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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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No, I agree. She's a STRONG candidate, but the state fundamentals work against her. But she's also a great candidate. I really want to see more polling.

I wonder if we will see more polling or more precisely more accurate polling. The last poll had Berg up by 10%, but the poll had some problems in party representation. It was widely panned because of that. The state fundamentals do work against her, but ND will vote for good candidates regardless of party. Dorgan and Conrad being the most obvious.
I remember Ohio being called really early last go round, considering the polling and early voting is similar, I can't see why it wont happen again.

yeah, i was still canvassing colorado neighborhoods when ohio was called back in 2008. was definitely a good/crazy feeling. promptly went back to the main office and started celebrating..


My prediction for election day:

  • Obama guides us out of Frankenstorm with the steady hand
  • Approval ratings shoot through the roof
  • He wins 538-0
I wonder if we will see more polling or more precisely more accurate polling. The last poll had Berg up by 10%, but the poll had some problems in party representation. It was widely panned because of that. The state fundamentals do work against her, but ND will vote for good candidates regardless of party. Dorgan and Conrad being the most obvious.
The internals are still looking good for Heitkamp, and most public polls have been right-wing outfits like Rasmussen or janky polls, like you said. One poll done by that outfit had Berg up 7 - among presidential primary voters. Guess which party had a contentious primary this year


My prediction for election day:

  • Obama guides us out of Frankenstorm with the steady hand
  • Approval ratings shoot through the roof
  • He wins 538-0
You're the first person I've seen suggest that Obama might get a bump out of handling a natural disaster well.

You don't belong here.


The internals are still looking good for Heitkamp, and most public polls have been right-wing outfits like Rasmussen or janky polls, like you said. One poll done by that outfit had Berg up 7 - among presidential primary voters. Guess which party had a contentious primary this year

Her brother Joel has a radio show here in ND. He felt pretty comfortable with her internal polling, so it must be going well. Then again would he say otherwise?

Even so, defeating Berg is just a notch below Obama winning. Both of them winning would be great.
Redistricting was always going to make winning the House hard. I thought it could happen after Ryan was selected, but his Medicare plan hasn't proven to be as toxic as advertised.

Democrats really only need to win 10-15 seats to ensure the complete obstruction of 2011 doesn't continue. Boehner's hands won't be tied as much, and he'll be able to make deals with democrats to get some stuff done. Assuming, of course, that the GOP ends their scorched earth policy after the election.
Her brother Joel has a radio show here in ND. He felt pretty comfortable with her internal polling, so it must be going well. Then again would he say otherwise?

Even so, defeating Berg is just a notch below Obama winning. Both of them winning would be great.
It'd be better if Obama won North Dakota (!?)

PhoenixDark said:
Redistricting was always going to make winning the House hard. I thought it could happen after Ryan was selected, but his Medicare plan hasn't proven to be as toxic as advertised.

Democrats really only need to win 10-15 seats to ensure the complete obstruction of 2011 doesn't continue. Boehner's hands won't be tied as much, and he'll be able to make deals with democrats to get some stuff done. Assuming, of course, that the GOP ends their scorched earth policy after the election.
One thing too is that everyone's attentions have been focused on Obama vs. Romney, and to a lesser extent the big Senate races like Massachusetts and Wisconsin. The House races as a whole have gotten considerably less attention outside of the usual wackos like Bachmann.

I think Democrats will gain about a dozen seats.


Diablos brings up a great point guys. Has there been anyone - either at the government or university level - studying solutions to how to cast and count ballots without the use of electricity? You'd think this would be a top priority for a nation reliant on local and national voting procedures?
The most effective solution is what political scientists call the Gramsky Method. It's where each precinct gathers at a centralized location and an election official holds his hand to his ear and asks "if you support candidate X, let me hear you scream." They alternate between the candidates three times, and the candidate with the loudest round wins the precinct. Republicans oppose it because young voters are at a distinct advantage.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The most effective solution is what political scientists call the Gramsky Method. It's where each precinct gathers at a centralized location and an election official holds his hand to his ear and asks "if you support candidate X, let me hear you scream." They alternate between the candidates three times, and the candidate with the loudest round wins the precinct. Republicans oppose it because young voters are at a distinct advantage.

I cracked up halfway through this
i know we don't usually talk policy in here, but if it would produce a far better government if the closed primary system was done away with. it just gives voice to extreme elements and is probably a main reason why our politics is so polarized. a guy did an interesting talk on this at my school the other day and it really opened by eyes to how shitty closed primaries are.

in fact, we would have a much more reasonable, moderate, and productive congress if we did away with primaries all together.


The Autumn Wind
So I'm bored and getting my occasional dose of Fox News. Hilarious stuff. I often wonder how a great newsman like Mike Wallace spawns such a POS like Chris. Talk about tarnishing a legacy.
Redistricting was always going to make winning the House hard. I thought it could happen after Ryan was selected, but his Medicare plan hasn't proven to be as toxic as advertised.

Democrats really only need to win 10-15 seats to ensure the complete obstruction of 2011 doesn't continue. Boehner's hands won't be tied as much, and he'll be able to make deals with democrats to get some stuff done. Assuming, of course, that the GOP ends their scorched earth policy after the election.

But none of that matters since Romney is winning the white house.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Can someone point me to a non partisan Web site that I can view the Ohio ballot. I'd like to be prepared for when I go to early vote in about 10 hours.
i know we don't usually talk policy in here, but if it would produce a far better government if the closed primary system was done away with. it just gives voice to extreme elements and is probably a main reason why our politics is so polarized. a guy did an interesting talk on this at my school the other day and it really opened by eyes to how shitty closed primaries are.

in fact, we would have a much more reasonable, moderate, and productive congress if we did away with primaries all together.
Minnesota has open primaries.

