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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Just about everybody on Fox News tonight seemed like they were about to give McCain the Nobel Prize in Economics for wanting to call off this debate.

Failure to call the recession a recession and act on it months ago has resulted in the recession word being used at the same time as depression fears are taking hold

Good work Bush, good work
According to a new SurveyUSA Senate poll in Oregon, Jeff Merkley (D) has pulled ahead of Gordon Smith (R)

Sen. Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) has hemorrhaged support since midsummer in his tough battle for re-election against state Speaker Jeff Merkley (D), according to a new automated poll conducted for Roll Call and KATU-TV by SurveyUSA.

In a survey of 708 likely voters conducted Monday and Tuesday of this week, Smith was statistically tied with Merkley, trailing the Democrat 44 percent to 42 percent, with 6 percent undecided. Constitution Party candidate Dave Brownlow registered at 8 percent. Back in early August, Smith led Merkley 49 percent to 37 percent in a SurveyUSA poll.

"The contest today is effectively even," said the polling memo prepared by SurveyUSA, which referred to the race as "difficult to handicap."

In the presidential race, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) led Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) by 11 points, 52 percent to 41 percent.

The Democrats already have 5 pickups in the bag. Hagan in NC is looking very good for a 6th pickup and now this result... if the trend continues... that's 7.

And Norm Coleman in Minnesota is treading water against comedian Al Franken.


wayward archer said:
Just about everybody on Fox News tonight seemed like they were about to give McCain the Nobel Prize in Economics for wanting to call off this debate.

Surely you aren't surprised?


ryutaro's mama said:
I hear these guys might know something about the start time:


Stop being lazy.

Hey, it's in small lettering on the right side of the screen underneath a Viagra ad; and it probably should be in the OP. It's not exactly the easiest thing to spot. 9 PM eastern time, for those wondering who aren't assholes. Same time for every debate.

KibblesBits said:
Relax, it will be answered by the next page. You never get your answer right away in this thread. :lol

I asked like two pages ago. :lol


Seems like the folks on Intrade think this was bad for McCain. I don't trust that site at all though. Waaay too erratic.

Been looking at the Iowa markets and Obama's been holding steady on there all summer. No wild swings. Maybe it's because they actually use real money?



How do you fight these two? Obama's economic advisor Austan Goolsbee is considerably more educated than McCain and Palin put together, and then some. And then you have Obama.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Zeliard said:

How do you fight these two? Obama's economic advisor Austan Goolsbee is considerably more educated than McCain and Palin put together, and then some. And then you have Obama.
That seriously looks like a crime fighting duo.


Master of the Google Search
Incognito said:
According to a new SurveyUSA Senate poll in Oregon, Jeff Merkley (D) has pulled ahead of Gordon Smith (R)

The Democrats already have 5 pickups in the bag. Hagan in NC is looking very good for a 6th pickup and now this result... if the trend continues... that's 7.

And Norm Coleman in Minnesota is treading water against comedian Al Franken.
Would still need Mississippi or Maine to budge


reilo said:
Dude, she couldn't even describe what she was talking about.

"This it what we are working on it can be for it to help this in any way so we don't go down that path if what this is it thing we are doing."
Dude when she said that you could tell Katie was like "What?"
Wait a minute . . . . didn't McCain claim the 'fundamentals of the economy are strong' two days ago? And now he is suspending his campaign due to the economy?

Am I missing something here?
viciouskillersquirrel said:
I just checked hillaryis44 and to my surprise, it's still going. I didn't go through the comments in detail, but I have a feeling that Obama getting the nomination meant that only the most ardent supporters are still hanging on.

I'm certain that the comments section of the site are crazy distilled into its purest form.

My guilty pleasure this entire election - primary and general - has been hillaryclintonforum. So, so entertaining.
speculawyer said:
Wait a minute . . . . didn't McCain claim the 'fundamentals of the economy are strong' two days ago? And now he is suspending his campaign due to the economy?

Am I missing something here?

1. Fundamentals are stong

2. Collapsing poll numbers

3. Shit maybe economy is bad

4. Suspending campaign -- country first! That'll show em! Did I mention that I'm a maverick?


Seriously the way McCain handled this financial crisis was insanely idiotic, he deserves to lose the election on this. Obama has at least shown competance in the proceedings. This financial crisis and the results of it will BE WHAT MAKES the next 4 years.


speculawyer said:
Wait a minute . . . . didn't McCain claim the 'fundamentals of the economy are strong' two days ago? And now he is suspending his campaign due to the economy?

Am I missing something here?

It feels like it was 2 days ago -- but it was 10 days ago on the 15th.
BigJonsson said:
Failure to call the recession a recession and act on it months ago has resulted in the recession word being used at the same time as depression fears are taking hold

Good work Bush, good work
Yeah . . . I remember that . . . we were argueing whether we were really in a recession or not. So now, not a single investment bank remains in the USA and we are talkin about a $700 Billion bail-out.

