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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Come on guys, Zogby? Don't we know better?

Zogby should be filtered out of this place.

Anyway, AniHawk: NH is as much of a "swing state" as Washington (state). Don't believe the hype.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν

You are fucking everything up, old man...


Not my problem!


OuterWorldVoice said:
Nope. McCain gets a slight bump next week, then fails hard for rest of campaign. s'all good.
I'm trying to figure out how this is bad for Obama, or good for McCain. Are people actually panicking?

Note: just got home. Catching up on thread.


Diablos said:
Come on guys, Zogby? Don't we know better?

Zogby should be filtered out of this place.

Anyway, AniHawk: NH is as much of a "swing state" as Washington (state). Don't believe the hype.

Just a little worried considering they went for Bush in 2000 and Kerry won by about 10k votes.

My thoughts on the battleground states (because I was so good on my analysis about the debates):

-Michigan is out of it. I'm not sure why it was a question, but it's going blue.
-Pennsylvania is the same as Michigan. It looks close, but I think it's gonna go to the Democrats.
-Colorado was on the edge, but I think it's pulled away too far. I doubt the Republicans take it this year.
-Minnesota's worrisome. I don't think it'll go to the Republicans, but the shift is bothering me.
-New Hampshire's pissing me off. Go blue, dammit. Freakin' rich people.
-Viriginia's slowly pulling away for Obama. I think there's more than a chance that it'll go blue this year. This really depends on the young people and black people triumphing over the old racist white people.
-North Carolina's inching toward Obama. I don't think he'll get it, but the fact that there's a chance is great.
-Ohio. I've lost faith in Ohio. I don't think they'll deliver. They don't need to, but it'd be great if they did.
-Indiana is a lot like North Carolina. It's great that it's forcing McCain to spend money there, but I don't think they'll go for Obama this year.
-Florida. Fucking Florida (sorry Floridians). I think this is like Michigan but in reverse. There's no way it wasn't going red this year.
-Nevada. Nevada's a battleground state. So awesome. I think if NM and CO can go blue, that this can too.
-Missouri's gonna go to the Republicans in the same way PA will go to the democrats. I'd absolutely love to be wrong though. Nice enough that it's a battleground state like NC, VA, and NV though.


GhaleonEB said:
I'm trying to figure out how this is bad for Obama, or good for McCain. Are people actually panicking?

Note: just got home. Catching up on thread.
GAF panics about everything. Again, I am reminded why I took an extended hiatus from PoliGAF--it's like a madhouse and most people always assume that things will continue however they looked in the last polls.
This is too rich. McCain is advocating a plan that asks for more deregulation???


He's playing with fire. If this doesn't get sorted out by tomorrow, then he'll have a strong hand in blowing up the deal. He'll also look foolish showing up to the debate if there is still no deal in place.

Furthermore, if it gets to Monday and there's still no deal and the Dow tanks, McCain will have a huge egg on his face for delaying the process. Especially if it seems McCain is emboldening the house Republicans.

McCain seriously has to hope it gets resolved tomorrow. But now I wonder if the Dems will give him the satisfaction of riding on a white horse to the debates. I bet the Dems will stall the bill through at least the weekend.

This is precisely why McCain and Obama should have kept the distances from the negotiations.
Deus Ex Machina said:
This is leadership. McCain shows up to completely derail a package that was already agreed upon. Good going McCain!


A package that tons of economists says isn't going to work.

I'm glad it's derailed. Time is a blessing for those who realize this is a bad deal.

On the other hand, McCain's plan is shit.

Maybe we'll be lucky enough to get Obama for president and a plan that is better for the country.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Insane Metal said:
When is this? Tomorrow? How many hours to begin? I´m not american and I dunno how those time differences work loll

The debate starts in roughly 23 hours and 30 minutes. 9pm EDT


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Grizzlyjin said:
The Obama speech starts in roughly 23 hours and 30 minutes. 9pm EDT
reminds me of back in the day when my mom would tell us we could order fast food only if we all agreed on where to get it from, and someone would ruin it at the last fucking minute

*long debates, bargaining, finally agreement*
mom: ok, what have you agreed on
me, two brothers: kentucky frie-
brother: TACO BELL


The derail is obviously just buying him time so Palin doesn't have to debate, anyway. The bill will still go through and the presidential debates will go on at some point, but he'll try to arrange it so that the VP debates don't happen.
Crisis said:
How has what's transpired in the last few days worked against Obama?

what mccain did was distract everybody, so instead of anybody rising or dropping in the polls everything is going to stagnate IMO

but i guess it's irrelevant since the debates could be a complete game changer... and mccain probably has more devious distractions up his sleeves


StoOgE said:
Obama GAF, thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU.

I just looked at my mailbox and had 42 emails. I was like WTF, I just cleaned it out a few hours ago.

Every single one of them were from the Obama GAF page. 42 people just donated to Obama.

Im in the middle of a mini-freak out and you just put a giant smile on my face.
I hate to throw water on this, but as the organizer of Nintendorks for Obama, I've witnessed that over the past few weeks I haven't gotten the email notifications of donations. I wrote the Obama team about this issue, and they must have finally released all the email notifications that hadn't been delivered.

Soooo... while there are a lot of obviously generous GAFfers, they likely didn't all just donate now.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Dude, he just proposed deregulation as a solution to a problem that was caused by deregulation.
He just proposed tax breaks for the companies that blew up and are asking for our money.
If he wins, he is gonna drive the government into bankruptcy.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
A package that tons of economists says isn't going to work.

I'm glad it's derailed. Time is a blessing for those who realize this is a bad deal.

On the other hand, McCain's plan is shit.

Maybe we'll be lucky enough to get Obama for president and a plan that is better for the country.

I have to agree here, i just don't think bailing out America's Richest at the expense of the middle/working class is a good plan. I can only hope they will come to their senses and see this will damage the economy further in the long run. Its a patch-job on a burst water main, it'll stop leaking for a while, but when it blows the second time, its going to be much worse imho.


None of these polls are taking into account the full effect of this, though. Americans will be chewing on this for the next few days.


Xavien said:
I have to agree here, i just don't think bailing out America's Richest at the expense of the middle/working class is a good plan. I can only hope they will come to their senses and see this will damage the economy further in the long run. Its a patch-job on a burst water main, it'll stop leaking for a while, but when it blows the second time, its going to be much worse imho.

Nothing that you've said here makes any kind of sense, and you're completely wrong. Sounds good though.

If it bursts this time, we'll all get plenty wet. Even Ron Paul.


Diablos said:
None of these polls are taking into account the full effect of this, though. Americans will be chewing on this for the next few days.
Of course. It's a data point in a very tumultuous, unpredictable period. But it's worth noting as we whiz past.
Diablos said:
None of these polls are taking into account the full effect of this, though. Americans will be chewing on this for the next few days.

Agreed. That surveryUSA poll from today is an indicator of what people think about this shit, but once this hits the media machine who knows


gkrykewy said:
Nothing that you've said here makes any kind of sense, and you're completely wrong. Sounds good though.

If it bursts this time, we'll all get plenty wet. Even Ron Paul.

It's already bursting though and this isn't gonna fix the root cause of the problem. (Its sending this message to Wall Street "don't worry, we'll always be here to bail you out if you fuck up")
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