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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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After 6 years of campaigning, Romney continues to lie nonstop. They roll right off his tongue. Is it surprising to you guys he hasn't changed? He is mentally diseased.


The Autumn Wind
Yeah, any such map is amazingly misleading.

Here is the reality: Dirt does not vote. People vote. The weird distorted population maps present a much more accurate figure. Maps like this:

That shows how the election is close in popular vote.
Move over, Ohio; looks like Virginia is the true swing state.
I really hope that when Obama gets back to campaigning he hits Romney over his lack of FEMA support just as recently as last year.

You might hear a jibe or two about the role in government in things like disaster preparedness, recovery, and infrastructure, but it wouldn't be prudent to call out specifics.


It's weird how much negative attention Nate received all of a sudden, I wonder why the Republicans decided to dog pile him.


It must be really frustrating for Romney. If Ohio truly was a tossup, he actually would have a puncher's chance at winning this race. As it stands though, Obama won Ohio in 2009 with the auto bailouts. There is literally nothing Romney can do about it, other than try to rewrite history.


I read that horribly, horribly wrong

Haha. But seriously it's REALLY bad at this Depot. In 2008 after the elections the racism was so rampant the Colonel mandated that we supervisors put every employee through "sensitivity training." We had ripped Obama pictures, anti-Obama slogans graffiti in the bathroom. We had to fire multiple employees over shit like "It's not the BLACK house, it's the white house" and "I hope that sand ****** fucking dies with his cousin Osama Bin Laden."

This year we've been doing sensitivity training preemptively because it has already gotten really bad again with the racism. One employee has been fired over it here. Every time I give a meeting I have to go over the Hatch Act and detail how we need to be respectful of other people's positions and NOT DISCUSS POLITICS at work.

There was a practical meltdown when someone found an AFL-CIO Labor 2012 for Obama Biden pin in the bathroom.
On the Romney Jeep thing, call me when somebody from evening news or cable news calls it the bold faced lie it is. or when a reporter asks Romney point blank why is his campaign putting out an ad with a blatant lie that Chrysler and GM have already debunked.


I was watching Al Sharpton on MSNBC, and they showed a picture I saw earlier on 4chan, previously I figured it was just some photoshop and at worst it was probably a RR shirt but either the producers of the show got tricked too or this is actually real.


Ignoring the obvious accussation that this was just a Photo op disguised as a useless relief effort, but those 2 grannies, WTF? People on the coast lost their home, all the clothes they have are in the bag they took on evacuation hoping to return a couple days later and these two think it's not only a good donation but also think it's fine to pose with it for the press? Sure we have seen dumb people before at political rallies but this... And of course Romney ain't to blame for this particular set of fans but seriously what kind of folks is he attracting? I would almost believe they were liberal trolls to make Romney look bad.
On the Romney Jeep thing, call me when somebody from evening news or cable news calls it the bold faced lie it is. or when a reporter asks Romney point blank why is his campaign putting out an ad with a blatant lie that Chrysler and GM have already debunked.

How about I call you when he gets bad press from the local news which seems more important seeing as how it's a state issue?

Oh wait...
Complete nonsense.

Really? Has Obama run a Mitt Then vs. Now ad? Really this hits to the heart of the Presidency, can you trust the guy? I've heard Obama talk about trust recently but showing is better than telling. Mitt's flip flops should be an ad. And his flip on FEMA should be a part of it. Anyone with a sense of reason would not vote for Mitt after seeing him take multiple positions on multiple issues.


I think the right knows Obama is going to win. At this point, all they are doing is trying to set the table for a massive election fraud narrative. They want to portray Obama has an illegitimate President who stole the election to provide cover for another 4 years of GOP obstructionism. So while we're all laughing at their outlandish predictions and the attempted smearing of 538, it's all part of a larger post-election political strategy.
no because Nate's 538 model is not wrong if Romney wins!


I know. And I don't have the right to make a bet with Nate's career. My point is that Drudge has been pushing piles of horseshit for years with no accountability at all and he thinks he has the right to call Nate a 1-election wonder? Fuck off, Drudge.
How about I call you when he gets bad press from the local news which seems more important seeing as how it's a state issue?

Oh wait...

I know he is getting local blowback and on some sites online. I want to see the press poll, so called journalists and cable news do their jobs too.

Everything R/R have done today is carefully constructed photo ops

@ZekeJMiller: Supporters at Ryan event just instructed to "start packing" just as cameras start rolling.


