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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Askani said:
No kidding. :lol :lol

Should give some people some perspective on how they're really willing to believe anything they hear so long as it remotely lines up with their opinions. Ready to believe this was true without looking anything up. "It was negativity about McCain and I support Obama so it must be true. I Hate McCain RAWR!!"

'Course, for this to be wholly true we'd have to ignore that Republicans are obsessive liars and continually gloss over any inconvenient past history that may piss on their parade (see also: how McCain hooked up with Cindy, attempted squashing of Troopergate, "Thanks, but no thanks!").

I saw the documentary on television showing this accident a while back and believed it to be true--that McCain was entirely without blame. I didn't even bother to look anything up. I just believed what I heard.

It's really a shame that McCain's actions during this campaign caused me to fall into the trap of being pissed off enough to think him that much an asshole to be capable of such a thing.
Zeliard said:
:lol :lol

Here's a bigger version:


The look on Colbert's face is priceless.
Note the one main difference in the EW cover - no American flag burning in the fireplace. I guess they didn't want that shitstorm.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Steve Youngblood said:
Of course Stewart would say that crap. He's from New York City of all places -- the biggest city of them all. Of course Palin isn't like him. Her values haven't been corrupted by the bastardized values of such a cosmopolitan city.

Like Rudy Guiliani right?


RubxQub said:
America. Land of the free, home of the brave.

Where Americans are absolute morons, and should only be allowed to vote if they are worthy, not just because they are American.

Give it a couple days, man. Polls are all over the place, but they consistently range from tied to a significant Obama lead.


RubxQub said:
America. Land of the free, home of the brave.

Where Americans are absolute morons, and should only be allowed to vote if they are worthy, not just because they are American.
Two of the trackers went up (R2K, Rasmussen) and two went down (Gallup, Hotline). The day is another wash essentially. But I never thought I'd see Rasmussen showing an Obama lead of three points more than Gallup. Those are the weird streams to cross.

Polling the past few days have been wacky. Depending on what happens tomorrow, they could be even wackier.


RubxQub said:
America. Land of the free, home of the brave.

Where Americans are absolute morons, and should only be allowed to vote if they are worthy, not just because they are American.

So are you saying being in the able voting group includes you or excludes you?


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GhaleonEB said:
Two of the trackers went up (R2K, Rasmussen) and two went down (Gallup, Hotline). The day is another wash essentially. But I never thought I'd see Rasmussen showing an Obama lead of three points more than Gallup. Those are the weird streams to cross.

Polling the past few days have been wacky. Depending on what happens tomorrow, they could be even wackier.
I would just like to know who these swing voters are and what they are basing their opinions on.

How dumb do you have to be to have not selected a candidate by now?

Askani said:
So are you saying being in the able voting group includes you or excludes you?

Let's not play this game, OK?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
Two of the trackers went up (R2K, Rasmussen) and two went down (Gallup, Hotline). The day is another wash essentially. But I never thought I'd see Rasmussen showing an Obama lead of three points more than Gallup. Those are the weird streams to cross.

Polling the past few days have been wacky. Depending on what happens tomorrow, they could be even wackier.

And Michigan and Pennsyvania are up for Obama too.
Joe said:
what's with the obsession over the gallup? it's pretty much useless.
They have a nice graph.

Jason's Ultimatum said:
I'll repeat this again:

Gallup doesn't matter for now. State by state polls matter! :lol

Not to incite panic or anything(the other two polls still show him ahead) but specific state polls are usually a little late compared to the daily polls.


Askani said:
No kidding. :lol :lol

Should give some people some perspective on how they're really willing to believe anything they hear so long as it remotely lines up with their opinions. Ready to believe this was true without looking anything up. "It was negativity about McCain and I support Obama so it must be true. I Hate McCain RAWR!!"

That wasn't the point. Most of us were shocked by it because it seemed to be highlighting a clear double standard, rather than ravaging McCain for it. It's not like McCain hasn't fucked up before only to have the media essentially gloss over it, while every little thing about Obama is magnified to hell and back.



Could Clinton still come back? Internet buzzes with rumours Biden will be replaced by Hillary as Obama's running mate

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 5:00 PM on 25th September 2008

The internet is buzzing today with the rumour that Barack Obama's gaffe-prone running mate Joe Biden will drop out of the race for health reasons - to be replaced by Hillary Clinton.

What say you, Internet?


