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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Zeliard said:
Biden is going to be so impressive in the VP debate that even Amir0x, that notorious Biden hater, will warm up to him. :p

Not to discount Biden at all, but the guy who mows my lawn would look impressive in a debate with Palin.


Dirtbag 504 said:
found this on drudgereport


What caused our economic crisis? (Pro-McCain, super anti-Obama).
Curious to see some thoughts on this propaganda.

No one going to take this one?
It's definitely not an easy one to quickly respond or answer.

EDIT:Totally ignored by everyone on here. Very telling. Will get re-posted. I'm looking for someone to shoot it down as much as it excites me. This just looks like the democrat version of George Bush to me.


That's another thing. Railroading a moderator over & over to say extra bullshit doesn't always go in tandem with positive public perception. Sometimes you're just a dick.


Frank the Great said:
I cannot believe that most viewers thought Obama won the debate. As an Obama fan, even I thought the debate was a wash.

This election is over. The Palin debate will only add fuel to the fire of Obama's victory.

Not just the Palin debate, but the next couple of debates (or at least one) will be heavily centered on the economy, which is a huge plus for Obama.

All Obama had to do was hold his own tonight, since foreign policy is perceived as both his biggest weakness and McCain's biggest strength, and he did that and more. McCain did not help himself any with his poor attitude throughout and clear lack of respect for Obama. I bet even some people who always considered Obama to be the smug and condescending one looked at this debate tonight and thought: "errr.... wait a minute, it seems to be the other way around."


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Anybody have a Palin interview post-debate?
The Palin ship has sailed. I doubt she will give any more interviews for the remaining duration of the campaign if she can help it.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
i can;t believe palin and mccain keep bringing up a second holocaust. that's fucking terrible.
if america fell off the face of the earth today, I don't believe there would be ever be a second holocaust, atleast in the way these dumb fucks imagine it.


one of my conservative friends on facebook just removed me from their friends list because i replied to her status update denouncing obama. :lol

she left me with this:

"lol all Obama did was go in circles and throw in the occasional "I agree with Senator McCain.." dont think I ever heard McCain agree with the amateur who couldn't listen because he kept interrupting and going back on his own word. Anyway it's my wall and I'm just speaking my opinion! Have fun with your opinion on your page :)"

"lol. Apparently you want other people who care enough to have stable jobs to have to worry about those who cant get up and fend for themselves. That's Obama... you really think this guy is gonna fulfill all his promises because that's all he does is talk.... I thought the Democrats were supposed to get the troops out of Iraq back in '06... didnt see that one happen. Now you want to go on foreign issues, couldnt hold his ground and for that you should watch the debate again, just do it.. a couple of times. McCain/Palin '08!"

god damn ignorants can't handle the truth. :lol
A few impressions:

- Obama was on the defensive overall, but when he did make his points forcefully (Iraq, McCain's economic voting record, Pakistan), he scored.

- McCain does come across as a stodgy old general, for better or worse. His strong points are definitely his very clear and focused explanations of current strategy in Iraq and Georgia.

- All in all I think the debate was mostly blah, as it was all the talking points I've already heard a thousand times.

And a tip for Obama: While he does need to hammer home that he has always been against launching the invasion of Iraq, he really, really needs to describe his current outlook, based upon the current circumstances. Its easy to deflect everything that Obama had to say he still seems to be debating the original decision that got us into this mess. Its one thing to be right 5 years ago, its more important to be wise in your decisions right now.

Also, he has to be clearer when speaking of the current economic crisis. Saying stuff like "sure, we need to intervene" doesn't lend an air of confidence.

Both candidates passed the buck on the "how will your priorities change with this bailout". That was sad to see. neither of them gave any straight talk, and ultimately that favors McCain, with his simple "cut spending", "reduce taxes" bits.

Tip to McCain: Just don't even mention Palin. That ship has sailed... and sunk.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Anybody have a Palin interview post-debate?

She didn't do shit tonight. Literally. She didn't even appear on Fox News.

Meanwhile, Biden literally went everywhere, and he was also awesome (especially in his appearance on MSNBC).

MassiveAttack said:
Not to discount Biden at all, but the guy who mows my lawn would look impressive in a debate with Palin.


