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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Xisiqomelir said:
This is probably shallow and unsophisticated of me, but I think the 44-page Dem plan might be more substantive simply based on the fact that it's 43 pages longer than the House GOP/McCain plan.
The loopholes in it are pretty damn gigantic though...very little is going to be enforcable.
i'm back, after this mornings explosion at 8:50am.
calmed down a bit.
still angry, but glad mccain left DC so shit can get to work.
so yeah, please let a deal be made. thank you.


has calmed down a bit.
CharlieDigital said:
Not even close to the same idea because, as you said, if they're going to hold up the process and decide not to work with the bipartisan committee putting this together, then they can STFU and GTFO until they come up with another bill. That is the extent of how much work they are willing to do and that is what was passed along to Paulson and rejected as basically retarded.

It's not uncommon to propose key changes to legislation rather than writing your very own bill from scratch. I think I'm going to bow out of this since I don't want to give the impression that I agree with the GOP proposal.

How dare you decry these brave patriots? Why do you hate freedom and jesus?

Yeah I noticed how the GOP brought religion into the bailout debate. Wait, what?


giga said:
Mr. Biden, what is your comfort level with Iran's claim that their nuclear program is only for domestic power production? Is it the position of your campaign that Iran intends to produce nuclear weapons in the near to medium term? If so, what steps do you intend to take to contain this threat to American interests in the region? And finally, would you support Israeli action against the Iranian nuclear program if they could present evidence of a clear and present danger to their interests or ours, and would you oppose such action in the absence of such evidence?


Mrs. Palin, what is your favorite color?


Gary Whitta said:
In six months you'd be too busy looking for a can opener and fighting off angry mobs who want your plastic bag filled with pet food with a piece of broken glass wrapped in an old shirt sleeve.
Bu-bu-but it's not 2012 yet. I thought that's when we were supposed to have mass chaos and riots? You mean i get to do that in 6 months? Awesome!


VanMardigan said:
It's not uncommon to propose key changes to legislation rather than writing your very own bill from scratch. I think I'm going to bow out of this since I don't want to give the impression that I agree with the GOP proposal.

I understand what you're trying to say, but when the 'key principles to be addressed in the broader plan' are completely irreconcilable with said plan...




helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Cymbal Head said:
I'm sure it's already been asked, but what sites are going to be streaming the debate tonight?

It might be helpful to add stream links to the OP, you know, to keep the lazy assholes like me out of the way.
The usual sites will probably stream it.

MSNBC (Link to stream will be posted on the frontpage when it goes live)
CNN (Probably going to be on stream 1; Direct Link to streams: Stream 1, Stream 2, Stream 3, Stream 4)
Wait, now McCain's back in on the debate? Holy shit, for all the Republican bashing John Kerry took over flip-flopping, McCain is on a totally different stratosphere.


_leech_ said:
Wait, now McCain's back in on the debate? Holy shit, for all the Republican bashing John Kerry took over flip-flopping, McCain is on a totally different stratosphere.

McCain's a maverick though.


3rdman said:

:lol @ the sour grapes. "Oh noes! My 31 year old song is being used against my wishes in a completely legal fashion! I should write an idiotic rant about it!"

Barracuda...paragon of high art.

EDIT: NVM...didn't know it was fake.


Askani said:
:lol @ the sour grapes. "Oh noes! My 31 year old song is being used against my wishes in a completely legal fashion! I should write an idiotic rant about it!"

Barracuda...paragon of high art.

Image is fake, but I'm glad it brought this discussion.

You...don't understand copyright law, do you?
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