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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Cloudy said:
She could NEVER be a governor in any other state.




Small balls, big fun!
Zeliard said:

How do you fight these two? Obama's economic advisor Austan Goolsbee is considerably more educated than McCain and Palin put together, and then some. And then you have Obama.

Biden's not that educated, and McCain's chief economic advisor is Douglas Holtz-Eakin. The two presidents who achieved the most progressive goals, FDR and LBJ, weren't thought of as intellectuals. Dubya went to Yale and Harvard.

That said, Obama is a wonk who is comfortable with the details of policy, deferential to actual expertise, well-grounded in the big picture debates, and sharp enough to smell out obvious bullshit whereas McCain is a grumpy egotist who boils everything down to personal morality and is happy to indulge his party's long tradition of anti-intellectualism.


I almost feel sorry for her at this point.

They've now had a couple of weeks to try and run an Eliza Doolittle job on her, and it isn't working. The more facts they try to jam into her head, the more random nonsense she ends up spewing.

They need to just stop it with the interviews. They're not doing themselves any favors, unless they're going for pity votes.


Rhindle said:
I almost feel sorry for her at this point.

They've now had a couple of weeks to try and run an Eliza Doolittle job on her, and it isn't working. The more facts they try to jam into her head, the more random nonsense she ends up spewing.

They need to just stop it with the interviews. They're not doing themselves any favors, unless they're going for pity votes.

Hey, they've been trying to keep her out of the light. But there's only so much they can do. She has to do a few interviews here and there.

But since they've all been so awful, we tend to remember them better.


Rhindle said:
I almost feel sorry for her at this point.

They've now had a couple of weeks to try and run an Eliza Doolittle job on her, and it isn't working. The more facts they try to jam into her head, the more random nonsense she ends up spewing.

They need to just stop it with the interviews. They're not doing themselves any favors, unless they're going for pity votes.

This is how I saw it...

It just made me remember of my student days of quickly reading through stuff for a presentation, getting up in front of class, and BSing my way through with whatever I remembered reading.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
sevenchaos said:
They're not complete morons.

It is a fascinating percentage of a single movie though. and Billy the Indian (sonny landham) has also launched a crackpot run at a governorship.
What a day... :lol I got very little work done. I think it's safe to post now that the thread has slowed down some.

A few thoughts:

- McCain is the most reactionary candidate I've seen in my life at this level. When this is over and when/if McCain loses the election the Republican establishment will rip him to shreds over how he conducted his campaign. But you gotta give credit to McCain. If he's going to go down, he's going to go down fighting in a blaze of glory. Kerry, Dukakis, and other Dem losers basically just rolled over and died without putting up much of a fight. Probably could Bob Dole to the list too. McCain is willing to go bat-sh*t insane so it at least makes the election interesting.

- The worst part of McCain's tactic today is that if the bill passes tomorrow, it will appear he made a rash decision. He wanted suspend campaigning and the debates for something that was going to get resolved the next day anyway. And if the bill passes on Friday or later, McCain will have a significant ownership on whatever passes. That's not smart either politically. If the bill ends up being a total mess, he will be one of the key players involved perception-wise. Whereas Obama is playing it cool (and smart) by giving overall support to bi-partisan efforts but mostly staying detached from the nitty gritty details and any perceived ownership.

- The Katie Couric/Palin interview was simply.... embarrassing. I mentioned in the other thread how I thought the Katie Couric interview would give us some insight on how Palin is progressing for the VP debate. She hasn't progressed AT ALL. With the debate just a week away she still gets flustered when faced with a question that she doesn't have a direct talking point for. Palin literally had momentary paralysis when Katie Couric asked a follow-up question on Rick Davis. If she does that in the debate, she's toast.

And I blame the McCain campaign. They've kept her in such a tight bubble that she's not gained any experience with handling questions from a non-friendly crowd in the past month. She's obviously a featherweight but keeping her in a cocoon isn't making her any stronger and is probably having the opposite effect.
Bulla564 said:
This is how I saw it...

