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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Lol I'm just gonna make some money. ~55% to win the election? Are you kidding me? I might put some money on Ohio just for kicks. Unfortunately my bank charges $55 for international wire transfers (yuck) but the profit margin will make up for it.

People who were betting on Romney on Intrade are giddy right now. They're making bank off the people driving Romney's stock up.
You are one of the most hilarious people I've ever seen in a political thread. No disrespect meant by that. We are either all panicking or being totally optimistic about the election and you just drop a huge ass post whenever about your options for putting money into the race, scenarios all drawn out, etc. Has been thoroughly entertaining to read.

Yeah, this is why I really hope Bams can carry VA too. Or IA+CO+NV+NM.


I love that Dick is out there doing this, so many folks basing their hopes on his words. Watching how he justifies himself on Election Night is going to be some Grade A entertainment.
I don't want him to lose. If anything I'd like him to apologize to Hillary Clinton, and for her to apologize to him. Maybe they've done it already, who knows. Perhaps Trump will bring them closer together tomorrow
Its ashame you're such a troll. Whatever knowledgeand insight you do have is undone by your continual trolling. If you did this on the gaming side I suspect you'd have different results.


You are one of the most hilarious people I've ever seen in a political thread. No disrespect meant by that. We are either all panicking or being totally optimistic about the election and you just drop a huge ass post whenever about your options for putting money into the race, scenarios all drawn out, etc. Has been thoroughly entertaining to read.

No disrespect taken. I've noticed that a lot of people on here tend to panic when there's no need to panic. I've responded to it enough times (not enough to make the Wall Of Fame though!) in the last few threads. If Obama holds Ohio and Nevada, he wins. There's no reason to suggest he won't hold both. Hell, Romney's campaign has basically said that Nevada is going to Obama. Ohio is the only question mark and Romney hasn't lead there in so long. If you factor in how many voters the polls might be missing, it's clearly even more in Obama's favor. If there's confusion and panic (or just confidence settling in with Conservatives/Republicans), I'd rather profit on it than get worried. I've played all the scenarios out in my head and it's just extremely difficult for Romney to win.

Romney has two weeks to make up a lot of lost ground. There's no debate or national convention to help him out now. The ONLY thing he can do is hope he uncovers the Obama version of the 47% video. If the Republicans had such a thing, they'd have already brought it out. Every single second that Romney isn't gaining in the polls, he's losing. And if Romney is losing, that means I'm winning.

The beautiful thing about Intrade is it's hard to lose all your money on something like this. Even if Obama was likely to lose, I'd imagine he'd be where Romney was pre-3rd debate (at the $4 mark) just due to the uncertainty of the race (if I unloaded soon enough). Even if I bought $5000 worth of shares at $6.50 I could sell them for $3076 ($4/share). However, if I win, I get $7690. In this situation, reward is higher than risk (although I'm making the assumption that Republicans don't uncover some bombshell that sends Obama down to like $2 a share).

I will punch a baby if there's enough voter fraud in Ohio to turn the election. I will also lmao if Ohio does its best to cheat Obama out of the Presidency and Virginia goes blue.


For a Finer World

The leading Nordic newspaper has published a "Candidate Selection Engine for the US Presidental Election" based on the positions of the candidates (long explanation below the engine itself).

"Since 1996, there have been online candidate selection engines for every election in Finland. They are very popular and nowadays all major media have their own."

I haven't seen any more complex ones (or even as simple as this) at US media sites. Why is that? I'd imagine this would be the easiest tool for undecided voters. Or have I just missed all of those?

edit: BTW I scored 100% Obama, took the screenshot early ;)



The leading Nordic newspaper has published a "Candidate Selection Engine for the US Presidental Election" based on the positions of the candidates (long explanation below the engine itself).

I haven't seen any more complex ones (or even as simple as this) at US media sites. Why is that? I'd imagine this would be the easiest tool for undecided voters. Or have I just missed all of those?

I got 91% Obama. I didn't have a clue on the financial regulations question since it's not my expertise.

I think I'm going to request an absentee ballot tomorrow. I'd rather not drive 30 minutes and then wait 2 hours in line to vote in a state that's going 100% for Romney.

The leading Nordic newspaper has published a "Candidate Selection Engine for the US Presidental Election" based on the positions of the candidates (long explanation below the engine itself).

I haven't seen any more complex ones (or even as simple as this) at US media sites. Why is that? I'd imagine this would be the easiest tool for undecided voters. Or have I just missed all of those?

edit: BTW I scored 100% Obama, took the screenshot early ;)
100% Obama


He isn't trying to give off the record interviews. For whatever reason Des Moines Register editorial board has become accustomed to getting to interview candidates for an hour before endorsing. Obama campaign sees such a long on-record interview (as in the whole audio gets released) not worth the risk and offered to do an off-record one instead. While it certainly would be preferable for candidates to give as many interviews as possible, Des Moines Register shouldn't expect preferential treatment.


Rand shows big gain for Obama! Nearly +4!

