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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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It's Wednesday and No one has come to pick up the trees in the one major road in my borough. Those stupid overpaid lazy government (local) workers. I truly understand where the tea party is coming from now. I don't think government will ever work efficiently in this country. If I were Chris Christie I would fire them all and replace them with Mexicans at half the salary plus a green card


The American Conservative posted an election symposium today that's amazing to read.

29 writers contributed, and their votes went like this:

Romney - 6
Obama - 5
Johnson - 5
Rand Paul - 1
Goode - 1
Conscientious refusal to vote - 7
Doesn't matter - 1
Took the opportunity to troll everybody instead of saying - 3

This is what happened to pre-Goldwater conservatism in America -- the winner is "none of the above."

I think the primary was a lot closer than you're making it out to be. And the primary electorate was absolutely nuts. Every single debate, up until Newt Gingrich of all people became the tea party favorite, was basically a contest to see who could hate Obama the most. There was really no such thing as too conservative. Rick Perry got voted off the island for "oops", but that wouldn't have made a huge impact if he hadn't been badly hurt by supporting big government vaccination programs and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants who'd lived in Texas for a long time. Romney had to go all-out states' rights to distance himself from the hated Obamacare, and "bailout" was a dirty, dirty word. If Obama did it, it was either socialism or so obviously necessary that even a socialist would do it. If anyone on the stage could have credibly argued that the bailout wasn't a great idea (and this would not have been hard), Romney would have been in the position of arguing for Obama's policies against the conservative base, and that would have doomed him.

Bush started the auto bailout, and Michigan/Ohio were important primary states. More importantly Romney always had more money than his opponents. The only person who could have beaten him was Perry, and he was an utter failure (to be fair, mainly because he was highly medicated due to back surgery).

All Romney had to do was look presidential, argue for low taxes/small government, go hard right on abortion, and be anti-immigration (although I'd argue he didn't have to go so far right on immigration). He was going to be one of the last men standing no matter what, and let's not forget the GOP establishment clearly selected him after just a few primaries/caucuses.


First time PoliGAF poster here. A couple of pages back people were talking about Texas going purple by 2020; that's unlikely at best. I work in public education as a psychologist in a large urban area and let me tell you, people here are as red as you can get.

Every meeting I am forced to endure, AYP is discussed (No Child Left Behind stuff, too complex to really get into) and how the school district is completely screwed. After those doom statements (which are fairly accurate to be honest) everyone around me, mainly teachers, are all "Damn Obama! This is all his fault! I can't wait for Romney to get elected so he can save the school system."

It's absolutely insane considering (1) Bush created the horror that is AYP and NCLB and (2) Romney fucking hates public education. We're talking about special education teachers here who are voting Romney in large numbers. Jesus, Romney would get repeal special Ed if he had the chance and all these teachers would be fired. Yeah, I just don't see Texas turning purple in as little as 8 years.
The American Conservative posted an election symposium today that's amazing to read.

29 writers contributed, and their votes went like this:

Romney - 6
Obama - 5
Johnson - 5
Rand Paul - 1
Goode - 1
Conscientious refusal to vote - 7
Doesn't matter - 1
Took the opportunity to troll everybody instead of saying - 3

This is what happened to pre-Goldwater conservatism in America -- the winner is "none of the above."

"Conscientious refusal to vote"? Is that a euphemism for Mitt Romney is heretic that worships space jesus?


Bush started the auto bailout, and Michigan/Ohio were important primary states. More importantly Romney always had more money than his opponents. The only person who could have beaten him was Perry, and he was an utter failure (to be fair, mainly because he was highly medicated due to back surgery).

All Romney had to do was look presidential, argue for low taxes/small government, go hard right on abortion, and be anti-immigration (although I'd argue he didn't have to go so far right on immigration). He was going to be one of the last men standing no matter what, and let's not forget the GOP establishment clearly selected him after just a few primaries/caucuses.

are we still using this as an excuse?


He gave one speech where he seriously seemed drunk. I think it's a real possibility.

thats one speech though. He was the savior of the GOP, he got more then 1 chance.

He must have a lot of back surgery though, usually he can get by with just refusing to debate.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The American Conservative posted an election symposium today that's amazing to read.

29 writers contributed, and their votes went like this:

Romney - 6
Obama - 5
Johnson - 5
Rand Paul - 1
Goode - 1
Conscientious refusal to vote - 7
Doesn't matter - 1
Took the opportunity to troll everybody instead of saying - 3

This is what happened to pre-Goldwater conservatism in America -- the winner is "none of the above."

So what am I reading? It appears to be a hodgepodge of sane conservatives and only slightly unhinged conservatives.


"Conscientious refusal to vote"? Is that a euphemism for Mitt Romney is heretic that worships space jesus?

Mostly they were "there is no candidate that represents what I think America should be like so I refuse to participate." Both parties are the same, just from the other direction. Although there was one "there is no marginal benefit to voting," who maybe I should've put down as "trolling everybody."


Sandy Helps Push Gasoline Prices Lower

Gasoline prices are likely to keep falling, after Super Storm Sandy shut down highways and air travel across the East Coast.

"We're not going to see prices move higher because of this storm. We're going to see prices move lower," said Tom Kloza, oil analyst at OPIS. RBOB gasoline futures were down a half percent, at $2.62 per gallon in afternoon trading Tuesday.

