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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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AniHawk said:
I'm not sure she could even do 'better than expected' when she's failing this hard already. For her to do better than expected, she'd pretty much have to string a sentence together at this point. :p

What an embarrassment to female politicians everywhere. Why didn't he pick Olympia Snowe instead?
Isn't Snowe quite pro-choice?


BobLoblaw said:
The thing about her (from what I've learned of her days as Gov.) is that her husband is basically her Cheney imo. He's this person that sits behind the scenes telling her what to do, which is crazy seeing as how he's not any type of elected official at all. If her previous "interviews" are any indication, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole McCain decision actually was all about postponing tomorrow's debate specifically so they can bump hers to 'an undetermined time." :lol

So like...ya gotta wonder if she's been separated from her hubby too long the last few weeks.

BTW--I agree, take down that photo of Palin's daughter.
Xisiqomelir said:
Anihawk back in the saddle and showing Steve Youngblood how it's done :lol
Well, it was a fun ride. Time to tuck my tail between my legs and go back to being a straight-laced Obama supporter.

Did you guys see Gallup? Man, Obama's seriously losing it out there. He clearly needs to go negative and call McCain out on all his crap! The media isn't going to do it for him! Also, the Clintons aren't doing enough to help him!


WTF I just watched that Russia clip? THAT WAS AWFUL. That was seriously her worst answer yet.

And yeah it seems all the experienced female candidates, or the smart ones are all pro-choice. I know KBH is also.


Father_Brain said:
Clip from the foreign policy part of the Couric interview. She actually defends the proximity-to-Russia talking point. :lol



AniHawk said:
PALIN: I personally believe, that U.S. Americans, are unable to do so, because uh, some, people out there, in our nation don’t have maps. And uh… I believe that our education like such as in South Africa, and the Iraq, everywhere like such as… and, I believe they should uh, our education over here, in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us.
If you read it aloud, it's impossible not to have the image of Miss Teen South Carolina...right down to the phrase "US Americans"...just holy wow...


3rdman said:
If you read it aloud, it's impossible not to have the image of Miss Teen South Carolina...right down to the phrase "US Americans"...just holy wow...

Um....that's because it is Miss Teen South Carolina.:p


speculawyer said:
Aww, that ain't right. Take that down.


switched the inline to a link


Steve Youngblood said:
Well, it was a fun ride. Time to tuck my tail between my legs and go back to being a straight-laced Obama supporter.

Did you guys see Gallup? Man, Obama's seriously losing it out there. He clearly needs to go negative and call McCain out on all his crap! The media isn't going to do it for him! Also, the Clintons aren't doing enough to help him!
Hmm... I wonder why that is.... :D
Father_Brain said:
Clip from the foreign policy part of the Couric interview. She actually defends the proximity-to-Russia talking point. :lol
WTF was she thinking?

She should have dodged the question and started talking about something else. Politics 101.

It was a weak statement she should have just moved on . . . try to defend it was a really bad idea.

I'm surprised she won the Governorship with such weak skills. I guess she won the GOP primary by being the not-corrupt person and then won the election by thing the GOP candidate in a very red state.


Zomg Couric saved Palin's ass. If she'd hadn't kept interjecting with more specific questions it could have gone to ten minutes of "ermmm ah... rmmmm"


Fuuuck, my laptop charger is dead, GAF, and all day I am forced to sit in my classes with pen & paper taking notes like something out of Little House on the Prairie. I only have a few minutes in the computer lab, what have I missed this afternoon??


Steve Youngblood said:
Well, it was a fun ride. Time to tuck my tail between my legs and go back to being a straight-laced Obama supporter.

Did you guys see Gallup? Man, Obama's seriously losing it out there. He clearly needs to go negative and call McCain out on all his crap! The media isn't going to do it for him! Also, the Clintons aren't doing enough to help him!

We already have artredis1980 doing this style though, and he's deadly serious, which pretty much can't be topped.

