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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Hey guys, you see this story.

"The only exception I have to have an abortion is in the case of the life of the mother," said Mourdock, the Tea Party-backed state treasurer. "I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize life is that gift from God. I think that even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen."


I don't want him to lose. If anything I'd like him to apologize to Hillary Clinton, and for her to apologize to him. Maybe they've done it already, who knows. Perhaps Trump will bring them closer together tomorrow

I'm losing my shit here. You have a gift.


I know it was posted already but after reading this

I'm...surprisingly relieved. It seems Romney is not really surging, based on state polls. I hope my fellow Michigan brother Cheebs reads this
I think there's a different dynamic here though than in say 2004, and even in 2008 it wasn't as profound. Everyone is increasingly addicted to real-time polling and that in and of itself seems to have a psychological impact if nothing else. I.e. 538 drops to 68%. But I figured it would move down a bit. This is a 2, 3 point race at best.

I dunno, like I said before I'm semi-prepared to deal with the fact that Bams might lose. I don't want to see it happen, and I'm trying to pull myself away from the data so I don't go nuts. If he can just carry Ohio and hold to a small part of the firewall he's getting re-elected.
I don't want him to lose. If anything I'd like him to apologize to Hillary Clinton, and for her to apologize to him. Maybe they've done it already, who knows. Perhaps Trump will bring them closer together tomorrow
There's the PD I know and love

I know there's a certain faction of Clinton supporters who want Obama to lose because they think Romney will be an easier mark in 2016. I'm glad you're not one of 'em


Could states back out of it strategically? Say, if in September it looks like the Republican has more to gain from the EC than the popular vote, could Texas suddenly call the whole thing off? If so, I don't see it actually working.

My understanding is that the whole thing is legally enforceable. It's essentially a contract between the states. I guess there's an increased danger of faithless electors, but the courts should be able to restrict what the state governments can do here.



More than anything else, this is screwing up the polls. Probably even more so that the lack of cell phone polling.

Why Pollsters Missed the Latino Vote – 2012 edition

by Matt A. Barreto, Latino Decisions on 10/23/2012
In 1998 Harry Pachon and Rudy de la Garza wrote a report for the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute titled “Why Pollsters Missed the Latino Vote – Again!” in which they argued that polls across California failed to accurately account for Latino voters in their samples, and that pre-election polls statewide were fraught with errors as a result. Pachon and de la Garza argued that “mainstream” pollsters failed to account for Latinos for three primary reasons: 1) their sample sizes of Latinos were far too small; 2) their Latinos samples were not representative of the Latino population within the state; and 3) they were not interviewing Latinos in Spanish at the correct proportions. THIS WAS 14 YEARS AGO (yes I am screaming).

In 2010 Gary Segura and I wrote that not much had changed and polls continued to mis-represent the Latino vote. It is now well-known that polls in Nevada had small, unrepresentative and biased samples of Latinos, leading them to entirely miss Harry Reid’s 5-point lead over Sharron Angle. Two weeks ago, Nate Silver wrote at 538 that some polls seem to be continuing the same mistakes and under-counting and mis-counting Latino voters, which he had originally picked up, and wrote about the day after the 2010 midterms. Around the same time some new polls started appearing in states like Nevada and Florida with bizarre data for Latino voters – Obama only had an 8 point lead among Nevada Latinos, and Romney was actually ahead among Latinos in Florida. Really?


And now the worst offenders might be the newest batch of national polls are attempting to estimate the national Obama-Romney horse race numbers. Monday October 22, Monmouth University released a poll in which Romney leads Obama 48% to 45%. Among Latinos, they report Obama leads by just 6 points – 48% to 42%. These numbers are such extreme outliers that even Romney campaign surrogates would have a hard time believing them. While Monmouth is the most recent, there have been many national polls with equally faulty numbers among Latinos.

Keep that 48 to 42 number in your head and let’s compare across a variety of recent polls of Latino voters. As a matter of self-interest, we’ll start with four recent impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking polls in October. The last four polls released by IM/LD have found the Latino vote nationally at 71-20; 67-23; 72-20; 73-21. Don’t like those? NBC/Telemundo have released two polls in October of Latinos, putting the race at 70-25, and 70-20 just before that. And then there was the Pew Hispanic Center poll 10 days ago which had Obama 69-21 over Romney, and just before that CNN did a poll of Latinos putting the national vote at 70-25. Okay – that’s eight national polls of Latino voters in the month of October and the average across all eight is 70.3% for Obama to 21.9% for Romney.


If you adjust for correct voting values for minorities, you'd get something like this:



Could states back out of it strategically? Say, if in September it looks like the Republican has more to gain from the EC than the popular vote, could Texas suddenly call the whole thing off? If so, I don't see it actually working.

That may seriously bring up a SCOTUS decision if a state tried to back out at the last moment.


God, I'd love if Florida and Va were called early for Obama.

Fox News and the right internet world would be so awesome.

The combo of "OMG IT'S OVER" at the beginning of the night and the "WE CAN STILL WIN OHIO, PA, MICHIGAN" of the holdovers would be glorious.

