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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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AniHawk said:
I'm confident in McCain's abilities to fuck up in very different ways, to plunge this country further into darkness. We'd be looking back on the Bush years as the good ol days.

Bush at least seems to let people think things through now after Iraq.

McCain is willing to do crazy shit on a whim and hope it works. That's the craps player in him.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
lawblob said:
Think about it this way, there are about 300 million people in America, about 150 million of them are adults who are working & participating in society.

Each night, only about 30 million people combined max actually watch all of the basic network and cable news shows combined. That means only 1/6 of the American people are even paying attention, let alone understanding what the fuck is going on. There are countless Americans who are complete fuckwits who still have no idea about any of this.

That may be true, but when you see headlines like this:


House Republicans Undercut Bush on Rescue, Slow Talks

It makes you think.


lawblob said:
Think about it this way, there are about 300 million people in America, about 150 million of them are adults who are working & participating in society.

Each night, only about 30 million people combined max actually watch all of the basic network and cable news shows combined. That means only 1/6 of the American people are even paying attention, let alone understanding what the fuck is going on. There are countless Americans who are complete fuckwits who still have no idea about any of this.
I never watch cable news and would present that as one piece of evidence that I'm not a fuckwit. I still get the news, just through other more reliable sources.

But I get your point.


good credit (by proxy)
MSNBC anchor got the abbreviation for Montana and Missouri confused :lol

thefro said:
Bush at least seems to let people think things through now after Iraq.

McCain is willing to do crazy shit on a whim and hope it works. That's the craps player in him.

We don't need some douchebag 'gambling' with our entire economy.


All caught up guys. I went to bed at midnight and PoliGaf just had a great night of discussion.

It feels like this election is one huge ball of fire and it's finally big enough and bright enough that every American is finally looking up in the sky and saying "HEY WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FUCKING THING IN THE SKY?!"

Tonight, millions of earnest eyes will turn to Mississippi. Tonight will be insane.


I get that but Bush should probably have given his Wednesday speech as soon as this hit. He didn't want this "on him" if he could help it..

Also, this will tell us what the House GOP thinks of McCain's chances if they are are willing to embarrass him tonight..


VanMardigan said:
While I agree, I'll have to blame Reid and the Democrats for basically calling McCain out and asking him to get involved. I guess they expected him to demur, but if you're calling the devil, don't be surprised if he shows up.

Nice regurgitation of the talking point, but what Reid asked was for McCain to support the bailout, not to bring his campaign to Washington.


has calmed down a bit.
lawblob said:
There are countless Americans who are complete fuckwits who still have no idea about any of this.

You don't have to be a fuckwit to be confused about this. And like I said, a ton of details were missing when the plan was first unveiled. I don't blame Americans, I blame the President, Wall Street, and Congress for this mess, the rushjob of a bailout, and the partisanship that is preventing real solutions to emerge.

but what Reid asked was for McCain to support the bailout,

So.............................he asked him to get involved. Which is exactly what I said. The extent of the involvement is not up to Reid at that point. Or are you expecting McCain to put a signature on whatever Reid wants him to do? Reid called him out, he responded in a way Reid wasn't expecting. Shouldn't have fucking called him out, how about that?
Since I haven't read all the replies in this thread, this may have been posted, but her name did not come up in a search. This is pretty much how I feel about the "bailout".

Marcy Kaptur from Ohio:



Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, here is the latest reality game. Let's play Wall Street Bailout.

Rule one: Rush the decision. Time the game to fall in the week before Congress is set to adjourn and just 6 weeks before an historic election so your opponents will be preoccupied, pressured, distracted, and in a hurry.

Rule two: Disarm the public through fear. Warn that the entire global financial system will collapse and the world will fall into another Great Depression. Control the media enough to ensure that the public will not notice this.

Bailout will indebt them for generations, taking from them trillions of dollars they earned and deserve to keep.

Rule three: Control the playing field and set the rules. Hide from the public and most of the Congress just who is arranging this deal. Communicate with the public through leaks to media insiders. Limit any open congressional hearings. Communicate with Congress via private teleconferencing calls. Heighten political anxiety by contacting each political party separately. Treat Members of Congress condescendingly, telling them that the matter is so complex that they must rely on those few insiders who really do know what's going on.

