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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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soul creator said:
in fairness, the only debates people really remember with him are ones where he debated against people who have 95% of the same views as he does.

Yep. He's gone up against Keyes and O'Reilley in a different manner. He's not gonna tear down Hillary Clinton if she winds up the nominee.
Captain Pants said:
Would someone be kind enough to summarize this?

We shouldn't second guest Israel or else there might be a second holocaust. Contradictions and so forth. Ipso facso. Good guys and bad guys. Not a good guy saying Israel is stinking corpse. Good guys like Israel.


kaching said:
Do you know the time?


Sarah Palin at Irish Pub for tonight's debate

By Bonnie L. Cook

Inquirer Staff Writer
If tonight's presidential debate takes place, an Irish bar in Center City will be in the limelight, hosting Gov. Sarah Palin at a pre-debate party.

The Irish Pub, 2007 Walnut St., will open its doors at 5 p.m. to receive ticketed guests for the private function.

Paul Lindsay, the McCain campaign's spokesman, declined to release any details about tonight's event, or why the Irish Pub had been picked to host the Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee. All Lindsay would say was that Palin, who landed in Philadelphia yesterday, was here to do some preparation for her own debate against Democratic vice presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden Jr.

But Mark O'Connor, one of the pub's three owners, said the McCain campaign told pub managers to expect 400 people, a number he said would fit in the tavern's five rooms.

The Secret Service has been in to make plans for security measures, O'Connor said.

Palin is expected to arrive at the pub between 7 and 7:30 tonight and "cruise around," greeting people, O'Connor said. There's no special food or drink; it's just the pub's usual offerings.

Palin's expected to leave around 8:30 p.m., as the party ends, O'Connor said. The pub will reopen to the public at 9 p.m., the debate's scheduled start time.

On Wednesday night, O'Connor said he'd been told the likelihood of the presidential debate's being held was "iffy," but that changed 24 hours later.

As of yesterday, O'Connor said, "I'm pretty confident it will go forward."


Bacon of Hope
TomServo said:
I'm in the camp that doesn't think this is going to make a significant dent in the housing situation. The demand isn't going to be there.

Yeah I mean I am no expert by any means, I am just relaying what I heard everyday from people out on the field. I guess the way I look at is if no new businesses are popping up, current businesses are going under and people are losing their jobs at an accelerated rate then that will directly affect people being able to stay in their homes.

I guess what I was getting at is if it was damned near impossible 2 months ago for people to get a loan for properties or whatever, if something isnt done I cant imagine how much worse it can get.


TomServo said:
I'm in the camp that doesn't think this is going to make a significant dent in the housing situation. The demand isn't going to be there.

You've got people who've been foreclosed on; they're not getting loans until the foreclosures expire from their credit history. You've got people who've bought during the bubble who can still make their payments; I'm in this group, we can't afford to sell at a huge loss, so we're now in it for the long haul. You've got people that are in homes bought prior to the bubble, they're in better shape but they still need to find a buyer before they're back on the market. That's just in sales of existing homes - throw in builders trying to scratch out a living and the supply glut continues even longer.

Essentially it's a buyer's market for first-time home buyers. They'll get to deal with recession-level interest rates from wary borrowers. The rest of us aren't getting out of or into homes anytime soon. If there's foreclosure prevention/assistance that will keep houses off of the market, but those buyers aren't going to be there either. May stop supply from increasing, but demand will still be stagnant.

Unfreezing the credit markets may help with capital procurement for businesses, but I don't see it doing much to help this out. Where am I wrong?

You're not wrong - nothing will magically save the housing market. But when you're talking about paying 30/40 cents on the dollar for distressed housing assets, further decline is already priced in.


has calmed down a bit.
Xisiqomelir said:
This is probably shallow and unsophisticated of me, but I think the 44-page Dem plan might be more substantive simply based on the fact that it's 43 pages longer than the House GOP/McCain plan.

That's not the GOP/McCain plan. That's as silly as calling the Obama/McCain principles sheet they co-authored the entirety of their plan. This is meant as the principles they want included into any bailout proposal, not the bailout proposal itself.