This really reminds me of the days when we were arguing if Iraq was in a civil war or not.

When will we learn?


I've never seen someone talk like they're singing off-key before. What the hell? Is it just that she keeps regurgitating talking points? I bet she sounds normal when she talks about stuff she actually has a clue about..


Can someone youtube Palin part 2?

This is dark comedy at it's finest... I mean some of the answers she gives are hilarious... but the laughter stops knowing that she may get an opportunity to be President.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
LuCkymoON said:
Dude when she said that you could tell Katie was like "What?"
Well, to be fair, my paraphrasing of her answers were completely made up and off the cuff, but I don't think I was that far off.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Zeliard said:

How do you fight these two? Obama's economic advisor Austan Goolsbee is considerably more educated than McCain and Palin put together, and then some. And then you have Obama.
i hear ya.

too bad america has a problem with 'educated' people. they like presidents to work more from the gut, right?


Hitokage said:
Hey, we still have October to get through. Nobody should think for a moment that this is over.

So much mayhem left!

That's why I said if this happened 30 days later I'd be gushing. 5 weeks is enough time for one or two more prolonged momentum changes. But still, I think he did some irreparable damage to his campaign today. This was not a move that will play well with anyone who wasn't already in the bag for McCain.


sp0rsk said:
To recap: McCain is a lying scumbag, Bush ruins yet another business he's involved in, Palin knows as much about running the country as Kittonwy.

Obama and Biden: (laughs)


That was my birthday present right there. Thank you!


Professional Schmuck
:lol :lol

CBS commenter said:
There is certainly poor journalism on the part of CBS Evening News with regards to the Palin/Couric interview. If one watches the video and reads the transcript there are some glaring mistakes. The words in the transcript do not exactly match what Palin said. They are subtle but in certain places enough to cause confusion and actually alter the meaning of what Palin actually said. It''s also quite obvious from all of the editing that this was a biased attack on Palin with an all out liberal effort to make her look poorly.

Couric might as well have been burning holes in Palin with her eyes. Had this been an interview with Biden, I believe it would have been filled with softball questions gushing with warmth and effervescence. The Obama love would have been spilling forth from Couric.

Given that most of the lame stream media is liberally biased I don''t expect much. It would be nice to report the facts, get the EXACT words transcribed and perhaps show some true journalistic integrity. But, that would be expecting too much.

I''m surprised Couric didn''t have an Obama/Biden banner prominently displayed behind her so that all pretense of journalisism could be accurately brushed aside and her true colors show.

This interview from Couric plainly shows why she is losing audience share and credibility. CBS is probably wishing they could get out of her contract some way before she sinks their ship.


reilo said:
Well, to be fair, my paraphrasing of her answers were completely made up and off the cuff, but I don't think I was that far off.

Paraphrasing? You mean translating "moron to english", right?


VALIS said:
That's why I said, "if this happened 30 days later..." 5 weeks is enough time for one or two more prolonged momentum changes.

My hope is that the debates and the potential they have to keep focus on actual issues (and not hockey moms and pitbulls) will keep the momentum on Obama's side.

The VP debate will be like an especially cringe-worthy episode of The Office... it's gonna be baaaaad.
I just saw the rest of that interview. At one point, the interviewer asks Palin a specific question about the bailout and she rambled for several minutes about health care reform, taxes and home loans etc. and near the end blamed the American people for the crisis.

How did this woman ever get elected? I could have done better in that interview.


Professional Schmuck
omg did you hear BIDEN WAS DROPPING OUT??!?!!?!?

Fox seems to think the "rumors" have some staying power. :lol


seriously? said:
It’s almost certainly just a case of the telephone game gone high-tech, but there’s an Internet rumor surging through inboxes and discussion boards that Joe Biden will drop out as Barack Obama’s running mate after his Oct. 2 debate with Sarah Palin — and that he’ll be replaced by Hillary Clinton on the Democratic presidential ticket.

The story line goes as follows: John McCain’s selection of Palin has generated so much interest in the Republican ticket that Obama needs to make a radical move to regain momentum. So in the days after the vice presidential candidates debate in Missouri, Biden will bow out, citing “health problems” (Biden underwent surgery in 1988 to repair two brain aneurysms). Enter Clinton.

Furthermore, the story goes, any damage the gaffe-prone Biden does during the debate will be erased by his abrupt exit...

This is so, so sad.
Zeliard said:

How do you fight these two? Obama's economic advisor Austan Goolsbee is considerably more educated than McCain and Palin put together, and then some. And then you have Obama.

The photographer did a fantastic job here.
It's a really good picture.


mattiewheels said:
i hear ya.

too bad america has a problem with 'educated' people. they like presidents to work more from the gut, right?

America likes the folksy average Joes & Janes, until shit like this happens. Then it's time for Phd in economics, and Harvard Law Review presidents to deal with shit.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
i'd pay some good, good money to watch a clinton/palin debate. wow.
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