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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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The initial version of this article said that Mr. Steele will play the part of Barack Obama in preparing Sen. McCain for the debates.

All I can imagine Steele doing is some sort of over-the-top exaggeration. "Oh, look at me! I'm Barack Obama! I wanna give health care to terrorists!"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mamacint said:
Even worse!
The McCain campaign is having some trouble finding the right person for Gov. Palin's practice sessions. Sen. Joe Lieberman was considered, but dropped for being insufficiently fiery and loquacious to do a good Biden impression.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


How odd, everyone saying that a deal is close to being reached and agreed to on principle. McCain says he's talked to Boehner only so far. Boehner releases a statement to the press saying "no deal reached yet, or close, sorry!"



I just.... I just don't get how the McCain camp planned on handling Palin.

Did they plan on scripting every single one of her talking points leading to November?

I had no idea she was THIS bad. They hid her ignorance pretty well her first few weeks.


Tamanon said:
How odd, everyone saying that a deal is close to being reached and agreed to on principle. McCain says he's talked to Boehner only so far. Boehner releases a statement to the press saying "no deal reached yet, or close, sorry!"


He relented.


Boehner said:
House Minority Leader John A. Boehner , R-Ohio, bristled early in the day at suggestions a deal was at hand. “As I told our Conference this morning, there is no bipartisan deal at this time,” he said. “There may be a deal among some Democrats, but House Republicans are not a part of it.”

By midday, however, Boehner’s tone had moderated. “The Speaker and I have worked together to try and craft a bipartisan plan that will pass the House,” Boehner said.


Fatalah said:
I just.... I just don't get how the McCain camp planned on handling Palin.

Did they plan on scripting every single one of her talking points leading to November?

I had no idea she was THIS bad. They hid her ignorance pretty well her first few weeks.

Yeah, that's pretty much the case. They picked a clueless corrupt politician for a political move.
Boehner's grip on his minority has always been a very weak one, and his agreement to the bill shouldn't mean that the rest of the House GOP will follow along.


Fatalah said:
I just.... I just don't get how the McCain camp planned on handling Palin.

Did they plan on scripting every single one of her talking points leading to November?

I had no idea she was THIS bad. They hid her ignorance pretty well her first few weeks.

Exactly this. She comes off as the female Bush, no question.


BrandNew said:
Err....MSNBC just said Gallup had Obama +3....wasn't it tied like three pages ago?

They probably meant Rasmussen.

Anyway, the average dailies have +3 Obama. Pretty much unchanged since last week.
i wonder what they're going to do to stall the palin debate.

i'll give the mccain campaign a benefit of a doubt, but it's hard not to think that's what yesterdays bruhaha was really all about. she can't take on couric she sure as fuck couldn't take on biden. like i said, i'll give her a benefit of a doubt that she's willing and ready to do this, but right now i'm thinking they'll do anything they can to call off this thing.


ChoklitReign said:
Did anyone else see the CNN poll where 40% of Americans don't care about the debates? Wow.

Weren't they predicting 100 million viewers for tomorrow's debate (if it were to happen)?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Xisiqomelir said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

The amount of wrong is so high.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i wonder what they're going to do to stall the palin debate.

i'll give the mccain campaign a benefit of a doubt, but it's hard not to think that's what yesterdays bruhaha was really all about. she can't take on couric she sure as fuck couldn't take on biden. like i said, i'll give her a benefit of a doubt that she's willing and ready to do this, but right now i'm thinking they'll do anything they can to call off this thing.
They were considering it yesterday when they were gonna postpone tomorrow's debate. Now that the bill should get passed pretty soon, they'll probably have her fake an injury. Debate stalled PLUS sympathy votes. Unless it's found out to be a ruse.
Yeah I agree-they have GOT to be looking for a way to spin, stall, and prevent the Biden/Palin debate from ever happening. I think they are worried that a really poor debate performance-what she seems destined to give, judging from interviews so far-will further drive up her negatives in the swing states and drag down the ticket as a whole.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i wonder what they're going to do to stall the palin debate.

i'll give the mccain campaign a benefit of a doubt, but it's hard not to think that's what yesterdays bruhaha was really all about. she can't take on couric she sure as fuck couldn't take on biden. like i said, i'll give her a benefit of a doubt that she's willing and ready to do this, but right now i'm thinking they'll do anything they can to call off this thing.

Don't give them the benefit of anything. They didn't even suspend the campaign. Just this morning Pfotenhauer was on TV doing the same old campaigning, even doing foreign policy attacks on OBama. McCain still gave his speech to the Clinton group, he's not doing anything different. They just used "suspend" to get news coverage.


I'm not sure she could even do 'better than expected' when she's failing this hard already. For her to do better than expected, she'd pretty much have to string a sentence together at this point. :p

What an embarrassment to female politicians everywhere. Why didn't he pick Olympia Snowe instead?
Pakistani troops fire on US helicopters at border

KABUL, Afghanistan - Pakistani troops fired at American reconnaissance helicopters patrolling the Afghan-Pakistan border Thursday, heightening tensions as the U.S. steps up cross-border operations in a region known as a haven for Taliban and al-Qaida militants. Pakistan's president said only "flares" were fired.

