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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Based on WHAT?

Your question seems to come with a sense of urgency, Oblivion. What's the matter? Are you afraid that Kevitivity has the information needed to topple over that tower of cards you've built in a hermetically sealed room in the liberal wing of the house of socialism?


PPP: OH 51-47 O



Reduce the debt, simplify tax code, lower the corporate tax rate, give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc), get tough on China, backup up Isreal, kill Obama care,... I could go on but you asked for 5.

And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.

1. reduce the debt - by reducing taxes and increasing military spending. His debt reduction plan has zero backing. Obama has said the same and has given more specifics on how he'd try to do it.

2. simplify the tax code - not true. His big plan is to lower the tax rates, but then the only way to make up for this from a revenue standpoint that he's given includes deduction thresholds, further complicating when you can and can't claim a deduction. Nothing he has proposed to date would simplify the tax code.

3. lower corporate tax rates - both Obama and Romney have claimed support for this, both have argued for roughly the same rate (20%). The only difference is that Romney doesn't want any kinds of protections put in place that keep self employed individuals from claiming 20% for all their income, never setting foot into the top earner brackets that are otherwise in place. In short, he's basically looking to lower corporate taxes while also making it an excellent tax dodge.

4. Give the DoD what they want - a) the DoD isn't asking for $2 Trillion dollars more in funding. b) it is the job of the federal government to be a watchdog on military largess. Eisenhower warned of this when he left office, the last thing we need is to further grow the already dominant military industrial complex.

5. Get tough on China - by "get tough" you mean start a trade war that all our corporations will stab us in the back over as it directly hurts their bottom lines. It will have a net negative effect as Obama's policies and natural class progression is already putting as much pressure on China's currency as they can handle without collapsing. They won't let that happen. Jon Huntsman, former GOP governor and presidential candidate, also former ambassador to China, pointed out multiple times in the GOP primaries just how fool headed and out of touch with reality Romney's claims about China are.

6. Back up Israel - how much more backup can we give Israel? As it is we heavily subsidize their military and keep aircraft carriers in the Med pretty much constantly. Just because Benjamin Netanyahu is a warmonger doesn't mean we should let him drag us into his shit. The U.S. still has a large window in which we can end any nuclear aspirations Iran might hold. The Obama administration is already making peace with Israel the top requisite for any kind of U.S. aid for Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.. What more can we do to prop up Israel in the region?

7. Kill Obamacare - can't happen. The GOP won't have the senate and Reid will never let a repeal pass, so this is just a false promise he will clearly be unable to keep.

Got any others? Because these 7 are almost entirely clueless.
Reduce the debt

How will he do this? In detail. Unless you are going off what he said in the debates at face value.

simplify tax code

See above question.

lower the corporate tax rate

You do realize both candidates are on record calling for this, right? Not a Romney specific policy point.

give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc),

...but above you called for Romney reducing the debt. How will he do that by driving up military spending? And where has the DoD asked for more ships? Link plz.

get tough on China

NO ONE, not Obama or any of his predecessors, will truly get tough on China. Yeah, and as far and Mitt getting tough on them, ask the residents of 'Bainport' how tough on China he got.

backup up Isreal

Tell me, in detail, how the Obama Administration has not backed Israel. Go ahead.

kill Obama care,

Mitt has flip flopped on ACA so much during this election cycle, from wanting to get rid of it completely, to wanting to keep the popular parts, to wanting to re-shape it into RomneyCare. You don't even know your own candidate.

... I could go on but you asked for 5.

And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.

I don't think you even know the candidate that you are voting for which is par for the course cause no one does.


What does "get tough on China mean?"

How is Israel not backed up?

Obama has proposed the same corporate tax rate as Romney.

Romney has given ZERO explanation on how he will reduce the debt that is credible. If anything, he's promised to make it much much worse.

At least Romney has a platform. BO has nothing. Anyhow the original question was to list 5 reasons I 'm voting Romney, not explain how the world works to everyone.