It just made me remember of my student days of quickly reading through stuff for a presentation, getting up in front of class, and BSing my way through with whatever I remembered reading.

You ever consider running?


How do you fight these two? Obama's economic advisor Austan Goolsbee is considerably more educated than McCain and Palin put together, and then some. And then you have Obama.
Hasett, McCain's economic adviser, has a PhD from Penn. I thought we moved on from the education is autonomous to great leadership as President. Our current president kind of proved that point.

Nice to know the thread has devolved into one liners of "idiot," "moron," and my personal favorite "fucking pussy."


Devilhawk, how do you honestly feel about Palin? Detach her from McCain for a second. Would you be comfortable with this woman as president?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The Chosen One said:
- The worst part of McCain's tactic today is that if the bill passes tomorrow, it will appear he made a rash decision. He wanted suspend campaigning and the debates for something that was going to get resolved the next day anyway. And if the bill passes on Friday or later, McCain will have a significant ownership on whatever passes. That's not smart either politically. If the bill ends up being a total mess, he will be one of the key players involved perception-wise. Whereas Obama is playing it cool (and smart) by giving overall support to bi-partisan efforts but mostly staying detached from the nitty gritty details and any perceived ownership.
The only thing anyone will need to do to prove the false pretense of McCain's "Hero of the Hour" stunt is to show how he claimed he needed to cancel his Letterman appearance in order to get back to Washington only to be caught taping an interview with Couric a few blocks over at that very moment.


massive bear, tiny salmon
"I'll try and find some and bring 'em to ya"
You're not completing over due work at the office Palin you're in an interview.


devilhawk said:
Hasett, McCain's economic adviser, has a PhD from Penn. I thought we moved on from the education is autonomous to great leadership as President. Our current president kind of proved that point.

Bush was a C student at those schools. Goolsbee graduated summa cum laude from Yale and then got a doctorate in economics from M.I.T. Obama graduated with a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard and became president of the Harvard Law Review.

I know Bush has done wonders to smudge the reputations of Ivy League schools, and I know that education isn't the only critical factor here, but those are still not feats and qualifications to take lightly.


Cloudy said:
Devilhawk, how do you honestly feel about Palin? Detach her from McCain for a second. Would you be comfortable with this woman as president?
Quite simply, no. As vice president, yes. Does 4 + years of another president/congress aligned- rubber stamp government scare the crap out of me? Oh hell yes.
Bush was a C student at those schools. Goolsbee graduated summa cum laude from Yale and then got a doctorate in economics from M.I.T. Obama graduated with a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard and became president of the Harvard Law Review.
Again, McCain's adviser graduated with a doctorate in economics from Penn. Bragging about advisers' education is pointless.


Small balls, big fun!
devilhawk said:
Quite simply, no. As vice president, yes. Does 4 + years of another president/congress aligned- rubber stamp government scare the crap out of me? Oh hell yes.

Now that Democrats have Congress, Republicans have suddenly discovered the joys of a split government. Interesting.


I wonder what excuse the McCain camp will come up with to get Palin out of the VP debate? I hope the Obama camp doesn't give in to those demands. Seeing as how he didn't give in to McCain, I have faith that they'll take place on time.


Junior Member
a Master Ninja said:
That VP debate is never going to happen, is it?
If it does it will be hard to watch.. Basically have the volume on for Biden then turn it off for Palin just so I don't cringe for an hour and half.

Right now Carly Fiorina is looking real good next to Palin.



BEIJING, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.

The Hong Kong newspaper cited unidentified industry sources as saying the instruction from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) applied to interbank lending of all currencies to U.S. banks but not to banks from other countries.

This is not good news. :(


Mandark said:
Now that Democrats have Congress, Republicans have suddenly discovered the joys of a split government. Interesting.
I assume in my post history in 2000 is where you looked for proof I favored the republican rubber stamp government. Real damaging quote you have there.


