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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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New polls

NationalJournal: MI, NH, PA (9/18-22)

By Eric Dienstfrey

Allstate / National Journal
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews

Michigan 406 RF, 4.9%
Obama 47, McCain 39

New Hampshire 403 RV, 4.9%
Obama 44, McCain 43

Pennsylvania 406 RV, 4.9%
Obama 43, McCain 41


First tragedy, then farce.

I think it is a mistake to go after McCains war record. Look, we weren't there, we dont know what mistakes were made by McCain, but you have to admire anyone who did what he did as a POW. I can say for near certainty that if I were in his situation, and they tell me I can go, I go home.

What they did to John Kerry was sick and disgusting. Kerry was a war hero and served his country well, just like McCain.

I wasnt in the army and I never put myself in that kind of danger for my country, I'm not going to judge anyone who did.

There are plenty of reasons not to vote for McCain, but lets be better than the swiftboaters were. We can win this campaign without tearing down a man's honor.

Note: making fun of McCain answering every question with POW is fair game and just good fun.


RubxQub said:
I firmly stand behind that point. Americans should not be allowed to vote if they aren't properly educated on the platforms of the candidates.

I've said it before, but a very easy question with an obvious answer would probably weed out 20% of the uninformed public.

I really don't like the idea that people who have no idea what's going on are able to vote and make a difference.

Its kind of a moot point since there is no quantifiable way to come up with some "standard" for who is smart enough to vote. Who is educated about a certain person and who isn't. Who knows enough about some proposition and who doesn't.

I'd love to see someone try to set the bar about who can vote and who can't based on anything besides above a certain age and being an American citizen. It would be quite a show.


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Askani said:
Its kind of a moot point since there is no quantifiable way to come up with some "standard" for who is smart enough to vote. Who is educated about a certain person and who isn't. Who knows enough about some proposition and who doesn't.

I'd love to see someone try to set the bar about who can vote and who can't based on anything besides above a certain age and being an American citizen. It would be quite a show.
I agree that coming up with some proper question(s) would be next to impossible, but it's just a frustration of mine that people who don't deserve to vote are able to.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Askani said:
Its kind of a moot point since there is no quantifiable way to come up with some "standard" for who is smart enough to vote. Who is educated about a certain person and who isn't. Who knows enough about some proposition and who doesn't.

I'd love to see someone try to set the bar about who can vote and who can't based on anything besides above a certain age and being an American citizen. It would be quite a show.

A questionnaire to root out the truly fucking dense:

a) Is Obama a muslim?
b) Was Osama Bin Laden in Iraq?
c) Is John Kerry French?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Gary Whitta said:
Your argument is predicated on the assumption that mccain suspending his campaign to return to Washington isn't grandstanding. But anyone with at least half a brain can see that it is.

Steve Youngblood writes small, literal, "Modest Proposal" type screeds, that tiptoe between satire and lies. The best part is that he does it infrequently enough that somebody falls for it every other page.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
More like the people who fund their campaigns are against bailouts that gives the taxpayers equity in exchange for their money, and which restrict compensation for executives whose firms get to suckle from the teat.

Constituents haven't been as important as donors and lobbyists for a long, long time.
Very true


OuterWorldVoice said:
A questionnaire to root out the truly fucking dense:

a) Is Obama a muslim?
b) Was Osama Bin Laden in Iraq?
c) Is John Kerry French?

a) That's stupid. Of COURSE he is.

b) Yes, but he went into a cave there that exits into a bunch of countries all over the Middle East.

c) Fuck that frenchie.

I can has vote nao?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Askani said:
a) That's stupid. Of COURSE he is.

b) Yes, but he went into a cave there that exits into a bunch of countries all over the Middle East.

c) Fuck that frenchie.

I can has vote nao?

You can has a red state coupon.


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gkrykewy said:
Speculalawyer, can you please post your fiscal conservatism chart?

JERSEY JOURNAL: What do you think of bailout package before congress?

A: I don't support that until the provisions that Sen. McCain has offered are implemented in Paulson's proposals.

If the republicans win this election it will be a miracle.

Perfect opportunity right here to brief Palin on a good answer that at least sounded like it was coming from her own brain. Instead she opts for an easy answer that just makes her look like a shill for McCain? WTF?

