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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
And who was he talking to? Where is this big contingent of voters who think government pork spending is the big problem right now? People want the government to get off their ass on healthcare, housing and energy and do something. So railing on and on about earmarks is speaking to an audience that doesn't exist. It's McCain's big signature stand, but he doesn't seem to realize people don't give a shit.

That big contingent of voters who want to cut government spending is back in 1981 I think.


Sharp said:
No. But it sounds better in conjunction with a bailout bill, because it seems like the government is at least trying to do something about what is perceived by many as a huge amount of excess bloat. How many people do you know who don't complain about how their tax dollars are used? The bailout thing is just the latest, most egregious example, and people want to hear that things are being cut even if the actual cuts are dwarfed by the size of the bill and the tax breaks that they get. At least, I think they want to hear that. I was totally wrong about the debate so I may be totally wrong about this too.

I know the polling data from the first debate, I know what the American people in general thought about it. I just don't really know why. Like I said, I thought McCain won the debate overall.

You're thinking like a pundit, quite a few of them misinterpeted the debate as well. People want to hear about tax cuts for them, and Obama is shouting it from the rooftops. Nobody gives a crap about earmarks and spending freezes.
Cheebs said:
Bill Clinton beat the Republicans to a pulp with two landslide victories just last decade, it isn't as impossible as you think.
He did have help.


GhaleonEB said:

Tell me I'm not the only one who thought - for a moment - that Obama was actually being pulled around on a wagon.

Gaborn needs to have a stern talk with these individuals. Hurting the cause and all that.
Tamanon said:
I think my favorite part of that pic is that he's wearing rollerblades.

No, I don't get what that's supposed to mean.

(Hey! They're playing a Rock Band song at the Obama rally! I wonder if someone is playing backstage! Probably!)


BenjaminBirdie said:
No, I don't get what that's supposed to mean.

(Hey! They're playing a Rock Band song at the Obama rally! I wonder if someone is playing backstage! Probably!)

I guess it's a counter-protestor, saying that Jesus didn't say anything about gay people?


StoOgE said:
Sharp, you are quickly becoming the new Cheebs
I'm hurt :( I told you, my confidence in an Obama victory is at the highest it's ever been since after Iowa in the primaries. I don't think the debates will be a significant long-term gain or loss for either candidate. And I obviously don't know what Americans actually want to hear about the economy (because I think like a pundit apparently?). But I still think it's silly to say at this point Obama will have a "slam dunk" over McCain in the debate. I would reserve words like that for the upcoming VP debate.


RiskyChris said:
So who else thinks McCain absolutely hates Palin right now?

Her will is probably broken by now.
Palin sounded pretty unconcerned in the Pennsylvania mingling video! But yeah, McCain's got to hate her. At the very least, she has certainly not made the argument that he has poor judgement look any less sound.


RiskyChris said:
So who else thinks McCain absolutely hates Palin right now?

Her will is probably broken by now.

I dunno, Palin was the reason McCain even made a game of it for the conventions.:lol
Sharp said:
Palin sounded pretty unconcerned in the Pennsylvania mingling video! But yeah, McCain's got to hate her. At the very least, she has certainly not made the argument that he has poor judgement look any less sound.

Why should she be concerned? The debate will be delayed or cancelled and she knows it.
Instigator said:
Shot with a cell phone or do you like using the digital zoom on your digicam?
I was far away for some of them, and the only way I could get a good shot of his face was if I used zoom on my digital camera. I managed to creep into the crowd and get up closer towards the end.
And awesome news @ Gallup!



bggrthnjsus said:
that is epic
It's so negative though. Makes me feel dirty watching it, even though I know it's true. Oh well, my dream of a positive campaign from either candidate was shattered months ago anyway.
MassiveAttack said:
Why should she be concerned? The debate will be delayed or cancelled and she knows it.
They're not really going through with this wedding thing, are they? That would be possibly the most transparent ploy of this entire election season, primaries included.


Sharp said:
It's so negative though. Makes me feel dirty watching it, even though I know it's true. Oh well, my dream of a positive campaign from either candidate was shattered months ago anyway.
I don't think it's that negative. Like slimy negative. Truth hurts.

*watches again for the lulz* :O


Rur0ni said:
I don't think it's that negative. Like slimy negative. Truth hurts.

*watches again for the lulz* :O
"Can Your Family Really Trust John McCain" with that music and the flash to black and white and that voiceover feels pretty slimy.
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