Obama gained a point while Romney lost one. 49.2-45.3

wonder if we'll see any small movements in the longer trackers tomorrow. a 2-point bump across the board would seal the deal.

this shift apparently comes to us from a 2-point slide in romney voters' intentions to vote.
wonder if we'll see any small movements in the longer trackers tomorrow. a 2-point bump across the board would seal the deal.

this shift apparently comes to us from a 2-point slide in romney voters' intentions to vote.
Excitement might be abating after Obama stomped him in the foreign policy debate. He looked stupid "why don't we have more horses"
wonder if we'll see any small movements in the longer trackers tomorrow. a 2-point bump across the board would seal the deal.

this shift apparently comes to us from a 2-point slide in romney voters' intentions to vote.

I hope so. Don't like seeing 4 point popular vote difference in any tracker.


He looked stupid "why don't we have more horses"

i'm kinda surprised that people are actually attributing this to him (not that i'm saying you're doing the same). that 'zinger' was really the takeaway line of the debate.

that game changer book mentioned sarcastic obama who appeared in one of the debates with hillary. if any of that was true, man it was sure him right then and there. the bayonets and horses line was good on its own, but 'battleships that have planes that land on them' and 'battleships that go underwater' was fucking brutal.
i'm kinda surprised that people are actually attributing this to him (not that i'm saying you're doing the same). that 'zinger' was really the takeaway line of the debate.
That tends to happen, sort of like Palin's "I can see Russia from my house." The line that was parodying was just as stupid but not quite the same.
That's how good the line was: people actually believe Romney wants more horses and bayonets. It's an "Al Gore created the internet" moment that will probably live on regardless of who wins.


For a Finer World
Even the bu-bu-bu-ba-bayonets are used by the marines still! -line fed to the stickiness of the line. It just underlined the absurdity and made people remember Romney's gaffe better.
That's how good the line was: people actually believe Romney wants more horses and bayonets. It's an "Al Gore created the internet" moment that will probably live on regardless of who wins.
It makes me think of the weird kids at my school who knew every detail of every war and were fascinated by older styled weapons. I don't know if that's a universal stereotype or not.


the bayonets and horses line was good on its own, but 'battleships that have planes that land on them' and 'battleships that go underwater' was fucking brutal.

Lol that line was so funny. I watched it a few times just to make sure I saw it right the first time. Yep.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Did someone say that we haven't had enough discussion of how stupid undecided voters are?

A few tables away sat Jose Navarro of Chesapeake, the outlier in this unscientific man-on-the-street survey. He voted for Obama four years ago but considered himself undecided this time around — until the president uttered the horses-and-bayonets crack. The comment pushed him into Romney territory.

“That kind of turned me off,” said Navarro, 51, who does database administration as a civilian Navy employee. “That was kind of sarcastic and unpresidential. . . . He sounded pompous.”

Angry Fork

Young Turks reaction to the debate is hilarious, Cenk commentary is exactly how democrats felt while watching:


It makes me think of the weird kids at my school who knew every detail of every war and were fascinated by older styled weapons. I don't know if that's a universal stereotype or not.

rofl I used to be one of these kids, I was fascinated by world war 2 in middle school and learned everything I could about it whether it was event dates, important people, tactics or weaponry. I wanted to be a marine for a good 3-4 years of my life when I was younger and I knew part of that was learning military history.


It makes me think of the weird kids at my school who knew every detail of every war and were fascinated by older styled weapons. I don't know if that's a universal stereotype or not.

Oh man I remember those. Every school must have had them. The ones I remember also had an obsession with reading Tom Clancy novels.
Wow... So Joe Scarborough is depressed that Obama has to stoop to talking about Romnesia, ignoring the fact that what he's talking about is real, that Romney is changing his positions by the day. I love this faux outrage about the term.

He looks the other way when every other word coming out of Romney's mouth contradicts the last one, but is appalled when Obama points out said behavior.


Wow... So Joe Scarborough is depressed that Obama has to stoop to talking about Romnesia, ignoring the fact that what he's talking about is real, that Romney is changing his positions by the day. I love this faux outrage about the term.
It's because Joe has caught teh romnesia.


Junior Member
Wow... So Joe Scarborough is depressed that Obama has to stoop to talking about Romnesia, ignoring the fact that what he's talking about is real, that Romney is changing his positions by the day. I love this faux outrage about the term.

He looks the other way when every other word coming out of Romney's mouth contradicts the last one, but is appalled when Obama points out said behavior.

Welcome to the failure that is the American media.

He's not alone though. It would appear that most voters ignore Romney's ridiculous amount of flip-flops.


I've got a pretty good feeling in regards to Rass & Gallup that we will be posting "Don't Cross the Streams!!" gifs in the next few days.


It's because Joe has caught teh romnesia.

Yeah Joe has caught Romnesia. A few weeks ago he was criticizing every other conservative because Romney is not a true conservative and he has shown no details. Now he has turned into the very people he has been criticizing.

It is refreshing when others feel the same way you do. I listen to Randi Rhodes and other progressive radio shows and they say the same thing. MSNBC has changed drastically after the first debate. And no one is calling out the obvious Romney lies.

Word has definitely come down from somewhere or maybe it is just a case of keep the race tight when it isn't to keep viewership on the TV shows up and the clicks up on the websites.


Joe is a republican partisan, and just can't help himself so close to an election. I used to watch every morning, and I'll come back on the 7th.
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