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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Zapages said:
Yeah I guess, but this is Florida, redneck country from what I've noticed so far by living here the past month and half or so... Everyone here is so pro - McCain that it is not even funny. :(

You should vote in fla. NJ doesn't need your vote. And as mentioned the northern part of the state is very conservative. It gets more democratic as you go from central to south Florida where you have a greater degree of the black and the Hispanic vote. Minus cubans that is.
Instigator said:
If true, one has to wonder how Palin is taking it. Is she calculating no matter what happens, the national spotlight wil help her in the future? Is she oblivious? Is there a vicious circle at play, undermining her confidence more and more? Does she fear she might get ultimately blamed when McCain loses on November 4th?

She's in this all or nothing now. She's fucked no matter what happens; how she performs now will forever taint her future political career, especially since she'll have all eyes on her after the Trooper scandal.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
She isn't faking anything. It is quite apparent that she is a talking point machine. The McCain campaign listens to the MSM too much. Everything they do is designed to carry the newscycle. That is how they operate, from one newscycle to the next.

They bought into this Hillary Clinton disaffected voters shit and brought Palin aboard. Why? Because that was all the MSM was talking about. It has largely failed.

McCain jumped into the economic fray? Why? Because the MSM was talking about him losing with the economy issue. This too has largely failed

Look at the debate, he was talking to the pundits and Obama was talking to the nation.

Someone cue up the water bottle gif or the chill the fuck out pic because Obama does have this now.


iby.h said:
well northern Florida for sure, but the south is a lot more diverse.

I'm in Sarasota Area... Its pretty pathetically bad... Someone in our class said they will not vote for Obama because he's liberal/Democrat and a Muslim...

giga said:
Something timed as perfect as that will get some big backlash from the media. People aren't stupid.

I mean, didn't they already try this once with the McCain To The Rescue bit last week? I think they think they can pull it over the American public :lol

Zapages said:
I'm in Sarasota Area... Its pretty pathetically bad... Someone in our class said they will not vote for Obama because he's liberal/Democrat and a Muslim...


No dude; that's when you put your palm to his face.


So if Palin does gets crushed or thoroughly embarasses herself like we are all predicting (think couric interview on a much larger scale) what do you guys think it will do to her political future?


MoxManiac said:
So if Palin does gets crushed or thoroughly embarasses herself like we are all predicting (think couric interview on a much larger scale) what do you guys think it will do to her political future?

Is there such a thing as a lame duck Governor?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
MoxManiac said:
So if Palin does gets crushed or thoroughly embarasses herself like we are all predicting (think couric interview on a much larger scale) what do you guys think it will do to her political future?

Her career is over in a few days.


MoxManiac said:
So if Palin does gets crushed or thoroughly embarasses herself like we are all predicting (think couric interview on a much larger scale) what do you guys think it will do to her political future?

Already losing this election will crater her political future. She won't hold the evangelical wing. Huckabee's already working the power play on that.
It depends on where you are in Florida. Miami is pretty heavily Democrat and Tampa is almost totally even, although crazies still get elected to local office around here far too often.

I'm watching the Couric interview and it's just painful. You do almost feel sorry during the Rick Davis part where she clearly doesn't know what the fuck to say
agrajag said:
Most straight couples are fucking idiots. They keep insisting that gays can't marry because marriage is a religious concept. We're supposed to have a separation of church and fucking state. They can still get married in their church and their marriage will be recognized as a strictly religious ceremony.

If they start giving out Oscars to say Lindsay Lohan or Clay Akin, the Oscars won't be as special as they are.


Zapages said:
Yeah I guess, but this is Florida, redneck country from what I've noticed so far by living here the past month and half or so... Everyone here is so pro - McCain that it is not even funny. :(

As long as you reside in that state (school, work etc.) for a couple of months, you can vote there..
MoxManiac said:
So if Palin does gets crushed or thoroughly embarasses herself like we are all predicting (think couric interview on a much larger scale) what do you guys think it will do to her political future?

It's not really a matter of "if". At this point the best thing she can do for herself is to go back to Alaska with her family and live out a quiet existence as governor. Continuing to plow ahead into an inexorable trainwreck will end her political career. She shouldn't sacrifice everything for McCain.


Zapages said:
The thing is that I am going to Grad school in Florida.... That's the only reason I am here??? Would that count??? If I go back to NJ after the 4 year would have to re-register to vote and this time for NJ or would I have to send an absentee ballet for Florida???
This is very common. Register where you live now, it counts. When you move back, re-register in NJ.
MoxManiac said:
So if Palin does gets crushed or thoroughly embarasses herself like we are all predicting (think couric interview on a much larger scale) what do you guys think it will do to her political future?

The pubs will take care of her, but she ain't doin any better than governor.
Zapages said:
The thing is that I am going to Grad school in Florida.... That's the only reason I am here??? Would that count??? If I go back to NJ after the 4 year would have to re-register to vote and this time for NJ or would I have to send an absentee ballet for Florida???

Being a student is qualification for FL residency, just find an Obama cultist with a clipboard and they'll hook you up with the voter registration form. Alternatively, you can do everything through voteforchange.com , but TBH if you are on a campus it's easier to fill out the form there or at the local Obama field office and let them muss with the postage and stuff.

New voter registrations in NC at the rate of 25k or more per week for unaffiliated and Democratic voters, compared to 5k per week for Republicans. We've got another two weeks or so left, and then another couple of weeks of reporting past that as the SBoE finishes their tabulation. NC is in GREAT shape voter registration wise, I think that's a big reason why Obama is contesting it so fiercely.