The Autumn Wind
Haha. But seriously it's REALLY bad at this Depot. In 2008 after the elections the racism was so rampant the Colonel mandated that we supervisors put every employee through "sensitivity training." We had ripped Obama pictures, anti-Obama slogans graffiti in the bathroom. We had to fire multiple employees over shit like "It's not the BLACK house, it's the white house" and "I hope that sand ****** fucking dies with his cousin Osama Bin Laden."

This year we've been doing sensitivity training preemptively because it has already gotten really bad again with the racism. One employee has been fired over it here. Every time I give a meeting I have to go over the Hatch Act and detail how we need to be respectful of other people's positions and NOT DISCUSS POLITICS at work.

There was a practical meltdown when someone found an AFL-CIO Labor 2012 for Obama Biden pin in the bathroom.
You know what needs to be done after Obama wins reelection.


But he's not even a sand *****! He's a REGULAR STYLE *****! That's just unnecessarily inaccurate racism!

yeah but to these ignorant fucks "Osama" and "Obama" mean they're related

Link said:
You know what needs to be done after Obama wins reelection.

We used to be able to keep a picture of the president in our offices but they made us take them down :(
I hope Silver's predictions are 99% accurate so he can have the last laugh.

Yeah, me too. I think Nate's work is becoming a metaphor for so much of politics. Do you believe the people with the evidence, math, and science? . . . or do you believe the people with ideology, superstition, and vested interests?

It's weird how much negative attention Nate received all of a sudden, I wonder why the Republicans decided to dog pile him.

The Republicans hate him because he is saying their guy will lose. The media doesn't really like him because he cuts through their bullshit faux narratives.


Hey, I just saw the jeep ad again. :^D

A little bit ago I saw an ad that said something to the effect of "Obama didn't inherit the mess, he and liberals caused it by forcing banks to give loans to unqualified people." It was horrible. I think the group who put it out was called Empowered Citizens Network but I can find nothing about it, nor can I find the ad online.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The thing for me is that I don't think there's anything that either candidate can do to alter their vote share now. Romney's fuck ups are meaningless by this point and Obama didn't fuck up handling Sandy, so there's nothing left but the jobs numbers, which there are approximately like 6 voters nationwide waiting on.

Yeah, me too. I think Nate's work is becoming a metaphor for so much of politics. Do you believe the people with the evidence, math, and science? . . . or do you believe the people with ideology, superstition, and vested interests?

The Republicans hate him because he is saying their guy will lose. The media doesn't really like him because he cuts through their bullshit faux narratives.

The problem I have is that the "intuition" guys actually believe that Silver's model is snake oil if Romney wins the election.


Inb4 Christie and Obama Fanfiction.

The smell of well oiled leather filled his nostrils. The cold iron buckles holding the leather straps tight to his broad, bare chest gave him shivers. November 7th was late in the year for such a ride, but he knew when the call came that he was powerless to refuse.

He heard the motorcade pull up outside. His heart raced with anticipation and anxiety. The sound of a car door popping open echoed throughout the surrounding woods, followed quickly by a sharp thud as the door was slammed shut. Good, only the one got out. His heart slowed a tick, relieved.

The old wooden door groaned in protest as it's rusted wheels turned, sliding the slab of aged timber out of the entrance. The cold air of late fall in New Jersey whipped through the stable and the shivers began anew. Not just for the cold though. No, what was about to happen was every bit as spine tingling as any northeastern chill could ever be. He had ached for this moment for so long.

A tall dark figure strode forward, his dark riding boots were the first of him to step into the light.

"Who's a good pony? Want an apple? The dark figure said, holding out a ripe granny smith.

"NEIGH!" the governor cried, biting the apple with eagerness and fervor.

"Easy now pony, wouldn't want you choking on the core, now would we?" The man said, as he fed the apple to his prized pet. "Now lets mount up and go for a ride. It's been too long."

As the figure stepped the rest of the way into the light he removed the long black duster that he had been wearing. Under it he wore nothing but the riding boots and a pair pair of leather chaps, exposing so much of that beautiful brown skin. As he crossed the stable floor he plucked a riding crop off the wall. Immediately the governor dropped to one knee, unable to wait for the foreplay to be over and for the real fun to begin.

