Deus Ex Machina
Barack and Baby Photos

nyong said:I think Obama's actions were nothing more than a "me too" moment.
AniHawk said:Apparently my (85 year-old, Democratic) grandma was really put off by McCain's sneering last night. My parents and I all agreed that it seemed pretty much a wash. We saw it on PBS where there wasn't any split-screen stuff, so maybe that's part of it.
Instigator said:He did say he had a bracelet as well. So yeah, it's a me too.
But it still neutralized McCain's attempt to portray himself as the sole messenger from military families.
nyong said:I couldn't believe I was watching a bracelet pissing content on national television. So humiliating. And then Obama fed right into it....
Ether_Snake said:Obama did the right thing, McCain tried to make it sound like military mothers are all gonna vote for him. Obama showed there was two sides to this conflict.
TDG said:I think you're confusing Kerry and Gore.
El_TigroX said:I was out canvasing for voters for Obama today in PA and we went door to door talking to swing voters... I heard time and time again from people that they felt that Obama won and that McCain was condescending and sneering.
Then I was called a "N***** lover" by a guy and was told "To get off my fucking porch or I'll kill you."
AHhh... Pennsylvania...
It was awkward, but like you said, it neutralized it. McCain tries to say that he's the bearer of Patriotism.
El_TigroX said:I was out canvasing for voters for Obama today in PA and we went door to door talking to swing voters... I heard time and time again from people that they felt that Obama won and that McCain was condescending and sneering.
Then I was called a "N***** lover" by a guy and was told "To get off my fucking porch or I'll kill you."
AHhh... Pennsylvania...
Deus Ex Machina said:Barack and Baby Photos
Lots of pics
thekad said:
Can someone make these two pictures into avatars, please?
Pessimism at its finest.Chiggs said:One huge post about how slutty America is.
They're free to do so if they want.Instigator said:How come the few Republicans here hardly ever post photos of McCain/Palin events?
Because there is hardly any Republicans here? It is mainly Democrats, Independents, and a mix of random Libertarians (including me).Instigator said:How come the few Republicans here hardly ever post photos of McCain/Palin events?
I think the idea behind the bailout is that confidence is restored so that banks begin lending again, alleviating the liquidity problem. It's not a solution to the problem-- it's just short-term boost.Chiggs said:Congratulations, America, you big horrible slut.
Take it with pride. There are fewer and fewer good fights left and you are fighting one of them.El_TigroX said:Then I was called a "N***** lover" by a guy and was told "To get off my fucking porch or I'll kill you."
thekad said:Can someone make these two pictures into avatars, please?
Byakuya769 said:k -gaf doesn't know shit-
apparently this situation is impervious to any kind of spin.....
Y2Kev said:Japan rebuilt after WWII with the Yoshida Doctrine. We need a modern day Yoshida Doctrine for America.
AniHawk said:New avatar for anyone who wants it.
That sucks. Props to you man, for fighting the good fight.
speculawyer said:Can someone allow me to have an avatar? :-(
Jeez, all I did was use a RickRoll Avatar on April 1st and I guess it was too big.
speculawyer said:Take it with pride. There are fewer and fewer good fights left and you are fighting one of them.
titiklabingapat said:New(old?) ARG poll in CO has McCain leading, 47-45.
jiggle said:![]()
just one of them
Tamanon said:
Mayhaps that explains why McCain was so angry, he basically had to bitch out of the meeting that he was wanting credit for.:lol
Chiggs said:Times ten.
And there needs to be such serious repercussions for corruption, like fear of death. I cannot even believe what I've been reading today. It's like a mixture of dumb conspiracies, lazy and crooked politicians, greedy bankers and cocksucking lobbyists. This is our country. It's sickening.
Nate's take on that poll:tanod said:ARG has been calling me a lot. They must like my answers or something. Probably around 4 times over the last two weeks.
*lives in IA* only poll that really stands out is ARG's McCain +3 in Colorado. Since (i) a lot of good pollsters were in the field last week in Colorado and showed Obama with a decent-sized lead, and (ii) ARG is not a good pollster, this does not really affect our model's opinion that Colorado leans fairly strongly toward Obama.
Chiggs said:I've been horribly stressed out about the stock market, so I decided to do some research about the current situation and if there is an upside: THERE ISN'T. Bail out or not, I've come to the conclusion that America is really fucked. This is the beginning of the end for us. Obama can have all the hope he wants, but I think when he gets in, the burden will be too great. Some of you might laugh and say I'm being reactionary, and that's fine. I'd love to hear your take on it because you might have some bit of info I can draw some optimism from.
