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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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I told you the plan was to have the bailout in the hands of the Democrats and have McCain stand against it!!!

He will get a big boost from this! No one in the news is talking about "deregulation", just that now the McCain's crew opposes the bill, and that makes Americans happy!
Xavien said:
I guess we'll see.

Repost because I don't think you get the severity of the situation and what the core issue is here.

Take an example: a consulting company makes money when the clients pay them. However, they must also pay their employees and fund day to day operations even before they are paid by the client. In such a scenario, if a company does not have enough cash on hand, they need to borrow money to keep the company going through a line of credit, with the assumption that when the client pays, they will be able to repay the credit. If no one lends them money, the whole thing comes to a halt. Paychecks aren't issued. Utilities might even be turned off. The whole contraption starts to fall apart.

It's about the entire foundation of how business works in America.
Ether_Snake said:
I told you the plan was to have the bailout in the hands of the Democrats and have McCain stand against it!!!

He will get a big boost from this!


No one really knows what's going to happen.


Ether_Snake said:
I told you the plan was to have the bailout in the hands of the Democrats and have McCain stand against it!!!

He will get a big boost from this! No one in the news is talking about "deregulation", just that now the McCain's crew opposes the bill, and that makes Americans happy!

You are out of your mind. Tomorrow is going to be a disaster.


Ether_Snake said:
I told you the plan was to have the bailout in the hands of the Democrats and have McCain stand against it!!!

He will get a big boost from this! No one in the news is talking about "deregulation", just that now the McCain's crew opposes the bill, and that makes Americans happy!

I don't think so.
CharlieDigital said:
If no one lends them money, the whole thing comes to a halt. Paychecks aren't issued. Utilities might even be turned off. The whole contraption starts to fall apart.

"Well you did lose a lot of versatile solutions for modern living."


gkrykewy said:
You are out of your mind. Tomorrow is going to be a disaster.

Why? Americans will be angry that the bill didn't pass? Are you kidding? McCain will come out as a Maverick Hero.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Ether_Snake said:
Why? Americans will be angry that the bill didn't pass? Are you kidding? McCain will come out as a Maverick Hero.

The world's markets are fucked tomorrow. Bloody Friday cometh


CharlieDigital said:
Repost because I don't think you get the severity of the situation and what the core issue is here.

Take an example: a consulting company makes money when the clients pay them. However, they must also pay their employees and fund day to day operations even before they are paid by the client. In such a scenario, if a company does not have enough cash on hand, they need to borrow money to keep the company going through a line of credit, with the assumption that when the client pays, they will be able to repay the credit. If no one lends them money, the whole thing comes to a halt. Paychecks aren't issued. Utilities might even be turned off. The whole contraption starts to fall apart.

It's about the entire foundation of how business works in America.

I understand fully what we might be about to go through and it was all caused by greed.


Ether_Snake said:
Why? Americans will be angry that the bill didn't pass? Are you kidding? McCain will come out as a Maverick Hero.

Americans will be angry as they watch the markets digest this news. Take off your stupid tinfoil hat for a second.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
StoOgE said:
Obama GAF, thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU.

I just looked at my mailbox and had 42 emails. I was like WTF, I just cleaned it out a few hours ago.

Every single one of them were from the Obama GAF page. 42 people just donated to Obama.

Im in the middle of a mini-freak out and you just put a giant smile on my face.

How do you know this? Why do you get the emails?
The stock market is going to plummet tomorrow, and McCain will be blamed for pulling a political stunt to fuck up the country.

This will backfire. It will be glorious.


I really hope Americans wake up and realize what McCain just fucking did.

Congress was only a few steps away from reaching some kind of deal in an attempt to keep the economy from catastrophically tanking even further. It would have been a bi-partisan effort and one of the few times where both parties were able to make some progress together, in hopes of keeping the economy in check. And then what happens? McCain walks in and plays a game of partisan politics, forces his party's hand in his direction, and the whole thing gets thrown away.