The man saddled up around his shoulders, securing his feet tightly in the stirrups that hung from the tightly strapped harness. Smooth thighs wrapped tightly around his fleshy jowls.

Then a sharp crack rang out as the crop bit deeply into the "pony's" fleshy behind and the rider called out "ON PONY! Let us taste the wind!"

And so the governor bolted with all his strength through the opened door, neighing with delight as his bare feet ran through the cold grass. Life as the First Pony, while fleeting, was the only life he truly desired.


Hey, I just saw the jeep ad again. :^D

A little bit ago I saw an ad that said something to the effect of "Obama didn't inherit the mess, he and liberals caused it by forcing banks to give loans to unqualified people." It was horrible. I think the group who put it out was called Empowered Citizens Network but I can find nothing about it, nor can I find the ad online.

Surprised it wasn't by "Americans for Freedom and Liberty".


Charlie Cook is catching up with PoliGAF:

national journal said:
Right now, Obama is clearly ahead in 21 states (including the District of Columbia), with a total of 253 electoral votes, 17 short of the 270 needed to win. In addition to the 17 states (including D.C.) that have never been competitive, which total 201 electoral votes, I’ve added four states that have been in play, in varying degrees, where Obama now has a clear lead in credible, private surveys from long-standing professional polling firms calling landlines and cellphones (notwithstanding whatever the robo and Internet polling shows). The states are Michigan (16), Nevada (6), Pennsylvania (20) and Wisconsin (10).
Conversely, Romney is ahead in 23 states with a total of 191 electoral votes, 79 shy of 270. Florida, North Carolina and Virginia, which once looked like they were slipping more into the Romney orbit, have pulled back to essentially even-money contests.
The seven jump ball states with a total of 94 electoral votes are Colorado (9), Florida (29), Iowa (6), New Hampshire (4), North Carolina (15), Ohio (18), and Virginia (13).
To win, Obama needs to win states with 17 (or 18 percent) of the 94 electoral votes in the seven Toss Up states, while Romney needs a whopping 79 (or 84 percent) of the 94 electoral votes.

It's nice that he's right, but it's a little sad that reading Charlie Cook, a well-known and popular pundit, is about as informative as flipping to the 538 page you haven't refreshed for two days.
The smell of well oiled leather filled his nostrils. The cold iron buckles holding the leather straps tight to his broad, bare chest gave him shivers. November 7th was late in the year for such a ride, but he knew when the call came that he was powerless to refuse.

He heard the motorcade pull up outside. His heart raced with anticipation and anxiety. The sound of a car door popping open echoed throughout the surrounding woods, followed quickly by a sharp thud as the door was slammed shut. Good, only the one got out. His heart slowed a tick, relieved.

The old wooden door groaned in protest as it's rusted wheels turned, sliding the slab of aged timber out of the entrance. The cold air of late fall in New Jersey whipped through the stable and the shivers began anew. Not just for the cold though. No, what was about to happen was every bit as spine tingling as any northeastern chill could ever be. He had ached for this moment for so long.

A tall dark figure strode forward, his dark riding boots were the first of him to step into the light.

"Who's a good pony? Want an apple? The dark figure said, holding out a ripe granny smith.

"NEIGH!" the governor cried, biting the apple with eagerness and fervor.

"Easy now pony, wouldn't want you choking on the core, now would we?" The man said, as he fed the apple to his prized pet. "Now lets mount up and go for a ride. It's been too long."

As the figure stepped the rest of the way into the light he removed the long black duster that he had been wearing. Under it he wore nothing but the riding boots and a pair pair of leather chaps, exposing so much of that beautiful brown skin. As he crossed the stable floor he plucked a riding crop off the wall. Immediately the governor dropped to one knee, unable to wait for the foreplay to be over and for the real fun to begin.

The man saddled up around his shoulders, securing his feet tightly in the stirrups that hung from the tightly strapped harness. Smooth thighs wrapped tightly around his fleshy jowls.

Then a sharp crack rang out as the crop bit deeply into the "pony's" fleshy behind and the rider called out "ON PONY! Let us taste the wind!"

And so the governor bolted with all his strength through the opened door, neighing with delight as his bare feet ran through the cold grass. Life as the First Pony, while fleeting, was the only life he truly desired.

OMG! You managed to work brony material into that! I am disgusted and amused.


Americans, I am pretty interested in your election but I find your electoral system too complicated.

Explain to me, why is who wins Ohio so important over who wins other states?
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