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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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maximum360 said:
Bill's responses aren't really helpful to Obama recently. He's been pretty much middle of the road in support of both Obama and McCain and then at the end of his interview or meeting he'll throw in "I think Obama will win" at the end. It's like sticking one black guy in the movie to fulfill the quota.


DenogginizerOS said:
Clinton says he thinks Obama will win but says nothing about why he thinks this. This is the problem. He praises McCain. His saying he thinks Obama will win is a guaranteed battle cry to motivate people to vote for McCain if anything to prove Clinton wrong.
:lol Yeah and Palin has foreign policy experience.


Research 2000 has Obama up six in Wisconsin. That state was pretty close for a bit but not it's widening back up.

Obama (D) 49%, McCain (R) 43%


artredis1980 said:
McCain did the right thing in asking for debate delay: Bill Clinton




BrightYoungThing said:
Why? Because he's not being a blatant partisan attack dog? Please.

He doesn't have to be an attack dog but why keep complementing the opposition while barely saying a nice thing about the Dem? I gave him the benefit of the doubt until this last statement.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ViperVisor said:
Fuck me in the ass. Had to come back to post after seeing this.

Scarbs is shilling HARD for McCain and his antics.

Said McCain will out-do Obama in all 3 debates.

Would post a reaction of disbelief gif but I have none over the top enough.

So did McCain already beat Obama in all 3 debates? Because it seems like for some people on TV, they will make it impossible for Obama to win any debate.


The Chosen One said:

Seriously this doesn't sound like a "suspended" campaign. He's in full campaign mode, using all his "Country First" slogans and blasting earmarks. Basically a modified stump speech.

This whole thing is a farce.

The news yesterday was that it would be suspended AFTER the CGI today.


Guys, Bill Clinton is a private citizen. He sells books, gives speeches, and makes TV and radio appearances. Conservative money is just as good as liberal money. Now that his wife is out of the race, he has absolutely no incentive to take sides.


BrightYoungThing said:
Why? Because he's not being a blatant partisan attack dog? Please.

McCain's move to delay the debate is blatantly political, that's why. People on both sides have said as much.


gkrykewy said:
Yes it is - if those consumers knowingly stretched for homes they couldn't afford, assuming the slot machine would keep paying out, then preventing their foreclosure rewards their poor decision.

It is not considered rewarding anyone and you know it.
Zeliard said:
McCain's move to delay the debate is blatantly political, that's why. People on both sides have said as much.

Yes but I think Clinton's trying to be above partisanship nowadays after how he embarrassed himself in the primaries. It doesn't necessarily mean he's trying to undermine Obama. People know McCain's suspension was bullshit whether Bill Clinton says it or not.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Bill said he'll be making the rounds to PA and other states. In fact, the Obama campaign outlined which states Bill will be campaigning in for Obama.
and this is what Obama needs:D


BrightYoungThing said:
Yes but I think Clinton's trying to be above partisanship nowadays after how he embarrassed himself in the primaries. It doesn't necessarily mean he's trying to undermine Obama. People know McCain's suspension was bullshit whether Bill Clinton says it or not.

Why not just say he has no comment or be a bit more diplomatic. Saying it's a good idea is indirectly slapping Obama. WTF..

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
BrightYoungThing said:
People know McCain's suspension was bullshit whether Bill Clinton says it or not.

so...it WOULD'NT be partisan if he said McCain's campaign suspension was bullshit...right?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
ShOcKwAvE said:
The news yesterday was that it would be suspended AFTER the CGI today.
Regardless, that doesn't make CGI an appropriate place to trot out your standard campaign stump speech complete with partisan attacks.
BrightYoungThing said:
Yes but I think Clinton's trying to be above partisanship nowadays after how he embarrassed himself in the primaries. It doesn't necessarily mean he's trying to undermine Obama. People know McCain's suspension was bullshit whether Bill Clinton says it or not.
Or, he's speaking the truth that everyone here refuses to believe. So many here have been criticizing the "Country First" slogan as disingenuous, but when he does something to back that up, people here still go after him.

McCain just can't win around these parts. Why can't people here just accept that McCain might know a thing or two about the economy and be able to help?

Deleted member 20415

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Cloudy said:
Why not just say he has no comment or be a bit more diplomatic. Saying it's a good idea is indirectly slapping Obama. WTF..

Because Bill Clinton, like Joe Biden, says stuff first, thinks later - it's a personality thing.

