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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Oh shit, Biden ownin McCain on CNN (West Coast)

Blitzer: You have your debate against Sarah Palin next week..
Biden: I do *starts laughing*



giga said:

:lol :lol :lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Amir0x said:
so debate one under the table, not a bad result... and Obama's good subjects coming up.

And a little thing called the vice presidential debates.

I don't know about you guys, but my HOPIUM levels are off the charts.
I'm pretty excited by the early polling data, but I want to see the national poll numbers move around as a result of this.

Any large swings now are going to only be amplified by the VP debate.

Obama could really wrap this early if everything is so viciously in his favor after the VP debates.

Remember everyone...voting has already started...
More News:

CBS poll declares Obama the winner

Mark Halprin gives Obama an A-, McCain a B-

Dick Morris: I admit, Obama won this debate

ABC's Charlie Gibson: Why didnt McCain ever look at Obama?

PBS's David Brooks: McCain never looked at Obama, seemed intimidated

Obama said McCain was 'right' on a number of items

McCain said Obama naive and unprepared a number of times

McCain mentioned Change once

McCain never mentioned "middle class"

CNN says the graph below showed everyone positive when Obama talked big schemes but only republicans were positive when McCain talked schemes

McCain ended the debate playing the POW card

Observers were miffed at McCain's smirk whenever Obama was talking

Gaffe: McCain said Pakistan was a failed state before musharraf, which is not true

McCain mispoke the name of Pakistan's President, its Zardari not 'Kadari'

McCain also fumbled on speaking the name of the Iranian President Ahmedinejad


RubxQub said:
I'm pretty excited by the early polling data, but I want to see the national poll numbers move around as a result of this.

Any large swings now are going to only be amplified by the VP debate.

Obama could really wrap this early if everything is so viciously in his favor after the VP debates.

Remember everyone...voting has already started...

i didn't see the early polling data


NewLib said:
My grandfather would never stop talk about the Germans he fought unless he used the word Kraut. He didnt have anything against Germans (My family is actually mostly German), but if you went through the three years of hell he went through, you would also rationalize.

There is a difference.
shut up with your grand pappy case nonpoint

"I hate the gooks," McCain said yesterday in response to a question from reporters aboard his campaign bus. "I will hate them as long as I live."


OuterWorldVoice said:
Gooks say hi.
Didn't help normalize relationships with Vietnam? And he has shown a great amount of interest in human rights for Burma.

He probably shouldn't use the word gooks considering his position, but I'm pretty sure he only means his captors and considering his background it is understandable. You guys are too pc.


NewLib said:
My grandfather would never stop talk about the Germans he fought unless he used the word Kraut. He didnt have anything against Germans (My family is actually mostly German), but if you went through the three years of hell he went through, you would also rationalize.

There is a difference.

I didn't say he was racist I said he refuses to stop using the word gook.


I am not going to lie. Im starting to believe that McCain is getting manipulated in his old age. I thought he had a good debate, but when he was tied to the talking points of someone else, he seemed to struggle.

With that said we need a Obama right now.


DeathNote said:
shut up with your grand pappy case nonpoint

"I hate the gooks," McCain said yesterday in response to a question from reporters aboard his campaign bus. "I will hate them as long as I live."
Of the things you should be mad at McCain about, this isn't one of them.
Talking point

On CNN, John King read a statement issued by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in response to Sen. Barack Obama's citation during the presidential debate of Kissinger's support for direct negotiation with Iran without preconditions. The statement read: "Senator [John] McCain is right. I would not recommend the next President of the United States engage in talks with Iran at the Presidential level." But King did not point out that, contrary to Kissinger's suggestion, at no point during the debate that night did Obama suggest that Kissinger had previously endorsed presidential-level talks between the United States and Iran.


TheKingsCrown said:
Do not expect the VP debate to meet any expectations. She's going to be well prepared. Its not going to be a blowout.
It will be a blowout because Biden is there, and even if he weren't for it not to be one she would have to be extraordinarily well-prepared.


DeathNote said:
shut up with your grand pappy case nonpoint

"I hate the gooks," McCain said yesterday in response to a question from reporters aboard his campaign bus. "I will hate them as long as I live."

Im sorry I actually brought in a real life point to try to explain it. And McCain mentioned in that interview when he uses that term, he means the people who tortured him, not the Vietnamese people.

I dont agree with the term, but I understand and Im not going to call him racist when he never has shown to discriminate against races (He adopted an Indian child).


Not to be Debbie Downer, but most people thought Kerry won most, if not all, the debates in '04.

That said, it's good to come out with the "win" (although I hate how they make these into boxing matches).
a Master Ninja said:
I'm sure this has come up before: I missed the debate. Where can I see it in it's entirety?


vitaflo said:
Not to be Debbie Downer, but most people thought Kerry won most, if not all, the debates in '04.

That said, it's good to come out with the "win" (although I hate how they make these into boxing matches).

Kerry "Won" the debate while down in the polls. Obama "won" while up. Big difference.
So....will this be dubbed "Face gate" ?

Not to be Debbie Downer, but most people thought Kerry won most, if not all, the debates in '04.

That said, it's good to come out with the "win" (although I hate how they make these into boxing matches).

This would be relevant if Obama was as behind in the polls as Kerry was.


giga said:
town hall
pardon my ignorance... are they going to be walking around on the same stage?

and btw, mccain not looking at obama, imo, is an attempt at 3 things:

- psyching out obama. (didn't work)
- not seeing his opponent as a person, so as to more aggressively respond (and not get sucked in by obamamania)
- to stay in the zone


Sharp said:
Of the things you should be mad at McCain about, this isn't one of them.

