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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Right, but his wording is such that he's super annoyed that Mitt tried to capitalize on it and said "fuck it, I'm gonna give props to the President, I'm tired of this asshole"
I'm not necessarily disagreeing, but football occupies the attention of millions of Americans every single weekend in the fall.

It's just not a good idea. Period.

Even up against monday night football AND a world series semifinal, the third presidential debate still had about 60 million people watching it.

i think you're overrating the importance of football- especially if the voting is on a saturday, when (most) NFL teams aren't playing.

1) The Electoral College preserves the integrity of the national election even if X disproportionally affects turnout.
2) Election Day should not be on the weekend or a holiday because that will depress turnout.

Weekends "depressing" turnout compared to a tuesday from 7:00am to 8:00am makes no sense. anyone that works full time (say, 9 to 5) can only vote from 7-8am, and from 6pm to 8pm. So that's about 3 hours, assuming you don't burn a sick day or holiday. I'm being really generous assuming that lines plus travel time aren't over an hour for most people also- lines being 2+ hours aren't uncommon in some areas.
Former FEMA Director Michael Brown offered criticism of President Obama’s early responses to Hurricane Sandy yesterday, including a dig at the administration’s response to last month’s attack in Libya.

Yesterday, ahead of the storm’s pummeling of the eastern seaboard, Brown gave an interview to the local alternative paper, the Denver Westword, on how he believed the Obama administration was responding to Sandy too quickly and that Obama had spoken to the press about Sandy’s potential effect too early.

Brown turned then to a reliable right-wing attack on the President’s response to the attack on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi that killed four Americans:
“One thing he’s gonna be asked is, why did he jump on [the hurricane] so quickly and go back to D.C. so quickly when in…Benghazi, he went to Las Vegas?” Brown says. “Why was this so quick?… At some point, somebody’s going to ask that question…. This is like the inverse of Benghazi.”


Are you fucking KIDDING me?! Fuck this piece of shit.


@realDonaldTrump Hurricane is good luck for Obama again- he will buy the election by handing out billions of dollars.

Let's just assume he's correct, how the fuck do you gain votes at this point by handing out billions? Is Obama supposed to go to a shelter with a bag of cash and buy 100 votes?
Is he accusing Christie of being bought? and if so does Christie's praise even help in a Blue state?


So how many hours is the polling place accessible if the person is out of town?

Well, let's say zero. But as Dax notes, way more people work on weekdays than go out of town on weekends. Also, vacation is voluntary -- you can schedule it for any weekend you want to. So we can assume a certain number of people will avoid scheduling it for Election Day. Work is mandatory and your scheduling is controlled by other people -- that's a potential disenfranchisement problem.

Tuesday, for most people, is a "normal" day (as are, I'd expect are Wednesday and Thursday.) During most normal days, I can fit in a side trip, such as to squeeze in 15 minutes to vote easily (which is all the time voting should take.)

Usually. That's the point, though. If you have only one hour of access to the polls, then if your daughter breaks a tooth, you aren't voting that day. Or a car accident. Any number of minor emergencies that could eat up an hour or two of your day. If you had eight hours of access, you could still make it to the polls.

Weekends, again for most people, are more likely to be more variable, sure sometimes they've got all day to hop on over to vote, but other times they're traveling, volunteering at an event, partying, doing some DIY project that gets out of control, sleeping all day since there's no place they "need" to be, etc...

You're conflating, again, voluntary with emergency/mandatory requirements. All of those example people aren't unable to vote -- they're choosing not to vote. There's no way to make somebody who'd rather sleep than vote actually vote -- it doesn't matter what day you put the election on.

I'm fine with people choosing not to vote*. I object to people being forced to put mandatory requirements or minor emergencies ahead of voting.

edit: Reading that GAO report now.

* Kind of.


Yeah I heard this earlier, also MSNBC had some people from Prince Reibus office basically saying Obama was using FEMA too much and that Gov Romney's privatization plan for FEMA would be better suited for states as it lets them control things easier.

Of course this is then transposed with GOP Gov Christie basically telling the GOP to Fuck off as he takes anything FEMA can provide him for the damage to his state
Even up against monday night football AND a world series semifinal, the third presidential debate still had about 60 million people watching it.

i think you're overrating the importance of football- especially if the voting is on a saturday, when (most) NFL teams aren't playing.