Remember just a few days ago when Biden basically said that Barack Obama was shitty for approving that "McCain is Old" ad, then backtracked?

Steve Youngblood said:
Why can't people here just accept that McCain might know a thing or two about the economy and be able to help?

Because the man himself said that the economy was not his strong suit.
Cloudy said:
Why not just say he has no comment or be a bit more diplomatic. Saying it's a good idea is indirectly slapping Obama. WTF..

He never said it was a good idea, he just said it wasn't political and that we need to focus on the economy in a bipartisan way. If he had praised McCain for it then I would agree with you, but he didn't.


BrightYoungThing said:
Yes but I think Clinton's trying to be above partisanship nowadays after how he embarrassed himself in the primaries. It doesn't necessarily mean he's trying to undermine Obama. People know McCain's suspension was bullshit whether Bill Clinton says it or not.

I mean, it's not a huge deal or anything, it's just another one of those "wtf" moves from Bill in this campaign. I definitely think he wants Obama to win, and will campaign enthusiastically for him, but coming out in support of McCain suspending his campaign and delaying the debate just for the sake of appearing bi-partisan when McCain is clearly in the wrong here is just unfortunate judgement on his part. McCain can't even do anything to help the economic problem - he has no real jurisdiction.


This is why I don't like Bill Clinton right now. His call for action to vote for Obama is so weak.

This is how Bill talks:

"Coke tastes great---I've always loved Coke. Coke has always been a top drink for me for years! But I drink Pepsi."

Bill, you're being lame. Thanks for all the support *rolls eyes*


ShOcKwAvE said:
It is not considered rewarding anyone and you know it.

What the hell are you talking about? I'm the last person in the world to defend the wasilla weirdo, but yes, it rewards stupid "flip that house" morons. This isn't rocket science.


Steve Youngblood said:
Why can't people here just accept that McCain might know a thing or two about the economy and be able to help?
Because he's personally admitted he knows little about the economy? Or maybe the fact he's suspending his campaign when all he can do is cast a vote?

or maybe you're just being sarcastic. my sarcasm meter has been on the jitters lately
BrightYoungThing said:
Yes but I think Clinton's trying to be above partisanship nowadays after how he embarrassed himself in the primaries. It doesn't necessarily mean he's trying to undermine Obama. People know McCain's suspension was bullshit whether Bill Clinton says it or not.

One difference is during the primaries, he was campaigning. Partisanship, even as far as Clinton went, was part of the game. If he plans to campaign for Obama, in a serious fashion. he'll have to become partisan again. He can't have it both ways.
Steve Youngblood said:
Or, he's speaking the truth that everyone here refuses to believe. So many here have been criticizing the "Country First" slogan as disingenuous, but when he does something to back that up, people here still go after him.

McCain just can't win around these parts. Why can't people here just accept that McCain might know a thing or two about the economy and be able to help?

lol First of all he said he knows nothing about the economy. Second he can't help much more than vote on the bill which he could easily do without suspending his campaign. The move was purely political. He could easily do what Letterman said and put Palin on the stump for him while he deals with shit in Washington. He just wants people to see him as some country-first responsible guy. It's pure garbage.


It's a shame that we have to have a conservative impersonator make the case for McShame in here... largely because all the actual conservatives here won't talk about anything but abortion.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
BrightYoungThing said:
lol From what he said it was tough to decipher if it was real or sarcasm, so I just rolled with it.

Ditto. That's what smiley faces were made for... so we don't have these awkward reflective moments guys... come on now! ;)


lawblob said:
You knew this was coming; the piece of shit is trying to cower Obama into shutting down his operation while McCain keeps the hate-train rolling.

I swear to god, if McCain's numbers go up as a result of this Communist-style campaign he is running, I will fucking lose it.

Now that's the sort of anger I can believe in! For real, his former captors are probably all "Shit, these Republicans made him more of an unscrupulous shell then we ever could!"

I half-want one of his lurking supporters to explain to me how you can witness all this garbage and still have the balls to vote for him. If Obama was this much a shilling asshole, this full of shit, I'd be voting Nader or staying home.


DenogginizerOS said:
Ok. Clinton just gave HIGH praise to Obama. Very high! I take back what I said. :D
Bill is doing solo rallies in FL, OH, PA, and Nevada next week. He is doing just fine. The media is going to be all over those. He'll get gigantic crowds.
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