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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You guys are missing the real story. Sandy's heading right for Washington DC.

Obama could die in the storm. That would probably cost him votes.


If Eastern PA has no power and there's tons of rainfall not too many people are going to stand in line to vote. It's hard to vote particularly when there's no power and dangerous weather conditions arise.
Another thing to consider, boat owners tend to be Republican. So they can navigate the flood waters and paddle to the polling stations while Democrats remain stranded.


If PA flips, Romney almost certainly wins. If Romney wins, the PPACA is either repealed or nerfed into irrelevance. If that happens, and if the economy recovers under a Romney presidency, I can't imagine anyone taking another shot at universal healthcare for at least a decade, maybe two.

Stop being an idiot. There is zero chance of PA flipping because of a storm 1-week prior to the election.
Quick everyone, call every urban voter and minority you know and tell them to get the hell out of PA and the surrounding states because Sandy is coming for them! Whites and rural voters have no need to worry though, because their power will remain on and their convictions will drive them to the polls during a week long hurricane while the weak willed Obama voters will still be hiding in a closet, afraid to leave their apartments or homeless shelters.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Quick everyone, call every urban voter and minority you know and tell them to get the hell out of PA and the surrounding states because Sandy is coming for them! Whites and rural voters have no need to worry though, because their power will remain on and their convictions will drive them to the polls during a week long hurricane while the weak willed Obama voters will still be hiding in a closet, afraid to leave their homes or homeless shelters.
Jesus take the wheel


The storm won't exist by election day. Landfall causes storm systems to dissipate. Diabolos is envisioning a New Orleans type scenario which makes little sense because New Orleans is a city built in a giant ditch.

Ummm.. now we are, but we weren't originally. As for the future, well, it's an unpopular position around here, but I think a shrinking of the footprint is inevitable.

The settlers knew what they were doing when they settled where they did. It was the idiots who insisted upon sprawling out into the swamp who got us our city's reputation.

Check it:

Compare the city's 1878 footprint to the Katrina flood footprint; the city originally stuck to the high ridge of land above the river (and - contrary to popular belief, above sea level). It was only until we gained the technology to drain the swamp that we began to sprawl into places where we shouldn't have. And we're only going to rebuild enough times until the city faces its destiny and shrinks. Thankfully, most of our cool historical stuff is on that high land.

you may resume your normally-scheduled freaking-out.. :)


The hurricane will avoid Western PA and only target the homes of black people

It is like Passover where it Passeth Over Rural Pinnsyltuckyers' houses.

Mah nishtanah, ha-laylah ha-zeh,
mi-kol ha-leylot?

What has changed, this night,
from all the other nights?

That in all other nights we vote for
Romney or Barack,
on this night, we vote only Romney?

That in all other nights we vote
many donkeys,
on this night, elephants

That in all other nights we do not
have voter fraud even once,
on this night, Reds vote twice?

That in all other nights
some vote once blue and others once red,
on this night, we are all 'Publicans?


BTW an Obama volunteer came over today. I assured her we are strong Democrats and she also said to support proposal 2 (here in MI)
I've come to one conclusion over the past three months.

The Republican primaries were FAR more entertaining than the General.

In part in me wanting this election to be over and secondly the incessant bitching, whining, trolling, panicking in this fucking thread.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
when obama wins, i say we put diablos on a boat and push him out to sea

for a relaxing cruise vacation
I'm visiting the parents this weekend, and just did an automated phone survey. (I don't have a land line, so I never get surveyed; what does that tell you?)

Turns out it was done by American Future Fund, a Koch Brothers group. I doubt they liked my answers.


You're all laughing at Diablos now, but just you wait.

They will soon realize there was a prophet in their midst.

No, we won't.

This election is too important for us to not go vote. I will hike through 10 feet of snow to ensure I vote for Obama.


This storm talk is crazy. The election isn't this Tuesday. Ugh. The only thing that would shut things down is a massive blizzard that lasted several days that was incapable of melting. Especially in the north-east. Even then large city areas would be out constantly clearing that away and the rural areas would be the locations to suffer.

I will say this is why there should be early voting everywhere or voting should be over a course of a few weeks. Just in case something crazy does indeed happen.

I really hope we get early day voting in PA soon. Though it isn't going to happen until we get a democratic governor and dems get control of the state senate.
whoa whoa whoa, wtf is this

U.S. Set to Sponsor Health Insurance

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will soon take on a new role as the sponsor of at least two nationwide health insurance plans to be operated under contract with the federal government and offered to consumers in every state.

These multistate plans were included in President Obama’s health care law as a substitute for a pure government-run health insurance program — the public option sought by many liberal Democrats and reviled by Republicans. Supporters of the national plans say they will increase competition in state health insurance markets, many of which are dominated by a handful of companies.

The national plans will compete directly with other private insurers and may have some significant advantages, including a federal seal of approval. Premiums and benefits for the multistate insurance plans will be negotiated by the United States Office of Personnel Management, the agency that arranges health benefits for federal employees.

Walton J. Francis, the author of a consumer guide to health plans for federal employees, said the personnel agency had been “extraordinarily successful” in managing that program, which has more than 200 health plans, including about 20 offered nationwide. The personnel agency has earned high marks for its ability to secure good terms for federal workers through negotiation rather than heavy-handed regulation of insurers.

John J. O’Brien, the director of health care and insurance at the agency, said the new plans would be offered to individuals and small employers through the insurance exchanges being set up in every state under the 2010 health care law.

No one knows how many people will sign up for the government-sponsored plans. In preparing cost estimates, the Obama administration told insurers to assume that each national plan would have 750,000 people enrolled in the first year.

Under the Affordable Care Act, at least one of the nationwide plans must be offered by a nonprofit entity. Insurance experts see an obvious candidate for that role: the Government Employees Health Association, a nonprofit group that covers more than 900,000 federal employees, retirees and dependents, making it the second-largest plan for federal workers, after the Blue Cross and Blue Shield program.
(more at link)

Is this real life?! Am I overreacting, because I covered ACA a lot and don't remember anything like this being passed
the storm will hurt rural people more than urban people.

rural roads and access being more fucked actually hurts Republicans more than an Urban voter who would vote Democrat who could walk to his polling station without stransportation


Aren't those the health insurance exchanges? Nicely timed leak to get that in the news

edit: Oh it's not-for profit plan to be offered in the exchanges
Robert E. Moffit, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said he worried that “the nationwide health plans, operating under terms and conditions set by the federal government, will become the robust public option that liberals always wanted.”


wow, how did I miss this
If that is indeed the modified public option, then utter failure on Obama administration's part to convey it's existence.

Failure, or clever? It snuck completely under everyone's nose and was passed without note; I can imagine a few democrats who wouldn't vote for something like this. I don't even remember Ezra Klein mentioning this...
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