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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Edit: Nate's Map. Note Florida, Ohio, Indiana, Nevada, NC and Colorado. :D

If he can keep this up, McCain's done.
Trakdown said:

The Obama camp setting expectations for the VP debate and the town hall.

“We’ve looked at tapes of Gov. Palin’s debates, and she’s a terrific debater,” Plouffe told reporters on a conference call. “She has performed very, very well. She’s obviously a skilled speaker. We expect she’ll give a great performance next Thursday. “


I can only imagine Plouffe fighting back laughter while saying this.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So, basically if the election were held today, it could very well be a blowout.
At this point I think it's Obama's election to lose.


I just want to take a moment to say that I hate this douche bag CNN has anchoring the weekends:


I was watching CNN a few minutes ago and he tried to equate Joe Biden's gaffes this week with the complete meltdown of Palin on CBS's Couric interview as if they were even in the same ballpark.

Then when someone called McCain suspending his campaign this week a stunt he said "well to be fair, both sides do stunts." When pressed to give an example of Obama doing a stunt, he moved on without responding.

I swear if John McCain shot someone in the face today, he'd say, "well, to be fair, Obama gave someone a paper cut once."

Not to mention the guy sounds like some kind of wacky game show host stereotype crossed with a slimy used car salesman. CNN - fire this dipshit.
Not many people watched this debate

Million Viewers (Ranking)

2008: Obama-McCain 34.9 (6)

2004: Kerry-Bush: 39.4 (3)

2000: Bush-Gore: 31.7 (7)

1996: Clinton-Dole: 31.6 (8)

1992: Clinton-Bush-Perot: 38.3 (4)

1988: Bush-Dukakis: 36.8 (5)

1984: Reagan-Mondale: 45.3 (2)

1980: Carter-Reagan: 58.9 (1)

Maybe because of Online streaming

1976: Ford-Carter: 53.5
artredis1980 said:
Not many people watched this debate

Maybe because of Online streaming

Wonder if they've included DVRed debates too. I've already watched it, but I did so about 2 hours after it had happened. I imagine that gets counted?

EDIT: Looks like we've got some conflicting numbers...?


lexdysia said:
What does that win percentage mean? I don't see any metrics to back that figure up. Wouldn't electoral college amount to the same thing? I don't get it.

It's the percentage of times they've run the numbers through the model or something. Basically, Obama's chances of winning are around 80% now.


lexdysia said:
What does that win percentage mean? I don't see any metrics to back that figure up. Wouldn't electoral college amount to the same thing? I don't get it.


So basically at this point, McCain is fucked. :lol
Jak140 said:
I just want to take a moment to say that I hate this douche bag CNN has anchoring the weekends:


I was watching CNN a few minutes ago and he tried to equate Joe Biden's gaffes this week with the complete meltdown of Palin on CBS's Couric interview as if they were even in the same ballpark.

Then when someone called McCain suspending his campaign this week a stunt he said "well to be fair, both sides do stunts." When pressed to give an example of Obama doing a stunt, he moved on without responding.

I swear if John McCain shot someone in the face today, he'd say, "well, to be fair, Obama gave someone a paper cut once."

Not to mention the guy sounds like some kind of wacky game show host stereotype crossed with a slimy used car salesman. CNN - fire this dipshit.

He's been doing this a while. I get awfully friendly with the mute button when he's on....or I just change the channel. He can be annoying but I still find Rick Sanchez to be worse.


Jak140 said:
I just want to take a moment to say that I hate this douche bag CNN has anchoring the weekends:


I was watching CNN a few minutes ago and he tried to equate Joe Biden's gaffes this week with the complete meltdown of Palin on CBS's Couric interview as if they were even in the same ballpark.

Then when someone called McCain suspending his campaign this week a stunt he said "well to be fair, both sides do stunts." When pressed to give an example of Obama doing a stunt, he moved on without responding.

I swear if John McCain shot someone in the face today, he'd say, "well, to be fair, Obama gave someone a paper cut once."

Not to mention the guy sounds like some kind of wacky game show host stereotype crossed with a slimy used car salesman. CNN - fire this dipshit.

I can tell from looking at his face.


lexdysia said:
What does that win percentage mean? I don't see any metrics to back that figure up. Wouldn't electoral college amount to the same thing? I don't get it.
538 calculates win percentage in each state based on the polling data and their weighting methodology. Then they do 10,000 test runs. Obama won 78.5% of those test runs.
Hootie said:

So basically at this point, McCain is fucked. :lol
I think so too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. We won't see the true impact of the debates until tomorrow at the earliest for the national polls, later for the state polls.
Trakdown said:

Edit: Nate's Map. Note Florida, Ohio, Indiana, Nevada, NC and Colorado. :D

If he can keep this up, McCain's done.

I never thought I'd see my state (Indiana) as white as opposed to red. It's definitely going to be close here for the first time in a while.


Hootie said:

So basically at this point, McCain is fucked. :lol

Yep. Right now is like Ohio + Texas (or PA or IN + NC) for him. He needed a big showstopping win last night and didn't get it. From now until the end of the election, he's only gonna get crazier.


Intrade has it at 57.7% for Obama and 41.9% McCain.

At this point I regret not putting any money down on Obama back when they were virtually tied.


lexdysia said:
What does that win percentage mean? I don't see any metrics to back that figure up. Wouldn't electoral college amount to the same thing? I don't get it.