It would annoy the shit out of most people, and it could hurt attendance at college and NFL games.

Those two things alone would kill the idea.


Are there any states that even offer online voter registration?

I've lived in two states (Ohio and New York) and both force you to print out and mail/drop off a PDF.

I don't understand why you can't simply submit your registration online.

I registered in CA online about a week ago. Got my sample ballot in the mail a few days later.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Should have kept his fucking mouth shut. All this is gonna do is remind people of what an absolute shit job he did during Katrina.
It's funny, isn't it? Like Bush calling a press conference to go, "Hey, remember that whole 'Mission Accomplished' thing? Good times.'"

At what point does the media stop treating Trump like a crazy-but-funny uncle and start calling his shit what it is. He's been towing the racism line for awhile on the birther shit, but his seething hate for Obama cannot be ignored. This is a guy who probably agrees with Obama and democrats on many - if not most - issues. He's the same guy who didn't like Reagan afterall.

To be fair, part of this is Trump being a businessman - he knows there's a market for this crazy shit, and is exploiting it to make money. But it's also clear he hates the president

Let's just assume he's correct, how the fuck do you gain votes at this point by handing out billions? Is Obama supposed to go to a shelter with a bag of cash and buy 100 votes?
Is he accusing Christie of being bought? and if so does Christie's praise even help in a Blue state?

In an amazing turn-around, it looks like Obama may just barely be able to pull off wins in Vermont, New York, Penn, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, DC, Connecticut, Rhode Island only because of giving out cash. What game-changer!

BTW, I love how he criticizes Obama for giving out money simultaneously bragging about offering to give out money . . . but holding it hostage. What a total douchebag!


Connoisseur Of Tedium

Are you fucking KIDDING me?! Fuck this piece of shit.

What a POS. When people's lives are at stake you need to respond as early as you can.

I don't know how you guys listen to FOX and talk radio. I tried several times when driving but its to infuriating. Local talk guy was talking about Libya and some called was asking why Obama has not been impeached.
Hopium - related to African-Americans voting:

OFA said:
In the first two days of early voting in Florida, nearly a quarter (23.7 percent) of the electorate was African American.


The historically high turnout among African Americans in North Carolina four years ago was one of the reasons President Obama carried the state by just 14,000 votes. But what’s even more impressive is what’s happening this year: 83,155 more African Americans have already voted this year than had at this point in 2008


•Registration: African-American voter registration is up dramatically since 2008 in every battleground state. It’s especially high in places like Colorado, where it’s up 20 percent, Iowa (13 percent), Nevada (12 percent) and Florida (10 percent).
•Early voting: Early voting among African Americans is up dramatically in battleground states. It’s up 17 percent or more in Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Colorado and North Carolina.

•Enthusiasm: African Americans are most enthusiastic about voting in this election—nearly 20 percentage points higher than all voters.

•Vote likelihood: 85 percent of registered African American voters say they will “definitely” vote—higher than all other registered voters.


Damn, I think there's a circle of Karl Rove style attacking and they're desperately trying to bring it back to Libya

Part of me thinks this isn't gonna go away after Obama wins the election. They're going to try something stupid like impeaching him for it.

edit: looks like some people are already on it.
It would annoy the shit out of most people, and it could hurt attendance at college and NFL games.

Those two things alone would kill the idea.

having the election during working hours on a tuesday "annoys the shit" out of most people.

your average NFL stadium holds what, 80K people? and that's assuming its a team that sells out every week. If it's a scrub team like the browns, you can assume 1/3 of that stadium is full. "most people" aren't going to NFL games in person.

On top of that, NFL games don't start until 1:00 eastern. Polls open at 7. That's a good 5 hours before the game starts, chief- and you're living in an era where anyone who is REALLY a hardcore fan can watch the game on their smartphone, not to mention radio coverage.

This is a non issue. And College ball has even less fans and coverage than the NFL does.


lol @ Romney sending supplies to four critical states in the election. Fuck the places that got hit worst (NYC and NJ) I suppose.

Haha what a fucking grade A asshole this guy is. Unbelievable.


The Cryptarch's Bane
What a POS. When people's lives are at stake you need to respond as early as you can.

