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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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text's from my republican dad during the debate:

"mccain looks a little weasly"

"obama winning"

"big time"

"mclame sounds like grandpa rambling"

and now text's from my obamacon mother (first time ever voting for a democrat):

"what is he talking about?"

"he sounds like your grandpa"

"yes. but he wants to give you 5k for health insurance"

"yes because the last 30 years of sanctions have worked so well"

"he looks like a star trek character"

"dad said he looks like dr strangelove"

"5 years in a POW camp means i can be president"


grandjedi6 said:
Hmm, really thought the debate would be declared a tie. Then again I was only listening to it, no video. So perhaps the visual cues and body language slanted heavy Obama.

Extremely heavy Obama cues there. He basically was confident and easy-going, McCain basically avoided him and the split screen they did during the back-and-forth was BRUTAL since McCain was constantly chuckling and smirking.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Beavertown said:
Did anyone catch what McCain was saying about the Koreans being 3 inches taller than some other ethnic group or their north or south counterparts?

What the hell was that all about? :lol

Yeah. It's tru, but it SOUNDS crazy.

we all lol'd. And three of the four of us were Chinese ethnically.
Beavertown said:
Did anyone catch what McCain was saying about the Koreans being 3 inches taller than some other ethnic group or their north or south counterparts?

What the hell was that all about? :lol

There's more Ent-drought in South Korea. I thought everybody knew this.


GhaleonEB said:
Still doing the rounds on the media sites, but I'm kind of in shock. If Obama pulls further away after tonight, and Biden kills Palin on Thursday, it's ovah.

Halperin's take for Time, fleshed out this time. It's almost painful for me agree with him so much, but I thought it was a pretty good summary.


I'm getting the feeling that the country has indeed shifted, for real this time. They have had enough of the old regime and its time for them to go. They see the old fool as the past, the same past that got us in the shit hole we are in now and they are reacting forcefully this time around, the undecided, the ones we pin as the "morons" are pissed off but unlike years past where this type of macho dick swinging would be cheered on and seen as "the guy I want to drink a beer with", this year those undecideds are looking at their shit mortgages and saying "fuck this vietnam asshole I want the smart guy so he can fix my situation!"


grandjedi6 said:
Hmm, really thought the debate would be declared a tie. Then again I was only listening to it, no video. So perhaps the visual cues and body language slanted heavy Obama.

It did, and it's not trivial at all. The way the candidates appear plays an even bigger part in debates with a lot of people than what they actually say (famously evidenced by JFK/Nixon).


Beavertown said:
Did anyone catch what McCain was saying about the Koreans being 3 inches taller than some other ethnic group or their north or south counterparts?

What the hell was that all about? :lol

Probably some statistic regarding the North Koreans being shorter than South Koreans due to malnutrition over generations. McCain just threw it out there with no explanation. A Grandpa Simpson moment.


*drowns in jizz*
I had to miss the 2nd part of the debate, but awesome news that Obama was seen as a pretty much unanimous winner- especially among 'independants'. If Obama beat McCain in the foreign policy debate, which favored McCain, he's going to slaughter him in the economy debate.



Matthews talking about the lack of eye contact.



Amusing moment on CNN just now. Wolf Blitzer, coming out of a commercial:

"We've been getting some emails from views out there wondering why we spent some time interviewing Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee and not Sarah Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee. We would have loved to interview--we'd still love to interview Sarah Palin. Unfortunately we asked, we didn't get that interview...We're hoping that Sarah Palin will join us at some point down the road."​

I'm told that Biden appeared on every major network tonight except ABC (which only turned him down because Palin wasn't available, on an equal-time sort of basis).

It's pretty strange when a candidate can't trust his own running mate to be out there spinning on his behalf.

And it's funny that a lot of McCain supporters seem to think that's about media bias and not the fact that Palin is in lockdown somewhere.


Wow, the McCain campaign's in trouble. Never mind the debacle that the VP debate is going to be, but McCain's anger problems are taking center stage? Good luck fixing that.


Trakdown said:
Wow, the McCain campaign's in trouble. Never mind the debacle that the VP debate is going to be, but McCain's anger problems are taking center stage? Good luck fixing that.

It's like Nixon in '60 all over again.


Zeliard said:
It did, and it's not trivial at all. The way the candidates appear plays an even bigger part in debates with a lot of people than what they actually say (famously evidenced by JFK/Nixon).

Perfect historical reference. Did you know, Nixon at first refused to debate on TV because he thought he would get smashed but he got a heads up that JFK was fucking up in the mock debates and that pushed him to change his mind, the rest is history.


i think obama is in the clear until the next oct 7 debate which is town hall...in nashville, tn.

but points lost there can be made up with the final one concentrating on economic and domestic issues where he has a key advantage.


Well, I'm still an Obama man for sure, but I feel a lot better after that debate about McCain as a second choice. I've wondered for months if he was sincere about his campaign promises. This debate told me that he knows what he's talking about and he means what he says.