Do more Detective Chimp posts!
AniHawk said:
What an embarrassment to female politicians everywhere. Why didn't he pick Olympia Snowe instead?
I think it's safe to say that he's asking himself the same (or a similar) question at this point.

Play to the fundies and SOMEBODY gets fucked.
Tamanon said:
WTF I just watched that Russia clip? THAT WAS AWFUL. That was seriously her worst answer yet.

And yeah it seems all the experienced female candidates, or the smart ones are all pro-choice. I know KBH is also.

Marsha Blackburn in the House is a rising star within the GOP and would have been a better pick all-around than Palin was, in my estimation, if they had to have a woman on the ticket.
Fragamemnon said:
Marsha Blackburn in the House is a rising star within the GOP and would have been a better pick all-around than Palin was, in my estimation, if they had to have a woman on the ticket.
Kay Baily Hutchison, Liddy Dole . . . but they didn't want it to be the old people ticket.


speculawyer said:
Kay Baily Hutchison, Liddy Dole . . . but they didn't want it to be the old people ticket.

Liddy Dole probably wouldn't be a good pick, she's most likely going to lose her race here also.
Palin Prepared to Battle Witches in White House

MSNBC said:
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A grainy YouTube video surfaced Wednesday showing Sarah Palin being blessed in her hometown church three years ago by a Kenyan pastor who prayed for her protection from "witchcraft" as she prepared to seek higher office.

The video shows Palin, the Republican vice presidential candidate, standing before Bishop Thomas Muthee in the pulpit of the Wasilla Assembly of God church, holding her hands open as he asked Jesus Christ to keep her safe from "every form of witchcraft."

"Come on, talk to God about this woman. We declare, save her from Satan," Muthee said as two attendants placed their hands on Palin's shoulders. "Make her way my God. Bring finances her way even for the campaign in the name of Jesus...Use her to turn this nation the other way around."

Palin filed campaign papers a few months later, in October 2005, and was elected governor the next year.

Palin does not say anything on the video and keeps her head bowed throughout the blessing. The Republican vice presidential candidate was baptized at the church but stopped attending regularly in 2002.

A spokesman for the McCain campaign declined to comment. A person who answered the phone at the Wasilla church confirmed the video was from May 2005 but declined further comment.

Palin was baptized Roman Catholic as a newborn.


gkrykewy said:
But a McCain win removes all doubt that there is no god.
You're doing it wrong - a McCain win 100% proves that there is God, and God is a vengeful deity on a mission to bring rapture to the world.

So basically a McCain win = rapture = Evangelicals were right all along.
tak said:
If McCain wins, I'm going to be praying very, very hard that he doesn't die.

I don't know why people are even a little paranoid about that. He is in good health and is only 72. Cheney is running on Energizers, has had like 4 or 5 heart attacks IIRC and is only like 4 years younger and he has last all 8 years.
Bumblebeetuna said:
I don't know why people are even a little paranoid about that. He is in good health and is only 72. Cheney is running on Energizers, has had like 4 or 5 heart attacks IIRC and is only like 4 years younger and he has last all 8 years.
He's had cancer 4 times.


Bumblebeetuna said:
I don't know why people are even a little paranoid about that. He is in good health and is only 72. Cheney is running on Energizers, has had like 4 or 5 heart attacks IIRC and is only like 4 years younger and he has last all 8 years.

It's the obvious early-stage dementia - I think he's in the midst of a continuous four-year stroke.
Bumblebeetuna said:
I don't know why people are even a little paranoid about that. He is in good health and is only 72. Cheney is running on Energizers, has had like 4 or 5 heart attacks IIRC and is only like 4 years younger and he has last all 8 years.
Yeah, and if the unthinkable did occur, it's not like it's going to happen on day 1. Palin's going to have plenty of time to stand by McCain's side and learn from one of the best politicians in Washington how to properly govern a nation. She already knows how to govern a state well, anyway.
speculawyer said:
For those not familiar with the SF Examiner, it is free newspaper that mainly just carries AP articles and ads. It is not the main SF newspaper, the SF Chronicle is.