Can't argue with that.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tamanon said:
In a shocking move, she didn't do any post-debate interviews. I know, shocking.
That's what I thought.:lol You guys weren't talking about it too much, so I thought I'd get the conversation going.

How many interviews did Biden do?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Mccain attacks obama. Obama fills in the holes. McCain is wasting time to to talk about his policy and using it to wrongly attack Obama. Obama corrects him and starts talking about his policies. I think this is why Obama is leading in these polls. Mccain opened the door for obama and obama stepped right into it.
Exactly. McCain was too adversarial - you're both running for President of the United States of America, if you're both honorable candidates with integrity putting country first then there damn well better be some common ground you can acknowledge.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I've studied body language and McCains' essentially came across as dismissive, aggitated, and concerned about Obama.

He's really threatened folks and it's plain to see.
He wouldn't make eye contact, he was constantly grapsing his podium hard, he was laughing but without humor... all the signs are there that he was not having a good time.


Red Scarlet said:
I don't know if McCain looked at Obama at all once the debate started, but I could be wrong. Certainly not as much as Obama looked at McCain.

He was looking at Jim Lehrer almost the whole time, missing the point completely. Obama looked to him, to McCain, and to the camera. McCain only addressed the person who was asking the questions, and forgot who he was supposed to answer to.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
That's what I thought.:lol You guys weren't talking about it too much, so I thought I'd get the conversation going.

How many interviews did Biden do?

Every major channel. McCain sent out Rudy to 9/11 up the place.


First tragedy, then farce.
I think the trick for Biden is to answer the questions and look like he knows what he is talking about, let Palin step in it all on her own. Don't jump on her, let her slit her own throat like she did with her interviews.


Frank the Great said:
I cannot believe that most viewers thought Obama won the debate. As an Obama fan, even I thought the debate was a wash.

This election is over. The Palin debate will only add fuel to the fire of Obama's victory.
I actually agree with this. There was nothing in that debate that one can say 'Obama won going away.' The VP debate is going to be a trainwreck, but please be real here. Obama spent half the debate telling McCain that he agreed with him.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CharlieDigital said:
From the perspective of a software/web developer, for a .gov, that site is pretty well put together and responsive.
It's not bad at all. Pretty standard stuff that holds its own, but nothing that stands out, either. Then again, it doesn't have to. It's a search engine at its core.


First tragedy, then farce.
artredis1980 said:
CNN: Obama Won

ABC: Obama Won

MSNBC: Obama Won

Fox News: It was a Draw

CBS News: Obama Won

PBS : Obama Won

Fox's actual scientific snap poll has Obama winning.


devilhawk said:
I actually agree with this. There was nothing in that debate that one can say 'Obama won going away.' The VP debate is going to be a trainwreck, but please be real here. Obama spent half the debate telling McCain that he agreed with him.
I liked those bits, actually. I thought those were good for him, like McCain pointing out his bipartisan record. It was when McCain attacked him and Obama didn't or couldn't come up with a strong response that I felt he faltered. Looks like the public disagrees though, so eh.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
devilhawk said:
I actually agree with this. There was nothing in that debate that one can say 'Obama won going away.' The VP debate is going to be a trainwreck, but please be real here. Obama spent half the debate telling McCain that he agreed with him.
Spin young sire! Spin! Spin away and turn into a free bird! Let thy winds carry you far, far away!
devilhawk said:
I actually agree with this. There was nothing in that debate that one can say 'Obama won going away.' The VP debate is going to be a trainwreck, but please be real here. Obama spent half the debate telling McCain that he agreed with him.

Perhaps you would do well to learn how to identify the substantive turning points of debate instead of focusing on the first or last sentence of a politician's statement.

There's a reason that every major media outlet has shown Obama up and it isn't bias or misconception.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes





Tobor said:
Every major channel. McCain sent out Rudy to 9/11 up the place.

Holy shit... that's the VP debate strategy for the McCain campaign. Keep it as scheduled and then have Rudy show up at the very last second saying, "Hey, sorry folks. Sarah Palin had fly back to Alaska for a family emergency but I'm here to talk about 9/11!"


devilhawk said:
I actually agree with this. There was nothing in that debate that one can say 'Obama won going away.' The VP debate is going to be a trainwreck, but please be real here. Obama spent half the debate telling McCain that he agreed with him.

