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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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See? THIS is why Mccain should not have gone to Washington for his silly little ploy. Now it's not about what's best for the country (a bail out isn't it anyway) but now it's become political showmanship.
slow day at the office, apropos of nothing in particular:

PhoenixDark said:
Uh, no he's not

It's a good point. The NY Times broke that Davis story late in the evening a couple nights ago. It should have been the opening story of yesterday, but instead McCain totally changed the narrative. Same with the Palin interview. Two things that we should be talking about, buried under his exaggerated power play.

But I think in the long term he's setting himself up for failure: not showing up to a debate is purely unacceptable

PS. Ben smith is pro-mccain

how has he shown he cares about the economy when Ben himiself says he did this to stop the bad stories from being shown


ronito said:
See? THIS is why Mccain should not have gone to Washington for his silly little ploy. Now it's not about what's best for the country (a bail out isn't it anyway) but now it's become political showmanship.

May I remind you, ronito, that for five and a half years McCain wasn't allowed to make silly little ploys.
artredis1980 said:
PS. Ben smith is pro-mccain

how has he shown he cares about the economy when Ben himiself says he did this to stop the bad stories from being shown

Why do you keep saying that when you have no evidence? I know he preferred Hillary over Obama - that doesn't make him pro-McCain. I don't like your attitude dude, seriously. Change it


kkaabboomm said:
anyone want to take me up on my 1 week ban bet as to if McCain will show up and debate tomorrow night? I say he will...loser gets the 1 week ban, which happens to go through the VP debate timeslot too, for added suffering
I'll take you up on that bet, something tells me McCain will be a no show. But I'm no one special, maybe you want a big GAF name?


PhoenixDark said:
Why do you keep saying that when you have no evidence? I know he preferred Hillary over Obama - that doesn't make him pro-McCain. I don't like your attitude dude, seriously. Change it

The hell? :lol
McCain went to washington and killed the deal. That loud flusing sound is america's 401ks. His party needed his political cover and he wouldn't give it.


If McCain made this big stink about going to Washington to fix things and he killed the deal, I hope he's MURDERED in the press for it.
Fragamemnon said:
McCain went to washington and killed the deal. That loud flusing sound is america's 401ks. His party needed his political cover and he wouldn't give it.

hold on, do we know this? It seems like the most plausible explanation but holy shit


artredis: We're simply saying it was a clever political move - that worked. Not that we agree with it.

And Ben Smith isn't pro-McCain.
Tamanon said:
If McCain made this big stink about going to Washington to fix things and he killed the deal, I hope he's MURDERED in the press for it.
Murdered? More like lauded for cutting through the bullshit and putting an end to a lousy plan.


Steve Youngblood said:
Murdered? More like lauded for cutting through the bullshit and putting an end to a lousy plan.

Oh I'm not talking about the deal itself. But saying stuff like "We could slide into a Depression by Monday if this isn't passed" and then killing it would be idiotic:p
Josh Marshall :lol

According to this report, Obama advisor Robert Gibbs says he believes that John McCain will show up for the debate tomorrow night in Mississippi. But drawing on my own experience, I think that the encouragement and support of people close to McCain could be critical in giving him the kind of safe emotional space that would make it possible for him to come.

Those of you who've read the site for a long time probably remember that I long struggled with a crippling fear of air travel, one which I've now largely, but by no means entirely, overcome. And I know for me, when facing that kind of fear, it really helped having people close to me giving me the strength to overcome my fears.

And I think it can be the same thing with McCain.

My question is, who does McCain need with him today to give him the courage to head down South and debate Obama? Any thoughts? Who can be McCain's support team?
Tamanon said:
Oh I'm not talking about the deal itself. But saying stuff like "We could slide into a Depression by Monday if this isn't passed" and then killing it would be idiotic:p

No, it would be smart.

Sadly, it will probably get through in the installment plan, despite overwhelming public response to the contrary.
Tamanon said:
Oh I'm not talking about the deal itself. But saying stuff like "We could slide into a Depression by Monday if this isn't passed" and then killing it would be idiotic:p
Understood. I'm flying at the seat of my pants with my spin here.


Steve Youngblood said:
Understood. I'm flying at the seat of my pants with my spin here.

I think you failed to take into account just how much of a maverick John McCain is. He's not afraid to go against his own televised words from scant days ago so long as it will help our blessed United States of America. Country First.


"John McCain’s press lead has just told reporters in the traveling press that the campaign will be leaving Washington in the morning. Details to come tonight – and, at the moment, destination unknown."
syllogism said:
"John McCain’s press lead has just told reporters in the traveling press that the campaign will be leaving Washington in the morning. Details to come tonight – and, at the moment, destination unknown."
They're just trying to keep the focus on them up until the debate.


syllogism said:
"John McCain’s press lead has just told reporters in the traveling press that the campaign will be leaving Washington in the morning. Details to come tonight – and, at the moment, destination unknown."

Boy, good thing he came.


syllogism said:
"John McCain’s press lead has just told reporters in the traveling press that the campaign will be leaving Washington in the morning. Details to come tonight – and, at the moment, destination unknown."

:lol He's gotta go do interviews!


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
syllogism said:
"John McCain’s press lead has just told reporters in the traveling press that the campaign will be leaving Washington in the morning. Details to come tonight – and, at the moment, destination unknown."
Alright, so he was in Washington for about....26 hours, tops?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
syllogism said:
"John McCain’s press lead has just told reporters in the traveling press that the campaign will be leaving Washington in the morning. Details to come tonight – and, at the moment, destination unknown."

A source? McCain said he was suspending his campaign to work in Washington with congressional leaders. If he leaves Washington for any reason, it has to be for the debate.

Sounds like this will be the campaign suspension that never happened.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
ZealousD said:
A source? McCain said he was suspending his campaign to work in Washington with congressional leaders. If he leaves Washington for any reason, it has to be for the debate.

Sounds like this will be the campaign suspension that never happened.
Seriously, what did he stop? Ads are still running, surrogates our on the shows, he's stumping at fundraisers. I mean, wtf.
syllogism said:
"John McCain’s press lead has just told reporters in the traveling press that the campaign will be leaving Washington in the morning. Details to come tonight – and, at the moment, destination unknown."

Anybody want to take the time to Photoshop McCain into the end credits of The Incredible Hulk TV Show? That was my first thought when I read this.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Seriously, what did he stop? Ads are still running, surrogates our on the shows, he's stumping at fundraisers. I mean, wtf.

Well he blew off Letterman to speak with Couric!

That seems to be the only thing impacted by him "suspending" his campaign.
ZealousD said:
A source? McCain said he was suspending his campaign to work in Washington with congressional leaders. If he leaves Washington for any reason, it has to be for the debate.

Sounds like this will be the campaign suspension that never happened.

he'll probably come right back and act like nothing happened.

the greatest trick McCain ever pulled was convincing the world that his campaign was never suspended!
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