A major theme the past few weeks has been her competence to be president if something were to happen to McCain and they just throw opportunities like this away. Which is fine with me.


Wow I know Tony Blankley is a partisan but good grief. Some choice quotes from his Washington Times op-ed.

The mainstream media have gone over the line and are now straight out propagandists for the Obama campaign.

The mainstream media ruthlessly and endlessly repeats any McCain gaffes, while ignoring Obama gaffes. You have to go to weird little Internet sites to see all the stammering and stuttering that Mr. Obama needs before getting out a sentence fragment or two. But all you see on the networks is an eventual one or two clear sentences from Mr. Obama. Nor do you see Mr. Obama's ludicrous gaffe that Iran is a tiny country and no threat to us. Nor his 57 American states gaffe. Nor his forgetting, if he ever knew, that Russia has a veto in the United Nations. Nor his whining and puerile "come on" when he is being challenged. This is the kind of editing one would expect from Goebbels' disciples, not Cronkite's.

The public image of Mr. Obama as an idealistic, post-race, post-partisan, well-spoken and honest young man with the wisdom and courage befitting a great national leader is a confection spun by a willing conspiracy of Mr. Obama, his publicist David Axelrod and most of the senior editors, producers and reporters of the national media.

The public will be voting based on the idealized image of the man who never was. If he wins, however, we will be governed by the sunken, cynical man Mr. Obama really is. One can only hope that the senior journalists will be judged as harshly for their professional misconduct as Wall Street's leaders currently are for their failings.


Funny he's never brought this up on Hardball. Republican talking heads are getting BITTER!

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
wayward archer said:
If the republicans win this election it will be a miracle.

Perfect opportunity right here to brief Palin on a good answer that at least sounded like it was coming from her own brain. Instead she opts for an easy answer that just makes her look like a shill for McCain? WTF?

A major theme the past few weeks has been her competence to be president if something were to happen to McCain and they just throw opportunities like this away. Which is fine with me.

This reminds me of a Batman Beyond episode where Rhas Al Ghul put his brain inside Talia Al Ghul's body to escape death. McCain will simply inhabit Palin's body once his frail shell is too weak to go on.


StoOgE said:

I think it is a mistake to go after McCains war record. Look, we weren't there, we dont know what mistakes were made by McCain, but you have to admire anyone who did what he did as a POW. I can say for near certainty that if I were in his situation, and they tell me I can go, I go home.

What they did to John Kerry was sick and disgusting. Kerry was a war hero and served his country well, just like McCain.

I wasnt in the army and I never put myself in that kind of danger for my country, I'm not going to judge anyone who did.

There are plenty of reasons not to vote for McCain, but lets be better than the swiftboaters were. We can win this campaign without tearing down a man's honor.

Note: making fun of McCain answering every question with POW is fair game and just good fun.
Personally, I'm not a fan of how the McCain camp is hiding behind his POW experience. True it does say something good about him that he did not leave when he had the opportunity to leave, but people that do good things can be assholes too.

Doing one good act doesn't automatically make you a good person and excuse you for any actions you might take in the future.

Kerry took the same approach last election and I didn't like it either.


OuterWorldVoice said:
You can has a red state coupon.

I'm in Missouri son. Political bellweather. Siding with the winner
except once
since 1904.

All joking aside, I am curious if we'll be a red or blue state this year.

EDIT: I'm guessing Red BTW since we've been pretty much McCain for quite awhile now AFAIK.
The fundamental paradox of all this "Country First" crap is driving me nuts.

How do people make statements like "McCain is once again putting what he is believes is right over politics" with a straight face?

If I have to hear another "I'd rather lose an election than a war" during the debates, I might break something.


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Askani said:
I'm in Missouri son. Political bellweather. Siding with the winner
except once
since 1904.

All joking aside, I am curious if we'll be a red or blue state this year.
Missouri will be red...and wrong in this election! :D


I can't believe

this tag works.​


On a serious note, I repeat once again that I hope you don't fuck this up, Americans. Your chance to gain some ground again, don't miss it.
Higgy said:
Wow I know Tony Blankley is a partisan but good grief. Some choice quotes from his Washington Times op-ed.


Funny he's never brought this up on Hardball. Republican talking heads are getting BITTER!
How about Tony Blankley gaffes . . . he repeats bullshit all the time. He pushed the 'China drilling off Florida coast' bullshit that even GOP senator Mel Martinez said was a lie.

