apart with his bare hands. Since that didn't happen we were all disappointed.

Obama +3 on Iowa Electronic Markets

Obama -3 on Intrade

Independents on MediaCurves focus group: 61:39 for Obama

CBS Poll Post Debate of 500 Undecided voters: 40 Obama 22 McCain 38 Tie

CNN Opinion Research Poll: Obama won undecideds

Luntz Focus Group: Obama won undecideds

GQR Focus Group : Obama won undecideds


LuCkymoON said:
I felt this way as well. McCain does seem to hold a grudge against others that disagree with him. Not as bad as a Palin grudge but I would believe his white house would be very loyalty based.

This is common knowledge among those he works with. I think the nation just saw the real McCain and they didn't like it one bit. He's all about me, me, me, pow, me, you don't get it, me, me, rraarrg!, me.


thefit said:
No kidding this place was in meltdown mode during the debate, everyone here wanted Obama to pull out a bat and beat the shit out of McCain but in the end the MSM has sealed McTroll's fate. Appearances count big time and McCain coming off as a complete jerk towards the man that beat the Clinton Machine and has been out campaigning the old dog really rubbed the media bad.
Still doing the rounds on the media sites, but I'm kind of in shock. If Obama pulls further away after tonight, and Biden kills Palin on Thursday, it's ovah.

Halperin's take for Time, fleshed out this time. It's almost painful for me agree with him so much, but I thought it was a pretty good summary.


Overall: McCain was McCain — evocative, intense, and at times emotional, but also vague, elliptical, and atonal. Failed to deliver his "country first versus Obama first" message cleanly, even when offered several opportunities. Surprisingly, did not talk much about "change," virtually ceding the dominant issue of the race.

Overall grade: B-

Overall: Went for a solid, consistent performance to introduce himself to the country. He did not seem nervous, tentative, or intimidated by the event, and avoided mistakes from his weak debate performances during nomination season (a professorial tone and long winded answers). Standing comfortably on the stage with his rival, he showed he belonged — evocative of Reagan, circa 1980. He was so confident by the end that he reminded his biggest audience yet that his father was from Kenya. Two more performances like that and he will be very tough to beat on Election Day.

Overall grade: A-


I think McCain's anger tonight was due to both Obama and Palin. Obama because his campaign has been running some tough ads against McCain lately and it's become quite heated, and Palin because she's fucking up any chance he has at winning the election with every passing day.

Having said that, there was no excuse for McCain's attitude tonight. It's hardly like his campaign hasn't been running tough ads against Obama. He really did hurt himself with the way he acted tonight - everyone is talking about it.

Red Scarlet

dark steve said:
I'm looking for the Slimes in this topic but I can't seem to find them.

I'm halfway through the debate right now, and i'm not seeing how anybody can call this a McCain win. McCain is insisting on talking in large generalities. People have said that McCain's second half is strong. Agree, disagree?
if anyone had HD and watched it on CNN you could see as soon as McCain attacked Obama's record, the independents in the focus group went negative


OuterWorldVoice said:
Effete, another word meaning womanly, or of the female persuasion. Whereas ethereal means airy, tenuous or refined.

Right, and refined means weak, effete, gay in political talk, remember:p


Master of the Google Search
Hmm, really thought the debate would be declared a tie. Then again I was only listening to it, no video. So perhaps the visual cues and body language slanted heavy Obama.


Did anyone catch what McCain was saying about the Koreans being 3 inches taller than some other ethnic group or their north or south counterparts?

What the hell was that all about? :lol


Beavertown said:
Did anyone catch what McCain was saying about the Koreans being 3 inches taller than some other ethnic group or their north or south counterparts?

What the hell was that all about? :lol

It's about malnutrition in the North, but he did a very poor job of explaining what he meant there.


Beavertown said:
Did anyone catch what McCain was saying about the Koreans being 3 inches taller than some other ethnic group or their north or south counterparts?

What the hell was that all about? :lol

Red Scarlet

Beavertown said:
Did anyone catch what McCain was saying about the Koreans being 3 inches taller than some other ethnic group or their north or south counterparts?

What the hell was that all about? :lol

He was saying South Koreans are 3 inches taller than North Koreans, probably due to the horrible conditions in NK (or malnourishment like the above ppl said).
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