Remember that ad speaking out on Palin's support for the aerial hunting of wolves?

Well according to a study by HCD Research and the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, it is the first ad in more than a month that has broken through!

Flemington, NJ, September 16, 2008 – A new national focus group among 312 self-reported Democrats, Republicans and Independents, revealed that after viewing a new ad by the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund regarding "Palin's Wildlife Record", there was moderate movement among all parties toward Barack Obama.

The study was conducted by HCD Research and the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion (MCIPO) on September 15, to obtain Americans' perceptions of a new ad which questions Governor Sarah Palin's record in regard to wildlife in Alaska.

"The ad which focuses on Governor Palin's record regarding the treatment of wildlife in Alaska seemed to strike a chord with voters," commented Glenn Kessler, president and CEO, HCD Research. "The recent ads from both parties have had little impact among voters. This is the first ad in over a month that seems to have broken through," he added.

Among the study findings:

The ad earned Barack Obama a Political Communications Impact Score (PCIS) of 29.4 and John McCain received a score of 5.9, resulting in a net score of 23.5 for Barack Obama. The scores can be compared to a mean score of 9.3 for previously tested Obama ads and 7.5 for previously tested McCain ads. To date, the total mean score for all previously tested ads is 8.3

The most prevalent emotional responses reported from voters were "angry" and "disturbed" after viewing the ad.​

More here:


Also I was just sent an email from the group behind the ad seeing if I could donate to help it spread further. I can't though as I'm in Australia (the online form says they're not accepting international donations).

Thanks to more than 15,000 dedicated wildlife supporters, we’ve already been able to run the ad in Ohio, Florida and Michigan -- reaching millions of potential voters in key swing states that will help determine the outcome of the presidential election.

But the vice presidential debate is just one week away and there are still millions of potential voters across the U.S. who don’t know about Governor Palin’s brutal aerial killing program, her proposal to dole out $150 for the severed forelegs of dead wolves or her $400,000 state-funded propaganda campaign supporting this awful practice.

Please consider donating today to make sure that millions of potential voters know the truth about Governor Sarah Palin’s brutal record and help us provide a voice for wildlife in the political process.

As the election draws closer, it is getting more and more costly to run our ads. But if you can help us raise $250,000 by next Thursday, we can keep our ad on the air in Ohio, Florida, Northern Virginia and Michigan for a few more days and run the ad in another key battleground state -- Colorado.

This is a powerful story. In less than two weeks, this video has been viewed on YouTube nearly 380,000 times. It has sparked news stories on Governor Palin’s awful environmental record in The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, CNN and --just this past weekend -- a CBS Nightly News segment. And the TV ad has already been seen by millions of potential voters in Ohio, Florida and Michigan.

Spreading the Word
So far, your donations have helped run the ad in carefully selected key areas…

Florida (Tampa)
Michigan (Lansing)
Ohio (Dayton and Toledo)
Virginia (Northern Virginia/Washington, DC)
With your help, we can also run it in more critical areas…

Colorado (Denver)
Ohio (Columbus)
Other targeted areas before and after the vice presidential debate

Donations are being accepted here if anyone would like to lend a hand:



RubxQub said:
Let's not play this game, OK?

It's up to you. I just don't like divisive trash like that. I'm not saying you're the worst offender of it, not by a damn sight. You just happened to catch my attention at the right time.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Jason's Ultimatum said:
let's see what happens now that the plan gets discussed in the Rep/Dem caucuses first. i'd be shocked if the Rep side didn't delay things a bit to allow McCain to swoop in and claim some leadership victory.


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Askani said:
It's up to you. I just don't like divisive trash like that. I'm not saying you're the worst offender of it, not by a damn sight. You just happened to catch my attention at the right time.
I was certainly the loudest one in that group, but I also found out the truth on my own.

Let's just put all that shit behind us.
scorcho said:
let's see what happens now that the plan gets discussed in the Rep/Dem caucuses first. i'd be shocked if the Rep side didn't delay things a bit to allow McCain to swoop in and claim some leadership victory.
The ultimate irony is that McCain is claiming that his intervention is all about duty before politics, but in reality the introduction of a presidential candidate into the process politicizes it more than anything else possibly could.


Jason's Ultimatum said:

Does this mean the debate is on now? Didn't McCain say he'd show up tomorrow if they reach a settlement?


