Particle Physicist
between a quark and a baryon
Justin Bailey said:Is the micro-machine guy still around? They should get him to do it.
I think they did get him!! looks like it from the picture.
Justin Bailey said:Is the micro-machine guy still around? They should get him to do it.
I think you're falling for the mythology. JFK gave great speeches, and did several great things, but had a lot of failures and was a pretty terrible human being.DiatribeEQ said:Never count on any current politician to ever keep their campaign promises. Oh, you might see an occasional one kept, but the bulk of their promises will either be conveniently "forgotten" or at the very least, met with varied stages of compromise. For me, the last real "For the people..." president we had was JFK.
APF said:
mckmas8808 said:Makes sense. And Obama taking a middle ground on many issues will probably help him.
lol! I think that's just the representative trying to get it pushed through, but he really does look like the guy.quadriplegicjon said:I think they did get him!! looks like it from the picture.
I know you feel like no mortal can exist in the same breath as His Holiness, but the news media does not have to apply the same reverence in their broadcasts (even on MSNBC)quadriplegicjon said:Because Obama is the head of the whole country, not just one party.
Karma Kramer said:Why is this good?
He should stand on what he believes, not take the middle ground.
What is it that you think he 'believes' and should stand on?Karma Kramer said:He should stand on what he believes, not take the middle ground.
mckmas8808 said:When I said middle ground, I meant getting to a consenus between to trains of thought.
The problem has and continues to be that these 'independents', free from the corruption of being Washington insiders, have never proven to be electable.Karma Kramer said:Both parties are marketer's and I think its getting time for people to stop defending either side and defend their side.
What Obama believes pretty much seems to be middle ground.Karma Kramer said:He should stand on what he believes, not take the middle ground.
Steve Youngblood said:The problem has and continues to be that these 'independents', free from the corruption of being Washington insiders, have never proven to be electable.
Furthermore, it is simply very possible that Obama is a lot more moderate than people would like to believe. Regardless of what you or I might think we could get him to confess to believing off the record over several rounds of beers, he's never really portrayed himself in the way that some wish he acted.
People like Nader run every election, and every time they prove to be unelectable.
APF said:If Cheney is to be considered the defacto head of the GOP, then why shouldn't he be treated as a direct ideological opponent to the head of the Democratic party?
I guess you should of voted for Hillary and or John McCainKarma Kramer said:Well Nadar is a bit unelectable regardless of the party imo... however if you don't see how the media is in either parties pockets then you should pay attention to the type of coverage independents get when they run.
If this country is built on freedom of speech and opinions, why is it that we have two parties? Thats basically one more choice then a monarchy!
The past administration broke the law, yet they suffer no consequence, yet Martha Stewart lies about some insider trading and she is sent to jail? How is our government not becoming too powerful?
I think our founders would be pretty upset with the way this country is headed, and although I think Obama is a great leader, he isn't showing himself as anyone but a politician, calculating how to ensure re-election.
We legalize pot and tax it... it would create jobs and bring in revenues for the economy.
We legalize gay marriage it would end this culture war that has absolutely no basis aside from religious fanatics who want their religion to be apart of rule of law. (church vs. state)
We end the Patriot Act and stop the removal of our liberties and we will restore our faith in the founders of this country.
Benjamin Franklin said: "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"
If these aren't things Obama stands for (our constitution) then he doesn't understand the law and he shouldn't be our president.
Why do people defend such things for the sake of the well-being of one man... when thousands of pot smokers are sent to jail everyday, gays are discriminated against, and people's rights are being removed.
He is change... he is hope... he said these things. I voted for him. All I am seeing is Clinton 2.0.
Door2Dawn said:I guess you should of voted for Hillary and or John McCain![]()
I think you're equating your "change" with Obama's "change" which is not the same thing.Karma Kramer said:He is change... he is hope... he said these things. I voted for him. All I am seeing is Clinton 2.0.