Rule four: Divert attention and keep people confused. Manage the news cycle so Congress and the public have no time to examine who destroyed the prudent banking system that served America so well for 60 years after the financial meltdown of the 1920s.

Rule five: Always keep in mind the goal is to privatize gains to a few and socialize loss to the many. For 30 years in one financial scandal after another, Wall Street game masters have kept billions of dollars of their gain and shifted their losses to American taxpayers. Once this bailout is in place, the greed game will begin again.

But I have a counter-game. It's called Wall Street Reckoning. Congress shouldn't go home to campaign. It should put America's accounts in order.

To Wall Street insiders, it says ``no'' on behalf of the American people. You have perpetrated the greatest financial crimes ever on this American republic. You think you can get by with it because you are extraordinarily wealthy and the largest contributors to both Presidential and congressional campaigns in both major parties, but you are about to be brought under firm control.

First, America doesn't need to bail you out, it needs to secure the real assets and property, not your paper, that means the homes and properties of hardworking Americans who are about to lose their homes because of your mortgage greed. There should be a new job for regional Federal Reserve Banks. We want no home foreclosed if a serious work-out agreement can be put into place. And if you don't do it, we want a notarized statement by a Federal Reserve official that they tried and failed.

Second, taxpayers should directly gain any equity benefits that may flow from this historic bailout. We want the American people to get first priority in taking ownership of the institutions that want to pass their toxic paper onto the taxpayers.

Third, before any bailouts for Wall Street, America needs major job creation to rebuild our major infrastructure. America needs assets, not paper. We need working assets.

Fourth, the time for real financial regulatory change is now, not next year. A modernized Glass Eagle Act must be put in place. We need to reestablish locally-owned community savings banks across this country and create within the Justice Department a fully funded unit to prosecute every single high-flying thief whose fraud and criminal acts created this debacle and then forced their disgorgement of assets going back 15 years.

Fifth, any refinancing must return a major share of profits to a new Social Security and Medicare lockbox, where the monies can go to pay for a dignified and assured retirement for every American. This Member isn't voting for a penny of it. Those who created and profited from this game of games must be brought to justice. The assets they stole must be returned to the American taxpayers, right down to the tires on their Mercedes.

Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in cosponsoring my bill to create an independent commission to investigate these well-heeled wrongdoers. Real reform now, or nothing.


good credit (by proxy)
VanMardigan said:
You don't have to be a fuckwit to be confused about this. And like I said, a ton of details were missing when the plan was first unveiled. I don't blame Americans, I blame the President, Wall Street, and Congress for this mess, the rushjob of a bailout, and the partisanship that is preventing real solutions to emerge.

Plus you have to have knowledge of economics. Why would most people need to know about stuff like how liquidity works on a macro level? It's not really relevant in most people's every day lives.
besada said:
Nice regurgitation of the talking point, but what Reid asked was for McCain to support the bailout, not to bring his campaign to Washington.
Nice cover. You and I both know that Reid BEGGED McCain to come back. "Oh, please Johnny, we're a bunch of clueless fuckwits here who can't make heads or tails of this mess. We need some maverick straight talk to shoot us some good ol' fashioned horse sense."

At least, that's how I assume it went down. I wasn't in the room or anything.


First tragedy, then farce.
VanMardigan said:
You don't have to be a fuckwit to be confused about this. And like I said, a ton of details were missing when the plan was first unveiled. I don't blame Americans, I blame the President, Wall Street, and Congress for this mess, the rushjob of a bailout, and the partisanship that is preventing real solutions to emerge.

So.............................he asked him to get involved. Which is exactly what I said. The extent of the involvement is not up to Reid at that point. Or are you expecting McCain to put a signature on whatever Reid wants him to do? Reid called him out, he responded in a way Reid wasn't expecting. Shouldn't have fucking called him out, how about that?

Asking someone to take a stance on a bill and that person then pulling a political stunt are two very different things.
Steve Youngblood said:
Nice cover. You and I both know that Reid BEGGED McCain to come back. "Oh, please Johnny, we're a bunch of clueless fuckwits here who can't make heads or tails of this mess. We need some maverick straight talk to shoot us some good ol' fashioned horse sense."