Trakdown said:
Wow, the McCain campaign's in trouble. Never mind the debacle that the VP debate is going to be, but McCain's anger problems are taking center stage? Good luck fixing that.
I certainly didn't see that as a possible narrative coming out of tonight, but after watching McCain almost lose lose it with the Spain bit, I'm not surprised.
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Anyone have a time breakdown? For me it seems that Mccain spoke most.
Incognito said:
btw, watching the repeat on CNN. the difference is startling compared to PBS since they didn't utilize the reaction angles.
Sounds like Mccain got "Al Gored". ;)

I hate that reaction shot shit but it's not like candidates aren't aware of it nowadays.


jamesinclair said:
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Anyone have a time breakdown? For me it seems that Mccain spoke most.

Lehrer said near the end that they were dead even in terms of amount of air time, and I think that held until the end. They only got in each others' face a couple times.


*drowns in jizz*
jamesinclair said:
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Anyone have a time breakdown? For me it seems that Mccain spoke most.

The media and poll consensus is that Obama won. Except Fox News- which say it was a draw. Which- consequently- is the strongest evidence that Obama did indeed win.
jamesinclair said:
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Anyone have a time breakdown? For me it seems that Mccain spoke most.
Just because you spoke the most doesn't mean you won. Mostly it just comes off as rude and Rude doesn't play well to moderates/independents.
jamesinclair said:
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Anyone have a time breakdown? For me it seems that Mccain spoke most.

On every substantive issue (both real issues and "looks" issues) Obama matched or exceeded McCain.

Not how you want your "strongest" debate to go.

The commentator once said they were both over equally, so it sounds like the talked equally.


Wow, the Latino media is also reacting like its American counterpart. They are also pointing out that McCain disrespected Obama and refused to look him in the eye.


:lol I was playing poker and watching the debate, and there was a guy there that was really against Democrats and Liberals for some reason. He seems like a reasonable guy though, but the entire time, I avoided talking politics with him. He actually believes Palin would win a debate against Biden. He believes they made Palin looks bad cause liberals were interviewing her, and that it would makes her looks so much better if fox news was interviewing her. That made me :lol like crazy inside.


jamesinclair said:
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Anyone have a time breakdown? For me it seems that Mccain spoke most.
Obama won mostly on body language and demeanor.

If you were just getting the audio, then it's easy to conclude that he got steamrollered.


jamesinclair said:
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Really? Kissinger? Bomb Bomb Iran?
jamesinclair said:
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Anyone have a time breakdown? For me it seems that Mccain spoke most.

Speaking more doesn't matter when you have nothing to say.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Obama won by a lot, but sadly because America still values appearance over substance. On substance, Obama maybe won by a little.


Kintaco said:
Who won, and by how much?
obama, by this much



jamesinclair said:
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Anyone have a time breakdown? For me it seems that Mccain spoke most.
I agree with your analysis but that's because I'm terrible at facial cues. Apparently what most voters saw was McCain becoming visibly frustrated with Obama, refusing to make eye contact, etc. which it appears is more important than what you say.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Rhindle said:
Obama won mostly on body language and demeanor.

If you were just getting the audio, then it's easy to conclude that he got steamrollered.
You're not doing justice the balance between agression and substance. Obama easily won on substance. McCain won on aggression.

Some people like aggression, some like substance. Depending on what you were listening for, I could see how each candidate won in their own right.
Rhindle said:
Obama won mostly on body language and demeanor.

If you were just getting the audio, then it's easy to conclude that he got steamrollered.

That may be it. I never heard Mccain get mad, and everyone else is saying he was furious, must have been from his expressions.

All I got was that Obama let Mccain steamroll him every time a contention arose. Since I couldnt see Obamas face, I cant really say what Obama was thinking.

I guess its best most people watch the debate instead of listen on the radio
jamesinclair said:
Huh, I listened on the radio at work, and I thought Obama did horribly. Every time they thought for speech rights, mccain would win, Obama could barely get a word in. Also, Obama at no point "destroyed" mccain with a comment. That is, he was very passive, while mccainw as more aggresive.

Anyone have a time breakdown? For me it seems that Mccain spoke most.

You missed a ton of the body language in this. McCain is avoiding Obama completely, and being very dismissive with his body language.


Thunder Monkey said:
What show was Biden on tonight?

MSNBC show.

Help a monkey out?



Shit, man, Biden was on every show but ABC. He was making the rounds like Tucker Bounds!:lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Thunder Monkey said:
What show was Biden on tonight?

MSNBC show.

Help a monkey out?


Biden was everywhere but ABC. EVERYWHERE!

Palin was in a motel somewhere throwing back Jack Daniels shots between chomps of ice cream from a gallon carton.


GhaleonEB said:

Matthews talking about the lack of eye contact.

Not sure how it was shown on any other networks, but there was one point in particular in the debate, on NBC, where they were having an exchange and it was split screen. Obama was looking at McCain and talking to him and McCain was talking back to Obama but looking the other way while doing so. It was VERY odd.

Perhaps because the debate was fairly uneventful and both guys did a good job, that part really stuck out at me.
I didn't watch the debates, and the thread moved way to fast for me to do much more than jump to every few pages, but I can't believe those stats artredis is posting. Seemed like most of GAF, even the Obamanauts, was calling it for McCain. Wow.
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