Definitely great news for Perdue and Hagan, who will both probably win, and who would have both probably lost if Obama had punted the state.
MoxManiac said:
So if Palin does gets crushed or thoroughly embarasses herself like we are all predicting (think couric interview on a much larger scale) what do you guys think it will do to her political future?

She can make a comeback even if she totally flubs it, IMO. She's got the base backing that even Huckabee couldn't manage to drag up, and the moneyed interests have no problems with an easily controlled empty suit candidate.


speculawyer said:
I want to break down the number of talking points in this buzzword extravaganza of answer:

1) Bailout
2) Healthcare reform
3) job creation
4) Healthcare reform (again)
5) reducing taxes (in a bail-out spending bill?)
6) reining in spending (while spending?)
7) tax reductions (again)
8) tax relief (Is that somehow different than tax reductions?)
9) trade
10) job creation

So the wall street bail-out due to the mortgage crisis isn't really about de-regulation of wall street . . . it is really about healthcare reform, job creation, Healthcare reform, reducing taxes, reining in spending, tax reductions, tax relief, trade, and job creation. Got that?

Nice. :lol
Brannon said:
To be sure, Palin is faking it, even though that 2006 Governor video is suspect. But in the off chance she isn't, I surmise that their plan will be that Palin has appendicitis. It's flawless. She can complain of pains, then go to the hospital and get exploratory surgery. They'll cut her open and see no inflammation. But doctors take out the appendix anyway because hey, why not, just get it out of the way. This will require a week of recovery and she won't be able to attend the debate.

Then Rudy comes along...

Yes. I can see it all now!

Dude are you joking? She's friggin pregnant. Expect the announcement Wednesday.


scorcho said:
Wonder if this corresponds to the trend to Obama in VA - http://turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semper_tyrannis/2008/09/vote-for-obamab.html

Lang's been very critical about Obama over the course the last year and has held his cards while predicting McCain's victory for some time now. It's good to see that McCain's recklessness over the last month is swaying (influential?) independents.

"She's like rocky"

"She doesn't know everything but she's a quick learner"


My mind is absolutely boggled right now. My mind is in a clusterfuck quagmire trying to comprehend peoples thinking patterns.
Son of Godzilla said:
Dude are you joking? She's friggin pregnant. Expect the announcement Wednesday.

I will be stunned if the campaign doesn't try to delay or cancel the debate by Monday or Tuesday. They will come up with something to stop it and hilarity will ensue.


Just a small question

How long do you have to be living in Florida to vote and what type of ID do you need to bring when you vote. My room mate is saying you need to stay there a year??? All I have to show that I am living here in Florida is mail that has my name on it from my Bank and my school ID, which does not have anything like Address on it...

I have a NJ driver's license that ends this December...

Also my room-mate has the same question... Do we have to go back to our home states to vote like Illinois and NJ?
Son of Godzilla said:
Dude are you joking? She's friggin pregnant. Expect the announcement Wednesday.
I was thinking about that one too. She's got 5 kids, 1 being a special needs kid, 1 being about to shoot out her own baby, and 6th one on the way but there are some complications since she's 44. Easy out. Todd's working on it right now.


speculawyer said:
I was thinking about that one too. She's got 5 kids, 1 being a special needs kid, 1 being about to shoot out her own baby, and 6th one on the way but there are some complications since she's 44. Easy out. Todd's working on it right now.

Etopic Pregnancies are a bitch...
MoxManiac said:
So if Palin does gets crushed or thoroughly embarasses herself like we are all predicting (think couric interview on a much larger scale) what do you guys think it will do to her political future?

The evangelicals will see her as a prophet persecuted in her own land and will elevate her as their national leader/symbol. Never in the history of the US will the religious-minded folks have had a leader that is more of a spitting image of their clueless selves.
I'd like to say also that McCain's really started to run out of time to turn this thing around. In two and a half weeks or so early voting is going to start nationwide, and if he's still in the shitter even closing the gap some by election day isn't going to save him if Obama starts running up the score in early voting (which he will).

Just a small question

How long do you have to be living in Florida to vote and what type of ID do you need to bring when you vote. All I have to show that I am living here in Florida is mail that has my name on it from my Bank and my school ID, which does not have anything like Address on it...

I have a NJ driver's license that ends this December...

Also my room-mate has the same question... Do we have to go back to our home states to vote like Illinois and NJ?

You'll need just the last four digits of your SSN to register to vote in FL, and your photo ID that you have ( your student ID is fine) to vote. That's what I think-the local Obama volunteers will have all of the info.
Stoney Mason said:
You should vote in fla. NJ doesn't need your vote. And as mentioned the northern part of the state is very conservative. It gets more democratic as you go from central to south Florida where you have a greater degree of the black and the Hispanic vote. Minus cubans that is.

What's up the Cubans?


Fragamemnon said:
I'd like to say also that McCain's really started to run out of time to turn this thing around. In two and a half weeks or so early voting is going to start nationwide, and if he's still in the shitter even closing the gap some by election day isn't going to save him if Obama starts running up the score in early voting (which he will).

You'll need just the last four digits of your SSN to register to vote in FL, and your photo ID that you have ( your student ID is fine) to vote. That's what I think-the local Obama volunteers will have all of the info.

We were both going to register through voteforchange.com... Will that be the same...


If Palin was to have an ear-piece during the debate she would fuck up even more.


Zapages said:
I'm in Sarasota Area... Its pretty pathetically bad... Someone in our class said they will not vote for Obama because he's liberal/Democrat and a Muslim...


Yeah, it's amazing how different parts of Florida are. I live in South Florida and literally don't know a single Republican.
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