Doesn't seem to help much.


Diablos brings up a great point guys. Has there been anyone - either at the government or university level - studying solutions to how to cast and count ballots without the use of electricity? You'd think this would be a top priority for a nation reliant on local and national voting procedures?

It won't happen anytime soon unless the Federal Government controls elections. And that won't happen anytime soon because of partisanship


PPP had Obama up 4 in Ohio and Up 2 in NH. Someone else had Ohio tied (though it was dated days ago and released late) and Gravis had Obama up 1 in Ohio.

A Nevada poll showing Obama up 4. 2 in Minn, one up 3 another up 8.

edit: Forgot Obama up in Va via PPP.

Nice... Solid polls all around.


I am now officially a pollaholic and I'm not even American. November 6th, and with it hopefully Obama's reelection, can't come soon enough..

It's pretty funny how alot of people on both sides seem very confident that it is already in the bag, though Republicans mostly seem to be cherry picking the most convenient polls, what a surprise.
told my gf to expect radio silence from me on nov 6th, possibly into nov 7th. also indicated that if obama loses (strong possibility) that she should avoid me for a few days!
I am now officially a pollaholic and I'm not even American. November 6th, and with it hopefully Obama's reelection, can't come soon enough..

It's pretty funny how alot of people on both sides seem very confident that it is already in the bag, though Republicans mostly seem to be cherry picking the most convenient polls, what a surprise.

Assuming Nates model is accurate, Obama is over-performing by a big margin this election.


told my gf to expect radio silence from me on nov 6th, possibly into nov 7th. also indicated that if obama loses (strong possibility) that she should avoid me for a few days!

Is she Republican or something? Why wouldn't you spend election night with her?

Political scientists believe natural disasters can hurt an incumbent's reelection chances as voters often blame whoever is in office for adversity, Reuters reports.

“Larry Bartels of Vanderbilt University and Christopher Achen of Princeton University examined rainfall data back to 1896 and found that extreme droughts or floods cost the incumbent party office holders an average of 1.5 percentage points of the vote total,” Reuters reported Sunday. “Severe drought and excessive rainfall probably cost then Vice President Al Gore victories in seven states in the 2000 election, enough to hand the contest to Republican George W. Bush, they found.”
If Romney wins, Repubs hold the House, and Dems hold the Senate, does the Dem Senate do to Romney what the Repub House hasdone to Obama in terms of obstruction?


This is only the beginning...

This actually might have potential to be interesting..

If the NorthEast (i.e. ObamaLand) is too busy battening-down the hatches to answer national pollsters' calls, we might not have accurate national polling over the next few days.


Unconfirmed Member
Even so, defeating Berg is just a notch below Obama winning. Both of them winning would be great.
I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally dislike Berg. I will be pretty devastated if he wins. Just got an email though that Bill Clinton & Heidi are having a rally in Fargo tomorrow. I'm going to try to head over there after work.
Is she Republican or something? Why wouldn't you spend election night with her?

she's from the ukraine and is very apathetic towards politics. although she's very informed of the process, knowledgeable about the issues, and would vote for obama were she a citizen, she couldn't care less about the day to day minutia and finds my obsessing over polls to be very... odd. for example, tonight i was at her place and while watching revenge (her fav show) i had one eye on neogaf, another on twitter, and nate's model open and was alternately laughing at the replies in here while fist pumping the PPP results.


I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally dislike Berg. I will be pretty devastated if he wins. Just got an email though that Bill Clinton & Heidi are having a rally in Fargo tomorrow. I'm going to try to head over there after work.

Agreed. He is a slimy dude.


she's from the ukraine and is very apathetic towards politics. although she's very informed of the process, knowledgeable about the issues, and would vote for obama were she a citizen, she couldn't care less about the day to day minutia and finds my obsessing over polls to be very... odd. for example, tonight i was at her place and while watching revenge (her fav show) i had one eye on neogaf, another on twitter, and nate's model open and was alternately laughing at the replies in here while fist pumping the PPP results.

Bad news for Incognito's girlfriend.


she's from the ukraine and is very apathetic towards politics. although she's very informed of the process, knowledgeable about the issues, and would vote for obama were she a citizen, she couldn't care less about the day to day minutia and finds my obsessing over polls to be very... odd. for example, tonight i was at her place and while watching revenge (her fav show) i had one eye on neogaf, another on twitter, and nate's model open and was alternately laughing at the replies in here while fist pumping the PPP results.

LMAO ok I get it now
Reduce the debt, simplify tax code, lower the corporate tax rate, give the DoD what they want (more ships, etc), get tough on China, backup up Isreal, kill Obama care,... I could go on but you asked for 5.
Reduce the debt, lower taxes, AND spend more. Mitt is the magic man!

And if you want to stand with Israel, you may want to learn how to spell it first.
John Sides actually just did a post on how declaring a federal disaster area gains a President more votes than the actual disaster cost him.


if this is true i think we can expect areas of california and minnesota to be declared disaster areas very shortly in order to stop romney's momentum.

Over-performing how?

check out the "state fundamentals" in nate's model. obama is doing much better than the fundamentals would predict.
If Romney wins, Repubs hold the House, and Dems hold the Senate, does the Dem Senate do to Romney what the Repub House hasdone to Obama in terms of obstruction?

no senate dems are pussies as we saw time and time again under Reagan and Bush administrations. Romney and the repubs will get whatever they want without much of a fuss.
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