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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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You got it the other way round. Glenn Beck and Limbaugh don't believe what they say. Glenn Beck is even on record saying he's a court jester/doing it for the money (rolling stone interview). Limbaugh is rolling in so much piles of moneybags he doesn't even care what he says.

Sean Hannity, truly, fully, seriously believes with every fiber of his bone the filth he says. Along with that Bolling guy, Brian Kilmeade and Tucker Carlson.

To be fair Beck is also a Mormon. I wouldn't be surprised if he truly believes Romney is the savior

(no disrespect to AlteredBeast)


No wonder he got Bin Laden. He knows his native country, Pakistan, like the back of his hand.

I don't know where they get this shit. Kenya, Pakistan... I genuinely believe that those countries are basically the same thing.

I have some friends on my facebook page that are goldmines for this kind of shit, it's sadly true.


Even if there was somehow less turnout than would have originally been in Ohio (run with me here), wouldn't that just make Obama's early voting machine even that much more effective?
Moving election day to a day when people are more likely to not be in their home precinct accommodates them?

It's very amusing to see you defend such an out-of-date system. France has a run-off system for their presidential candidates and they only lose a million votes (on average) from the first election. It's far more likely that there would be less people who wouldn't be home to vote than people who couldn't vote on election day due to some mega-disaster.

Really, dude? People do not travel that often from week to week. And who said it had to be a weekend or a holiday?


Haven't heard this one, but it's amusing since he also "owns" Government Motors.

One guy is a huge antique car nut, and always mentioned that Obama hates "real american cars" by saying that Obama wants gas prices to be $8-10 a gallon, and shit like that. So he pretty much says Obama hates real american cars.

So pretty much, because 'murica.


The Autumn Wind

Ouch. Stick a toothpick in Ohio. When you pull it out, there shouldn't be much cake on it. This one's baked.

And I have an unusually good feeling about the media calling-out Romney on his "relief" rally.
As good as it is that they're reporting it, I hate how they need to soften the blow with "Clinton says this" and "Obama accuses that" instead of just calling out Romney on their own.
While I agree with Beck being a jester, I'm not sure about O'Reilly. He has his days where he seems reasonable and his days where he's a complete moron.
Even if there was somehow less turnout than would have originally been in Ohio (run with me here), wouldn't that just make Obama's early voting machine even that much more effective?

Didn't think about this.
All that early voting may come with a huge benefit in the case of possible changes to election day.


Wow, you're right. No mention of Romney even being tied in a single actual swing state.

One reason I think this is especially notable is that the public polls actually exist. If I were a Romney campaigner and wanted to make the case, well, hell, Romney's up 1 in Florida, up 1 in Colorado, up 2 in Ohio, up 2 in New Hampshire, up 6 in North Carolina, up 2 in Virginia, and tied in the previously safe state of Wisconsin, and those are all polls taken in the last week! Romneymentum!

So the problem isn't an absence of spinnable data, it's revelatory of their actual mindset when drafting these documents.


They should just do online voting. Input SSN, create username, choose avatar (animated or otherwise), and then vote. You get a confirmation email that it went through. And for maybe a $10 fee (which is split and deposited to each candidate to help pay for their high campaign costs) you can change your vote as long as it's within the hour when your previous vote was made. It's forward thinking ideas like this that show I should be in charge of these kind of things.


The Autumn Wind
While I agree with Beck being a jester, I'm not sure about O'Reilly. He has his days where he seems reasonable and his days where he's a complete moron.
There was a great interview with O'Reilly on The Daily Show a while back where Jon Stewart brought up that while O'Reilly helped launched Fox News, it's become something so far out of control that he no longer even believes in it, but still goes along with the narrative. It was very telling.


The Autumn Wind
They should just do online voting. Input SSN, create username, choose avatar (animated or otherwise), and then vote. You get a confirmation email that it went through. And for maybe a $10 fee (which is split and deposited to each candidate to help pay for their high campaign costs) you can change your vote as long as it's within the hour when your previous vote was made. It's forward thinking ideas like this that show I should be in charge of these kind of things.
Way too much opportunity for fraud within families.