Also watching Hannity after Fla and Va are called would be something amazing. Much better than waiting on Colorado or Nevada. If Fla and Va are called, Hannity would have 1-2 hours of sitting there reporting with this glum look on his face knowing Romney lost but having to report the whole night through, regardless. And knowing it's a blowout. What I'd give to see this...
These thoughts.. these fantasies.. this is like bedtime porn for me.

Forget nifty erotic stories - tell me more about Hannity trying not to break-down on live television. And provide lots of detail. I wanna hear about Hannity's big hot load
of tears


So are all these "fantasies" compensating for fear or what?

I ignore the thread for a couple nights and I seriously have no idea where you guys stand now


So are all these "fantasies" compensating for fear or what?

I ignore the thread for a couple nights and I seriously have no idea where you guys stand now

Still feeling damn good.
- The praise that the PBS post-debate crew gave for Obama's ground game ops in Ohio (paraphrasing Halperin and friends here: "amazing. Unlike anything I've seen in all my years"),
- the consistency of Ohio's polling numbers
- the very-encouraging early voting numbers that are coming in from Ohio
- the arrival of more data from unique sources giving more weight to the theory that national numbers are not accurately reflecting the state of the race (i.e., The Southern Skewering Theory)
- the arithmetic shown at 538 and Princeton
- the solidifying of Nevada as The Other State with Ohio That Gets Us Over 270

I'm ready for a really fun night.
These thoughts.. these fantasies.. this is like bedtime porn for me.

Forget nifty erotic stories - tell me more about Hannity trying not to break-down on live television. And provide lots of detail. I wanna hear about Hannity's big hot load
of tears

*Hannity walks in with a big grin on his face, excited for the day*

1 hour later:

Britt Hume: We're ready to make our first swing state call and it's a big one. Florida has been called for President Barak Obama

Hannity: Wait, really? You sure.

Hume: Yes. It has also been called by other networks for the President. This is a big blow to Governor Romney's campaign. He will now need to make up ground with other swing states.

Hannity: I can't believe it. And called this early?
*scrunches face*

We'll just have to see how the rest goes.

30 mins pass

Hume: We're ready to make another call. This one is Virginia and much like Florida, it too we are projecting to go to President Obama

*Hannity with a near emotionless stare*

Hume: Well, let's go to our panel.

*Hannity's phone rings in background telling him of poor internals for Ohio from his buddies and the election is over*

Hume: Sean, it looks like the President will win another term with a lot of electoral votes.

Hannity: You know, I can't believe it. I mean, what does this man have to do til people realize he's destroying America? What will it take? DO I NEED TO PUT MY UNDERWEAR ON MY HEAD AND SCREAM AT YOU PEOPLE BECAUSE I WILL. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? HE'S A KENYAN COMMUNIST FOR CHRIST'S SAKE

*Hannity sits back down as Laura Ingraham calms him down*

Hume: Let's talk to some of our analysts. Welcome Michelle.

Malkin: Americans R So DUM. GAWD

Hume: Okay, and on to Karl Rove

*sounds of a shotgun being cocked in the background*

Hume: Looks like there's technical difficulties getting Rove here. Let's bring in Dick

Morris: I don't understand. All my internal polling I conducted in the field this week said Obama was going to lose big. There must have been a stunning reversal in the last two days. People must have felt ashamed to not vote for a black person.

*sounds of a crash. A man appears from nowhere comes up behind Hannity. Proceeds to dance Gangham Style on him*

*Hannity turns back*

Hannity: Fuck you Alan.

Colmes: mwahahahahahahaha How does my ass taste, bitch?

*end transmission*

too much?


Still feeling damn good.
- The praise that the PBS post-debate crew gave for Obama's ground game ops in Ohio (paraphrasing Halperin and friends here: "amazing. Unlike anything I've seen in all my years"),
- the consistency of Ohio's polling numbers
- the very-encouraging early voting numbers that are coming in from Ohio
- the arrival of more data from unique sources giving more weight to the theory that national numbers are not accurately reflecting the state of the race (i.e., The Southern Skewering Theory)
- the arithmetic shown at 538 and Princeton
- the solidifying of Nevada as The Other State with Ohio That Gets Us Over 270

I'm ready for a really fun night.
what's this I hear about Rombot being confident about NV now? What's going on in IA? CO?
I can't deal with obsessing over the numbers right now so I will leave it to you poligaffers.

I think it's safe to say that if Obama loses OH we know it's gonna be a bad night. If he wins there's tons of hope left (no pun intended)


Passed it last year. http://www.nationalpopularvote.com/

New York's likely to join in at some point. It's exclusively blue states so far, though.

Like I said in my last post, it's set up so that it does absolutely nothing unless 270 EVs' worth of states have passed an identical bill.

It would make financial sense for Texas to join. As a high-population state that's always overlooked under the current system, because they're not a swing state, this would give them the opportunity to get some of that sweet, sweet Presidential advertising money.


too much?

No, not at all. I just woke-up HylianGreg, laughing. If anyone needs to eat Colmes' ass, it's that fat-headed Irish prick.