At least, that's how I assume it went down. I wasn't in the room or anything.

This assumption is probably close to the truth. Notice that Reid/Dumbocrats haven't done anything worthwhile since John McCain began his history campaign. They need his bipartisan ways or they're simply lost. It's plain as day.

Finally, someone who *GETS* it.


Harry Reid maybe expected McCain to issue a statement or, say, hold a press conference. That's a slightly more common response to a request for a policy position than shutting down a campaign and demanding closed door meetings with everyone and God.


StoOgE said:
Asking someone to take a stance on a bill and that person then pulling a political stunt are two very different things.

This. Look, I don't fault McCain for wanting to spin this situation to his political advantage, if I were running his campaign I would look for every opportunity to make him look superior to Obama.. What is really frightening is the high stakes, McCain's cavalier attitude through this whole mess is truly frightening.

It is obvious he is just making it all up as he goes, everything seems hour-to-hour with McCain. Add on top of that the fuckwit Sarah Palin, and you get the impression the man is willing to play Russian Roulette with the American economy just for the benefit of his campaign.
kkaabboomm said:
time for kkaabbboomm to rant.

it is 8:30am eastern. 8 fucking 30 in the morning, on september 26th

the shit hit the fan on september 14th when no one wanted to buy lehman brothers and merrill lynch sold itself to bank of america to stave off complete fuckness. everyone wakes up on 9/15 and the market starts to die. people start to realize the liquidity market is getting absolutely fucked. fucked. not partially fucked, but absolutely fucked. bear already got bought by JPMC, people were talking about how wamu and AIG were getting ready to go, freddie and fannie already went, and, well, shit was hitting the fan.

mccain, in his fucking infinite wisdom, decides to tell the nation the foundations of the economy are strong. no. no they werent. not that morning, not the day before. what the market was letting people know, as mister asshat was being stupid, was that the foundations were NOT strong. oh, but he meant people and their work ethic. good for them. they can want to work all they want, but if money is not being lent, then fuck us all.

night of 9/15, JPMC has to lend lehman bro's 80 or so billion. the fed loans them some money to help cover, because lehman fucking died and pieces were being sold to barclays, the good capitalists they are, for fuck cheaper than barclays wouldve paid on sunday. tuesday, AIG fucking dies. AI fucking G. not just, like, oh no, help me obi wan kenobi you're my only hope, but omfg luke just blew up the death star, sir, shit. AIG. the US government had to seize AIG basically. no one else would, they were over leveraged, one part of their company was royally fucking every other good piece there was.

well fuck us. paulson and co go to capital hill that thursday, and drums it into those congresscritters heads just what is up. congresscritters are that, congresscritters. they arent financial bankers/econ majors/etc. yes, they run the banking committee/etc. but they have advisors, who apparently couldn't let anyone know wtf was up, so other people had to.

shit got real. why? BECAUSE THE LIQUIDITY MARKETS WERE COLLAPSING, and when no one will lend money in the large firms, this is called BAD.

example: just yesterday, Bank of America, BANK OF AMERICA, decided it wouldn't lend any fucking money to MCDONALDS. the house of Ronald and all that jazz.

does that make sense to people now? do they understand just what the problem is? when BANK OF AMERICA WILL NOT LEND MONEY TO MCDONALDS, things are bad. franchise owners cant borrow to buy that new coffee machine to compete against starbucks, new ones won't open, etc, etc.

the US economy is based on people being able to have access to money, short and long term. when no one will lend you money, it doesnt just hurt the financial sector and those who were fuckups. it hurts many other pieces as well that, on first glance, have nothing to do with anything.

why post in poligaf this rant. one word. johnfuckingmccain. he's a fucking asshole. not an asshole. a FUCKING ASSHOLE. oh, im going to suspend my campaign (and by suspend i mean take down tv ads for a couple days, save a couple million to use later, still do everything else, and not hold a town hall meeting with Palin where people won't ask her a real Q because holy fuck did anyone watch her with gibson or couric), go to washington and break this deadlock on the deal.

