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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm afraid of watching the Palin interview.

Literally, I'm scared man. I don't want to know what it contains.

You have to watch it. It's embarrassing, sad and hilarious all in one.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm afraid of watching the Palin interview.

Literally, I'm scared man. I don't want to know what it contains.

Dude, the part about Rick Davis, and the end... makes you realize why McCain is hiding her.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
GhaleonEB said:
So, first Rick Davis' firm stopped getting payments from Fannie and Freddie in 2005.

Then, it turned out the firm got monthy payments of $15,000 per month through August. But that's okay, since Davis is no longer an active member of the firm.

Now it turns out, Davis "has remained the treasurer and a corporate director of his lobbying firm this year, despite repeated statements by campaign officials that he had ended his relationship with the firm in 2006, according to corporate records."


What a fucking liar. :lol

McCain Camp said:
He's not actively doing any work for them, however.

Ah, so he's just being paid for influence then. GREAT. Fucking maroons.


Incognito said:
I've watched the Palin interview about 4 times now and still can't remove my jaw from the table. It's just surreal. Anyone who has a read newspaper the past two weeks could have answered Couric's questions better than her. Just flat out embarrasing and offensive.

As Tamanon says, it's practically inconceivable that any public figure be so utterly owned by Katie Couric and Charles Gibson, of all people.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*

"You can literally see McCain's campaign running away with it's tail between its legs."
I think we need some more fundamentalist quotes courtesy of FSTDT.com (Fundies Say The Darndest Things dot com).

Politics is no place for a women, women should be at home looking after the kids, cooking dinner and fetching beers while her man relaxes with his feet up and watches the football. Todd Palin should be the automatic VP is McCain wins because everyone knows that he would make a better VP than his wife simply for the fact he is a man, she is a woman.

McCain is an intelligent man and I'm sure he will see the light, or prehaps he already knows. Sarah Palin is a token VP, we all know when McCain is in the White House, he will go to Todd for the serious business and leave Sarah as a token female VP to keep the liberals happy.

Who's with me?

Have a nice day and God Bless!
forgetyourrestraints_x, Yahoo Answers [Comments (38)] [2008-Sep-10]

It's come down to this...
If Obama wins, America gets what it deserves - TOTAL DESTRUCTION
McCain wins and we have a reprieve and a little bit more time to repent as a nation
PrinceSomeday, Rapture Ready [Comments (39)] [2008-Sep-02]

First, if Mr. McCain was pro-family, he would want to see Mrs. Palin at home taking care of her five children, not headed to Washington to be consumed by the responsibilities of being second in command to the most powerful man in the world (or serving as the Governor of Alaska for that matter). Let me also say that I would have the same reservations about a man with five children at home seeking the VP office. It’s not exactly a pro-family job.

...My point is simple. The job of a wife and mother is to be a wife and mother. Anything in addition to that must also be subservient to it. There is no higher calling. Moreover, I believe Paul’s admonition should lead us to reject any notion of a wife and mother taking on the level of responsibility that Mrs. Palin is seeking.

My heart breaks for her. She has been blessed beyond measure with five incredible children, but she is running hard after what the world says is ‘something more.’ I fear she will regret this some day. In fact, I believe she already does. I can’t imagine her going to sleep at night without a nagging doubt in the back of her mind as she thinks about the time with her children that she will never get back.

My heart breaks for her children. Their mother, by all reports, is an incredible, intelligent, energetic woman with a great deal to offer. Unfortunately, right now she is offering it to the people of Alaska, and the people of the United States of America when her first priority is to offer it to them. God designed them to flourish under the nurturing care of their mother, not some surrogate.

My heart breaks for her husband. Mrs. Palin is not even supposed to be the head of her own household (Eph. 5:22ff; Col. 3:18; Titus 2:5; 1 Peter 3:1-7), let alone the State of Alaska, or the United States Senate (The VP oversees the Senate). He should be shepherding her, but instead she is ruling over him (Rom 13:1-7; 1Pet 2:13-17). How difficult it must be for him to walk the fine line of bowing to the culture that is stealing his bride while still trying to love his wife and lead his family.

Voddie Bauchman, Voddie Bauchman Ministries [Comments (42)] [2008-Sep-04]

How would you feel about having a woman Vice-President?

I can't believe McCain picked Palin who is a mother of 5 kids. She needs to be at home taking care of them instead of running for VP. You can't be a good mom and a good Vice President. Women don't belong in politics and that is why they were originally not allowed to vote. Women's mood swings, their drama, and their emotions cloud their vision and distort reality. What a foolish decision. God directs man to rule over woman, not the other way around.

Truth Seeker 2020, Yahoo Answers [Comments (67)] [2008-Sep-01]

I don't know . . . they are starting to convince me to vote Babar because a woman should be home with her five kids. :lol
MassiveAttack said:
Contains? It doesn't contain anything. It's a blackhole.
Seriously . . . did it contain a single policy position? It contained an 'I dunno', a 'we are thinking about that', and a "I'll get back to you on that."

There was really nothing there but reasons to think she's clueless.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm afraid of watching the Palin interview.

