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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Arde5643 said:
A lot of Americans don't understand why this "bailout" plan is important for them - right now they're still thinking it's only to bail out executives in Wallstreet.

They need to be informed that the consequence of doing nothing about this crisis will not only cause these corrupt executives to go down, but also to honest and hardworking small businesses and families that are trying to get a loan from banks for anything from payroll to mortgage payment.

If until now the MSM still doesn't explain what the bailout truly means to the whole American economy, then it's up to Obama camp to get them to understand why it is necessary.

I get where you're coming from, but you have to stop for a second and see it from the perspective of scared and really fucking upset people being asked to bail out Wall Street.

If this bailout goes through, you are rewarding this behavior, and truly, nakedly, bending over to the forces of the market that keep on fucking the little guy, again and again. So the bailout goes through and we end up in the exact same place in another 10 or 20 years, printing money to clean up the mess caused by bad actors.

Why would anybody want to rally around that cause?

We need a solution that puts the onus of the burden on Wall Street. That's the only thing that will get the support of the people.


Arde5643 said:
Nope, Obama needs to do a press conference denouncing McCain's action and explaining (in layman's term and analogies) to the American people the severity and need for this "bailout" plan for their day to day lives.

No, Obama must not jump in the bailout, he wasn't involved yesterday and it was good as such.

He must just call out McCain's proposal for less regulation. But there are no direct confirmations of this, let alone any comments from McCain about having such a position.

EDIT: Obama can't talk about the bailout at the debate tomorrow if he is alone, because it would put him in a position where he would have to defend it, or reject it.
I'm not sure how the public will take this whole thing. It all matters how both campaigns and the media handle it. Either way there's no point in freaking out now until we see how things play out.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
God bless John Stewart... yes :lol


Ether_Snake said:
Don't mix how I think average "What's a recession?" American will be happy to hear that McCain "stopped" the bailout plan, even if it meant that wallstreet would head lower tomorrow (it won't die, it's not like the plan is off the table, it will just come later), with my position towards the bailout.

Markets might be down tomorrow, big deal, unless some big bankruptcy happens tomorrow or some such, it may end lower but don't forget the bailout is going to pass eventually, they are just arguing over what is in it.

So in the end tomorrow it's "McCain stopped the bailout" that goes into the "What's a recession?" American's mind.

What you are forgetting is that McCain said yesterday, in "suspending" his campaign, that he was doing so in order to make sure a deal gets done. He and his camp cited doomsday numbers - depression, 12% unemployment, etc. Starting Monday.

"Stopping the deal" is not a winning position in this context, at least not for more than a couple of hours.
Ether_Snake said:
No, Obama must not jump in the bailout, he wasn't involved yesterday and it was good as such.

He must just call out McCain's proposal for less regulation. But there are no direct confirmations of this, let alone any comments from McCain about having such a position.

EDIT: Obama can't talk about the bailout at the debate tomorrow if he is alone, because it would put him in a position where he would have to defend it, or reject it.

Are you fucking serious, you think he should call for less regulation and follow McCain's lead? You want Obama to lose


Arde5643 said:
A lot of Americans don't understand why this "bailout" plan is important for them - right now they're still thinking it's only to bail out executives in Wallstreet.

They need to be informed that the consequence of doing nothing about this crisis will not only cause these corrupt executives to go down, but also to honest and hardworking small businesses and families that are trying to get a loan from banks for anything from payroll to mortgage payment.

If until now the MSM still doesn't explain what the bailout truly means to the whole American economy, then it's up to Obama camp to get them to understand why it is necessary.

The last thing you want is having Obama try to convince Americans that this bailout is needed, only Bush was needed to do that. Obama speaking about the bailout, either for or against it, without having McCain giving his own version, can only backfire.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
John Fucking Stewart :lol :lol

This whole "Clusterfuck to the Poor House" segment is god damned money.


NullPointer said:
I get where you're coming from, but you have to stop for a second and see it from the perspective of scared and really fucking upset people being asked to bail out Wall Street.

If this bailout goes through, you are rewarding this behavior, and truly, nakedly, bending over to the forces of the market that keep on fucking the little guy, again and again. So the bailout goes through and we end up in the exact same place in another 10 or 20 years, printing money to clean up the mess caused by bad actors.

Why would anybody want to rally around that cause?

