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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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not a medical professional
lawblob said:
Call the Minute Men, we got a foreigner! :p

There's more of us in here than you think.

I'm Canadian, just obsessed with this political season... spending too much time in this thread :p :lol
I think a great line Obama could use is:

"Our country is facing multiple crises. Right now we are facing a national security crisis in Iraq and an economic crisis here at home. The president must be both Commander in Chief and Steward of the Economy, and cannot suspend either responsibility."

Justin Bailey

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Incognito said:
I just heard this radio ad in NC, it won't mean much to people on here, but trust me it will grab a few people in the tarheel state :lol


Barack Obama: I'm Barack Obama, candidate for president, and I approved this message.

Ray Schoenke: This is Ray Schoenke. I played football with the Washington Redskins. Now I'm president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association. It's important to me that our next President protects our Second Amendment rights to own guns and defend ourselves.

Barack Obama and John McCain will both make sure we can keep our guns.

But what about keeping our jobs?

Barack's got a real plan that invests in creating jobs here at home and cuts taxes a thousand bucks for working families.

John McCain?

I saw a lot of cheap shots in my day...

But McCain's false attacks on Obama are just a fake to hide the ball. His plan sells out American workers.

McCain will keep giving tax breaks to companies that ship our jobs overseas.

And he'll look the other way while China breaks our trade deals.

It's the same old Bush playbook.

Look, when the coach loses eight years in a row, you don't bring him back for a ninth season!

We just can't afford more of the same.


Junior Butler
WTF, watching Morning Joe online since I missed it earlier. I can't believe they all believe delaying/canceling the debate is a good idea.

They've officially lost their minds.
belvedere said:
WTF, watching Morning Joe online since I missed it earlier. I can't believe they all believe delaying/canceling the debate is a good idea.

They've officially lost their minds.

morning joe has been in McCain's corner since months

joe scarborough is a conservative!
i officially offer a 1 week ban-bet to one other person. this means that the loser won't get to post until 10-3, which is AFTER THE VP debate. hardcore, eh? (hey, this means something to PoliGAF folks!)

the bet: the debate will happen, and McCain will show up, friday, 9-26, in Mississippi, and debate Obama.

any one want to take the other side -- that the debate will be delayed? 1 week ban.

let's rumble!
Can you imagine the pants-shitting at Camp McCain if the debate commission called them and said they were letting Barr in the debate if McCain doesn't show? :lol


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
So when will we know if the first debate is going to take place?

It would be so idiotic on McCain and his campaign's part if he doesn't show up tomorrow. Obama will almost certainly show up in some capacity, and he'll have it all to himself, with a shitload of viewers. All he has to do is give one of his typically elegant and informative speeches on the economy and it's game over.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Deal or No Deal? Boehner Says ‘No Deal’


September 25, 2008 11:11 AM

House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, just issued a statement on the legislation being hammered out by House Financial Services Committee Chairman Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., and Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd, D-Conn.

“As I told our Conference this morning, there is no bipartisan deal at this time," Boehner said. "There may be a deal among some Democrats, but House Republicans are not a part of it.”

Frank and Dodd are in a room on the first floor of the Capitol Building along with the ranking Republican on the House Financial Services Committee, Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala; the No. 2 Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah; Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-ND and ranking Republican member Sen. Judd Gregg, R-NH.

Also present are Senate Banking Committee members Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NH, Sen. Jack Reed, D-RI, and Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.

Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. -- the ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee who is expected to ultimately oppose the bailout -- is not there.

No deal until Johnny shows up. Pathetic.


when does Gallup poll?

i think inital reaction to the stunt will be positive, like as in, if they polled last night after it was announced, i think he may see a bump for the 1 day, but the 2nd day and beyond will be a net negative, Letterman KILLED him, and they showed it again on the morning talk shows.

More people watch basic cable news
We have a lot of amateur Obama speech writers here on GAF.

Anyway, the debate better happen.

Did anyone see this shit (friend sent it to me):

"Just reported on CNN that the McCain campaign is urging the cancellation of the Friday Presidential Debate, cancellation of the VP Debate next Thursday, and replacing next Thursday's VP debate with a new Presidential debate."