Literally, I'm scared man. I don't want to know what it contains.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch it.


If she can't handle 5 minutes, imagine debating an hour to an hour and a half with Biden. How many times will she say, "We need to have a bipartisan, comprehensive solution?"

I don't hate Palin, but it's obvious that she's way in over her head and that she would be a DANGER in running this country if she was put up to the task. I'm not posting this for her ridicule, but this is a person who could possibly be president of the US. It's your duty to spread this video so that people will know exactly what they may get if they vote McCain in office. This situation with Palin is like pulling a loaded gun away from a baby who has stumbled upon it.

Link one more time:


Stoney Mason said:
This is one of those rare times I'm legit angry. He really does think we are morons. I'm just blown away

But half the voters ARE morons or else this race would be over...
So the same thing is happening to the McCain campaign as happened to the Clinton one - finding themselves outspent, outgunned and outclassed, they melt down internally and lash out desperately in the hopes that something, anything will come along and turn things around.

Only instead of watching it all play out over the course of several months, we're going to see it happen all at once on election day. I'm predicting a solid Obama victory at the very least. If the debates go the way I believe they will, we could see a crushing Obama victory or even a Reagan Vs Mondale style landslide, obviously, depending on how badly they continue to melt down.

It's like watching a bunch of cars slam into one another on black ice. You know the carnage is unstoppable and it's uncomfortable to watch, but you can't look away.
MaddenNFL64 said:
Dude, the part about Rick Davis, and the end... makes you realize why McCain is hiding her.
Seriously . . . WTF . . . didn't she realize that saying the exact same sentence word-for-word, would come off pretty bad?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
speculawyer said:
Seriously . . . did it contain a single policy position? It contained an 'I dunno', a 'we are thinking about that', and a "I'll get back to you on that."

There was really nothing there but reasons to think she's clueless.
Dude, she couldn't even describe what she was talking about.

"This it what we are working on it can be for it to help this in any way so we don't go down that path if what this is it thing we are doing."


Argh, Palin just spouts talking point after talking point but she sounds like she has no idea what's she's saying.

it's so frustrating watching her talk. I wanna pull my hair out.

Choosing Palin was McCain's biggest mistake. Whenever she opens her mouth away from a teleprompter, she fails.
LCfiner said:
Argh, Palin just spouts talking point after talking point but she sounds like she has no idea what's she's saying.

it's so frustrating watching her talk. I wanna pull my hair out.

Whenever she opens her mouth away from a teleprompter, she fails.


drawer by drawer
speculawyer said:
I think we need some more fundamentalist quotes courtesy of FSTDT.com (Fundies Say The Darndest Things dot com).

Woah...just got hillaryis44 flashbacks. They weren't pleasant.


reilo said:
Dude, she couldn't even describe what she was talking about.

"This it what we are working on it can be for it to help this in any way so we don't go down that path if what this is it thing we are doing."

Man it's crazy, just listen to her answer to the first question.

It's really "errr eh err um err eh err err um" /sweat /awkward smile.

I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as, uh, South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our [children].



viciouskillersquirrel said:
So the same thing is happening to the McCain campaign as happened to the Clinton one - finding themselves outspent, outgunned and outclassed, they melt down internally and lash out desperately in the hopes that something, anything will come along and turn things around.

Only instead of watching it all play out over the course of several months, we're going to see it happen all at once on election day. I'm predicting a solid Obama victory at the very least. If the debates go the way I believe they will, we could see a crushing Obama victory or even a Reagan Vs Mondale style landslide, obviously, depending on how badly they continue to melt down.

It's like watching a bunch of cars slam into one another on black ice. You know the carnage is unstoppable and it's uncomfortable to watch, but you can't look away.

Yep, same trademark of fail- having to fuck with the process to even stay above water. And just like when Hillary's camp was pulling the FL/MI shit, Obama was content to let things play out.


Trakdown said:
Yep, same trademark of fail- having to fuck with the process to even stay above water. And just like when Hillary's camp was pulling the FL/MI shit, Obama was content to let things play out.



kevm3 said:
If she can't handle 5 minutes, imagine debating an hour to an hour and a half with Biden. How many times will she say, "We need to have a bipartisan, comprehensive solution?"

I don't hate Palin, but it's obvious that she's way in over her head and that she would be a DANGER in running this country if she was put up to the task. I'm not posting this for her ridicule, but this is a person who could possibly be president of the US. It's your duty to spread this video so that people will know exactly what they may get if they vote McCain in office. This situation with Palin is like pulling a loaded gun away from a baby who has stumbled upon it.

Link one more time:

I don't think anyone here actually "hates" Palin on a personal level (though the rape kit/abortion stuff doesn't make that easy) - we just think she is grossly incompetent for the job she is seeking and was picked for.

Her interview with Couric featured nothing but the vaguest, most generic and most basic answers (and I use that word loosely) imaginable, and she was constantly repeating herself throughout.