It just stuns me that a lot of people, like my friends and family really don't seem to have a clue about what's going on. It's like they're one-month slow. They think everything that happened last week is still just the Fannie and Freddie shit. They just don't get it.
George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and other scheming pieces of shit in DC and Wall Street have effectively taken the most powerful nation on Earth and turned it to shit. I'm sure that inspires so much confidence in other democratic free market countries. America is a whore. A big fucking whore, plain and simple. We are a joke, and our credibility, if we ever even had it, is gone for a very long time.
I'm not even sure why the fuck we're even arguing in this and other threads about the Right and Left. I can't even tell the difference anymore. All I know is that there is now a huge Socialistic push taking place, and it's happening with a Right wing cowboy in office. "Oh, but he had to do it!" Great, so "we're getting all the shitty parts of Socialism" like Bill Maher said.
All I know is that, save for a miracle, the dollar will be dumped, and the great and mighty America will be left floundering to its fate. But wait, we still have our military! Will we try to pull another Iraq to help project our so-called might? Or was that just Iraq to begin with?
I just hope everyone in this country pulls their goddamn heads out of their asses and realizes that pretty much everyone in charge of Washington and Wall Street are awful human beings that deserve nothing but the worst. The next decade is going to be rough, and I hope they have it even rougher.
Speaking of 9/11 conspiracy theorieslol!), I came across this little gem of information when I was researching our current state of affairs:
I'm not sure how I missed this originally, but if 2.3 trillion can somehow go unaccounted for, there's not telling what kind of corruption our government is responsible for. Nothing can be ruled out. This is a whorehouse nation and we're going to get what's coming to us. As much as I hate the scumbags at the top, we the people are lazy, fat and stupid, and we are just as guilty. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about how I even towed a party line. Why? For what? The bottom has fallen out and the house of cards is crashing down. We're a joke of country that doesn't produce shit and borrows money from China to fight a fucking joke of a war.
Congratulations, America, you big horrible slut.
Really? Well, you were definitely in the minority on that one. Most post-debate analysis in 2004 discussed Bush's constant smirking, as well his obvious frustration. Kerry was said to have been very calm and collected.nyong said:Kerry really rubbed me the wrong way during the debates.
Y2Kev said:I don't believe ARG for a second, tbh.
And America can "rebuild." We just have to embrace defeat. Our system has brought us to the brink. We can crawl back, but we need to stop pretending nothing is wrong. Stop being the global policeman. Stop wasteful spending-- and I'm not talking about scientific research. Stop giving a shit about other shit.
We just need to go back to what we do well and just buckle down.
The difference between Japan following WWII and America is that Japan completely sputtered out of control once they had the pole position. America has led before and it can do it again.
There's a time for pessimism, but this can't be it.
Lesath said:dibs. Thanks for the avatar, jiggle.
Dax01 said:Lol! Did McCain say "horseshit" during the debate? :lol :lol
speculawyer said:Because there is hardly any Republicans here? It is mainly Democrats, Independents, and a mix of random Libertarians (including me).
Ether_Snake said:The economy is a national security issue IMO, how they could have allowed this happen is beyond me.
Sounds like horseshit to me. And he says it twice.RiZ III said:I'm pretty sure he just said "of course it is", which makes perfect sense when you hear it in context.
Very epic avatar !jiggle said:![]()
just one of them
Eh, McCain was whistling his "s" sounds into his mic throughout the entire debate, so words like "crisis" sounded more like "crishish".Dax01 said:Sounds like horseshit to me. And he says it twice.
Wait . . . was Levi in a Police line-up?RapeApe said:
Xeke said:As much as I want to really be afraid of this crisis I really am having a hard time with it because I haven't noticed anything that has really changed in my life in the past months. My parents have never been heavily invested in the stock market, they've long since payed off their mortgage and they both work at rock solid educational institutions with tenure.
Am I ever actually going to notice this crisis?
I didn't know there was a mb size limit . . . and it was just for 1 day. (It's not like wanted to keep that.)Ether_Snake said:It was 2mb yeah.
I'm not sure he said horseshit either; however, it's close enough that people might easily mistake it. It wont help McCain if the question of what he said gets any airtime in either case.RiZ III said:I'm pretty sure he just said "of course it is", which makes perfect sense when you hear it in context.
You have been smiled upon. For future reference:speculawyer said:I didn't know there was a mb size limit . . . and it was just for 1 day. (It's not like wanted to keep that.)
Thanks mod Gods!I promise to be more careful.
GAF Terms of Service said:Avatar image size should not be greater than 90 pixels by 120 pixels, and no greater than 150k in size.
Dax01 said:Sounds like horseshit to me. And he says it twice.