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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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no senate dems are pussies as we saw time and time again under Reagan and Bush administrations. Romney and the repubs will get whatever they want without much of a fuss.
I'm not so sure about that. Dems during Bush's/ Reagan never went through the level of obstruction that the current Dem Senate has. Reid also has turned into a pitbull.
It depends on what the current political climate is like and what Romney would try to push through. Dems would never let that 20% tax cut on everyone or medicaid overhaul pass. The Romney supreme court nominees would make it though and that would be extremely depressing. And of course playing hardball while the economy actually recovers will be seen and pushed by the media as Democrats trying to ruin the economy.
Apropo the earlier discussion of possible Romney moderation if Dems hold senate, harry reid's former COS just had this to say:

@jamespmanley: Again . ANYONE who thinks that romney could comprise w/right wing extremists on capitol hill- much less dems-needs to get head examined


Hot damn.

Sam Wang has Obama's chances at 90% (lowball "drift" prediction) and 97% (actual prediction). I'll take those odds Dr. Wang. I'll take those odds.


I love the way our country's candidates for President aren't the party leaders like some countries. Winner take all, loser goes home. If all goes to plan, in 9 days I'll never have to hear about Mitt Romney in any consequential way again.


told my gf to expect radio silence from me on nov 6th, possibly into nov 7th. also indicated that if obama loses (strong possibility) that she should avoid me for a few days!

If Obama loses, I won't be speaking to my father or grandfather for some time.

They already make condescending remarks about how I'll grow out of leaning left on most issues, as though I were some freshman poli-sci student protesting the WTO and not a 28 year old MPP student who reads more policy analysis in a week than they do in a year. If Republicans take power again, I'll have to hear their shit about how finally the grown-ups are back in charge, and goddamn will it suck when the recovery really takes off and I have to hear about how Keynesian economics have been discredited for all time.

Obama had better fucking win this.


If Obama loses, I won't be speaking to my father or grandfather for some time.

They already make condescending remarks about how I'll grow out of leaning left on most issues, as though I were some freshman poli-sci student protesting the WTO and not a 28 year old MPP student who reads more policy analysis in a week than they do in a year. If Republicans take power again, I'll have to hear their shit about how finally the grown-ups are back in charge, and goddamn will it suck when the recovery really takes off and I have to hear about how Keynesian economics have been discredited for all time.

Obama had better fucking win this.

This is stunningly familiar. I mean, amazingly.
If Obama loses, I won't be speaking to my father or grandfather for some time.

They already make condescending remarks about how I'll grow out of leaning left on most issues, as though I were some freshman poli-sci student protesting the WTO and not a 28 year old MPP student who reads more policy analysis in a week than they do in a year. If Republicans take power again, I'll have to hear their shit about how finally the grown-ups are back in charge, and goddamn will it suck when the recovery really takes off and I have to hear about how Keynesian economics have been discredited for all time.

Obama had better fucking win this.

I hate this shit so much.
I actually received it from a previous friend of mine who is get this, three years older than me lol.

I used to use it when I was in late high school, thinking I was oh so cool being ahead of the game.

Edit: I'll often point out that it was growing and learning that turned me from a conservative to a liberal, so I'm not sure how you could say aging only does the reverse.


i'm really glad my mom's not really into politics (pro-life democrat) and my dad hates what republicans did to the party (once-republican-now-independent).

even the people i know who are republicans don't go fucking crazy on obama like some do. they mostly keep their opinions to themselves. i only ran into one guy who went off about how obama is a secret muslim kenyan socialist. that was a long car ride.
My parents arent into politics especially my father who I'm not sure if he's ever voted but I found it interesting that while he is not an Obama fan in the least, te way that Romney acted in the debates turned my dad off completely. He felt Obama acted much more Presidential.


How long it takes to get a poll topic locked these days?

Were you looking for the mythological creature known as Democrat for Romney?

Hehe. Actually I was looking for how many people would self-identify as Republicans. By my count there were exactly 2 among the Americans who replied.

