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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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ViperVisor said:

Great, now I'm gonna get turned on every time I see dramatic gopher.


Xavien said:
It's already bursting though and this isn't gonna fix the root cause of the problem. (Its sending this message to Wall Street "don't worry, we'll always be here to bail you out if you fuck up")

No, it does fix the root cause of THIS problem, by assigning value to the underlying mortgage assets.

You don't get it. It's not Wall Street that is being bailed out; it's everyone. If this shit goes down, you won't be able to get a loan for anything. Jobs will be lost. It will be a clusterfuck of epic proportions. It isn't just a neat gotcha moment for Ron Paulies.
I saw on the Rachel Maddow Show today that I think some guy who is running for governor in (I think it's Washington) is running on his party being the "GOP Party" instead of "Republican."


Fragamemnon said:

Lindsey Graham (R-SC), one of McCain's biggest allies, just came out and said that the bailout bill is dead.
Wasn't McCain saying he was coming to the rescue? Who will save us now that McCain can't?
Dax01 said:
I saw on the Rachel Maddow Show today that I think some guy who is running for governor in (I think it's Washington) is running on his party being the "GOP Party" instead of "Republican."
Yeah. Dino Rossi. Total slimeball.


gkrykewy said:
No, it does fix the root cause of THIS problem, by assigning value to the underlying mortgage assets.

And what happens 10-20 years down the road when Wall Street gets too greedy again and we hit the same problem again? (not necessarily Subprime but something else), another bailout?

Let them go bankrupt.


Dax01 said:
I saw on the Rachel Maddow Show today that I think some guy who is running for governor in (I think it's Washington) is running on his party being the "GOP Party" instead of "Republican."

The Grand Ol' Party.... party.


Dax01 said:
I saw on the Rachel Maddow Show today that I think some guy who is running for governor in (I think it's Washington) is running on his party being the "GOP Party" instead of "Republican."
The Grand Ol Party Party, eh. I wonder if he was on the Department of Redundancy Department.


Setec Astronomer
Xavien said:
And what happens 10-20 years down the road when Wall Street gets too greedy again and we hit the same problem again? (not necessarily Subprime but something else), another bailout?

Let them go bankrupt.
That's where regulation comes in.


Xavien said:
And what happens 10-20 years down the road when Wall Street gets too greedy again and we hit the same problem again? (not necessarily Subprime but something else), another bailout?

Let them go bankrupt.

You flat-out don't get it. See my edit above.
Resident economists: Any chance China will move in to save Wall Street? I know the US is the lender of last resort, but if we are unwilling to buy up all the bad debt because of politics, SOMEBODY has to in order to save the world economy. China would seem to be the obvious choice, as the second largest force in the world economy with the most to lose (especially considering how much of their money is already tied into US markets.) The $700 billion would have come from China anyway.

I don't know ANYTHING about economics, I just had this thought and thought I'd throw it out there.
GhaleonEB said:
Wasn't McCain saying he was coming to the rescue? Who will save us now that McCain can't?

Yeah. Dino Rossi. Total slimeball.

Heh. The state Democrats are suing the state over it, saying he should run as a Republican, as GOP confuses people.
AniHawk said:
The Grand Ol Party Party, eh. I wonder if he was on the Department of Redundancy Department.

Zeliard said:
The Grand Ol' Party.... party.

GhaleonEB said:
Yeah. Dino Rossi. Total slimeball.
Probably the saddest part of the whole thing is that it appears to be having an effect on voter. Apparently there are a lot of people that don't know that GOP and Republican are the same thing.



Frank the Great said:
Resident economists: Any chance China will move in to save Wall Street? I know the US is the lender of last resort, but if we are unwilling to buy up all the bad debt because of politics, SOMEBODY has to in order to save the world economy. China would seem to be the obvious choice, as the second largest force in the world economy with the most to lose (especially considering how much of their money is already tied into US markets.) The $700 billion would have come from China anyway.