Nor do you see Mr. Obama's ludicrous gaffe that Iran is a tiny country and no threat to us.
Iran isn't a threat to us. They are a threat to Israel but not us. When did conservative become such pussies and started fearing little pretty-much third world countries? Jeez, we face down the USSR . . . I guess since they are gone you need new enemies to fear?
Republicans had their jollies up when it came to Wright, Ayers, Rezko, but now that period is (hopefully) over. Now they're complaining about the media not being fair. :lol
COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We-- we do-- it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where-- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is-- from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to-- to our state.
just keeps coming...


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
PALIN: Every American student needs to come through this area so that, especially this younger generation of Americans is, to be in a position of never forgetting what happened here and never repeating, never allowing a repeat of what happened here. I wish every American would come through here. I wish every world leader would come through here, and understand what it is that took place here and more importantly how America came together and united to commit to never allowing this to happen again. And just to hear and from and see these good New Yorkers who are rebuilding not just this are but helping to rebuild america has been very, very inspiring and encouraging. These are the good americans who are committed to peace and security and its been an absolute honor getting to meet these folks today.

Whaaaat? I have played 8 bit RPGs that were more coherent than this...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ChoklitReign said:
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! McCain has some goddamn genius strategists, you gotta give him credit for that.

Dude that poll doesn't even account for the McCain stunt.


Incognito said:
Missouri's going blue this year. It's gonna be a nailbiter like 2006, though. We'll all be up waiting for St. Louis returns.

For sure. Since '98, some of my friends and I go to a bar and watch returns all night long and drink. It's surprisingly fun to hear all the cheers and boos when returns come in and/or the news outlets call states. All these close calls and seeing what happens in MO should make it a good time again.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Higgy said:
Funny he's never brought this up on Hardball. Republican talking heads are getting BITTER!

Because the party is coming to an end for them... and they don't know how to switch gears to become acceptable to a re-balance of the public's political spectrum.


COURIC: Recent polls have shown that a fifth of Americans can’t locate the US on a world map. Why do you think this is?

PALIN: I personally believe, that U.S. Americans, are unable to do so, because uh, some, people out there, in our nation don’t have maps. And uh… I believe that our education like such as in South Africa, and the Iraq, everywhere like such as… and, I believe they should uh, our education over here, in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us.

Stand-Ins, Naps Help Debate Preparation

To get in the debating mood, Republican John McCain will host a town-hall event and take a short nap. His rival, Democrat Barack Obama, will work out or shoot hoops.

Sen. Obama will spar for the debate with Greg Craig, a Washington lawyer and former official in the Clinton administration who is one of his few gray-haired advisers. A McCain spokeswoman declined to discuss who will practice with Sen. McCain.

After weeks of TV attack ads and prepared remarks on the stump, the candidates will face off on stage without teleprompters or advisers. With the presidential race in a near dead heat, neither candidate can afford a costly gaffe that sends his campaign into a tailspin. The nationally televised debates are set to begin on Friday and are certain to be among the most watched in history. Each campaign is seeking even the smallest advantage.

Obama advisers, for example, are considering how to provoke Sen. McCain into anger or showing what they say is how out of touch, or old, he is. Advisers have told Sen. McCain to watch out when Sen. Obama uses the phrase, "As I've said before..." One McCain adviser said it is used "when Obama actually changes his position, to pretend it's what he's always said."

Democratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden is preparing for the debate with his Republican rival, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, by practicing against another female governor, Jennifer Granholm of Michigan. The campaign selected Gov. Granholm, who like Gov. Palin is also a sports mom and former beauty-pageant winner, to make sure Sen. Biden doesn't comes across as sexist or superior. The McCain campaign is having some trouble finding the right person for Gov. Palin's practice sessions. Sen. Joe Lieberman was considered, but dropped for being insufficiently fiery and loquacious to do a good Biden impression.

The campaigns have haggled over whether the debaters should be seated or standing, as well as how much time the candidates have to respond.

Both sides wanted "to give as much information to the American people and get in as many questions as possible," said Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who represented Sen. McCain in the negotiations with Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, who represented Sen. Obama. "But we needed to agree on enough rules to be sure it didn't turn into a food fight."