I envy all of your passion for BO, I really do. I was a partisan liberal when I was young. However these days I kind of view it like this - we have two political parties in America:
The stupid one and the dangerous one.
Still waiting for non-PPP polls to show anything like this. Sure the WaPo confirmed PPP's VA findings, but let's not whip our dicks out yet. Romney is gaining in Ohio with this Jeep attack
At least Romney has a platform. BO has nothing. Anyhow the original question was to list 5 reasons I 'm voting Romney, not explain how the world works to everyone.

I envy all of your passion for BO, I really do. I was a partisan liberal when I was young. However these days I kind of view it like this - we have two political parties in America:
The stupid one and the dangerous one.

This is absurd. First off, it's Romney who barely has a platform. His only thing is a tax cut and nothing else.

Obama has a much clearer platform.

And I don't know how many times I must remind you of this but I neither voted for Obama nor am a liberal. Just keep dodging the questions.

I ask you to define what those things mean and represent and you retort attacking me and saying "well Obama has no platform."

This is the tactic of someone without an adequate response. Please proceed.
Still waiting for non-PPP polls to show anything like this. Sure the WaPo confirmed PPP's VA findings, but let's not whip our dicks out yet. Romney is gaining in Ohio with this Jeep attack

Purple Obama +2
CNN Obama +4
Time Obama +5
SurveyUSA Obama +3

The fuck you talking about?


No Scrubs
At least Romney has a platform. BO has nothing. Anyhow the original question was to list 5 reasons I 'm voting Romney, not explain how the world works to everyone.

I envy all of your passion for BO, I really do. I was a partisan liberal when I was young. However these days I kind of view it like this - we have two political parties in America:
The stupid one and the dangerous one.

Again, specifics.
At least Romney has a platform. BO has nothing. Anyhow the original question was to list 5 reasons I 'm voting Romney, not explain how the world works to everyone.

I envy all of your passion for BO, I really do. I was a partisan liberal when I was young. However these days I kind of view it like this - we have two political parties in America:
The stupid one and the dangerous one.

cyan where is your Obama has no record meme...modify it to Obama has no platform
Still waiting for non-PPP polls to show anything like this. Sure the WaPo confirmed PPP's VA findings, but let's not whip our dicks out yet. Romney is gaining in Ohio with this Jeep attack

Not even trying to be subtle here.

Here's a Romney question:

Suppose the JEEP nonsense were true, what would his administration do to keep a privately held company from shipping those jobs overseas.

Remember Mitt:


Your words.


Reduce the debt, simplify tax code, lower the corporate tax rate, give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc), get tough on China, backup up Isreal, kill Obama care,... I could go on but you asked for 5.

And btw, I'm NOT an Obama hater. I just think he has the wrong priorities and doesn't know how to lead.

You failed at his first point. Don't mention Obama..which is included in your Obama care. Game. Set. Match.


Ruh roh:

Kasich strong on Romney in Ohio


Politico said:
Ohio Gov. John Kasich gets there on Mitt Romney:

"I believe right now we are currently ahead, internals show us currently ahead," Kasich said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "I honestly think that Romney is going to carry Ohio, and you know i haven't been saying this. I now believe it is going to happen."

The Republican governor said that independent voters are trending heavily toward the GOP presidential nominee, Mitt Romney. The first debate allowed Romney to connect with people and is an important part of the Romney momentum in Ohio, Kasich said.

You failed at his first point. Don't mention Obama..which is included in your Obama care. Game. Set. Match.

The more hilarious thing is how he answered no questions, all while claiming to not be an Obama hater.

Immediately starts referring to him as "BO".

I've never seen a neutral guy refer to him as "BO".

Only thing missing was 'B. Hussein Obama' to make it all complete.


Romney is going to have to start making some kind of hail mary push into a state like Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania. Ohio is long gone.


What do you expect them to say? If they concede OH, the election is over cos no Republican has won without that state. They are trying to bluff their way to victory and not demoralize GOP voters
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