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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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artredis1980 said:
oh shit


yay for tea and comfy chairs

I've done crisis management meetings, where the fuck are the half-empty pizza boxes, heavily scribbled whiteboard, and huge piles of papers.
Judderman said:

Seeing Obama there all I can imagine is the following,

McCain: Oh, MAN can you believe that walk? It was like eighteen miles! And raining! And sooo cold. But I'll tell you, I feel stronger for it. How about you?
Obama: I drove.


Has this been posted here yet? Ugh. Can someone please send Bill on a fishing trip until mid-November?


Bill Clinton lavishes praise on McCain
Posted: 04:00 PM ET

(CNN) – Bill Clinton has long pointed out he has enjoyed a good relationship with John McCain, but for a moment the former president almost sounded like a surrogate for the Republican presidential nominee Thursday morning.

Appearing on ABC's Good Morning America, Clinton said McCain's move to suspend his campaign and request a delay in the first presidential debate was a move done in "good faith," rather than as a stunt to halt falling poll numbers as several Democrats have alleged.

"I presume he did that in good faith since I know he wanted — I remember he asked for more debates to go all around the country and so I don't think we ought to overly parse that," Clinton said, sounding a familiar McCain Campaign talking point.

A few hours later Clinton lavished praise on McCain as he introduced him at the Clinton Global Initiative forum, saying Republican presidential nominee had taken the lead in his party when it comes to climate change.

"When most people in his party were thinking that global warming was overstated and maybe even a myth — he decided to look into it," he said.

The former president also described the two trips that McCain took with his wife Hillary Clinton, “the junior senator from New York," to look into the issue.

But Clinton has also been effusive in his praise for Obama in recent days, telling CBS earlier this week the Illinois senator is better-suited than McCain to bring the country out of the economic crisis.

Clinton's praise of McCain also came days after he told CNN's Larry King Live he was looking forward to campaigning on behalf of Barack Obama, but was not planning on "dumping" on McCain.


The Experiment said:
Because people think that suspending the campaign was a bold move to fix the economy. McCain is a man of action.
That, and they don't realize that he plays no part in the committee brokering the bill. They just see "McCain is focusing on fixing the economy." And they think that's a very good move! Ignorance of the process (which is rampant) leads to that being seen as a positive move.


Fragamemnon said:
yay for tea and comfy chairs

I've done crisis management meetings, where the fuck are the half-empty pizza boxes, heavily scribbled whiteboard, and huge piles of papers.

Also way too many ties on for a true crisis.
VALIS said:
Has this been posted here yet? UGH! Can someone please send Bill on a fishing trip until mid-November?
I heard Bill is going on the stump for Obama soon. Hopefully he will go to small towns and all will be right with the world. So chill.


What the fuck, why are they trying to force Obama in this, it smells.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Fragamemnon said:
not even close. getting the GOP to sign up for this such that there is a 'majority if the minority' is going to be very difficult.

No it isn't.
RumpledForeskin said:
That just shows how fiscally conservative replubicans are. Look at that lavish banner the dems have, the printed t-shirts, and little flags everywhere, SPEND SPEND SPEND is all the dems have on their minds.

or maybe democrats are more successful in life and can afford stuff after getting proper good education
RumpledForeskin said:
That just shows how fiscally conservative replubicans are. Look at that lavish banner the dems have, the printed t-shirts, and little flags everywhere, SPEND SPEND SPEND is all the dems have on their minds.

:lol :lol :lol

artredis1980 said:
joke post?

that's the beauty of it.

artredis1980 said:
or maybe democrats are more successful in life and can afford stuff after getting proper good education

like 7 homes?
RapeApe said:


Wow these are some scorn bitches. Trying to get dude in trouble for repping Obama and lowering gas prices.
[QUOTE="BuckyKatt" from that stupid forum]Detroit whose most populated suburb is Dearborn(istan). Highest Hezbollah population in the US.

What does this tell you?

People are going for cheaper gas, not the sign...but then the radicals of Muslims LOVE Obama.


dabbled in the jelly
Anyone else tired of these aristocratic fat kats sitting back sipping chocolate chauds ruining this country and subsequently the world? I mean 700 Billion? I say we take that money out of their asses. It's like they're trying to bankrupt the economy with the politicians in both their left and right pockets.


Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah, like food that they acquired with food stamps thanks to their precious socialist programs.

Because people who can't afford food should die in the street, without any help from society whatsoever.
RumpledForeskin said:
That just shows how fiscally conservative replubicans are.
Only fiscally conservative when it is their money . . . when it is the tax-payers money it is a war here, a wall-street bail-out there, a no-bid contract to my crony pal, etc.
KTallguy said:
Because people who can't afford food should die in the street, without any help from society whatsoever.
I just think it's completely unfair when I have to think twice about whether or not I can afford my golf club membership this year all because my tax dollars are going to support someone who obviously does not know the value of hard work.


CharlieDigital said:
This is like the exact opposite of what I would expect to see in Texas. So weird.

Here in Houston its ALMOST fifty/fifty between Dem and Gop supporters. GOP still have upper hand but probably not for long.

Our mayor is a Dem.


Steve Youngblood said:
I just think it's completely unfair when I have to think twice about whether or not I can afford my golf club membership this year all because my tax dollars are going to support someone who obviously does not know the value of hard work.
:lol :lol
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