The SF Examiner gets tossed onto my driveway everyday and to me it is nothing but an annoying chore of having to pick it up and toss it in the recycle bin.

Yeah. I get so fucking tired of picking up their garbage everyday. The streets are lined with them because nobody actually reads it.


Has anyone posted this yet?


from the article said:
State, counties grapple to register many new voters

Aaron Deslatte and Mary Shanklin | Sentinel Staff Writers
September 25, 2008

TALLAHASSEE - On the eve of a potentially historic presidential election, Florida's elections office says it has been swamped by thousands of would-be voters and needs counties statewide to help handle the flood.

"In the last 10 days, we have received an unusually high volume of voter registration applications," state Division of Elections Director Donald Palmer wrote in an e-mail to Florida's 67 election supervisors Wednesday.

Despite hiring an extra 25 staffers, Palmer wrote, the agency can't handle the volume -- it received 25,000 new registrations in one day this week -- and "will need to forward many of these applications to the counties of registrants to ensure they are timely processed."

The move comes as both presidential campaigns stepped up their interest in Florida's registration efforts and Republicans accused a local voter-registration group of "quasi-criminal" actions because of mistakes on two forms submitted to Seminole County.

The state's voter rolls have swelled by more than 476,000, to 10.74 million voters, since the start of the year. More than 89,000 new registrations were processed in August alone, and registered Democrats now exceed Republicans by 500,000 -- 4.45 million compared with 3.95 million.

But many county election supervisors were annoyed Wednesday that the state was asking them to try to help process the voter applications.

"They're trying to push down on us the work they should have been doing all along," said Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall.

Before 2006, when the responsibility for maintaining the state's voter-registration file was transferred to the state, county supervisors maintained their own voter-registration lists. Critics say the state is unprepared to handle the deluge of new interest sparked in a presidential election cycle.

"They tried to have one staff in Tallahassee take over what 67 staffs around the state were doing," said Leon County Elections Supervisor Ion Sancho, who said his office received 2,000 applications in one day this week and doesn't have the time to help the state. "They can't handle the load they've gotten. But every county in the state is going to be slammed, too, with voter registrations -- so good luck."

Orange County Supervisor of Elections Bill Cowles said his office is prepared to take on some of the state's work before the Oct. 6 registration deadline.

"This is not the first time they got overwhelmed," he said, adding that "ultimately they're going to be Orange County voters that have to be entered in our rolls."

Seminole County Supervisor of Elections Michael Ertel said his office will have to "staff up" or pay overtime to get the extra work done.

"If they say they have 25,000 registrations from around the state, that doesn't mean a whole lot to me," McFall said. "We had 3,000 from Bethune-Cookman on Friday alone" -- in advance of an appearance at the university Saturday by Democrat nominee Barack Obama.

The state's new "No match, no vote" law requires that new voters provide drivers license or Social Security number information, increasing the likelihood for error on the application, she said.

The late-season surge comes as the Obama campaign launched a new voter-registration drive on college campuses across the state. On Saturday, candidate spouses Michelle Obama and Jill Biden will do the same at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee.

Meanwhile, Republican National Committee officials lashed out at a group that helps register primarily poor, urban minorities because Seminole County reported that two applicants on forms submitted by the group said they did not fill out the applications. Ertel said he has notified 50 other applicants of possible irregularities and that five have come forward so far to correct their forms.

RNC spokesman Danny Diaz accused the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, of being aligned with Obama's campaign and "engaged in a systemic effort to undermine our election system" across the country. General Counsel Sean Cairncross called ACORN a "quasi-criminal" outfit that has been sanctioned in other states during past elections.

"They're trying to create an atmosphere of confusion at the polls . . . and break down election administration procedures," he said.

ACORN officials said they've submitted 135,000 voter registration cards in Florida and promised "decisive and appropriate action" against anyone submitting phony applications -- including firing one worker. ACORN's Florida director, Brian Hettenring, dismissed the Republicans' remarks.

"They're scared as hell of these new voters," he said.
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