You know how when people have a convo that goes something like "ohh man, Bush killed the economy" and someone will always say "you can't blame it on one person, but he did more harm than good" (and there is truth to that statement)? In this situation, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT. McCain's campaign fucking everything up will no doubt have a direct impact on at least part of what's next to come in this economic crisis. He literally walked in and demanded that days of work by both parties in Congress be forgotten about so he can try to win an election by looking like he played the central role in all of this. "Country First" my ass. How the fuck does this man sleep at night (even with his trophy wife next to him)? Seriously, how can he live with himself? His actions will no doubt have a direct impact on people's lives, and for the worse, even if they don't know it yet. He cries like a baby on 60 Minutes about how corrupt Washington is, how ripped off the average Joe gets, and then, after suspending his campaign to try and save the day, wants more deregulation and tax breaks for rich and out of touch people like him and his wife.

And to top it off, Gallup has him tied. It's not game over for Obama or anywhere remotely close -- but to know that the polls moved, even if ever so slightly in McCain's favor because of an empty promise to "suspend" his campaign and "fix" the problem -- is mind boggling. I expect this to mostly backfire and the polls to go back to where they were, but the fact that McCain was at least able to make some progress in his own greedy political ambitions in the midst of a real bi-partisan solution is CRIMINAL.


thekad said:
Ether Snake: Wall Street is going to be in the shitter tomorrow. Everyone will blame McCain.
This is america. Mccain and republican candidates are blamed for nothing (unless they're Bush, but everyone knows Bush isn't a republican)
Xavien said:
I understand fully what we might be about to go through and it was all caused by greed.

That's all fine and good, but now's not the time to spite them.

Now is the time to make sure that 95% of Americans can continue to function, go to work, keep the economy going and we can figure out how to punish the 5% later.

What some folks are advocating -- do nothing -- would essentially be a very scary situation with a lot of civil unrest and a dramatic drop in productivity of the economy from which, who the fuck knows when we'll recover.

Yes, it fucking sucks and yes, those Wall Street fuckups should be punished. But if we do this wrong, we fuck everyone in the US and a good portion of the world as well.
Ether_Snake said:
Why? Americans will be angry that the bill didn't pass? Are you kidding? McCain will come out as a Maverick Hero.

I hate this, but I think this is true.

On one hand you have Wall Street holding a gun to our heads, threatening catastrophe if we don't pay up a HUGE sum of taxpayer money, delaying or negating all of the very real domestic proposals that this country needs.

On the other hand you have taxpayers holding a gun right back at Wall Street, threatening catastrophe if they don't clean up their game and put their own damn house back in order.

The Paulson plan is bullshit. The alternative plan is bullshit.

To oppose these measures and provide some breathing room will be seen as heroic.


Ether_Snake said:
Why? Americans will be angry that the bill didn't pass? Are you kidding? McCain will come out as a Maverick Hero.

I don't think you get it. We are on the verge of the Great Depression.

Americans are stupid, they have no idea that the sky is about to fall on them. Think about it this way, right now many people are 'angry' at this bailout because they don't feel the effects of it yet, they see the stock market go up a few points, they hear about Washington bickering, and they think "it's Washington being Washington." But a month from now, when all the sudden massive layoffs begin, when credit card companies stop sending out new cards, when banks refuse to give you a loan, when life comes to a grinding halt, people will fucking get it.

People, this is no joke, this is the fucking collapse of the American economy we are talking about here. And the American people might just be dumb enough to walk right into it.
Ether_Snake said:
I told you the plan was to have the bailout in the hands of the Democrats and have McCain stand against it!!!

He will get a big boost from this! No one in the news is talking about "deregulation", just that now the McCain's crew opposes the bill, and that makes Americans happy!

You're delusional if you think that Americans are going to be happy to see the economy tank tomorrow.

Get ready for a fucking whirlwind of fail. The world markets aren't just going to just get sick; they're going to piss and shit themselves.

This is what the average American knows.

1. There was a proposed deal to save the economy. They don't know exactly what it entailed.

2. The deal was almost done.

3. McCain decided to drop everything and go to Washington.

4. As soon as he arrived, the deal died.


5. The world markets hemorrhage. Who do you think they're going to point the big stick at? McCain has been flipping off the MSM for months now; what do you think the narrative will be?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
For what it's worth, I haven't seen a single positive piece of news for McCain come out of the MSM today due to his arrival in Washington.