Let them keep rationalizing it, its like apologizing for your grandpa for using the tern "boy" or "nigger" because he grew up in a different time. "Its cool guys he grew up in the 50's when it was ok" Hey if McCain wants to keep using the word gook that's fine by me.


Well, the drinking game I ended up playing was a complete bust. We overlooked "Main street" completely, no POW shots happened, and not enough hope, change, or my friends to get anyone drunk.

I would have had more fun just posting one liners on GAF, to be honest.

Biggest thing we all noticed was the Jonny Mac had a bunch of W-like smirks. Nobody caught the eye contact thing, although looking over things now it seems pretty blatant.


speculawyer said:
so . . . who 'won'?

I liked this take on it from TPM:

TPM commenter said:
I think people really are missing the point about McCain's failure to look at Obama. McCain was afraid of Obama. It was really clear--look at how much McCain blinked in the first half hour. I study monkey behavior--low ranking monkeys don't look at high ranking monkeys. In a physical, instinctive sense, Obama owned McCain tonight and I think the instant polling reflects that.

The commenter (whoever he is) teaches at a university where he does work on social cognition and research in primates. It's on the front page-ish now.


thefit said:
Let them keep rationalizing it, its like apologizing for your grandpa for using the tern "boy" or "nigger" because he grew up in a different time. "Its cool guys he grew up in the 50's when it was ok" Hey if McCain wants to keep using the word gook that's fine by me.

No, it's like a guy being tortured by people of the race for five fucking years. Look, I hate the guy, but I can understand.


Gruco said:
Well, the drinking game I ended up playing was a complete bust. We overlooked "Main street" completely, no POW shots happened, and not enough hope, change, or my friends to get anyone drunk.

I would have had more fun just posting one liners on GAF, to be honest.

Biggest thing we all noticed was the Jonny Mac had a bunch of W-like smirks. Nobody caught the eye contact thing, although looking over things now it seems pretty blatant.

See the drinking game I had was extensive. Iraq, Iran, and Russia were drinkers as was the word "street". It was a good night.


Mumei said:
I liked this take on it from TPM:

The commenter (whoever he is) teaches at a university where he does work on social cognition and research in primates. It's on the front page-ish now.

Is the commenter asserting that Obama is also a monkey?:p


Professional Schmuck
Socreges said:
pardon my ignorance... are they going to be walking around on the same stage?

and btw, mccain not looking at obama, imo, is an attempt at 3 things:

- psyching out obama. (didn't work)
- not seeing his opponent as a person, so as to more aggressively respond (and not get sucked in by obamamania)
- to stay in the zone

Are you suggesting that he intentionally avoided eye contact with his opponent?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
GhaleonEB said:
Seems pretty reasonable to me. And she was really asking, not accusing. Why not look this man in the eye? Or even look at him at all? It's a fair question.
It is a fair question, but I think it's fairly obvious. Mccain was unfocused and frustrated... from the 25 minutes I've seen so far he just didn't seem with it... I just think it's funny some people's first reactions are to bring up race.

Red Scarlet said:

Nice! CNN only had the first 25 minutes up.
Is there anyway to chapter skip or something? :[


thefit said:
Let them keep rationalizing it, its like apologizing for your grandpa for using the tern "boy" or "nigger" because he grew up in a different time. "Its cool guys he grew up in the 50's when it was ok" Hey if McCain wants to keep using the word gook that's fine by me.

You see you say you arent calling him racist. But in two of the last three posts you have done, you have almost directly called him racist.

If you are going to say the man is racist then stand by it.


Clevinger said:
No, it's like a guy being tortured by people of the race for five fucking years. Look, I hate the guy, but I can understand.

Its cool, you just keep using those terms McCain, you just keep refusing to come to terms with what happened to you and keep on using those terms. Like I said its fine by me that he keeps to his olden ways.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
PantherLotus said:
Are you suggesting that he intentionally avoided eye contact with his opponent?

To stay in his zone and not flip out, yeah. His handlers are probably going to tell him that he has to look next time because the MSM is making a really big deal out of this because the viewership is making a big deal out of this.


Did McCain ever mention POW? I left after the first hour and I think he alluded to it once by mentioning someone else and saying he knows or some shit.

Boogie9IGN said:
Im watching the CNN analysts and I've discovered I have a man crush on Anderson Cooper :O
That's good, because he's gay, too.


NewLib said:
You see you say you arent calling him racist. But in two of the last three posts you have done, you have almost directly called him racist.

If you are going to say the man is racist then stand by it.

But he's not, he's just stuck in his old ways because he had a traumatic event caused by a certain ethnic group, I get it. Keep using those words McCain.


CAFFERTY RIPS PALIN by merely playing a clip of her interview:


And you can see that as much as Wolf Blitzer tries to remain as "neutral" as a toaster, the guy obviously agrees she's an idiot. He almost laughed!

And I am still certain the debate will never happen.


PantherLotus said:
Are you suggesting that he intentionally avoided eye contact with his opponent?
well, yeah. i think it was a deliberate strategy that would overall be to his benefit. he was pretty on mark during the debate, though he got flustered a couple times. don't get me wrong - the majority of what he said was fallacious, misleading, and insincere... but he never meant to do otherwise, i'm sure.

people are suggesting he was afraid or angry and i don't think that was the case... though he might have been those two things.

i take it given the manner in which you ask that you're being sarcastic since what i said was obvious? or is what he did was against the rules?
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