"He's also known as the maverick, though" was her answer to Couric asking her for examples of McCain ever pushing for more regulation. Couric then asked her the question again, emphasizing "specific examples", and Palin said "well, I'll try to find you some and I'll bring 'em to ya."

I don't know what else you can really say. She's indefensible.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*

"And then he says, 'I'm gonna stop the election for a moment, I think you should join me', and then I was like 'Bitch, I'm just getting started, so sit your punk ass down. It ain't over that easy.'"

Oh man, I just might watch this Palin interview. I think I oughta put on a lead jacket first to stop the radiation from getting to me.


Osaka said:
..This reminds me of the Miss Teen South California or whatever she was :lol So embarrassing.

Read two posts above yours;)
Trakdown said:
Yep, same trademark of fail- having to fuck with the process to even stay above water. And just like when Hillary's camp was pulling the FL/MI shit, Obama was content to let things play out.
Man .. . this is legendary crash & burn . . .

Palin's Troopergate Moves Getting Bad Reviews in Alaska
Print By NATHAN THORNBURGH / ANCHORAGE Nathan Thornburgh / Anchorage – Wed Sep 24, 1:15 pm ET
Alaska employees won't testify in Troopergate AP On Monday, Sarah Palin's lawyers announced the Alaska governor's intention to cooperate with the Troopergate investigation.

Sort of.

Palin won't actually cooperate with the original investigation - the one approved unanimously by a majority Republican committee in the state legislature this summer, which Palin welcomed in a spirit of transparency and accountability before she became the Republican Party's vice-presidential nominee. The Alaska Senate Judiciary Committee had started the inquiry when former public safety commissioner Walt Monegan alleged that he might have been dismissed for not firing the allegedly loutish state trooper Mike Wooten, who was in a bitter custody battle with Palin's sister Molly McCann and was accused of threatening members of the governor's family. The investigation has since been painted by John McCain and Palin backers as a purely partisan exercise, particularly because the committee chair, state senator Hollis French, is an Anchorage Democrat who made several seemingly prejudicial statements to the media early on, including that the probe could yield an "October surprise" right before the election. Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton says French has already made up his mind about the governor's guilt and at this point is "just leading people into an ambush."

Instead, Palin plans to cooperate with an investigator from the state personnel board. That investigator is a Democrat, but the board's three members are political appointees who ultimately answer to the governor herself. (One was appointed by Palin, the other two by her predecessor.) They got involved only after Palin took the unusual step of filing an ethics complaint against herself in early September to spark an investigation that her lawyers hoped would overshadow - and effectively kill - the legislature's inquiry.

But the Alaska senate inquiry is moving ahead. Last week, after many of Palin's aides and associates, as well as her husband, reversed their positions and refused to testify in front of the legislative committee, French said the senate investigator would issue findings on the matter in early October with or without their testimony. As if to parry that move, Palin's lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, met with the personnel board's investigator on Monday and promised that he would furnish a list of who would be interviewed on Tuesday. The McCain campaign told the Associated Press that after Tuesday, the entire personnel board process would be confidential and that the campaign would have no further comment. The Alaska personnel board is "the only legal forum in the state for the Monegan inquiry," Palin's spokeswoman explained.

For many Alaskans, all this maneuvering is a bit too clever. Palin's jockeying doesn't just clash with her previous image as a good-government reformer. It strikes some here almost as a matter of state sovereignty. There was grumbling when the McCain campaign brought in a high-powered cheechako (that's an outsider), former federal terrorism prosecutor Ed O'Callaghan, to dictate the governor's strategy and deal with the media. Spokeswoman Stapleton says O'Callaghan is in Alaska because she and Van Flein need the extra help, and that the media have made this a national issue, so bringing in advisers from outside of Alaska is only appropriate. But the campaign's public bashing of Monegan, a widely respected, longtime public official in the state, didn't help its case. Now that O'Callaghan's hardball tactics are becoming clearer, the complaints have grown louder, from all sides of the political spectrum.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Ether_Snake said:
More like over.
Heh, well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see if he really does suspend all campaigning and the rationalizations he comes up with if he doesn't.


Setec Astronomer
Hey, we still have October to get through. Nobody should think for a moment that this is over.

So much mayhem left!
Judderman said:
Woah...just got hillaryis44 flashbacks. They weren't pleasant.
I just checked hillaryis44 and to my surprise, it's still going. I didn't go through the comments in detail, but I have a feeling that Obama getting the nomination meant that only the most ardent supporters are still hanging on.

I'm certain that the comments section of the site are crazy distilled into its purest form.


Slurpy said:

Well, that pretty much confirms that this was a big trip for a photo op. I mean, that and the fact that it took McCain a week to call this a crisis+ 2 days to get huffy enough to do something about it. Even when he was told he wasn't necessary.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Hitokage said:
Hey, we still have October to get through. Nobody should think for a moment that this is over.
Not at all, just looking forward to how the latest twist develops!


Slurpy said:

That...that's just awesome. McCain hasn't even read the bailout bill, has no apparent opinion of it and yet he's running to Washington to save it....a week and a half after it started.

I almost feel sorry for the stupid people who believe that HE of all people should be leading this country.
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