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Wes said:
I would like to know this too.
They turn the online stream on for big events (Debates, election night, etc.). For regular day to day coverage there's no online stream. When the live stream is online they always post a link on the frontpage with big red letters saying something like "LIVE: Whatever they're covering".


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Cheebs said:
Obama was a child when soul train was on. Are you serious?
Wikipedia says since '71.

Could have been a later program! It has to be Obama! HAS TO! :lol


Cheebs said:
Obama was a child when soul train was on. Are you serious?

Soul Train ran well into the 80's and 90's dude. the song on there is a rick james song from the early 80's.

I don't think that's him though.
Norman Lear 1 ups Johnny's pick.


More like 100 but you catch my drift.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Cheebs said:
Yeah, he was 10. And living in Hawaii! That isn't a 10 year old in Hawaii.
You assume he danced in Soul Train's first season. This is Obama, you're going to have to face the facts, Cheebs.

The effects this will have on the polls are yet to be seen...


Guybrush Threepwood said:
Thought this was interesting...



It really is no wonder that the US leans right.

With people like you, I'm surprised the democrats can even compete.

Oh and that 'terrorist' agency called the CIA? That's the one Barack Obama will be using to wage his crusade.

And you can also add rev. wright to the list of intolerant and extreme religious leaders that support Barack, heh. He might be the only one though. :p
Poll Update

Mass and Del

SurveyUSA: MA, DE (9/22-23)

By Eric Dienstfrey

Mode: IVR

Massachusetts 679 LV, 3.8%
Obama 55, McCain 39

Delaware 703 LV, 3.7%
Obama 57, McCain 37
Sen: Biden (D-i) 64, O'Donnell (R) 32
Gov: Markell (D) 64, Lee (R) 29, Protack (I) 3


Omg Zardari is such a fucking douche bag. He is the Palin of Pakistan, no actually that's an insult to Palin. Unfortunately he actually got elected.
RiZ III said:
Omg Zardari is such a fucking douche bag. He is the Palin of Pakistan, no actually that's an insult to Palin. Unfortunately he actually got elected.

zardari is also very rich, most people say his worth is in the billions. I totally believe he can entice sarah palin to leave todd and become Pakistan's first lady


artredis1980 said:
zardari is also very rich, most people say his worth is in the billions. I totally believe he can entice sarah palin to leave todd and become Pakistan's first lady

Yea, from all the billions his wife and he stole from the people of Pakistan.
Chrono said:

It really is no wonder that the US leans right.

With people like you, I'm surprised the democrats can even compete.

Oh and that 'terrorist' agency called the CIA? That's the one Barack Obama will be using to wage his crusade.

And you can also add rev. wright to the list of intolerant and extreme religious leaders that support Barack, heh. He might be the only one though. :p

Are you kidding? You think that's why the US leaned right last couple elections? Your assumptions are as bad as the guy who posted it.
somebody suggest this to the house democrats:

Democrats get the bill ready and its signed, Pelosi say she will call a press meeting and lo and behold, barrack hussein obama is standing next to reid and pelosi which she tells the american people that we have reached a compromise with the help of Obama so that tax payers are protected

instant win


artredis1980 said:
somebody suggest this to the house democrats:

Democrats get the bill ready and its signed, Pelosi say she will call a press meeting and lo and behold, barrack hussein obama is standing next to reid and pelosi which she tells the american people that we have reached a compromise with the help of Obama so that tax payers are protected

instant win
except obama can't insert himself into this very easily and the fact is the GOP is still refusing to help get a bill ready.
Cheebs said:
except obama can't insert himself into this very easily and the fact is the GOP is still refusing to help get a bill ready.

the bill is ready, they are just saying its not until McCain comes., its all a ploy. im telling the dems to 1up reps and use Obama


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Are you kidding? You think that's why the US leaned right last couple elections? Your assumptions are as bad as the guy who posted it.

Eh, no, but it's one of the reasons the republicans can manage to scare the hell out of people.
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