Just got another idea for after the election: I'd love to hear an "AutoTune the News"-style remix song of various Fox News personalities calling the different states for Obama on Election Night. Hannity could have his own chorus. I think I'd have to break-down and get a phone that can have ringtones if this ever were to be made.


Still feeling damn good.
- The praise that the PBS post-debate crew gave for Obama's ground game ops in Ohio (paraphrasing Halperin and friends here: "amazing. Unlike anything I've seen in all my years"),
- the consistency of Ohio's polling numbers
- the very-encouraging early voting numbers that are coming in from Ohio
- the arrival of more data from unique sources giving more weight to the theory that national numbers are not accurately reflecting the state of the race (i.e., The Southern Skewering Theory)
- the arithmetic shown at 538 and Princeton
- the solidifying of Nevada as The Other State with Ohio That Gets Us Over 270

I'm ready for a really fun night.
To add to the Ohio story: I'm convinced Obama's lead is under reported for another reason:

Obama holds a larger lead in polls that survey cell phones.



(Posted over the weekend, but bears reiterating.)


So I just read that part of the reason Obama is piling up early votes is to mass an insurmountable lead so that any election day shenanigans with the machines or such wouldn't be viable without being obvious.


He's been using that exact phrase for weeks. I guess someone decided to get outraged about it now...

I don't like the wording because with sufficient countercyclical measures we could be further along. We have every right to be impatient. It's just that while the Obama's efforts have been too modest, the GOP's efforts have been counterproductive. That doesn't mean that Dems need to turn into Chauncey Gardner while defending the the President.

Chris Hayes made a similar mistake on Bill Maher a month or so ago, except he made it more obnoxiously and stupidly. The left in this country sucks.
what's this I hear about Rombot being confident about NV now? What's going on in IA? CO?
I can't deal with obsessing over the numbers right now so I will leave it to you poligaffers.

I think it's safe to say that if Obama loses OH we know it's gonna be a bad night. If he wins there's tons of hope left (no pun intended)
it's bluster just like with "we're going to PA!"


what's this I hear about Rombot being confident about NV now? What's going on in IA? CO?

Both campaigns have admitted that Nevada is probably leaning Obama at this point. Same for North Carolina leaning to Romney, although the Obama camp has made noise today about still fighting for the state. NBC felt comfortable moving these two states into their respectice candidates' "leaning category" two days ago.

IA and CO are still more muddled. No new numbers today, I don't think..
Part of the problem is that the major cities are going to become the main campaign grounds. I mean shoot, if you get out the vote in our top 10 most populous cities how close does that get you to 51%? From there you win some suburbs and you're probably done. Apparently over 3/4 of the countries live in the cities or suburbs, no one is ever going to even think about rural towns ever again if we go to the popular vote. They won't need too.

I don't see a problem with that, to be honest. I think part of the reason why the USA is more conservative than most industrialized countries is the over-representation of rural communities in the country.


:lol what are you thinking now?
you're going to counter-troll intrade aren't you
Lol I'm just gonna make some money. ~55% to win the election? Are you kidding me? I might put some money on Ohio just for kicks. Unfortunately my bank charges $55 for international wire transfers (yuck) but the profit margin will make up for it.

People who were betting on Romney on Intrade are giddy right now. They're making bank off the people driving Romney's stock up.


So I just read that part of the reason Obama is piling up early votes is to mass an insurmountable lead so that any election day shenanigans with the machines or such wouldn't be viable without being obvious.

It also makes the election day crowds smaller, so people don't have to wait as long, or risk getting turned away late in the day. Important in states where the GOP has reduced polling stations in urban areas.

Edit: vv and polling hours as well, thanks.


It also makes the election day crowds smaller, so people don't have to wait as long, or risk getting turned away late in the day. Important in states where the GOP has reduced polling stations in urban areas.
Yeah FL is a prime example of this.

Well the reduce early voting days.
*Hannity walks in with a big grin on his face, excited for the day*

1 hour later:
*sounds of a crash. A man appears from nowhere comes up behind Hannity. Proceeds to dance Gangham Style on him*

*Hannity turns back*

Hannity: Fuck you Alan.

Colmes: mwahahahahahahaha How does my ass taste, bitch?

*end transmission*

too much?
Damn I may need to get Fox just so I can enjoy the Hannity pain.


Obama should make a play at Virginia if he thinks he has a shot (or if he thinks Ohio is at risk of going down). VA + NV + IA/NH is 272/270. Although it's probably a better idea for him just to hold the states he already has significant leads in which would be 281 EVs.

So I just read that part of the reason Obama is piling up early votes is to mass an insurmountable lead so that any election day shenanigans with the machines or such wouldn't be viable without being obvious.
Is there a way to manipulate the early votes? Maybe have some of them not count or throw them away?
Damn I may need to get Fox just so I can enjoy the Hannity pain.
I would gladly watch Fox News if they had Colmes commentating on any of this.

I can't fucking stand him but I'd love to see him sitting there with a smug look on his face while everyone is screaming about socialism or whatever
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