fuck you john mccain. fuck you. wednesday, a deal was being worked on hardcore. hard fucking core. people were negotiating, etc. principle ideas were being reached. that core group of dipshit R's in the house who want to deregulate more and whatnot, yeah, they were told by paulson, WH, dems, everyone, that they were stupid and shit was hitting the fan. in honesty, when the leadership was all announcing a deal yesterday midday, the house R's probably would've come along.

but no. nooooooo. john fucking mccain came to town, and they got a cause. we can help him out. he'll fight for us. he wants our plan, not theirs. so after mccain said jack shit at the white house besides cursorily bringing up their plan, shit hit the fan. the absolute fan.

the deal fucking fell apart. last night, the house R's walked the fuck out of talks.

thanks john mccain. thank you for being an asshole. theres a reason you should not have come back, because presidential politics bring fierce party loyalty/etc to things. which, omg, who would've guessed, IS WHAT HAPPENED.

something has to happen. the ONLY REASON the market has been doing "ok" this week is they knew a 'bailout' was coming. sad but true. the market, right now, is fucked. not a bit, but royally. jack welsh/walsh (spelling?) former lead of GE, says no matter what a recession. whatever, his opinion.

but when BANK OF AMERICA is refusing to lend any money to MCDONALDS, maybe there actually is a problem, and if it gets worse liquidity markets can very easily freeze and many banks/etc can and will fail.

i don't know how else to try and explain this besides the mcdonald's example. i really dont.

omg, kkaabboomm is overreacting. its not mccains fault the house R's are balking. yes. yes it is. they werent, they were grudgingly going along, he shows up, and boom, wtf, they walk out all hardline. let me say again - leadership from both parties announced a deal in principle. you dont do this unless you think you've got the votes at the time, even grudgingly.

mccain fucked shit up. shit is hitting the fan. this isn't just about bailing out wall street firms, it really is about rescuing the us economy from their fuckups.

so fuck you john mccain. fuck. you. right now, at 8:50am eastern on 9/26, i say fuck you. go back to your town hall meetings, or hell, fucking SAY WHAT YOUD LIKE ABOUT THE PLAN, seeing as you havent told anyone in congress what you'd like in it. dont do this shit. not now.

fuck you mccain. at this point, i cannot help but completely agree with obama position of 'lets not fuck shit up by going there'. as such, he will now get my vote, regardless of if mccain 'magically saves the deal today in time for the debate!' or whatnot. no. fuck him. fuck him. shit wouldve been mad smooth today had he not been a complete asshat.

fuck. john. mccain.

who knows, maybe i'll soften my stance later today. or tomorrow. but right now, i am mad. this shit better not get fucked up. the markets are currently inflated on the bailout plan alone. maybe that sucks, as a catch-22, and we'll never know what else could be done. at this exact, current point in time, oh the fuck well. personally, i will not be a fan of liquidity markets freezing and no one willing to lend anyone money, and the failures that naturally flow from such an event. and, since john mccain has upped that possibility much more than it needs to be, fuck him.


As far as rants go, this one is excellent.

Also, hit up page 53 (in a 50 post layout) for some pretty good Drinky Crow ranting as well.

Drinky Crow said:
if i actually didn't give a fuck about the folks i share my community and state with, i'd be all for a complete collapse and the inevitable rise of fdr-brand democratic socialism. unfortunately, i have zero desire to see the folks i like and respect suffer for my long-term political ideals, and i suppose my dream of seeing the free market faithful hoist upon the crux of their own awful design is just something i'll hafta quietly touch myself to on those nights when mrs. drinky gets a little too tired of my poop jokes.

:bow new deal :bow2

:piss delusional self-titled bootstrappers :piss2



has calmed down a bit.
StoOgE said:
Asking someone to take a stance on a bill and that person then pulling a political stunt are two very different things.

Again, Reid wanted McCain to get involved. Oh wait, only a little bit? Oh, too bad, that's not what McCain had in mind. They asked for his involvement. He got involved on his terms. This is what happens.

Why turn around the next day and say that you could easily work this deal out without McCain? If so, why call for him to get involved? It was stupid.


Evlar said:
Harry Reid maybe expected McCain to issue a statement or, say, hold a press conference. That's a slightly more common response to a request for a policy position than shutting down a campaign and demanding closed door meetings with everyone and God.
A question Josh Marshall just asked: Would you trust John McCain to run a small or medium sized business?