I'm not TRYING to be condescending, but you sound like a college-aged idealist who thinks things can and should change overnight. Whether I should be regarded as a cynic or a pragmatist is of little interest to me, but the stuff you're rallying for are issues that, while I agree with them, I concede to be political suicide. As such, I don't particularly want to see Obama go down in flames to win these divisive issues.Karma Kramer said:Well Nadar is a bit unelectable regardless of the party imo... however if you don't see how the media is in either parties pockets then you should pay attention to the type of coverage independents get when they run.
If this country is built on freedom of speech and opinions, why is it that we have two parties? Thats basically one more choice then a monarchy!
The past administration broke the law, yet they suffer no consequence, yet Martha Stewart lies about some insider trading and she is sent to jail? How is our government not becoming too powerful?
I think our founders would be pretty upset with the way this country is headed, and although I think Obama is a great leader, he isn't showing himself as anyone but a politician, calculating how to ensure re-election.
We legalize pot and tax it... it would create jobs and bring in revenues for the economy.
We legalize gay marriage it would end this culture war that has absolutely no basis aside from religious fanatics who want their religion to be apart of rule of law. (church vs. state)
We end the Patriot Act and stop the removal of our liberties and we will restore our faith in the founders of this country.
Benjamin Franklin said: "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"
If these aren't things Obama stands for (our constitution) then he doesn't understand the law and he shouldn't be our president.
Why do people defend such things for the sake of the well-being of one man... when thousands of pot smokers are sent to jail everyday, gays are discriminated against, and people's rights are being removed.
He is change... he is hope... he said these things. I voted for him. All I am seeing is Clinton 2.0.
Justin Bailey said:I think you're equating your "change" with Obama's "change" which is not the same thing.
-He never said anything about legalizing pot. In fact he said pretty much the opposite.
-He never indicated that he would support gay marriage. Again, I'm pretty sure he indicated that he feels marriage should be between a man/woman and he supports civil unions.
-Once he got to the Senate, he voted (along with pretty much everyone else) for the continuance of the Patriot Act.
Obama's administration has (so far) been pretty much what he said it was going to be. You can fault him for that if you want, but you can't say he's acting differently than what he indicated during his campaign.
Steve Youngblood said:I'm not TRYING to be condescending, but you sound like a college-aged idealist who thinks things can and should change overnight. Whether I should be regarded as a cynic or a pragmatist is of little interest to me, but the stuff you're rallying for are issues that, while I agree with them, I concede to be political suicide. As such, I don't particularly want to see Obama go down in flames to win these divisive issues.
Mind you, I'm not gay, and I don't smoke pot. If put to a public vote, I'd happily vote in their favor, but these issues aren't my fight. Frankly, I was largely content with Clinton 1.0.
While I'll happily concede that the media falls way short of their lofty ambitions of being "The Fourth Estate," I also think you suffer from sheltered surroundings (i.e. college aged progressives who think like you), and thus you think these are the pivotal issues this country faces.Karma Kramer said:The division we are seeing in this country is cultural and geographical... its not because we as people are more fucked up... its because of what our government has turned into.. the media always trying to be "balanced" when really they aren't giving people facts and aren't doing any investigative journalism...
Steve Youngblood said:While I'll happily concede that the media falls way short of their lofty ambitions of being "The Fourth Estate," I also think you suffer from sheltered surroundings (i.e. college aged progressives who think like you), and thus you think these are the pivotal issues this country faces.
The reality is that not everyone cares about pot. Plenty of people are against it. Not everyone cares about gay marriage. Plenty of people are against it. Responsible journalism and legitimate third parties aren't really going to change that. A lot of it DOES have to do with a cultural divide, and this isn't going to change overnight.
Karma Kramer said:Maybe I am too much an absolutist when it comes to our liberties, but I think any sacrifice of them is against what this country stands for and moderating those policies for the sake of easing the fears of the nation that only exists because of politicians like Cheney that use fear and evil as a form of justification, is poor judgement on Obama's part.
Most of all I think the American people are looking for independent thoughts, not moderation, they are looking for a president that isn't apart of the democrats or republicans...