There were also 2 people who said they were Moderate Republicans, many who didn't list any affiliation and a lot of "Independents". Maybe it's a stretch but I'd guess the 2 Independents who said Romney probably lean right.

So out of about 40 Americans, only 4 labeled themselves Republican and two had to qualify it. Even on GAF, that's way too low. Part of it might be the unfair stigma posters on the right get here but I think it translates to the real world too. Folks (especially younger folks) do not want to be identified as Republicans even if they are for all intents and purposes. So a lot of them call themselves Independents. Just a non-scientific test I wanted to try. Too bad I couldn't get a larger sample size..
If Obama loses, I won't be speaking to my father or grandfather for some time.

They already make condescending remarks about how I'll grow out of leaning left on most issues, as though I were some freshman poli-sci student protesting the WTO and not a 28 year old MPP student who reads more policy analysis in a week than they do in a year. If Republicans take power again, I'll have to hear their shit about how finally the grown-ups are back in charge, and goddamn will it suck when the recovery really takes off and I have to hear about how Keynesian economics have been discredited for all time.

Obama had better fucking win this

Exactly my feeling with the recovery.

No way I want this clown sliding in at the midway point and getting credit for a recovery that was on the way, with or without him in office.

Fuck that.

Because his nowcast is 80% and his forecast is 75%.

That's not that much tightening. He accounts for that in the forecast.

To clarify, in an article somewhere (news sites blocked on my current network) he said his Model accounts for Obama over performing the National polls while expecting the states ones to be tighter.


I love the way our country's candidates for President aren't the party leaders like some countries. Winner take all, loser goes home. If all goes to plan, in 9 days I'll never have to hear about Mitt Romney in any consequential way again.

The GOP leaders on in the Capitol are awful. I'll almost miss having Mitt Romney be the face of the Republican party.
If Obama loses, I won't be speaking to my father or grandfather for some time.

They already make condescending remarks about how I'll grow out of leaning left on most issues, as though I were some freshman poli-sci student protesting the WTO and not a 28 year old MPP student who reads more policy analysis in a week than they do in a year. If Republicans take power again, I'll have to hear their shit about how finally the grown-ups are back in charge, and goddamn will it suck when the recovery really takes off and I have to hear about how Keynesian economics have been discredited for all time.

Obama had better fucking win this.

Well, Keynesian economics will unfortunately be discounted as a policy since the public will never elect someone who believes in those principles again (in a reasonable manner), until Republicans are finished ruining the United States and it's already too late to reverse course. Then the United States will gradually slide into a global afterthought over the course of 20-30 years, as a result of our enshrined lack of regard for funding sciences, and infrastructure. Ronald Reagan did a great job of eroding U.S. power with his advocacy of the path that lead to the Great Recession (the start of the era where we started to view Government & worker rights as problems, and private markets and deregulation as magic curealls.) I shudder to think what the second "Reagan" era will do to the U.S.

At least we'll still have our guns though, even though we'll live in a world where having a giant war machine doesn't count for a hill of buns in terms of actual power.


I don't want to watch election night coverage cause it's going to be so stressful...but in the case Romney loses I just can't miss his concession speech >_< I can totally see him being angry and a sore loser. Just can't wait to see this lying power hungry man have his dreams of power come crashing down.
No way I want this clown sliding in at the midway point and getting credit for a recovery that was on the way, with or without him in office.

Fuck that.

This and the supreme court nominations are the two reasons Obama cannot lose this. Everything else Mitt Romney could do could be blocked or reversible.
They already make condescending remarks about how I'll grow out of leaning left on most issues, as though I were some freshman poli-sci student protesting the WTO and not a 28 year old MPP student who reads more policy analysis in a week than they do in a year. If Republicans take power again, I'll have to hear their shit about how finally the grown-ups are back in charge, and goddamn will it suck when the recovery really takes off and I have to hear about how Keynesian economics have been discredited for all time.

Obama had better fucking win this.

Of course Keynesian economics won't be discredited. Mitt himself has already said that you can't massively slash the government spending quickly because that would destroy the economy. And he wants to spend lots of money on the military and cut taxes. Those are BOTH classic Keynesian stimulus measures.