I don't know how you guys listen to FOX and talk radio. I tried several times when driving but its to infuriating. Local talk guy was talking about Libya and some called was asking why Obama has not been impeached.
I love listening to crazy talk radio. The bias is so consistent that it's very easy to (heh) unskew, and they'll all SO entertaining.

I do get upset with the callers, though. The veneer of "this is all just silly nonsense" comes down when Hannity gets a caller saying, "I don't know what his plan is, but I know he wants to destroy American" and Hannity doesn't say, "hang on now, let's keep some perspective" but "I don't know either. Scary stuff."

Then I get sad, because they're Americans just like me :(


Part of me thinks this isn't gonna go away after Obama wins the election. They're going to try something stupid like impeaching him for it.

edit: looks like some people are already on it.

Oh definitely, if Obama wins a 2nd term there will be more and more calls for it. They were heading down that street with Fast and Furious, Libya is just another thing they will add to the attack.


The Autumn Wind
What a POS. When people's lives are at stake you need to respond as early as you can.

I don't know how you guys listen to FOX and talk radio. I tried several times when driving but its to infuriating. Local talk guy was talking about Libya and some called was asking why Obama has not been impeached.
Yeah, sometimes I flip over to Fox News either on tv or the radio for some laughs, but I just end up getting pissed off.

I can tell you that when I went this morning in South Florida, a good percentage of the people on line were black.
You're conflating, again, voluntary with emergency/mandatory requirements. All of those example people aren't unable to vote -- they're choosing not to vote. There's no way to make somebody who'd rather sleep than vote actually vote -- it doesn't matter what day you put the election on.
If we're interested in increasing turnout, it doesn't really matter whether the reason non-voters have for not voting is mandatory or option, they're still not voting. I think long polling hours at efficient polling locations on a weekday with readily available options for early voting will result in higher turnout than weekend/holiday voting with readily available options for early voting.

Reading that GAO report now.
To be candid, the GAO doesn't say weekend voting "depresses" turnout, it merely says it's inconclusive, and that weekend voting would be more expensive and more difficult to run.
having the election during working hours on a tuesday "annoys the shit" out of most people.

your average NFL stadium holds what, 80K people? and that's assuming its a team that sells out every week. If it's a scrub team like the browns, you can assume 1/3 of that stadium is full. "most people" aren't going to NFL games in person.

On top of that, NFL games don't start until 1:00 eastern. Polls open at 7. That's a good 5 hours before the game starts, chief- and you're living in an era where anyone who is REALLY a hardcore fan can watch the game on their smartphone, not to mention radio coverage.

This is a non issue. And College ball has even less fans and coverage than the NFL does.

First of all, you're severely underestimating the popularity of college football. It might not be as lucrative as the NFL, but it's pretty fucking popular, and its popularity is arguably more geographically widespread. (There are numerous popular and powerful college programs in states that don't have any NFL teams nearby.)

Secondly, it would absolutely, positively be an issue. Tuesday voting has been standard for ages, and convenience aside, people are accustomed to it. What they're not accustomed to is devoting two hours on a weekend to vote. That's not convenient for them; it's annoying.

Making the Tuesday election a federal holiday would be a far more palatable option than Saturday or Sunday voting.


Oh definitely, if Obama wins a 2nd term there will be more and more calls for it. They were heading down that street with Fast and Furious, Libya is just another thing they will add to the attack.
I fucking dare them to try it. Remember what happened to the last president the GOP impeached? I certainly remember what happened to his approval ratings.

They'll look petty and desperate and vindictive in doing so.
You're conflating two separate topics.
No I am not. You originally posted there is an advantage to the EC because states that are reliably one party will vote that way despite depressed turnout from a mega disaster, producing the same results as if there were no mega disaster in the first place. I replied saying *or* we could just delay the election date – whether or not we have an EC at all (admittedly I was a bit vague on this point). In your reply you said that there were problems with that, saying people would not be near their polling precincts or whatever. I then moved to ask the following question (which you have still not answered): Why would there be more people trying to vote during or right after a mega disaster than trying to vote a week later when any effects have been minimized?

Sweetheart, you're the one who's conflating topics. You turned my original comment "delaying the election day" into "weekday voting is better than weekend/holiday voting."
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