Both parties are marketer's and I think its getting time for people to stop defending either side and defend their side.
Karma Kramer said:Benjamin Franklin said: "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"
If these aren't things Obama stands for (our constitution) then he doesn't understand the law and he shouldn't be our president.
Why do people defend such things for the sake of the well-being of one man... when thousands of pot smokers are sent to jail, gays are discriminated against, and people's rights are being removed.
He is change... he is hope... he said these things. I voted for him. All I am seeing is Clinton 2.0.
mckmas8808 said::lol
No they aren't. If that was the case then why did the DEM and REP nom get like 98% of the vote in 2008?
Karma Kramer said:I mean how fucked up does our government have to get before people start speaking up?
mckmas8808 said:First of all Ben Franklin can suck a dick with his slave okaying ass. I like the guy, but lets not act like those "forefathers" were anywhere close to perfect.
And second of all, I think most people in the country would LOVE a Clinton 2.0. Just as long as Obama can keep his dick in Michelle's mouth and not any other lady.![]()
Karma Kramer said:1)Majority are for it. (new poll shows this)
2)Doesn't matter if people are against gay marriage... its against the constitution. If we don't stand for the constitution then what do we stand for? I suppose slavery should be allowed in states that still think that is okay... (although it kind of already does with the amount of illegal immigration going on)
It won't happen overnight? How else is it going to happen? We pass 1/3 of the bill for legalizing gay marriage today... in 6 months we will past the next 2/3's!
mckmas8808 said:Dude it was so fucked up that we elected a black man in 2009. Think about that for a second.
Nobody thought that was possible. Just 40 years ago blacks just got all their civil rights.
Karma Kramer said:I want progress... not just to go back to the 90's.
mckmas8808 said:First where in the Constitution does it say that? And if it is the Constitution then you have an issue that the Supreme Court should take a look at.
Karma Kramer said:LOL this is pretty racist. No offense.
mckmas8808 said:And do you see that Obama has given us progress in just 115 days. Why do you want 99% progress within a year?
You surely understand that these issues are hard and complicated and will years to figure out and deal with.
The only thing I can tell you is to keep applying the pressure to Obama and maybe you'll get DADT done away with this year. MAYBE....
APF said:I know you feel like no mortal can exist in the same breath as His Holiness, but the news media does not have to apply the same reverence in their broadcasts (even on MSNBC)
mckmas8808 said:Karma I AM A BLACK MAN! The point is no black person was going to get nominated in this early in the 21st century unless the previous president was a total screw up.
Why change the face of the President when the whole "White men only" thing has been working out. That's the thought of the average person deep down inside even if they don't know it.
Yes, and ALL the people who stay home are part of the progressive left! They would have voted, but no politician represents their pro-marijuana, pro-gay marriage views.Karma Kramer said:Turnout = 132,608,519
Total US Population = 306,480,482
Steve Youngblood said:Yes, and ALL the people who stay home are part of the progressive left! They would have voted, but no politician represents their pro-marijuana, pro-gay marriage views.
These issues simply aren't AS important to AS many people as you think they are. Furthermore, you referenced polls, which I don't think are as indicative as you'd like to skew them to be.
For instance, me! Am I for the legalization of marijuana? You bet. But do I REALLY care if it gets legalized. Not really. I don't smoke pot and don't have an interest in taking it up. I think it's silly that people are getting arrested and locked up over it, but it's just not MY fight.
That doesn't hold up. I voted for the guy who has opposed the war in Iraq since day one. I didn't vote for the guy who I assumed was going to legalize gay marriage or marijuana despite never promising to do so.Karma Kramer said:Yeah and poor uneducated kids are dying in a war that SERVED NO PURPOSE... but because it doesn't effect you, it is not you're fight. Way to stand up for your principals and further prove my point.
Steve Youngblood said:That doesn't hold up. I voted for the guy who has opposed the war in Iraq since day one. I didn't vote for the guy who I assumed was going to legalize gay marriage or marijuana despite never promising to do so.
Nice try, though.