Zeliard said:
Does this mean the debate is on now? Didn't McCain say he'd show up tomorrow if they reach a settlement?

They will have to wake him first, and then see how he's doing. He has good days and bad days.


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CharlieDigital said:
INDENT tag? WTF? :lol when did we get this?


  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  • A
  • B
  • C

I'm over here!​
I'm over here!​
Gary Whitta said:
The ultimate irony is that McCain is claiming that his intervention is all about duty before politics, but in reality the introduction of a presidential candidate into the process politicizes it more than anything else possibly could.
Hogwash. He just understands that you don't always have to grandstand for votes. There are things out there more important than becoming president. At least one of our candidates is running an honorable campaign and focusing on the issues that ultimately matter.
Dodd said the agreement includes a crackdown on executive compensation, but it does not appear to have a bankruptcy provision, coveted by liberal Democrats, which would allow judges to restructure mortgages for people facing foreclosure.



RubxQub said:
I was certainly the loudest one in that group, but I also found out the truth on my own.

Let's just put all that shit behind us.

I agree to drop it, I just want to clarify something. I wasn't referring to the McCain/Fire thing, but to your post about only certain Americans can vote being the divisive thing.
Steve Youngblood said:
Hogwash. He just understands that you don't always have to grandstand for votes. There are things out there more important than becoming president. At least one of our candidates is running an honorable campaign and focusing on the issues that ultimately matter.
I agree. Obama is the only one running an honorable campaign

Anyway, can I get a avatar of Colbert in the afro?
Steve Youngblood said:
Hogwash. He just understands that you don't always have to grandstand for votes. There are things out there more important than becoming president. At least one of our candidates is running an honorable campaign and focusing on the issues that ultimately matter.
Your argument is predicated on the assumption that mccain suspending his campaign to return to Washington isn't grandstanding. But anyone with at least half a brain can see that it is.
More Palin Q&A:
PALIN: Every American student needs to come through this area so that, especially this younger generation of Americans is, to be in a position of never forgetting what happened here and never repeating, never allowing a repeat of what happened here. I wish every American would come through here. I wish every world leader would come through here, and understand what it is that took place here and more importantly how America came together and united to commit to never allowing this to happen again. And just to hear and from and see these good New Yorkers who are rebuilding not just this are but helping to rebuild america has been very, very inspiring and encouraging. These are the good americans who are committed to peace and security and its been an absolute honor getting to meet these folks today.

CNN: On the topic of never letting this happen again, do you agree with the way the Bush administration has handled the war on terrorism, is there anything you would do differently?

A: I agree with the Bush administration that we take the fight to them. We never again let them come onto our soil and try to destroy not only our democracy, but communities like the community of New York. Never again. So yes, I do agree with taking the fight to the terrorists and stopping them over there.

POLITICO: Do you think our presence in iraq and afghan and our continued presence there is inflaming islamic extremists?

A: I think our presence in iraq and afghanistan will lead to further security of our nation, again, because the mission is to take the fight over there. do not let them come over here and attempt again what they accomplished here, and that was some destruction. terrible destruction on that day. but since september 11, americans uniting and rebuilding and committing to never letting that happen again.

POLITICO: Do you support the reelection bids of embattled Alaska Republicans, Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens?

A: Ted Stevens trial started a couple days ago. We'll see where that goes.

POLITICO: Are you gong to vote for them?

[no answer.]

JERSEY JOURNAL: What do you think of bailout package before congress?

A: I don't support that until the provisions that Sen. McCain has offered are implemented in Paulson's proposals.


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Askani said:
I agree to drop it, I just want to clarify something. I wasn't referring to the McCain/Fire thing, but to your post about only certain Americans can vote being the divisive thing.
I firmly stand behind that point. Americans should not be allowed to vote if they aren't properly educated on the platforms of the candidates.

I've said it before, but a very easy question with an obvious answer would probably weed out 20% of the uninformed public.

I really don't like the idea that people who have no idea what's going on are able to vote and make a difference.


Steve Youngblood said:
Hogwash. He just understands that you don't always have to grandstand for votes. There are things out there more important than becoming president. At least one of our candidates is running an honorable campaign and focusing on the issues that ultimately matter.

"Obama, voting to teach 3rd graders about sex?"


Gary Whitta said:
Your argument is predicated on the assumption that mccain suspending his campaign to return to Washington isn't grandstanding. But anyone with at least half a brain can see that it is.

Not you too.
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