All this bad press plus the stock market destruction tomorrow have to show Americans he's a complete fuck-up...right?

...right? :/


thekad said:
Ether Snake: Wall Street is going to be in the shitter tomorrow. Everyone will blame McCain.

Not if they cut interest rates!

And Americans will be happy to see Wallstreet burn!
NullPointer said:
I hate this, but I think this is true.

On one hand you have Wall Street holding a gun to our heads, threatening catastrophe if we don't pay up a HUGE sum of taxpayer money, delaying or negating all of the very real domestic proposals that this country needs.

On the other hand you have taxpayers holding a gun right back at Wall Street, threatening catastrophe if they don't clean up their game and put their own damn house back in order.

The Paulson plan is bullshit. The alternative plan is bullshit.

To oppose these measures and provide some breathing room will be seen as heroic.
You know, I have to completely disagree. The average American doesn't even know what the fuck the bill is bailing out. I work very close to Wall Street and its hard for me to explain all the insanity that's going on. They want the economy to be stable, and to not be scary. And Bush scared them with his 9 p.m address. The fact that someone is making them worry won't come off as a positive. It might not be hugely negative for McCain, but I don't think it will turn into a huge positive.


NullPointer said:
I hate this, but I think this is true.

On one hand you have Wall Street holding a gun to our heads, threatening catastrophe if we don't pay up a HUGE sum of taxpayer money, delaying or negating all of the very real domestic proposals that this country needs.

On the other hand you have taxpayers holding a gun right back at Wall Street, threatening catastrophe if they don't clean up their game and put their own damn house back in order.

The Paulson plan is bullshit. The alternative plan is bullshit.

To oppose these measures and provide some breathing room will be seen as heroic.
Like I said, if giving the measures some breathing room is actually a viable plan, then why not? If it doesn't work, McCain will definitely lose out, but if it does work, why get upset? Unless this forces an irrevocable split that Congress can't resolve, anyway.
Diablos said:
And then what happens? McCain walks in and plays a game of partisan politics, forces his party's hand in his direction, and the whole thing gets thrown away..

your giving McCain too much cred, he doesn't have any pull with the house republicans..never has.


The Nikkei is only down 23 points, it's peanuts, if this was going to make the markets sink it would do so in Asia as well as we speak. It's not happening.


WickedAngel said:
You're delusional if you think that Americans are going to be happy to see the economy tank tomorrow.

Get ready for a fucking whirlwind of fail. The world markets aren't just going to just get sick; they're going to piss and shit themselves.
How do we know this for sure?
Diablos said:
I really hope Americans wake up and realize what McCain just fucking did.

Congress was only a few steps away from reaching some kind of deal in an attempt to keep the economy from catastrophically tanking even further. It would have been a bi-partisan effort and one of the few times where both parties were able to make some progress together, in hopes of keeping the economy in check. And then what happens? McCain walks in and plays a game of partisan politics, forces his party's hand in his direction, and the whole thing gets thrown away.

You know how when people have a convo that goes something like "ohh man, Bush killed the economy" and someone will always say "you can't blame it on one person, but he did more harm than good" (and there is truth to that statement)? In this situation, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT. McCain's campaign fucking everything up will no doubt have a direct impact on at least part of what's next to come in this economic crisis. He literally walked in and demanded that days of work by both parties in Congress be forgotten about so he can try to win an election by looking like he played the central role in all of this. "Country First" my ass. How the fuck does this man sleep at night (even with his trophy wife next to him)? Seriously, how can he live with himself? His actions will no doubt have a direct impact on people's lives, and for the worse, even if they don't know it yet. He cries like a baby on 60 Minutes about how corrupt Washington is, how ripped off the average Joe gets, and then, after suspending his campaign to try and save the day, wants more deregulation and tax breaks for rich and out of touch people like him and his wife.