They do 10,000 simulation runs. Win percentage is the percentage of those simulations each candidate wins. Electoral vote is the average electoral votes won by each candidate across all 10,000 simulations. So win percentage could be 50-50, but if in every simulation where Obama wins he wins unanimously, while every time McCain wins he wins by one vote, there would be a massive disparity in electoral vote, even though winning odds are even.


Setec Astronomer
Trakdown said:
Wachovia's already in merger talks with Citigroup. Previously, they were talking with Morgan Stanley, but apparently those talks are over.
According to today's paper, it's in the very early stages, if at all, and there are a few potential suitors. However, the situation has changed now. Wachovia isn't offering to buy, Wachovia is now put up for sale. :(
I just saw a Mccain attack ad on tv and it reminded how completely weird John Mccain's behavior was this week. He suspened his campaign...for three days.


AniHawk said:
Yep. Right now is like Ohio + Texas (or PA or IN + NC) for him. He needed a big showstopping win last night and didn't get it. From now until the end of the convention, he's only gonna get crazier.

Yeah, I can't imagine the VP debate helping him out in the least, either.:lol I can't wait to see Biden destroy Palin.

Palin? Moar liek PHAILIN AMIRITE?
AniHawk said:
From now until the end of the convention, he's only gonna get crazier.

This is important to note. McCain's reaction to being down in the polls is more increasingly erratic behavior aka "mavericky-ness". It's really starting to beat up the downticket GOP races, too-the toss-up Senate races in Minnesota, Oregon, and North Carolina have gone from lean/likely GOP status to total toss-ups or lean Dem, and the House situation isn't much better.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
RiZ III said:
Nice to see Washington state be solid blue again :D

Was comical it was ever light blue. Fucking Dino Rossi creeps me out. A seriously lizard-like man.

He told us he's going to "fix the State economy the way Washington families do it" so I guess he's just going to buy a boat and charge everything across eight credit cards.


Setec Astronomer
Oh, and what's even better? Our own Senator Elizabeth Dole has announced she is against the bailout. Charlotte thanks her heartily. :mad:
Hitokage said:
According to today's paper, it's in the very early stages, if at all, and there are a few potential suitors. However, the situation has changed now. Wachovia isn't offering to buy, Wachovia is now put up for sale. :(

Yep. :( This is ugly stuff, Wachovia is the largest private sector provider of "good" jobs in the state, from what I understand. I feel that NC's reputation as a "banking state" loses something if they get bought out, and that saddens me as an NC resident.

Hitokage said:
Oh, and what's even better? Our own Senator Elizabeth Dole has announced she is against the bailout. Charlotte thanks her heartily. :mad:

For context this kind of statement is like Joe Biden railing aginst the credit card industry. Wachovia, BB&T, and Bank of America are some of the best providers of good jobs in the state. Triangle peeps, some perspective on Wachovia being bought out-it would be like if IBM was bought out and all the people with jobs there in RTP were suddenly wondering if the office sites would close or be moved.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Was comical it was ever light blue. Fucking Dino Rossi creeps me out. A seriously lizard-like man.

He told us he's going to "fix the State economy the way Washington families do it" so I guess he's just going to buy a boat and charge everything across eight credit cards.

Washington GAF better keep that shitburger out of office. Gregoire isn't roses but that guy will run your state into the fucking ground.


Setec Astronomer
Fragamemnon said:
Yep. :( This is ugly stuff, Wachovia is the largest private sector provider of "good" jobs in the state, from what I understand. I feel that NC's reputation as a "banking state" loses something if they get bought out, and that saddens me as an NC resident.
So far we have #1(BoA) and #4(Wachovia) headquartered in downtown Charlotte. Losing the latter HQ would be a gut punch to an already stressed city.


First tragedy, then farce.
538 is basically a Monte Carlo simulation that determines the likelyhood of a given outcome based on current polling data. After running the simulations and looking at margin of victory in the various simulations

for example if Obama is winning by 100 electoral votes in 60% of simulations and McCain is winning by less than 10 EV's in 40% of the simulations, it would lead Obama to have a better than 60% chance of winning, because McCains "wins" in the simulation arent as strong as Obama's. I.E. McCain is more likely to lose his "winning" scenarios than Obama would be.

Thats what that giant graph shows. When Obama wins, he wins big and often in the simulations. McCain wins rarely and by very little in the simulations.
Hootie said:
Yeah, I can't imagine the VP debate helping him out in the least, either.:lol I can't wait to see Biden destroy Palin.

Palin? Moar liek PHAILIN AMIRITE?

I don't want Biden going after her at all.

Just answer your questions, make your case as the superior VP selection and let it ride.

90 minutes of debating?

She will do herself in w/ no help needed.
New(old?) ARG poll in CO has McCain leading, 47-45.

On the flipside, Obama is leading in FL, 47-46.

The rest(stolen from electoral-vote):

State Obama McCain Start End Pollster
Colorado 45% 48% Sep 23 Sep 25 ARG
Connecticut 54% 38% Sep 24 Sep 25 SurveyUSA
Florida 47% 46% Sep 23 Sep 25 ARG
Florida 47% 48% Sep 24 Sep 24 Rasmussen
Missouri 46% 47% Sep 22 Sep 24 Research 2000
Montana 39% 52% Sep 22 Sep 24 Research 2000
Pennsylvania 47% 43% Sep 21 Sep 25 Muhlenberg Coll.
South Carolina 39% 54% Sep 22 Sep 24 Research 2000
Virginia 50% 45% Sep 25 Sep 25 Rasmussen
Wyoming 36% 57% Sep 22 Sep 24 Research 2000
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