I've been trying to avoid reading about politics, and Palin in particular. Her interview with Katie Couric was the first time I've ever heard her speak. My god, that was awful. She looked like a deer staring into the headlights of the Couricmobile. Is it always this much of a trainwreck when she opens her mouth? I can't comprehend why McCain thought it might be a good idea to select her as VP. If he does end up winning, she will go down in history as the worst vice president since Dan Quayle, a legend in her own time.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Having Palin as VP is something like having the 15 year old babysitter run a daycare center. Shit just isn't on the same level.


PantherLotus said:
:lol :lol

More hilarity:

Oh WOW! I got a lot of you dems and libs very upset? Seems like more anger from the angry left. What vision of America do you have? I have a vision and it is a gloreous one, not based on ignorince or just giving out free money to those who dont work for a living. You will ruen the country if Obama win s the election, just ruen it and I will not allow it. Sarah Palin might very well be an angel sent to save us. and I mean this literally, I have never seen someone stand up to liberel ignorince media so strong.


I just read somewhere that McCain pulled this stunt just to draw attention away from the Palin interview. They might have a point :lol


OuterWorldVoice said:
It is a fascinating percentage of a single movie though. and Billy the Indian (sonny landham) has also launched a crackpot run at a governorship.
Carl Weathers 2012!


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Having Palin as VP is something like having the 15 year old babysitter run a daycare center. Shit just isn't on the same level.

We'd be better off with a 15 year old babysitter as VP.


Cloudy said:
I just read somewhere that McCain pulled this stunt just to draw attention away from the Palin interview. They might have a point :lol
I almost believe it. That Palin interview is one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen, from anyone, anywhere. It was essentially one long gaffe. Small wonder that McCain's campaign has been trying to protect her from the media, she simply isn't trained for the position. It's not a matter of "inexperience" or other buzzwords--she just clearly hasn't gone through any part of the process required to be a legitimate candidate. I realize I'm probably LTTP on this since I have been avoiding following politics for awhile, but it astonishes me that she was even on the list of potential VP candidates.


devilhawk said:
Again, McCain's adviser graduated with a doctorate in economics from Penn. Bragging about advisers' education is pointless.

Is McCain's advisor making the media rounds and destroying the opposition/educating the viewers on the issue of economics as Goolsbee has been doing as of late?


Price Dalton said:
Where did you find this glorious prose?
Scroll down

[edit] - Comments are moving fast, though:

There is a darkness bruwing in this countrie, and Sarah is not afraid to shine The Light bright to it, and not be fearful. This women can see our gratest enemies from the doorway of her house, FACT. Katie Curic sits in a studio in Lost Angeles acting like she knows the things. I will do anything I can to get Sarah Palin to be our president, I have never been so inspired. YOu Obama lovers can just go to Paris and sip on cafe chinos . I know not fear, the USA will invade Iraq no matter what.

Posted by SarahHannen2 at 02:26 AM : Sep 25, 2008


SpeedingUptoStop said:
funny thing is, she wasn't.:lol She kind of just appeared out of left field.
Supposedly they looked at her early on, then eliminated everyone else and she was the only one left. Supposedly.
3pheMeraLmiX said:
More hilarity:

Oh WOW! I got a lot of you dems and libs very upset? Seems like more anger from the angry left. What vision of America do you have? I have a vision and it is a gloreous one, not based on ignorince or just giving out free money to those who dont work for a living. You will ruen the country if Obama win s the election, just ruen it and I will not allow it. Sarah Palin might very well be an angel sent to save us. and I mean this literally, I have never seen someone stand up to liberel ignorince media so strong.
It's not nice to make fun of those who aren't as intelligent as you. I'll see if I can't spruce up the language, spelling and punctuation a little:

Amazing! Have I upset a lot of you Democrats and Liberals? To me, it seems little else than more anger from the cantankerous left.

What vision of the United States of America do you have? I have a vision and it is a glorious one: one based not on ignorance or unjust transfers to the unemployed. Should Obama win this election, you will ruin this country. You will simply beggar it and this I will not allow. Sarah Palin might very well be an angel sent to save us (and I mean this figuratively). I have never seen someone stand up to the liberel, ignorance-propagating media in so strong a manner.

Does this make what he says less stupid?
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