The Dems and Reps are both Keynesian. It is just that one side focus more on tax cuts to the rich and military spending whereas the other focuses on tax cuts to the middle class and spending on teachers, infrastructure, etc.
I actually talk with a guy of FB from High School fairly often who's very (self-identifed but let's not get into that shall we) fiscally conservative and socially moderate-leaning-conservative, and he hates Romney, and is actually considering voting Obama, or at least 3rd party, because he thinks Romney's a fool with moronic tax plans

It's pretty amusing watching this guy who defended McCain full-throatily, even though he admitted Palin was an idiot, joining in on the Romney attack. Another one posts more anti-Romney image macros than any of my liberal friends.

Come to think of it, pretty much all of the moderate college Republicans I know personally can't stand him and are at most voting for him very hesitantly.


Will you guy stop with the storm bs?

It like people are making of fan faction about a damn storm.

The rattling of the windows filled the motel room as Secretary Clinton flipped her Blackberry exasperatedly onto the bed. With cell towers falling like dominoes in the storm, she couldn't get any service. The business of the state would have to wait a while.

Sitting at the desk, she tried to relax, but without much success. Hillary knew herself well enough to know that she didn't rise to become Secretary of State because of her easygoing disposition. It was her constant drive to succeed, to overcome her foes, that kept her moving forward, even as her marriage slowly fell apart. Losing the nomination to Obama had been a stunning blow, but also a stirring -- even exhilarating -- call to action, one the Secretary had heeded to its utmost. But now, with her Presidency in 2016 almost assured, she was feeling antsy again.

The wind picked up.

Somehow, although she looked forward to running the country, Hillary already knew it wouldn't satisfy her. It was too easy -- too many things were going her way this time. It was just like -- she hesitated to admit to herself -- her relationships; she was always more fascinated by the challenge and the competition, always disappointed and bored when the other party turned out only human after all. Sometimes it seemed to her that no normal man could ever be enough to hold her attention. She needed something more, something she couldn't just dominate and cast aside, but that would never accede to her control. Something less a man and more a force of nature.

Standing, Hillary turned to the door as the wind blew it open...
The rattling of the windows filled the motel room as Secretary Clinton flipped her Blackberry exasperatedly onto the bed. With cell towers falling like dominoes in the storm, she couldn't get any service. The business of the state would have to wait a while.

Sitting at the desk, she tried to relax, but without much success. Hillary knew herself well enough to know that she didn't rise to become Secretary of State because of her easygoing disposition. It was her constant drive to succeed, to overcome her foes, that kept her moving forward, even as her marriage slowly fell apart. Losing the nomination to Obama had been a stunning blow, but also a stirring -- even exhilarating -- call to action, one the Secretary had heeded to its utmost. But now, with her Presidency in 2016 almost assured, she was feeling antsy again.

The wind picked up.

Somehow, although she looked forward to running the country, Hillary already knew it wouldn't satisfy her. It was too easy -- too many things were going her way this time. It was just like -- she hesitated to admit to herself -- her relationships; she was always more fascinated by the challenge and the competition, always disappointed and bored when the other party turned out only human after all. Sometimes it seemed to her that no normal man could ever be enough to hold her attention. She needed something more, something she couldn't just dominate and cast aside, but that would never accede to her control. Something less a man and more a force of nature.

Standing, Hillary turned to the door as the wind blew it open...



The rattling of the windows filled the motel room as Secretary Clinton flipped her Blackberry exasperatedly onto the bed. With cell towers falling like dominoes in the storm, she couldn't get any service. The business of the state would have to wait a while.

Sitting at the desk, she tried to relax, but without much success. Hillary knew herself well enough to know that she didn't rise to become Secretary of State because of her easygoing disposition. It was her constant drive to succeed, to overcome her foes, that kept her moving forward, even as her marriage slowly fell apart. Losing the nomination to Obama had been a stunning blow, but also a stirring -- even exhilarating -- call to action, one the Secretary had heeded to its utmost. But now, with her Presidency in 2016 almost assured, she was feeling antsy again.

