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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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GhaleonEB said:
And that's what it was the day before. Just toggling back and forth. (Like the R2k.)
Oh yeah, I agree. Either way we won't know the effect of McCain's stunt till this weekend at earliest. It always takes a few days for this stuff to seep in. If the debate actually happens between the two the whole "suspend-gate" will be quickly forgotten.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I can't see any of this :(

Fucking turner media bullshit


Crisco said:
Guys, Bill Clinton is a private citizen. He sells books, gives speeches, and makes TV and radio appearances. Conservative money is just as good as liberal money. Now that his wife is out of the race, he has absolutely no incentive to take sides.

You mean aside from the good of the country, and his desire to actually put someone in power who can try to reverse some of the damage Bush has done to our country over the last eight years.

Look, I think Bill is a good guy, but it is obvious that both he and Hillary have some serious ego problems and are still bitter-as-hell over the Obama thing. Bill and Hillary went from being the royalty of the Democratic party to yesterday's news, all because Obama kicked them to the curb and took over as leader of the party.

While i doubt there is some grand scheme by Bill to sabotage Obama, I think it is clear that neither Bill nor Hillary are doing as much as they could or SHOULD be doing to assist Obama.


Anyone who thinks that campaign stuff was anything put a political stunt is fooling themselves.
What is happening in Washington is what people in government call "Co-bagholders."

It goes like this:
Paulson (Secretary of Treasury) put out a proposal that he (and Bush) KNOW will not pass Congress.
This guarantees Congress (i.e. lots of Dems) begin altering the inadequate bill Paulson proposed.
Now the Bush Administration has a Co-bagholder in all of this. Now both parties are to blame if this fails (or is incredibly unpopular).
The Presidential politics comes into play to make sure BOTH Obama and McCain VOTE the SAME way.
I guarantee, if a bill is passed, a condition will be the BOTH Obama and McCain vote the SAME way. Co-bagholders.
Republicans and Democratics know that if their Candidate votes for the bill and the other one doesn't, they will lose lots of votes since it is incredibly unpopular.


Learn to see through the smoke and mirrors.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Dark FaZe said:
I haven't been following this. Are these debates going to happen tomorrow or not?

The Election Commission hasn't officially commented as far as I know... but it's still scheduled to occur.


Dark FaZe said:
I haven't been following this. Are these debates going to happen tomorrow or not?
Obama just stressed and reiterated that he deems it important and will be traveling to Mississippi today.
manngc said:
Anyone who thinks that campaign stuff was anything put a political stunt is fooling themselves.
What is happening in Washington is what people in government call "Co-bagholders."

It goes like this:
Paulson (Secretary of Treasury) put out a proposal that he (and Bush) KNOW will not pass Congress.
This guarantees Congress (i.e. lots of Dems) begin altering the inadequate bill Paulson proposed.
Now the Bush Administration has a Co-bagholder in all of this. Now both parties are to blame if this fails (or is incredibly unpopular).
The Presidential politics comes into play to make sure BOTH Obama and McCain VOTE the SAME way.
I guarantee, if a bill is passed, a condition will be the BOTH Obama and McCain vote the SAME way. Co-bagholders.
Republicans and Democratics know that if their Candidate votes for the bill and the other one doesn't, they will lose lots of votes since it is incredibly unpopular.


Learn to see through the smoke and mirrors.

...... Who thought anything different?


PhatSaqs said:
Obama just stressed and reiterated that he deems it important and will be traveling to Mississippi today.
He'll go tomorrow. He is going to DC to meet with Bush at the white house.


The Lamonster said:
What's happening, GAF? What's this business with the teleprompter?

Nah, he was waiting for applause but the networks had issues and were only giving us the sound from the satellite feed instead of the audience as well..


Cheebs said:
Oh yeah, I agree. Either way we won't know the effect of McCain's stunt till this weekend at earliest. It always takes a few days for this stuff to seep in. If the debate actually happens between the two the whole "suspend-gate" will be quickly forgotten.
Truth. The debate is more important than all of this. Assuming it happens. :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives


the best line yesterday from Obama might have been

"We both have big planes with our slogans painted on the side, we can go when they need us"


lawblob said:
You mean aside from the good of the country, and his desire to actually put someone in power who can try to reverse some of the damage Bush has done to our country over the last eight years.

Why would Clinton want to do that? He wants to go down as the only good president in half-a-century. Obama wouldn't help that.
a bit of good news....

538's morning trackers are suggesting the reaction to McCain's behaviour yesterday was negative

We'll have polling data rolling in all day, of course, but the very early returns suggest that the public may not have responded in the way John McCain might have liked to his announcement yesterday that he was "suspending" his campaign to attend to the financial crisis.

Two polls have been released so far that were conducting work in the field yesterday. The Research 2000 poll has Obama jumping from +4 to +6, on the strength of a +7 in the daily sample conducted yesterday. And Rasmussen Tracking has him moving from a +2 to a +3, his largest lead over McCain since 9/6.

Gallup, Hotline, et. al. may well turn turn out to show McCain gains, so we'll see how these numbers look in a few hours. It should be a fun day for poll-watchers.

UPDATE: Hotline has Obama at a +4, down from a +6 yesterday. Battleground, which as you may have noticed has a pretty strong (3-4 point) Republican lean, has him at -1, one point better than yesterday.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
DenogginizerOS said:
I recall getting an email from the Obama campaign a few days ago that laid out where he stands on the bailout proposal and it asked me to log on to his website if I supported it. I think this showed leadership and passion and awareness. However, I heard Chuck Todd say on the Today show that Obama risks looking passionless on the issue and that McCain may score points on his ability to handle the Economy by going on this trip.

I really miss Russert and loathe Chuck Todd. The guys seems to enjoy obscuring information if it means his precious polls will dramatically tighten up.

Yeah Chuck is really starting to disappoint me lately.
But I figure I'd add it here as well for anyone interested:


Great analogy of the role of the government in civilization.

Rosenfelder said:
Government as OS

When the US was founded, people had the curious idea that the government was simply all of us. The founders called it 'democracy', or government by the people. If we still believed this, we might have no problem with things like government support for the old or for poor children. Why shouldn't we all chip in a little so that no one in this prosperous country needs to go hungry or live in shacks?

I won't attempt to revive this antique concept; instead, I'd like to suggest that government plays the same role in an economy as an operating system plays in a computer. It sets up the basic conditions for other agents to do their work, provides the basic services, and prevents resource gridlock and system crashes.

A good operating system makes it easy for programmers to write programs: they can use system services rather than doing everything themselves; they spend their time accomplishing something for the user rather than fighting the computer (or other programs).

Likewise, a good government makes it easy for businesses and individuals to prosper. It provides services that benefit everybody, resolves disputes, and keeps the system running fairly.

Ayn Rand is wrong: individuals don't prosper all by themselves. They owe their success to the other people that help them, and to the government that provides them with opportunities, reduces risks, and provides public goods. Evidently ours does a good enough job that Americans think that these things come free, like the air.


Rosenfelder said:
In short, be skeptical: not just about government, but about business, and about the motives of the people who want to get government off their backs. What do they want to do once it's gone?
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