VanMardigan said:
So you calling the election now? I still think there's plenty of time. Looking at the historical gallups, there were some pretty wild swings, and this one isn't even that big yet.

I called it a while ago.

VanMardigan said:
That's not the GOP/McCain plan.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
SpeedingUptoStop said:

Were they any positive parts to that interview? :lol

You can always tell when someone just isn't prepared for an interview or presentation. It isn't that Sarah Palin can't speak well, she just doesn't know enough about what she is trying to speak about.

There are actually people out there that want this woman to be close to the Presidency of the United States!?!? Foreign politics is extremely complicated, you can't teach all this stuff to one person in a couple weeks. It takes years of hands on experience and study to learn this stuff, there isn't a cliffnotes version out there. She might be able to spout out McCain's position, but if she is asked for a followup the whole thing just crumbles.

A lot of people around here hated Hillary (Never understood why, she is an amazing politician), but I'd love to see Hillary jump in and debate Palin...just for kicks. Just so everyone can throw that sexism card out the window, and watch Palin get her ass handed to her by a woman that knows what she is talking about. Anyone that jumped from Hillary to Palin is fucking idiot, there couldn't possibly be a bigger difference between the two.

Bring on the VP Debate. Biden won't even have to try, she'll destroy herself under questioning.


Junior Member
gkrykewy said:
You're not wrong - nothing will magically save the housing market. But when you're talking about paying 30/40 cents on the dollar for distressed housing assets, further decline is already priced in.

From what I'd read the 30/40 cents on the dollar was the actual market rate compared to the original value of the asset. Wasn't some of the anger with the Paulson plan directed at his slip that implied the government would be buying up the asests at their original values, not the actual market value?

If the bailout proposals have backed off to only permitting purchases at current depreciated price, can we really say that further decline is priced in? Wouldn't that imply that we've hit bottom on the housing correction/bubble/whatever?
VanMardigan said:
That's not the GOP/McCain plan. That's as silly as calling the Obama/McCain principles sheet they co-authored the entirety of their plan. This is meant as the principles they want included into any bailout proposal, not the bailout proposal itself.
This is a mind-blowing revelation. Here I was, ready to defend that plan thinking they were going to be voting on a one-page proposal and already being impressed, and you're telling me there's more?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Tamanon said:
I like how they tagged the video more than the content -

Get Your War On, economy, GYWO, Get Your War On episode 7, David Rhees, Jon Glaser, 700 billion, 700, 000, 000, 000, Sarah Palin scandal, Trig Palin, Sarah Palin Trig, Sarah Palin baby scandal, Palin Trig, Palin babygate, Sarah Palin vetting, Sarah Palin babygate, Palin grandmother, Sarah Palin grandmother, Sarah Palin son, Palin vetting, Sarah Palen, rape kits
Xisiqomelir said:

That is the plan as far as I'm concerned until you can find the alternative plan and post a PDF. It's the plan as posed by US News.

If anyone can post the PDF of their bill, by all means, let me see it :lol....

Otherwise, as Xisiqo said, they basically winged it.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
sevenchaos said:

We shouldn't second guest Israel or else there might be a second holocaust. Contradictions and so forth. Ipso facso. Good guys and bad guys. Not a good guy saying Israel is stinking corpse. Good guys like Israel.

Biden must be giddy for the debate.


Palin has lost any confidence she ever had. Twisted policies aside, she was very confident when she was nominated and came across as that. Now she seems completely dishearted. The VP debate is not going to be pretty.


Junior Member
Tamanon said:
Hell Biden should actually strive to give as quick answers as possible. Just brief declarations, that's it. Then watch the flailing.

Which is amazing, because that's exactly the strategy one should use against Biden - just turtle and wait for his gaffe factory to churn out a gem.

This may be the most boring VP debate ever.


TomServo said:
From what I'd read the 30/40 cents on the dollar was the actual market rate compared to the original value of the asset. Wasn't some of the anger with the Paulson plan directed at his slip that implied the government would be buying up the asests at their original values, not the actual market value?

If the bailout proposals have backed off to only permitting purchases at current depreciated price, can we really say that further decline is priced in? Wouldn't that imply that we've hit bottom on the housing correction/bubble/whatever?

