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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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testicles on a cold fall morning
Jonm1010 said:
Screw it, Im quoting myself as i think this is a pertinent topic and deserves some answers.
easy - Freddie and Fannie aren't responsible for the mess before us and only followed the free market's lead in reducing lending standards when it was already too late. both GSEs also have shit to do with securitization.


Clothed, sober, cooperative

Obama takes lead in North Carolina

Barack Obama has a two-point advantage over John McCain in the traditionally Republican state of North Carolina.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the Tar Heel State shows Obama attracting 49% of the vote while McCain earns 47%. A week ago, McCain held a three-point edge. This is the first time in eight Rasmussen Reports polls that Obama has held any kind of a lead in North Carolina, though the candidates were tied once as well.
besada said:
I hate Rick Sanchez with a hate so pure and beautiful that it makes Jesus cry.

Rick Sanchez is an awesomely bad anchor.

Hey let me just check my twitter feed, so I can talk to THE PEOPLE. These are YOUR comments. Alright, now I'm facebookin' it up here, really finding out YOUR THOUGHTS. Cuz that's how we do it here at CNN. Always in touch with THE PEOPLE. Twitter twitter aw sooky sooky now.

slight exaggeration


soul creator said:
Rick Sanchez is an awesomely bad anchor.

Hey let me just check my twitter feed, so I can talk to THE PEOPLE. These are YOUR comments. Alright, now I'm facebookin' it up here, really finding out YOUR THOUGHTS. Cuz that's how we do it here at CNN. Always in touch with THE PEOPLE. Twitter twitter aw sooky sooky now.

slight exaggeration
:lol :lol :lol its exactly like that too. I watched for a while one day (dunno why) and all that social technology talk was such bullshit. He ended up reading like two "comments" for the entire hour. Cutting edge!!!
scorcho said:
  • postpone debate.
  • reschedule foreign policy debate to be held in place of the VP debate.
  • Palin gets to nap.

Makes sense but you'd think that plan would have gone out the window the minute the debate commission stated the debate wasn't gonna be canceled. If he doesn't show up tomorrow there's no way he can influence what happens on Oct. 2nd. Unless of course Palin decides not to show up


AniHawk said:
So as CO goes out of play, NC comes into play. So good.
I became optimistic about North Carolina when we started looking at the registration numbers a month ago, but I'm still surprised the polls have closed down so hard.


Y2Kev said:
I want Obama not to budge an inch on the VP debate.
Obama said he wouldn't budge on this one even if McCain didn't show up. I don't see Biden giving against Palin. I mean, what's her excuse? Besides the obvious.


testicles on a cold fall morning
I'm the eternal skeptic. I ain't believing NC flipping over to blue till I see the results on Election Day.
besada said:
I'm always amazed when I see someone type "only 72", as if it weren't the median lifespan for men in America. And that's before you consider that most POW's have health problems from long stretches of torture and malnutrition, and that McCain has had cancer multiple times.

Can't imagine why anyone would be worried about his health.

We aren't talking about the typical American males, we are talking about US Presidents, who have unparalleled access to medical treatment and constant health supervision. You go back over 80 years in US history and only 4 Presidents have died before the age of 76, when McCain's term would be up if elected.

Johnson, 64: Chain smoker, died because he had multiple heart attacks and refused to change his lifestyle.

Kennedy, 46: Bullet to the head.

F. Roosevelt, 63: Stroke brought about by circulatory problems and heart problems. Was paralyzed from the waist down the last 3rd of his life, contributing to his death.

Coolidge: Dead at 60 in 1933. Seems to be the only guy who died naturally without another contributing factor (recklessness, assassination, bizarre illness).

He has had 4 melanomas removed, only one of which was invasive, and that one hadn't spread. He is constantly monitored and gets more than the regular amount of check ups to monitor that situation. Not even an issue.

I'm not saying something couldn't happen and he won't keel over some time in the next 4 years or even the next 4 months. But I've seen people talk as if he is guaranteed to die in office or something.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Thought of the Day:

I'm still not sure how McCain suspended his campaign while his surrogates are still making the rounds on talk shows hewing to talking points and partisan attacks.


gkrykewy said:

VA's been in play for a while. And actually, I think that one's slowly going out of play. So if parts of Maine and all of New Hampshire turn their backs, Virginia might just come through.
soul creator said:
Rick Sanchez is an awesomely bad anchor.

Hey let me just check my twitter feed, so I can talk to THE PEOPLE. These are YOUR comments. Alright, now I'm facebookin' it up here, really finding out YOUR THOUGHTS. Cuz that's how we do it here at CNN. Always in touch with THE PEOPLE. Twitter twitter aw sooky sooky now.

slight exaggeration

Oh shit, that guy?!?

I knew the name sounded familiar and that I should probably hate him too, but now I know why.

Jesus that guy is irritating.
gkrykewy said:
McCain taking questions on how he contributed would be sensational. I can see bailouts from my house!

To be fair, he undoubtedly (albiet not something needed to do in person) whipped the GOP House into submission. But he did not need to suspend his campaign to do so.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
scorcho said:
Thought of the Day:

I'm still not sure how McCain suspended his campaign while his surrogates are still making the rounds on talk shows hewing to talking points and partisan attacks.
Plus ads were still airing.
scorcho said:
I'm the eternal skeptic. I ain't believing NC flipping over to blue till I see the results on Election Day.
I don't believe it either . . . but that poll result is still awesome since it will probably cause McCain to have to shift some resources into that state. He'll have to blow valuable money fighting in what was once a safe red state.


scorcho said:
Thought of the Day:

I'm still not sure how McCain suspended his campaign while his surrogates are still making the rounds on talk shows hewing to talking points and partisan attacks.
The Huffington Post called 15 McCain campaign headquarters in various battleground states and could not find a single one that said that it was suspending its operations.

Basically, "suspending the campaign" is a fancy way of saying McCain was taking a day to come to DC. Nothing more. It's puffed up to make him look like it's a big sacrifice to show up for a day.

The kind of sacrifice he made when he was a POW.


Nabs said:

Pretty much. I've really checked my anger throughout all this despite moving to a new neighborhood in Jersey and my daughter making friends with a girl in her class who lives across the street and whose parents just happen to have a "McCain-Palin '08" yard sign displayed prominently and proudly on their front lawn.

I met them a couple of times and kept it strictly non-political and it's gonna have to stay that way lest I ram my car through their front porch.


scorcho said:
Thought of the Day:

I'm still not sure how McCain suspended his campaign while his surrogates are still making the rounds on talk shows hewing to talking points and partisan attacks.

The DNC flack on MSNBC just made that exact point. Saying that McCain didn't suspend anything at all.
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