The wind picked up.

Somehow, although she looked forward to running the country, Hillary already knew it wouldn't satisfy her. It was too easy -- too many things were going her way this time. It was just like -- she hesitated to admit to herself -- her relationships; she was always more fascinated by the challenge and the competition, always disappointed and bored when the other party turned out only human after all. Sometimes it seemed to her that no normal man could ever be enough to hold her attention. She needed something more, something she couldn't just dominate and cast aside, but that would never accede to her control. Something less a man and more a force of nature.

Standing, Hillary turned to the door as the wind blew it open...

LMAO. But why is the SoS in a cheap ass motel?


I actually talk with a guy of FB from High School fairly often who's very (self-identifed but let's not get into that shall we) fiscally conservative and socially moderate-leaning-conservative, and he hates Romney, and is actually considering voting Obama, or at least 3rd party, because he thinks Romney's a fool with moronic tax plans

It's pretty amusing watching this guy who defended McCain full-throatily, even though he admitted Palin was an idiot, joining in on the Romney attack. Another one posts more anti-Romney image macros than any of my liberal friends.

Come to think of it, pretty much all of the moderate college Republicans I know personally can't stand him and are at most voting for him very hesitantly.

Most people aren't voting for Romney. They're voting against Obama.


i'm really glad my mom's not really into politics (pro-life democrat) and my dad hates what republicans did to the party (once-republican-now-independent).

even the people i know who are republicans don't go fucking crazy on obama like some do. they mostly keep their opinions to themselves. i only ran into one guy who went off about how obama is a secret muslim kenyan socialist. that was a long car ride.

Unfortunately here in Texas my family is pretty pro-Romney. The oldest group is racist to the point where I cussed out a family member over Kenya/Muslim remarks. I will not be attending thanksgiving because this individual cannot keep his mouth shut at any family event and everyone is too reluctant to call out his bullshit because they don't want to rock the boat. The individual in question told me that because Obama's father is Muslim that makes Obama a Muslim (its in his blood I guess). He asked me "Do you even know what Muslims believe?" and so on. He believes Obama was born in Kenya as well. Our family has a history of casual anti-black, anti-Hispanic, and anti-Catholic sentiment. My mother who is a school teacher who lost her job due to budget cuts and cannot afford healthcare is angry and is not voting for Obama. She is clearly ignorant of many issues and is self-aware of her ignorance so she doesn't get too emotional over things. She is willing to listen to me and has genuine questions but I don't see her often and my influence is thus small. I don't blame her for her frustration but it is misplaced. She watches Fox News out of habit and I can't help but wonder how her perceptions are being changed. This is a woman that voted for Hilary in the Texas primaries.

The only real success story has been my father. He is a doctor and an educated man that grew up in the NE. This is a man who was staunchly conservative and a neo-con during the Bush years. In 08' after many heated discussions he finally stopped watching Fox News and starting shifting where he got his information. It was like a shroud had been lifted over his eyes and the effect cannot be exaggerated. He is completely fed up with the GOP's bullshit and although he is still socially conservative he thinks the GOP policy of deregulation after the economic crisis is insane. Even though he doesn't think its perfect he supports Obamacare as one of many steps needed to improve our healthcare. He thinks Romneys tax plan is a joke and clearly recognized his changing positions in the first debate and said Romney pulled an etch-a-sketch. This man now listens to NPR every day to the point where he will sometimes talk to me about a story (vast majority of the time not on politics) and I have to tell him "Yeah I listened to the radio on the way over here too Dad". He also drives a fucking Prius now. I joke that he went from where he was previously to a NPR listening Prius driver. He doesn't like coffee but if he did I am sure he would like lattes :).
This is only the beginning...

I called it.

You can't get a good national poll if the northeast is out of power. Nor poll a state there.

We're going to be the dark, guys. Someone hold me.

Although, that dude is saying it cuz their office is in NJ. Still, I wonder how reliable results can be if there's major power outages from the storm.
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