Good point - TBD.


has calmed down a bit.
CharlieDigital said:
That is the plan as far as I'm concerned until you can find the alternative plan and post a PDF. It's the plan as posed by US News.

If anyone can post the PDF of their bill, by all means, let me see it :lol....

Otherwise, as Xisiqo said, they basically winged it.

That's the thing, they DON'T HAVE a separate bailout plan, just principles they would like included in the current proposal. Remember how Obama/McCain put out a statement with THEIR basic principles? Same idea.

And if your response is "hey, well, if they're holding up the process, they should have their own plan to propose", then I agree. But they don't.


Tamanon said:
Hell Biden should actually strive to give as quick answers as possible. Just brief declarations, that's it. Then watch the flailing.
Is deferring allowed during the debates? He should just "be a gentlemen" and let her have first crack at every question asked :lol

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
BrokenFiction said:
His only danger is to keep it cool at this point, not to overplay his knowledge of...well...everything. Be succinct and nail her on the facts.

Yup. Palin will sink herself without Biden's help.
Trurl said:
Can she call in sick and have some other Republican fill in for her for the rest of the election?
Holy crap . . . forget knowing what the 'Bush doctrine' is . . . she doesn't know what 'second guess' means! :lol She is comedy gold. We've struck comedy gold up thar in the Yukon!

sec·ond-guess (sknd-gs)
v. sec·ond-guessed, sec·ond-guess·ing, sec·ond-guess·es
1. To criticize or correct after an outcome is known.
VanMardigan said:
That's the thing, they DON'T HAVE a separate bailout plan, just principles they would like included in the current proposal. Remember how Obama/McCain put out a statement with THEIR basic principles? Same idea.

And if your response is "hey, well, if they're holding up the process, they should have their own plan to propose", then I agree. But they don't.

Not even close to the same idea because, as you said, if they're going to hold up the process and decide not to work with the bipartisan committee putting this together, then they can STFU and GTFO until they come up with another bill. That is the extent of how much work they are willing to do and that is what was passed along to Paulson and rejected as basically retarded.

Do you not see that they are proposing AIG The Second Coming?

Funky Papa

PhatSaqs said:
Is deferring allowed during the debates? He should just "be a gentlemen" and let her have first crack at every question asked :lol
That could be pretty awesome, actually. Palin talking high-school grande nonsense and Biden verbally slapping the fire out of her right after that. Five rounds and she'd be a sea of tears.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
MAN, i love the nytimes headline:

'McCain decides to participate in debates'

:lol :lol :lol


Who's mediating the VP debate? I don't think Ryan Seacrest or Carson Daly could throw softballs big enough for the woman to hit at this point.


testicles on a cold fall morning
VanMardigan said:
That's the thing, they DON'T HAVE a separate bailout plan, just principles they would like included in the current proposal. Remember how Obama/McCain put out a statement with THEIR basic principles? Same idea.
The problem with your argument is that Obama's 'principles' dovetails with Dodd's draft plan, which itself is a (severe) modification of Paulson's original proposal. The GOP bullet points McCain reportedly offered yesterday was an entirely different framework and lacked any of the nuance that Dodd and the rest of the Dems hammered out much earlier.


VanMardigan said:
That's the thing, they DON'T HAVE a separate bailout plan, just principles they would like included in the current proposal. Remember how Obama/McCain put out a statement with THEIR basic principles? Same idea.

And if your response is "hey, well, if they're holding up the process, they should have their own plan to propose", then I agree. But they don't.

Wait, now you're saying it is their plan? Just because it's not meaty enough to reach the minimum bar for "plan" status doesn't mean they get to dodge legislative responsibility by calling it some other name. So CD is right and the Dem plan is 44 pages long and the Republicans have 1 page of fluff, yes or no?


giga said:


Tonight is going to be so awesome. This will be the first live presidential debate I've ever seen :D

Hopefully they reach the relative level of epic that some of the primary debates did.
I'm sure it's already been asked, but what sites are going to be streaming the debate tonight?

It might be helpful to add stream links to the OP, you know, to keep the lazy assholes like me out of the way.
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