Two American OH-58 reconnaissance helicopters, known as Kiowas, were on a routine afternoon patrol in the eastern province of Khost when they received small arms fire from a Pakistani border post, said Tech Sgt. Kevin Wallace, a U.S. military spokesman. There was no damage to aircraft or crew, officials said.

"They did not cross the border and they did not fire back," Wallace said.

The Pakistani military disputed that assertion, saying its troops fired warning shots when the two helicopters crossed over the border — and that the U.S. helicopters fired back.

"When the helicopters passed over our border post and were well within Paskitani territory, own security forces fires anticipatory warning shots. On this, the helicopters returned fire and flew back," a Pakistani military statement said.

In New York, Pakistan's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, said his military fired only "flares" at foreign helicopters that he claimed had strayed across the border from Afghanistan.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said his forces fired only as a way "to make sure that they know that they crossed the border line."

"Sometimes the border is so mixed that they don't realize they have crossed the border," he told reporters before he began a meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

The Pakistani military said the matter was "being resolved" in consultations between the army and the NATO force in Afghanistan. A NATO statement said the militaries were "working together to resolve the matter."

The U.S. has stepped up attacks on suspected militants in the frontier area, mostly by missiles fired from unmanned drones operating from Afghanistan. The incursions — especially a ground raid into South Waziristan by American commandos Sept. 3 — have angered many Pakistanis.

Pakistani army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said last week that Pakistani field commanders have previously tolerated international forces crossing a short way into Pakistan because of the ill-defined and contested nature of the mountainous frontier.

"But after the (Sept. 3) incident, the orders are clear," Abbas said. "In case it happens again in this form, that there is a very significant detection, which is very definite, no ambiguity, across the border, on ground or in the air: open fire."

On Wednesday, Pakistan's army said it had found the wreckage of a suspected surveillance drone in South Waziristan, but denied claims by Pakistani intelligence officials that troops and local people shot down the aircraft.

Abbas said Pakistan's military was awaiting a full report from Afghanistan on Thursday's shooting, but that Pakistani units had "very clear" orders not to fire across the border. "We are getting it investigated," he said.

In Washington, Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said the coalition immediately requested an explanation from Pakistan for what he described as a "troubling" incident.

"It would be fairly hard to mistake a helicopter flying in that region as anything but ISAF or U.S.," Whitman said.

He said the militants have always tried to exploit the border region.

"It's a challenge along the border and that's why we continue to look for ways to improve our coordination," Whitman said.

Asked how Pakistani forces could mistake U.S. helicopters for enemy forces — especially since Taliban and al-Qaida forces don't have aircraft — Whitman said: "Only Pakistan can articulate their intent."

Pakistani civilian leaders have condemned the cross-border operations by U.S. forces, which have been authorized by President Bush, while the army has vowed to defend Pakistan's territory "at all cost."

"We will not tolerate any act against our sovereignty and integrity in the name of the war against terrorism," Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told journalists Wednesday. "We are fighting extremism and terror not for any another country, but our own country. This is our own war."

Pakistan's tribal areas have become a breeding ground for Taliban and al-Qaida militants, who are launching attacks inside Pakistan but also across the border into Afghanistan, where the levels of violence have reached record heights since the ouster of the Taliban from power in the U.S.-led invasion in 2001.

More than 4,600 people — mostly militants — have died this year in insurgency-related violence in Afghanistan, and the levels of violence in the eastern Afghanistan are 30 percent higher compared to the same period last year, officials say.

In other violence, a remote-controlled bomb struck a police vehicle Wednesday in Spin Boldak district of Kandahar province, killing two officers, said provincial police chief Matiullah Khan.


AniHawk said:
They were considering it yesterday when they were gonna postpone tomorrow's debate. Now that the bill should get passed pretty soon, they'll probably have her fake an injury. Debate stalled PLUS sympathy votes. Unless it's found out to be a ruse.

Better, injury to the newborn is faked!


Fatalah said:
I just.... I just don't get how the McCain camp planned on handling Palin.

Did they plan on scripting every single one of her talking points leading to November?

I had no idea she was THIS bad. They hid her ignorance pretty well her first few weeks.
The thing about her (from what I've learned of her days as Gov.) is that her husband is basically her Cheney imo. He's this person that sits behind the scenes telling her what to do, which is crazy seeing as how he's not any type of elected official at all. If her previous "interviews" are any indication, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole McCain decision actually was all about postponing tomorrow's debate specifically so they can bump hers to 'an undetermined time." :lol


Fragamemnon said:
Boehner's grip on his minority has always been a very weak one, and his agreement to the bill shouldn't mean that the rest of the House GOP will follow along.

Not unless he turns on the waterworks and starts weeping.
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