We need a solution that puts the onus of the burden on Wall Street. That's the only thing that will get the support of the people.

What are you talking about? The "little guy" hasn't been screwed. The "little guy" got a $500,000 house for nothing down, and five plasma TVs.

We'll see what the people support when shit gets real.


gkrykewy, yep. Obama following McCain's lead is indeed stupid.

If McCain's actions backfire (which I hope they do) Obama will look like a total wimp.
If they are successful it will look like Obama has less experience in dealing with these things (stupid, and an easy target).
gkrykewy said:
What you are forgetting is that McCain said yesterday, in "suspending" his campaign, that he was doing so in order to make sure a deal gets done. He and his camp cited doomsday numbers - depression, 12% unemployment, etc. Starting Monday.

"Stopping the deal" is not a winning position in this context, at least not for more than a couple of hours.

People aren't going to care to point fingers if both parties are going to allow our economic ship to sink.

Remember, people aren't party loyalists - the electorate is filled with righteous anger directed at BOTH parties. Now isn't the time to try to direct that anger at the other guy, or the other party. While the majority of americans don't know the details of our present calamity, they do know that its fucking serious, and that something needs to be done. Attacking McCain doesn't help that. He's done enough on his own don't you think?

Now is the time to come up with a third way.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
capslock said:
What I still can't fathom is why Obama felt a sudden urge to issue a joint statement with McCain yesterday? He was owning McCain on the issue of economics and all of a sudden he issues him a huge helping hand? What? leading by 9 points was too much for him? He wanted to make things tight again?

The Obama campaign's tactics are really perplexing sometimes...they seem to be constantly over-estimating the intelligence of the average voter.

because obama really was trying to put the country first..

i really dont see how ANYONE can defend mccain's actions these past couple of days. what a sleazy bastard..


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
"It's like Hungry Hungry Hippos! WITH REAL HIPPOS! Only they're eating poor people..."



PhoenixDark said:
Are you fucking serious, you think he should call for less regulation and follow McCain's lead? You want Obama to lose
It wouldn't be a bad idea. "Deregulation" is not a blanket term. The bailout exists right now because we need the banks to borrow money of course.

Loose the capital requirements to lend and increase the size of the FIDC so they can be on the watch for any more failing banks. Put the failed assets on the market, and lets see what they are really worth, instead of just looting taxpayer money and buying everything up like potions in a final fantasy game, at the same time adding no new regulations for the mortage market, in the hopes that eventually we will see a return on our investment.

HamPster PamPster said:
Remember the Should everyone in the world vote in US election thread

So... how much is the current situation effecting the rest of the world

Just asking :lol
The rest of the world is enjoying this
gkrykewy said:
What are you talking about? The "little guy" hasn't been screwed. The "little guy" got a $500,000 house for nothing down, and five plasma TVs.

We'll see what the people support when shit gets real.

Which hurts us all more? The dumbass who bought a house he can't pay for? Or asking the taxpayers to shell out a trillion fucking dollars minimum?

The little guy has seen his income drop at the same time he's gotten to watch Wall Street execs make a fucking killing. The little guy has also watched as companies failed and jobs were shipped overseas, all the while the execs who ran the ship got gargantuan golden parachutes.

You do the math.


PhoenixDark said:
Are you fucking serious, you think he should call for less regulation and follow McCain's lead? You want Obama to lose

Where the fuck did you read that? I'm saying Obama must not speak to the public about "the bailout is needed because of this or that" nor reject it. It can ONLY play against him.

Americans don't want the bailout, they don't like the sound of it.

Having Obama "explain" the bailout at the debate tomorrow, by himself, makes him a supporter of the bailout, trying to sell it to America like Bush was.

He needs to let McCain say what HIS position is, and then fight him on that.

Right now we have NOTHING from McCain on what his proposal is, only some CBS guy saying it was supposedly about less regulation and more taxcuts for corporations. I doubt McCain would be stupid enough to make that his argument.

So no, Obama must NOT speak on the bailout without having heard McCain's position on it, and being able to quote him on it.


HamPster PamPster said:
Remember the Should everyone in the world vote in US election thread

So... how much is the current situation effecting the rest of the world

Just asking :lol
Not nearly as much as it's affecting us.


Guys, AFAIK, there are 3 different bailout plans, no?