I don't know ANYTHING about economics, I just had this thought and thought I'd throw it out there.

Didn't China order their banks to halt lending to US banks just today?


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I just realized I wasted my life working hard, paying taxes, and contributing to the local community all for these idiots to f** it up.

Should've just gone for a job at the department of the Interior...at least I'd be coked out of my mind, having sex, getting lots of free gifts while America self destructs.


force push the doodoo rock
A friendly message from the "poligaf thread reading comittee": Please for the love of god set your GAF to 100 replies per page.


RubxQub said:



Keep us updated.

Also, uh... on a personal note, I might not make it to Nevada tomorrow. I've called the Obama campaign, and they haven't told me where to be or what time or anything. The guy on the phone said the stuff they were supposed to have up tonight won't be ready for another week. I might have to go a couple weeks from now instead. :\


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
AniHawk said:
Keep us updated.
He's basically expressing outrage over McCain and Bush fucking everything up. They aren't able to get House Republicans to the table to get this shit done.

Nothings agreed upon right now.


I am sure this has already been posted/mentioned but I've been out all day; McCain also wants to push back the VP debate. :lol
ryutaro's mama said:
What "this"?

Today's antics. Who knows, some people might give McCain the credit

But considering he blew up a fucking deal to ask for LESS regulation and MORE tax breaks for the rich...yeah. But once again, how will it be framed in the media, and which campaign will win the sound wars


Diablos said:
I am sure this has already been posted/mentioned but I've been out all day; McCain also wants to push back the VP debate. :lol

Because, well, in this time of crisis, the governor of Alaska has to, you know. Study.


Xavien said:
Care to tell me how? all i see from you is "you don't get it!", you don't seem to explain why, just the same rhetoric.

Banks stop lending. All banks.
Payrolls can't be made.

Like, next week.

No student loans. No new mortgages. No new businesses. Nothing. Complete economic seizure.


Gary Whitta said:
So basically McCain selflessly suspended his campaign so that he could rush back to Washington and fuck everything up.
What a maverick.
gkrykewy said:
Banks stop lending. All banks.
Payrolls can't be made.

Like, next week.

No student loans. No new mortgages. No new businesses. Nothing.
So? How does that affect me?


gkrykewy said:
Banks stop lending. All banks.
Payrolls can't be made.

Like, next week.

No student loans. No new mortgages. No new businesses. Nothing.

You think that will happen? I think banks will do less risky lending, but they won't stop altogether. Look at the banks that are unaffected by this whole crisis (the ones buying up other banks and bits and pieces), they are the banks that didn't get into subprime in the first place.


Junior Member
Breaking News:

House Republicans declined to participate in tonights Bailout meeting.

Seriously you couldn't make this stuff up.. ITS THAT BAD
Diablos said:
McCain also wants to push back the VP debate

i said it before, but i really think they're scrambling to do anything they can - short of pulling a tony harding - to prevent it. notice how this fiasco happened around the couric interview. i can see a room full of mccain campaign managers watching that in a room and fiddling with their blackberrys


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The house Republicans bailed on the meeting tonight...fucking despicable.


PhoenixDark said:
Today's antics. Who knows, some people might give McCain the credit

But considering he blew up a fucking deal to ask for LESS regulation and MORE tax breaks for the rich...yeah. But once again, how will it be framed in the media, and which campaign will win the sound wars
Well if the past two desperate McCain "no wait, me too"-isms are an indication:

-The public will be like wtf at first and stay neutral

-The media will jump on it, initially giving the campaign a chance

-A select few gifted individuals in the country will bump the polls a bit to either tie it or let McCain move a couple points ahead of Obama

-Nothing changes for a few days

-Media starts calling McCain out on how stupid his actions actually were

-Not enough people continue to support his decisions and the polls are tied or have Obama leading again.


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Maddow's breaking it down.

If you can, get to a TV and watch this.


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