And to top it off, Gallup has him tied. It's not game over for Obama or anywhere remotely close -- but to know that the polls moved, even if ever so slightly in McCain's favor because of an empty promise to "suspend" his campaign and "fix" the problem -- is mind boggling. I expect this to mostly backfire and the polls to go back to where they were, but the fact that McCain was at least able to make some progress in his own greedy political ambitions in the midst of a real bi-partisan solution is CRIMINAL.

Gallup didn't tie because of McCain dude. There was no time


Rekki-Maru said:
your giving McCain too much cred, he doesn't have any pull with the house republicans..never has.
Everything seemed to be going rather smoothly until his stupid ass walked in. For fuck's sake, BOB CORKER said in the most cryptic way possible (to avoid criticism from within, I'm sure) that McCain should stop trying to shit up the whole process earlier this evening.

PhoenixDark said:
Gallup didn't tie because of McCain dude. There was no time

I've got the 60 Minutes interview in the back of my mind. Y'know, where he did such a good job pretending that he gives a shit about poor and even middle class people who are getting fucked over right now. With the economy crisis now in the minds of most voters once more, the Gallups definitely reflect that. That's what I'm talking about. And McCain's response over those few days was obviously satisfactory to enough people to make the polls tie again.

It's also important to note that even if there was no time for the Gallups to reflect this (even though fivethirtyeight seemed to estimate a +2 bounce iirc), the media will paint it that way.

As pathetic as it is, if most informed people imply something like I did, it's because people will be under the impression that the polling suggests McCain's actions today are working because of the way news is spoon fed to people.


Deus Ex Machina said:
"As news of the bank's deteriorating condition spread, nervous Washington Mutual depositors withdrew $16.5 billion of their money in the last 10 days, prompting the seizure by regulators."



You can't fault depositors. A lot of people probably need those assets liquid and available, not thrown onto the Bonfire of the Vanities with a "woops soz, fill out these forms and we'll get back to ya in a few months" IOU from the FDIC.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
What I still can't fathom is why Obama felt a sudden urge to issue a joint statement with McCain yesterday? He was owning McCain on the issue of economics and all of a sudden he issues him a huge helping hand? What? leading by 9 points was too much for him? He wanted to make things tight again?

The Obama campaign's tactics are really perplexing sometimes...they seem to be constantly over-estimating the intelligence of the average voter.


lawblob said:
I don't think you get it. We are on the verge of the Great Depression.

Americans are stupid, they have no idea that the sky is about to fall on them. Think about it this way, right now many people are 'angry' at this bailout because they don't feel the effects of it yet, they see the stock market go up a few points, they hear about Washington bickering, and they think "it's Washington being Washington." But a month from now, when all the sudden massive layoffs begin, when credit card companies stop sending out new cards, when banks refuse to give you a loan, when life comes to a grinding halt, people will fucking get it.

People, this is no joke, this is the fucking collapse of the American economy we are talking about here. And the American people might just be dumb enough to walk right into it.

McCain will get a boost because people will be happy to see Wallstreet being hurt, it's an "Us VS Them" thing now, and McCain at the helm of the "Us".

You guys are fools to think that Americans will be angry that the bailout didn't pass.

Plus, Nikkei is down by peanuts right now.
Ether_Snake said:
The Nikkei is only down 23 points, it's peanuts, if this was going to make the markets sink it would do so in Asia as well as we speak. It's not happening.

Eh, I'm guessing once the American markets open and start doing badly, then foreign markets will react.

Then again, I don't really know anything about the economy. I need to take a macro class.


force push the doodoo rock
Is anyone keeping a running tally of how many times that god damn fiscal conservative comic has been posted?


Ether_Snake said:
McCain will get a boost because people will be happy to see Wallstreet being hurt, it's an "Us VS Them" thing now, and McCain at the helm of the "Us".

You guys are fools to think that Americans will be angry that the bailout didn't pass.

Plus, Nikkei is down by peanuts right now.

You are out-doing even your own storied history, you lunatic. Good eye on the nikkei though :D

My bet is that the asian markets still anticipate a deal. We'll see.
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