Much less the country?


Evlar said:
Harry Reid maybe expected McCain to issue a statement or, say, hold a press conference. That's a slightly more common response to a request for a policy position than shutting down a campaign and demanding closed door meetings with everyone and God.

Seriously. McCain just wanted to delay/cancel the VP debate while grand-standing. I'm glad Obama called his bluff..


VanMardigan said:
Again, Reid wanted McCain to get involved. Oh wait, only a little bit? Oh, too bad, that's not what McCain had in mind. They asked for his involvement. He got involved on his terms. This is what happens.

Why turn around the next day and say that you could easily work this deal out without McCain? If so, why call for him to get involved? It was stupid.
If you're arguing that asking McCain to get involved was stupid I agree. We now see how stupid it was, which reinforces my view that we shouldn't ask McCain to get involved with anything involving the economy if we can help it.
CharlieDigital said:
As far as rants go, this one is excellent.

Also, hit up page 53 (in a 50 post layout) for some pretty good Drinky Crow ranting as well.

This spams up the 100 post layoutters. You guys should get with the program. The awesome program of 100 posts per page.
Ok here is how isee playing out. McCain will another maverick move which will defy expectations, i truely believe if the vp debate is not going to help palin, he WILL actually drop her and pick romney or pawlentry instead. looking at the past month and his decision making he will do anything to shake up the race. what do you guys think


"GAF's biggest wanker"
VanMardigan said:
So.............................he asked him to get involved. Which is exactly what I said. The extent of the involvement is not up to Reid at that point. Or are you expecting McCain to put a signature on whatever Reid wants him to do? Reid called him out, he responded in a way Reid wasn't expecting. Shouldn't have fucking called him out, how about that?
So..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................breathes.........................................................................................what you're saying is that McCain is just a Force of Nature, the proverbial Genie in the Bottle, who can't be held accountable for his actions and we should be careful what we wish for when we invoke his name. It would be too much to assume, for example, that he might take the common sense, rational approach of contacting Reid FIRST and asking what Reid might have had in mind when he asked for McCain's involvement. Got it.
Wow this is the best time to be a political junkie. So much stuff to read.

Seems like McCain is sabotaging his own campaign from the inside. He calls a meeting in Washington, but proceeds to stay quiet during the meeting while partisan bickering breaks out all around him? He didn't end up looking good.

Which reminds me of a remark of Peggy Noonan's I read the other day. She said that McCain isn't really in it to win. He's the top dog in the Republican party--that's all he wants! He's gotten revenge on the party that treated him like @#% in the 2000 election.


artredis1980 said:
Ok here is how isee playing out. McCain will another maverick move which will defy expectations, i truely believe if the vp debate is not going to help palin, he WILL actually drop her and pick romney or pawlentry instead. looking at the past month and his decision making he will do anything to shake up the race. what do you guys think

She is NOT ready for a serious debate. That's all I can say..
artredis1980 said:
Ok here is how isee playing out. McCain will another maverick move which will defy expectations, i truely believe if the vp debate is not going to help palin, he WILL actually drop her and pick romney or pawlentry instead. looking at the past month and his decision making he will do anything to shake up the race. what do you guys think

He won't drop her. It would cost him the only vote he has truly solidified: the fundies.

It'll also make him look like a complete tool.


VanMardigan said:
Which is exactly what I said.

No, you dishonestly suggested they called him to Washington.

Democrats, working in a bi-partisan manner, towards goals laid out by the opposition administration, asked McCain to put the country before his ego and his campaign and support a negotiated bailout plan that met the objectives laid out by John McCain. He responded in the manner best designed to aggrandize himself.

If that engenders respect in you, it says as much about you as it does about McCain.


He can't drop her. It's not legally possible in more than a few states.

(that's my understanding anyway, I'm no expert in election law)


artredis1980 said:
Ok here is how isee playing out. McCain will another maverick move which will defy expectations, i truely believe if the vp debate is not going to help palin, he WILL actually drop her and pick romney or pawlentry instead. looking at the past month and his decision making he will do anything to shake up the race. what do you guys think
He can't. It's too late to put someone else on most of the state ballots.

