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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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speculawyer said:
For those not familiar with the SF Examiner, it is free newspaper that mainly just carries AP articles and ads. It is not the main SF newspaper, the SF Chronicle is.

The SF Examiner gets tossed onto my driveway everyday and to me it is nothing but an annoying chore of having to pick it up and toss it in the recycle bin.
If Newsom was gonna do us a favor, don't stop at plastic bags and water bottles. Include the Examiner. It almost makes me feel bad for the conservatives that do reside in SF, that they are stuck with that intellectually bankrupt rag. But then, it's free so even they thought it unworthy of payment.

minor effort said:
Yeah. I get so fucking tired of picking up their garbage everyday. The streets are lined with them because nobody actually reads it.
Get on it Newsom.
COURIC: Why isn’t it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? ... Instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

PALIN: Ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions

(in her defense, "reducing" and "reductions" are technically two different words, but I think she needs a firmware upgrade)
Xisiqomelir said:

switched the inline to a link
Put Sarah's face in there and it is fine. :D


Bumblebeetuna said:
I don't know why people are even a little paranoid about that. He is in good health and is only 72. Cheney is running on Energizers, has had like 4 or 5 heart attacks IIRC and is only like 4 years younger and he has last all 8 years.

I'm always amazed when I see someone type "only 72", as if it weren't the median lifespan for men in America. And that's before you consider that most POW's have health problems from long stretches of torture and malnutrition, and that McCain has had cancer multiple times.

Can't imagine why anyone would be worried about his health.


Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah, and if the unthinkable did occur, it's not like it's going to happen on day 1. Palin's going to have plenty of time to stand by McCain's side and learn from one of the best politicians in Washington how to properly govern a nation. She already knows how to govern a state well, anyway.

"I said THANKS but NO THANKS!"

Deus Ex Machina said:
Bailout Deal Agreement Reached without McCain


Lawmakers from both parties in the House and Senate announced that they have a bailout deal that will pass both houses.

The deal was struck before McCain participated in any meetings on the bailout in Capitol Hill.

It's on.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Bailout Deal Agreement Reached without McCain


Lawmakers from both parties in the House and Senate announced that they have a bailout deal that will pass both houses.

The deal was struck before McCain participated in any meetings on the bailout in Capitol Hill.

PLEASE let McCain lie and say he was in Washington yesterday. I would laugh my ass off at him.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Deus Ex Machina said:
Bailout Deal Agreement Reached without McCain


Lawmakers from both parties in the House and Senate announced that they have a bailout deal that will pass both houses.

The deal was struck before McCain participated in any meetings on the bailout in Capitol Hill.
McCain looks like a benchwarmer rushing the field in his clean uniform exclaiming "We did it! We did it!".


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Boehner's lame attempt to prop up McCain seems to just be disintegrating. It will blow away by the end of the day leaving McCain back where he was.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
GhaleonEB said:
He will somehow take credit for it.
Republicans will feign relief that they didn't have to deal with the Maverick and say his coming and kicking their butts was inspiration to get an agreement.


Jonm1010 said:

Screw it, Im quoting myself as i think this is a pertinent topic and deserves some answers.


Dax01 said:
So I guess that means McCain will show up for the debate?

Probably, but now when he does poorly he has the excuse that he wasn't prepared because he was doing the work of the American people, damnit! Real Mavericks don't have time to prepare, they are too busy canceling on Letterman and saving America!
speculawyer said:
Typical funny O'Reilly . . . I loved how he was finger-pointing at the finger-pointers. :lol

That was actually probably one of the only things O'Reilly has said that I can actually listen to without cringing.


lawblob said:
Probably, but now when he does poorly he has the excuse that he wasn't prepared because he was doing the work of the American people, damnit! Real Mavericks don't have time to prepare, they are too busy canceling on Letterman and saving America!

nay, the world
Dax01 said:
So I guess that means McCain will show up for the debate?

My colleague Dan Reilly has this from McCain senior adviser Mark Salter:

Salter just walked out of McCain's office here in Russell and was asked if the debate was still on.

"We've got to see," was his response.


This is random, but I see smh and smfh around a lot, what the hell does that stand for??

SMH=shaking my head

SMFH=shaking my fucking head


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The whole "Russia is our next door neighbor...that's my foreign policy experience" argument isn't going to hold up in a debate. Hell, it doesn't even hold up during softball interviews. I'm sorry, but shit like that would get torn up by a high school debate team with ease. Do they really think veteran politicians can't see through it? The first time I heard it, I couldn't even believe my ears.

So the debates should go on as planned? Excellent.
Fjolle said:
Thats just awful.. If they win i'm voulenteering to be the first to colonize Mars.

This man, and I, agree with you.

And if you need more reason, see this:
Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1

I don't want to derail anything, but if somebody could give me a non-paranoid way to interpret the article above, I'd be pretty damn appreciative.


Gary Whitta said:
I switched to MSNBC the moment he came on.

He's the worst when he has his sleeves rolled up, in some vain attempt to invoke Sevareid-like gravitas.

I did enjoy it when they waterboarded him, though.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
besada said:
I hate Rick Sanchez with a hate so pure and beautiful that it makes Jesus cry.
Same here, I've just stopped watching CNN when he's on. Bring back Don Lemon.
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