"Hey grandma, I know you don't have a computer, so I'll take care of voting for you. What's your SSN?"
They should just do online voting. Input SSN, create username, choose avatar (animated or otherwise), and then vote. You get a confirmation email that it went through. And for maybe a $10 fee (which is split and deposited to each candidate to help pay for their high campaign costs) you can change your vote as long as it's within the hour when your previous vote was made. It's forward thinking ideas like this that show I should be in charge of these kind of things.

Are there any states that even offer online voter registration?

I've lived in two states (Ohio and New York) and both force you to print out and mail/drop off a PDF.

I don't understand why you can't simply submit your registration online.
They should just do online voting. Input SSN, create username, choose avatar (animated or otherwise), and then vote. You get a confirmation email that it went through. And for maybe a $10 fee (which is split and deposited to each candidate to help pay for their high campaign costs) you can change your vote as long as it's within the hour when your previous vote was made. It's forward thinking ideas like this that show I should be in charge of these kind of things.

Until there is an absolute sure way that the system has more security from hackers than the entirety of Fort Knox, Online voting should NEVER become a reality.
Team Romney's PA memo. Shades of McCain four years back.

Meanwhile, back in reality, Romney is spending all day tomorrow campaigning in Florida. Hey, wasn't that supposed to be one of the only two swing states (along with NC) that Romney had in the bag?

Most likely scenario, of course, is that the Romney campaign is seeing the same uphill battle in the swing states that we are. They can't count on getting to 270 based on swing states alone, so... desperation time.

Those clowns are not taking into account the difference between presidential election years and non presidential election years.

Of course, the the Dems fault, the Dems are lazy ass voters that don't show up to the polls in non-presidential years. That is the big advantage that the GOP has with cranky old people that will show up to polls EVERY ELECTION.
They should just do online voting. Input SSN, create username, choose avatar (animated or otherwise), and then vote. You get a confirmation email that it went through. And for maybe a $10 fee (which is split and deposited to each candidate to help pay for their high campaign costs) you can change your vote as long as it's within the hour when your previous vote was made. It's forward thinking ideas like this that show I should be in charge of these kind of things.
And Gary Johnson will win thanks to 4chan.
Really, dude? People do not travel that often. And who said it had to be a weekend or a holiday?
They may not travel "that" often, but I'd wager that people travel more on weekends/holidays than on normal week days. And moving Election Day to the weekend or making it a holiday is the usual suggestion. Which day of the week do you think is more accommodating to voting than Tuesday and why?


Most people don't work as long as most polling places are open.

So? we're talking about average poll accessibility per person. Consider it in terms of how many hours the polls will be accessible to the average person on the day, because people have shit to do. It should be clear that if the average person has only one hour of access to the polls, there will be less voters than if they have eight. That accessibility is higher on weekends and holidays than weekdays.
Unless you change the election to a completely different season, weekend voting would never work in America.


Because football.

If they can't bother to vote because of football then fuck 'em. You have to work your job. Football is optional. Watch on your phone standing in the polling line.
They may not travel "that" often, but I'd wager that people travel more on weekends/holidays than on normal week days. And moving Election Day to the weekend or making it a holiday is the usual suggestion. Which day of the week do you think is more accommodating to voting than Tuesday and why?
I just want to be clear on one thing: Tell me what sense it makes – any at all! – to say that there would be less people willing to vote on a delayed election day because they're otherwise too busy with travel plans or what have you than people trying to vote in the middle (or right after) a mega disaster.

Why would there be less people trying to vote during or right after a mega disaster than trying to vote a week later when any effects have been minimized? Please, walk me through the logic of this. Step by step.

You often bring up yourself as a point against moving election day to holiday status or the weekend. Well – BREAKING NEWS – you are not everyone else.

I shouldn't even be discussing this with you. You think one good point about the electoral college is that it allows for an orderly transition or whatever between administrations as opposed to one without the electoral college.
If they can't bother to vote because of football then fuck 'em. You have to work your job. Football is optional. Watch on your phone standing in the polling line.
I'm not necessarily disagreeing, but football occupies the attention of millions of Americans every single weekend in the fall.

It's just not a good idea. Period.


At least they are just taping it. It would suck if they were actually sticking it on you car. Still a dick move though.

Yeah, if it was someone else it's still pretty dick.