1) King Hank's $700B blank cheque
2) The bill that was going to pass, with safeguards and regulatory oversight and equity in the banks in exchange for the taxpayer scrilla and significantly less than $700B
3) This new Repug plan which has like no regulations whatsoever and free taxcuts and golden parachutes to Wall St CEOs

Am I correct in this understanding?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Loan Officer Stewart is god damned amazing.

They are ripping shit up tonight :lol



When Bush yielded early to Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D- Nev.) to speak, they yielded to Obama to speak for the assembled Democrats. And it was Obama who raised the subject of the conservative alternative and pressed Paulson on what he thought of the idea.

House Republicans felt trapped—squeezed by Treasury, House Democrats and a bipartisan coalition in the Senate. And while McCain spoke surprisingly little after asking for the meeting, he conceded that it appeared there were not the votes for the core Paulson plan without major changes.

A top adviser to McCain, Mark Salter, said later that the senator had not endorsed the House conservative plan but felt it reflected a desire by lawmakers for more taxpayer protections that would help get the required votes. For example, Salter said, one option would be to make clear that the secretary needn’t be confined to buying up bad debts and could use other routes such as loans or federally-backed insurance to relieve the congestion in mortgage-related assets.



NullPointer said:
Which hurts us all more? The dumbass who bought a house he can't pay for? Or asking the taxpayers to shell out a trillion fucking dollars minimum?

The little guy has seen his income drop at the same time he's gotten to watch Wall Street execs make a fucking killing. The little guy has also watched as companies failed and jobs were shipped overseas, all the while the execs who ran the ship got gargantuan golden parachutes.

You do the math.

I don't think you really understand the deal that's on the table.
Ether_Snake said:
Where the fuck did you read that? I'm saying Obama must not speak to the public about "the bailout is needed because of this or that" nor reject it. It can ONLY play against him.

He's not going to call it a "bailout" if he has to talk about it. More accurately, it's about getting the credit markets flowing again. In reality, all he has to do is get up there and explain to the American people what would happen if we did nothing. He does not have to back any plan; he just has to make it clear what the current situation is and what the consequences of doing nothing will lead to.

Whatever McCain proposes, it doesn't change the fundamental reality of the worst case scenario that we are facing down now.
Man, Christmas this year is gonna suck.

"Oh gee. Socks. Thanks, just what I wanted."

or perhaps

"Gimme that can of dog food or I'll fucking kill you."


a child left behind
I might have to miss this party I've been looking foward to for the past two weeks, and watch this debate. McCain has gone too far and it's time to pay. I'm going to try my best that nobody I know votes for this fucking moron. I hope the average American won't buy into this bullshit.


Christmas is such an overdone holiday anyway. If anything maybe this will make people think about what's most important around the holidays, your family (I'm not even religious, heh). Seriously though, walk into any retailer during the holiday season and tell me people aren't obsessed with buying gifts just for the sake of buying them. It's getting ridiculous. If I was a Christian I'd be mighty pissed at how much the holiday has been hijacked by consumerism and long work hours, lolz


U.S. congressional negotiations on a proposed $700 billion financial industry bailout will enter a ninth day on Friday, with no sign that balking Republicans in the House of Representatives will participate.

This is what they want. To be seen as those who reject the bailout. And look at this snipet:

"Secretary Paulson has told us several times that the number one plank of the House Republican plan, an insurance scheme, will not work," Frank said.

Paulson VS House Republican Plan.

Hello? Do you guys still think this won't go in McCain's favor? There are no indications of any "deregulation + taxcuts for companies" in there. All the info we have is Paulson doesn't want the House Republican version.

Diablos said:
Christmas is such an overdone holiday anyway. If anything maybe this will make people think about what's most important around the holidays, your family (I'm not even religious, heh). Seriously though, walk into any retailer during the holiday season and tell me people aren't obsessed with buying gifts just for the sake of buying them. It's getting ridiculous. If I was a Christian I'd be mighty pissed at how much the holiday has been hijacked by consumerism and long work hours, lolz
Hard to know if all this is going to make this year's Black Friday better or worse.


I just watched the Palin interview with Couric.

I'm literally at a loss for words.

All I can really say is that I watched it.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


The sad part about this whole thing is McCain is going to be asked why he didn't want to show up to the debate and he is going to have a response the majority of American's will think is good (I felt our country is more important then politics).
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