Preparing Sen. Obama is Ron Klain, who assisted Sen. John Kerry and Vice President Al Gore in the debates during their failed presidential bids. Mr. Klain was played by Kevin Spacey in the movie "Recount," about the 2000 Florida vote debacle.

The McCain campaign has hired Brett O'Donnell, the debate coach who led Jerry Falwell's Liberty University to several national debate championships. He has critiqued all of Sen. McCain's debates, as well as those of Sen. Obama. His advice to Sen. McCain: stand up. Mr. O'Donnell told the campaign that Sen. McCain had his worst debates when he was seated. "Proximity can be a problem for McCain," one adviser said. "He'll take the bait and get sucked into fights."

When the Commission on Presidential Debates proposed a debate schedule that included two debates sitting at tables and one town-hall style, the McCain campaign wanted to have one with the candidates standing at lecterns. By contrast, Gov. Palin wanted to be seated during her debate, because she was more comfortable that way during her successful run for Alaska governor. Negotiators agreed the candidates will use a lectern.

The Obama campaign is saying that Sen. McCain is a more skillful debater. "In this first debate, John McCain has the home-field advantage with his expertise on foreign policy," said Anita Dunn, senior adviser to Sen. Obama. "McCain needs a knockout." A McCain adviser played down the need for his candidate to win the debate. The important test, this adviser said: Who will American viewers decide is better prepared to lead this country? "People will use John McCain as a touchstone," the adviser said. "Does Obama measure up to McCain?"

The first debate, on Friday, will be at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, where in 1962 the enrollment of James Meredith, its first African-American student, touched off a deadly riot. The debate commission had directed that this debate would cover domestic issues, but the two campaigns agreed to change it to foreign policy. Sen. McCain's advisers wanted to lead off with his strong suit, foreign policy. Sen. Obama's advisers wanted to have the last debate center on domestic issues, particularly the economy, which they believe will benefit their candidate. Also, some Obama advisers said they didn't want the issue of race "front and center" during a debate.

Another point of contention: the time allotted for the candidates to debate each other, rather than simply answer a moderator's questions. Sen. McCain, who prefers pithy, direct responses, wanted a structured format. On the other hand, Sen. Obama favored time for open-ended debate between the two men without intervention from the moderator.

The compromise: Each answer will last for nine minutes, two minutes for each candidate and five minutes for them to argue between themselves.

Here is some of what the advisers are telling their candidates, based on interviews with both campaigns:

To Sen. McCain: Don't be so "brutally honest" that you spell out what you don't know, such as the imploding economy. Don't let early jitters make you come off as "testy." Those superstitious tokens? Make sure they are handy so you aren't thrown if you can't find them. Don't overuse your favorite semantic crutch, "My friends."

To Sen. Obama: Don't be so thorough on giving pros and cons that you come off as the law professor you once were. Don't try sarcastic humor that can seem flip, as during one appearance when you said determining when life begins is "above my pay grade." Don't be so objective, or Zen-like, that you don't show your passion.

To Sen. Biden: Don't talk too much; it often is your effort to fill silence that can get you into trouble, such as last week when you praised Sen. Hillary Clinton and then went on to add that she would have been a better vice-presidential pick.

To Gov. Palin: Don't memorize talking points so that you give rote answers rather than showing your own personality and grasp of issues. Don't say that you can see Russia from parts of Alaska, which you did in your first media interview, which was spoofed by Tina Fey playing you on "Saturday Night Live."

The next presidential debates will be on Oct. 7 in Nashville, Tenn., and Oct. 15 in Hempstead, N.Y. The vice-presidential debate will be in St. Louis on Oct. 2.

Corrections & Amplifications: A spokeswoman for John McCain's campaign says Michael Steele will not participate in the presidential candidate's debate preparation. The initial version of this article said that Mr. Steele will play the part of Barack Obama in preparing Sen. McCain for the debates.


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PALIN: I personally believe, that U.S. Americans, are unable to do so, because uh, some, people out there, in our nation don’t have maps. And uh… I believe that our education like such as in South Africa, and the Iraq, everywhere like such as… and, I believe they should uh, our education over here, in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us.

This can't be real.


RubxQub said:

I wonder what the IT guys over at the Ventura County Star think of their political cartoon being linked to over 10,000 times per day referred from neogaf.com, whatever that is.
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