Karma Kramer said:You are generalizing that America is racist, when really Obama's success could just be because he is very good at running a campaign etc...
JayDubya said:Personally, I blame Bush for Obama.
This is false equivocation. Pot and gay marriage should be legal, but aren't issues that are terribly important to me. I didn't vote for a politician based on their views of these topics.Karma Kramer said:It does hold up because you just said:
I don't smoke pot and don't have an interest in taking it up. I think it's silly that people are getting arrested and locked up over it, but it's just not MY fight.
I am not in Iraq and don't have interest in going. I think its sucks that kids are dying over there and losing their limbs, but its just not MY fight.
Your logic doesn't hold up...
Ehh, can't really blame JD for thinking that - I don't think we'd have selected a black man if the republicans didn't screw America as long and as hard as they did.Karma Kramer said:
Steve Youngblood said:This is false equivocation. Pot and gay marriage should be legal, but aren't issues that are terribly important to me. I didn't vote for a politician based on their views of these topics.
Iraq, however, was an important issue. I voted Kerry, and I voted Obama. Their views on the Iraq war played a large part of this (though they were certainly not the sole issues).
Furthermore, I don't think the human rights violations of people dying in Iraq are anywhere near equivalent to people getting arrested for choosing to smoke a prohibited narcotic, or gays being able to attain the title of marriage when he's proposing the legal benefits that come along with "civil unions."
There are bigger fish to fry. Iraq was one of those bigger fish.
Arde5643 said:Ehh, can't really blame JD for thinking that - I don't think we'd have selected a black man if the republicans didn't screw America as long and as hard as they did.
If Bush was just a mediocre crappy pres, we'd probably have Hillary as pres now. Thanks to Bush being one of the worst president in the modern American history, well, here we are now.
uh, what.Karma Kramer said:Exactly my point.
You aren't standing for principals, only what is important to you.
You can stand up for whatever you want, just don't cry WHERE'S MAH CHANGE OBAMA for things he never supported in the first place.I am not gay, and I can smoke pot whenever I want to freely. However I try to stand up for these two issues because it is what I think is right.
Also... I don't see how 50% of our prisoners being non-violent criminals isn't as important as Iraq... do you know how many peoples lives are being thrown away because of this issue? And how much money it is costing YOU.
Maybe with this information you will start caring about it.
Also, you are free to do what you want, I am not saying you have to protest these issues... but don't laugh at me for standing up for them... even if it isn't entirely realistic that I will reach my goal.
Oh shut the hell up.Karma Kramer said:Yeah and poor uneducated kids are dying in a war that SERVED NO PURPOSE... but because it doesn't effect you, it is not you're fight. Way to stand up for your principals and further prove my point.
Justin Bailey said:You can stand up for whatever you want, just don't cry WHERE'S MAH CHANGE OBAMA for things he never supported in the first place.
The President is suppose to best represent our views in the world stage... The ruler of all not just of some. I dont want an anti-gay president to ban same sex marriage or ban gays from public displays of affection just because his personal beliefs or values... His job is not to do with this country whatever he wants... it is to unite us by finding common ground and make this is a better country. This is what defines a leader... making others follow him.Karma Kramer said:Maybe I am too much an absolutist when it comes to our liberties, but I think any sacrifice of them is against what this country stands for and moderating those policies for the sake of easing the fears of the nation that only exists because of politicians like Cheney that use fear and evil as a form of justification, is poor judgement on Obama's part.
Most of all I think the American people are looking for independent thoughts, not moderation, they are looking for a president that isn't apart of the democrats or republicans...
Both parties are marketer's and I think its getting time for people to stop defending either side and defend their side.
First of all, that's a stretch and you know it. It's a stab at taking some moral highground that is purely theoretical. "I'm a compassionate liberal, and that's what makes me awesome. YOU may not care, but I bet you wouldn't have cared back in WWII about what was happening to the Jews if you were living in Nazi Germany. That's what makes you and I different."Karma Kramer said:Exactly my point.
You aren't standing for principals, only what is important to you.