Edit: beat.
Evlar said:
He can't drop her. It's not legally possible in more than a few states.

(that's my understanding anyway, I'm no expert in election law)

Question then: what if she has a legitimate reason to be removed from the ticket (i.e. she's impeached in AK)? Can she still bow out now without fucking up the whole campaign?


has calmed down a bit.
Evlar said:
If you're arguing that asking McCain to get involved was stupid I agree. We now see how stupid it was, which reinforces my view that we shouldn't ask McCain to get involved with anything involving the economy if we can help it.

Right, so if we're going to write 7 paragraph diatribes against John McCain, let's save a sentence or two for the Democrats that infused presidential politics into this bailout crapfest by calling for McCain to get involved.

Obama called to put out a joint statement with McCain. He's not that guy. And although the statement came out, by that point he had already canceled his campaign. You have to know who you're dealing with.

No, you dishonestly suggested they called him to Washington.

Well, you assumed shit and you were wrong. Go back and read my post. And when you read it, realize I'm not a McCain supporter. You don't help this thread when you make assumptions that fit your agenda.

FACT: Reid asked for McCain to get involved.

That's what I said, and you're not disagreeing, only adding your specific flavor of bullshit to my statement.


VanMardigan said:
Again, Reid wanted McCain to get involved. Oh wait, only a little bit? Oh, too bad, that's not what McCain had in mind. They asked for his involvement. He got involved on his terms. This is what happens.

Why turn around the next day and say that you could easily work this deal out without McCain? If so, why call for him to get involved? It was stupid.
If I recall the actual quote from Reid was "I want John's vote, not his input".

So I don't see where he invited anything. He basically said sit back, read the plan we present you with, and vote.

You know, the job of every senator who isn't on a financial or banking committee.

:D :D :D


Evlar said:
He can't drop her. It's not legally possible in more than a few states.

(that's my understanding anyway, I'm no expert in election law)

Damn that pesky Federalism!

But yeah, good thinking. In all of this craziness, I hadn't considered that. But still, wouldn't there be a provision for her dropping out for 'health' reasons or something?
Sharp said:
76 points down ain't bad for a depression!

It's because of the good news that McCain left DC and got his hand out of the negotiations :lol

lawblob said:
Damn that pesky Federalism!

But yeah, good thinking. In all of this craziness, I hadn't considered that.

But dude, what if she's impeached or "kidnapped" before then? Is there the possibility some/all states would make an exception?
If Palin drops out, I think it's too late for McCain to replace her with someone else. Most states wouldn't be able to have the new person on the ballot (especially considering that early voting has already started.)

I think Biden would end up being McCain's VP if he wins in that scenario, since he would be the VP candidate with the most votes. Or maybe the Senate would vote on it and put in Obama.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
There's no way she will drop out. I think Palin really is a greedy little shit and wants this position just as much as the crazy fundies want her.


CharlieDigital said:
It's because of the good news that McCain left DC and got his hand out of the negotiations :lol

But dude, what if she's impeached or "kidnapped" before then? Is there the possibility some/all states would make an exception?

You would have to check each state's law. IIRC, this stuff is controlled entirely by state law.


avatar299 said:
I wrote a big response to this, but GAF logged out and it's gone, so instead you get a link. It has some of my argument in it.

One or two good points - that Klein ignores the Libertarian Socialists is true but that she can't differentiate between state capitalists and libertarian capitalism or that somehow she can't put both together under 'capitalism', and attack that, is just wrong. I also agree with "Klein tries to construe the crisis can be opportunity idea as unique to Friedman and evidence of evil intent. It is neither." That's a big irritant for me while reading actually. But it's important to point out that she says it is evil because people (1) are have no idea what is going and (2) they ordinarily wouldn't agree to the measures Friedman would push through. Those I think are both true.

But of course author lost me when he tried to say that Milton Friedman isn't the proper poster boy for the system and a great influence on how it's been working for the past 30 yrs. Just go read how fawning the obituaries were 2 yrs ago. And trying to unlink Friendman from the Pinochet's Chile is just disingenuous*.

The rest of the piece consists of strawmen attacks. I'm curious, have you actually read the book yourself?

*She responds to that here by the way: http://www.naomiklein.org/articles/2008/09/response-attacks
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