Well the news has been all about how politicians are letting partisanship and concern for their careers get in the way of the bailout plan, so I think it's a good move to start playing up his working-across-the-divide credentials by doing that

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
SpeedingUptoStop said:
i can;t believe palin and mccain keep bringing up a second holocaust. that's fucking terrible.
if america fell off the face of the earth today, I don't believe there would be ever be a second holocaust, atleast in the way these dumb fucks imagine it.

That second holocaust bullshit was indeed lame, reminded me a lot of some members on here ;)

I noticed that the little line graph thing that CNN had going went way below 50% in agreement for both the dems and independents when McCain mentioned a second holocaust.
reilo said:
It's not bad at all. Pretty standard stuff that holds its own, but nothing that stands out, either. Then again, it doesn't have to. It's a search engine at its core.

Like I said, for a .gov. Ever try browsing around some of the other .gov sites out there?

Particularly census bureau: http://www.census.gov/

Fuck, it's so difficult to get any data out of there in an efficient way.


NullPointer said:
And a tip for Obama: While he does need to hammer home that he has always been against launching the invasion of Iraq, he really, really needs to describe his current outlook, based upon the current circumstances. Its easy to deflect everything that Obama had to say he still seems to be debating the original decision that got us into this mess. Its one thing to be right 5 years ago, its more important to be wise in your decisions right now.
Olbermann made this exact point only more forcefully. He thought McCain made a great point in how the next president doesn't have to deal with going into Iraq but only leaving. Olbermann thought this was a big plus for McCain. When he says something positive to McCain, it is hard real hard to disagree.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CharlieDigital said:
Like I said, for a .gov. Ever try browsing around some of the other .gov sites out there?
Yes :\

It's a cluster-fuck of PDFs, essentially. That's what impressed me about Obama's so much. It's not just head and shoulders above normal politico sites, but it's up there with some of the best websites, period.


MassiveAttack said:
Holy shit... that's the VP debate strategy for the McCain campaign. Keep it as scheduled and then have Rudy show up at the very last second saying, "Hey, sorry folks. Sarah Palin had fly back to Alaska for a family emergency but I'm here to talk about 9/11!"

I'm pretty sure Biden would rip out his small intestine.


devilhawk said:
I actually agree with this. There was nothing in that debate that one can say 'Obama won going away.' The VP debate is going to be a trainwreck, but please be real here. Obama spent half the debate telling McCain that he agreed with him.

Obama has always presented himself as bi-partisan and bridging the divide, even when people try to call him the "most liberal Senator in history", or whatever (as McCain did tonight).

So him saying that he agrees with some of McCain's points, while also offering the differences between both opinions, is somehow a negative? They can't both be true. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


this debate made lose all hope that we will have a decent competent president. IF obama struggles against mumbling mccain, he has no business sitting down across the table from anybody else as far as other countries and their leaders.


MassiveAttack said:
Holy shit... that's the VP debate strategy for the McCain campaign. Keep it as scheduled and then have Rudy show up at the very last second saying, "Hey, sorry folks. Sarah Palin had fly back to Alaska for a family emergency but I'm here to talk about 9/11!"

She'll show. Everybody has to face the music eventually. If she bailed, McCain would be finished.
artredis1980 said:
CNN: Obama Won

ABC: Obama Won

MSNBC: Obama Won

Fox News: It was a Draw

CBS News: Obama Won

PBS : Obama Won

one of these things is not like the other. I'm trying to come up with a reason for that, really straining here to figure it out, and I just can't...

oh wait, yeah, it's that fox is a propaganda agency for the right. that's what it was, ok.


thefro said:

This is the website that was created by the Obama/Coburn bill that Obama was talking about.

1	LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION	$20,142,932,179	7.638%
2	THE BOEING COMPANY	$14,568,222,754	5.524%
3	NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION	$10,008,980,147	3.795%
4	GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION	$8,376,418,488	3.176%
5	RAYTHEON COMPANY	$7,253,530,968	2.750%
6	BAE SYSTEMS PLC	$5,830,905,785	2.211%
8	KBR, INC.	$3,861,229,027	1.464%
9	BECHTEL GROUP, INC	$2,880,357,042	1.092%
10	COMPUTER SCIENCES CORPORATION	$2,710,268,359	1.028%

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