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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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First tragedy, then farce.
the domestic debate will not go well for McCain, the problem is his rhetoric is not matched by his policy and Obama will be able to point that out easily.

Also, my hope is this was a Reagan situation. Obama just reassured warry voters that he is presidential and can go toe to toe with McCain and the undecideds will break his way.


Fragamemnon said:
I don't expect much of a bump to Obama out of this at all. He's at his likely high water mark (+5-+6 ish already) already. That being said, McCain really needs to do something to change the game, and soon.

Sadly, it looks like his best 'pivot' point for his campaign will be the Palin/Biden debate, and we all know how that is going to go. He might have had a potential game changer by opposing the bailout, but his actions this week and words last night have boxed him out of that course of action.

Obama doesn't even need a bump. Neutral change at this point is in his favor.
Gruco said:
...we probably could have addressed major issues and gotten the giant pool of money a return in the process, instead of um...celebrating the ownership society.

From Time this week, Michael Kinsley had some interesting bits:

...constantly rising real estate prices seems to be regarded as some kind of natural right, or at least a natural state to which we must return as soon as possible. Getting prices "moving again" -- which means moving higher -- is one all-but-explicit goal of the Paulson bailout. If house prices head back up, fewer mortgages will exceed the value of the asset that backs them up, foreclosures will drop, and bankers will be willing to lend again. More generally, in a nation of homeowners, people will get back that cozy feeling that they are getting richer without lifting a finger.

But building restored confidence on real estate would be foolish. HOw is the country any richer if the exact same stock of existing housing is suddenly worth, say, 20% more? Other markets produce things. They sell what they produce. When prices go up, they produce more. Not so with real estate, for the most part. This market consists primarily of trading the same thing again and again. And you know the old saw about land: They're not making any more of it. Real estate is the only major consumer market in which how much you'll pay someone depends on your belief about how much someone else will pay you.


Gruco said:
Yup yup. Part of the reason there was such batshit demand for mortgage CDOs was that interest rates were too low to make traditional bonds worthwhile and there were no notable markets to make equities appealing considering how fresh the tech crash was. If there had been a legitimate effort for infrastructure repair and to turn alt energy and regenerative medicine into the growth industries they should be, we probably could have addressed major issues and gotten the giant pool of money a return in the process, instead of um...celebrating the ownership society.

And I think the reason it has been stifled was for national security reasons (as well as lobbying, but lobbyists couldn't go against national security so first and foremost it was national security). Without energy independence on foreign countries it would have been very difficult for the US to get congress approbation to take actions that would lead it to project its power abroad in a post-soviet era, and without power projection you end up with defense budget compressions.

But ironically, once again the US did something for its national security that ended up making it less secure, this time by fucking up its economy.


Frank Sobotka:

We used to make shit in this country. Now it's just a bunch of people sticking their hands into each other's pockets.

Season 2 is sooooo underrated.
I wasn't so sure that either candidate particularly impressed last night, but the analysis afterward is generally very glowing of Obama and so-so/subpar for McCain.


Gruco said:
Frank Sobotka:

We used to make shit in this country. Now it's just a bunch of people sticking their hands into each other's pockets.

Season 2 is sooooo underrated.

I guess you don't like the services part of goods and services.


Who would think it would be a good idea to force a wedding through during election season? Nobody cares about politician's teenage kids getting married, they only care about out-of-wedlock babies. The wedlock part kills the story.


Huzah said:
I guess you don't like the services part of goods and services.
Not what I meant. I'm not pining for the days of manufacturing so much as lamenting the debt riddled house of house-cards. Although I don't think that subsidy propped agriculture and financial services makes for a happy foundation.
quadriplegicjon said:
:lol i was sitting here, trying to figure out what garbage they would try to pull off next.. didnt expect this one!

What a twist!

If McCain does lose big the press will not be kind. He might become a byword to all those aspiring to high office: "Whatever you don, don't McCain."
BenjaminBirdie said:
His last New Rule last night was fucking spectacular. Probably his best ever.
I agree.:lol

A friend of mine was watching it with me and my family, and he seemed noticeably uncomfortable about the entire joke.

My hypothesis is he's heard a lot of that same crap from his bigoted father about African Americans.
Talks are finally getting serious on the bailout:

In a sign that the negotiations were growing serious, an aide to Pelosi collected BlackBerrys from the staffers meeting in her office so that no details would leak out. Just after 8 p.m., an order of pizzas arrived at Paulson’s HQ in Boehner’s office. Democratic staffers ordered in burgers and fries from Five Guys.

Finally, progress. When the delivery pizza and burger runs start, you know you're getting close to an agreement.
Fragamemnon said:
Talks are finally getting serious on the bailout:

Finally, progress. When the delivery pizza and burger runs start, you know you're getting close to an agreement.

nice to see Congress taking the video game developer crunch approach to legislation
ViperVisor said:
Kelsey Grammer and Voight on Larry King Wednesday.

How do they defend Palin? It's like defending the suckiest movie you have done.

Why have actors defend a politician? Unless the show is more than just about Palin?
ViperVisor said:
Kelsey Grammer and Voight on Larry King Wednesday.

How do they defend Palin? It's like defending the suckiest movie you have done.

"she's a new, fresh face, unfettered by washington machine politics. her life story is compelling, her personality is strong and independent. i could think of nobody better other - besides mccain - to bring reform to washington."
soul creator said:
nice to see Congress taking the video game developer crunch approach to legislation

delivery and food runs on weekends is standard operating protocol in the business world when dealing with crisis situation. It's not just videogame developers!


First tragedy, then farce.
Instigator said:
Why have actors defend a politician? Unless the show is more than just about Palin?

They have some new neocon bullshit movie coming out that basically claims the liberal movies are all depressing and anti-american.


Wait - the success of the bailout is not predicated on housing prices rising again soon, is it? :lol

Also, the Bristol wedding thing is a joke - whether it happens or not. If they seriously think that would boost their chances, they're fucked already.
StoOgE said:
They have some new neocon bullshit movie coming out that basically claims the liberal movies are all depressing and anti-american.

Sideshow Bob said that?



Clothed, sober, cooperative
CharlieDigital said:
From Time this week, Michael Kinsley had some interesting bits:

Real estate is the only major consumer market in which how much you'll pay someone depends on your belief about how much someone else will pay you.

wat. Capitalism is a major "market" where how much you pay someone depends on your belief about how much someone else will pay you...
gkrykewy said:
Wait - the success of the bailout is not predicated on housing prices rising again soon, is it? :lol

Not entirely; seems like how much taxpayers get back depends on housing prices.

The success depends on whether they can, as I understand it, clear the water in terms of the market value and investment grade of the CDOs and what not. Basically, the success of the bailout hinges on whether they can properly assess what these securities are worth. Housing prices will determine how much of the government bailout is recouped.

As I understand it anyways.

OuterWorldVoice said:
wat. Capitalism is a major "market" where how much you pay someone depends on your belief about how much someone else will pay you...

"major consumer market"


OuterWorldVoice said:
wat. Capitalism is a major "market" where how much you pay someone depends on your belief about how much someone else will pay you...

There's a reason he said "consumer" market.
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