I can't really figure it out. Guess I'll ask my coworkers when I go in again, but I don't think it was them this time, since I didn't notice it yesterday, and my wife (who notices these things really easily) didn't either. And this one says it's from some patriot shop, and my coworkers just grabbed some from a Romney office when they were joking around.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing, but football occupies the attention of millions of Americans every single weekend in the fall.

It's just not a good idea. Period.

Get the NFL to play the pro-bowl that week :lol


romney's desperate.

-buying ads in pennsylvania (reeks of mccain's final gambit)
-doubling down on unpopular jeep stance
-totally not campaigning in swing states during a time of crisis you guys

basically throwing shit against a wall and hoping something sticks. he's got nothing and knows it.


About yesterday's Warren/Brown poll...

A new poll released today shows Elizabeth Warren leading Senator Scott Brown by 7 percentage points, one of the Democratic challenger’s largest leads in any poll taken in recent months.

The poll, by Suffolk University/News 7, was released a day after a Boston Globe poll showed a much tighter race, with Brown leading by 2 percentage points. The Globe poll showed an exact tie when including responses from voters who did not express an initial preference but said they were leaning in one direction.

The Suffolk poll showed Warren leading with 53 percent of the vote compared with 46 percent for Brown. The poll of 600 likely voters, interviewed by phone, was taken Oct. 25 through Oct. 28 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.
So? we're talking about average poll accessibility per person. Consider it in terms of how many hours the polls will be accessible to the average person on the day, because people have shit to do. It should be clear that if the average person has only one hour of access to the polls, there will be less voters than if they have eight. That accessibility is higher on weekends and holidays than weekdays.
So how many hours is the polling place accessible if the person is out of town?

Tuesday, for most people, is a "normal" day (as are, I'd expect are Wednesday and Thursday.) During most normal days, I can fit in a side trip, such as to squeeze in 15 minutes to vote easily (which is all the time voting should take.) Weekends, again for most people, are more likely to be more variable, sure sometimes they've got all day to hop on over to vote, but other times they're traveling, volunteering at an event, partying, doing some DIY project that gets out of control, sleeping all day since there's no place they "need" to be, etc...
Haven't heard this one, but it's amusing since he also "owns" Government Motors.

Yeah, but the Volt is NOT a real car . . . it is nothing but a union-thug built gay hippie eco-freak appliance!



The Cryptarch's Bane
Dude. Glenn Beck. No contest. Followed by Limbaugh. I'm not convinced Hannity believes what he says. I think he's just trying to make a buck.
I dunno, I haven't seen him on TV in a long time, but on his radio show he's coming pretty unglued the past few days.

Yesterday he told his listeners "Clearly Romney has the advantage, but don't relax, we haven't won it yet, I don't want you to think it will be easy"
I just want to be clear on one thing: Tell me what sense it makes – any at all! – to say that there would be less people willing to vote on a delayed election day because they're otherwise too busy with travel plans or what have you than people trying to vote in the middle (or right after) a mega disaster.

Why would there be less people trying to vote during or right after a mega disaster than trying to vote a week later when any effects have been minimized? Please, walk me through the logic of this. Step by step.
You're conflating two separate topics.

1) The Electoral College preserves the integrity of the national election even if X disproportionally affects turnout.
2) Election Day should not be on the weekend or a holiday because that will depress turnout.

You often bring up yourself as a point against moving election day to holiday status or the weekend. Well – BREAKING NEWS – you are not everyone else.
Ok. I know that. Why don't you make a cognizant argument against my position against moving Election Day (as pigeon has done.)

I shouldn't even be discussing this with you. You think one good point about the electoral college is that it allows for an orderly transition or whatever between administrations as opposed to one without the electoral college.
Um... it is.


On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Christie said “the president has been all over this, and he deserves great credit. He gave me his number at the White House and told me to call him if I needed anything and he absolutely means it, and it’s been very good working with the president and his administration.”

On CNN’s “Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien,” Christie added that Obama “has been incredibly supportive and helpful to our state, and not once did he bring up the election.”

Haha, sounds like Christie's hinting at a desperate phone call from Romney asking to help him paint Obama as a weak leader in the midst of crisis?
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