Gasoline at the pump continued to decline, with the national average for unleaded regular $3.53, a penny lower than Monday and 11 cents cheaper than a week ago.

Newt caused Sandy to drive down gas prices. Thank you based Newt.


With that in mind, why did Romney have to take a hard right stance on the bailout?

Think back though. Polling showed over 60% of the country was against the bailout back then. I remember the unions and auto companies cutting radio ads basically begging for the funds. They were super desperate and had those daily telethons with people from all industries saying why they had to be bailed out or Michigan would collapse. They had to do this because the general public was against the bailout!

Attacking the auto bailout (which came so soon after the bank bailout) was a great way to appeal to the burgeoning tea party back then. "Obama's giving your money to union thugs!". Also, few people expected the government to get the money back then so they were laying the table to pound Obama for wasting billions of taxpayer money.

Giving the auto companies more money was one of the most difficult and courageous decisions Obama made and it'd be great if that earns him a 2nd term..


Just opened my pay stub and B. Hussein hit me right in the pocketbook with ObamaCare. Since I don't pay out of pocket for health insurance (company covers up to a certain amount and I have no dependents, so it is 100% covered), I have to pay something out of pocket under some new rules, or so I'm told. The union is having a vote on it to be either 1% of my premium or $5 dollars flat.

Bullshit, changing my vote to Romney.
What's wrong with having PoliGAF back on the regular OT for the last week? When is the regular OT thread usually made? Would be too bad if it's only a day before, because we could get plenty if people chiming in on things already. Voter stories etc.
First time PoliGAF poster here. A couple of pages back people were talking about Texas going purple by 2020; that's unlikely at best. I work in public education as a psychologist in a large urban area and let me tell you, people here are as red as you can get.

Every meeting I am forced to endure, AYP is discussed (No Child Left Behind stuff, too complex to really get into) and how the school district is completely screwed. After those doom statements (which are fairly accurate to be honest) everyone around me, mainly teachers, are all "Damn Obama! This is all his fault! I can't wait for Romney to get elected so he can save the school system."

It's absolutely insane considering (1) Bush created the horror that is AYP and NCLB and (2) Romney fucking hates public education. We're talking about special education teachers here who are voting Romney in large numbers. Jesus, Romney would get repeal special Ed if he had the chance and all these teachers would be fired. Yeah, I just don't see Texas turning purple in as little as 8 years.


What's wrong with having PoliGAF back on the regular OT for the last week? When is the regular OT thread usually made? Would be too bad if it's only a day before, because we could get plenty if people chiming in on things already. Voter stories etc.

why wouldn't there be an election /ot/ thread there?
in fact i'm surprised we're not proposing thread title already
First time PoliGAF poster here. A couple of pages back people were talking about Texas going purple by 2020; that's unlikely at best. I work in public education as a psychologist in a large urban area and let me tell you, people here are as red as you can get.
Well, no one expects the white conservatives to change. It is just a question of when do the number of latino voters start to dominate and if they remain heavily democratic, it could turn purple. But I think it will take longer than many believe and I think the GOP will change their policies to attract more latinos. W Bush was doing that heavily but the Tea-party nuts threw that away.


What's wrong with having PoliGAF back on the regular OT for the last week? When is the regular OT thread usually made? Would be too bad if it's only a day before, because we could get plenty if people chiming in on things already. Voter stories etc.

There will be on election day, maybe a day before.


Oh god...
Is this serious?


Obama re-election = Ottoman invasion of Europe
The pope attributed the victory to supplications to the Virgin Mary. Unless you're Catholic or Orthodox, that's nearly an anathema.
Yeah, it wouldn't have been difficult to argue that the bailout should have been managed differently. His best bet would probably be to argue against the UAW getting something like 30% of GM.
He's made that argument, though. He's repeatedly portrayed the bailout as a gift to Obama's union cronies. But the public has ignored the charge because the bailout was successful. And that's Romney's problem on the issue. Despite his best efforts, the issue is an unassailable victory for Obama.


butthurt Heat fan
I'm in line now for early voting. It's a two hour wait, but voting to get Allen West out of Congress will be so worth it.

Yes, that bomb throwing war criminal represents me in Congress. No, I'm not proud of it.

Liberal Florida-GAF, be sure to vote yes on retaining the three state Supreme Court justices. That's such a naked power grab it isn't funny. Also, no on the amendments and Bill Nelson for Senate.
First time PoliGAF poster here. A couple of pages back people were talking about Texas going purple by 2020; that's unlikely at best. I work in public education as a psychologist in a large urban area and let me tell you, people here are as red as you can get.

Every meeting I am forced to endure, AYP is discussed (No Child Left Behind stuff, too complex to really get into) and how the school district is completely screwed. After those doom statements (which are fairly accurate to be honest) everyone around me, mainly teachers, are all "Damn Obama! This is all his fault! I can't wait for Romney to get elected so he can save the school system."

It's absolutely insane considering (1) Bush created the horror that is AYP and NCLB and (2) Romney fucking hates public education. We're talking about special education teachers here who are voting Romney in large numbers. Jesus, Romney would get repeal special Ed if he had the chance and all these teachers would be fired. Yeah, I just don't see Texas turning purple in as little as 8 years.
Purple Texas dreamers aren't saying it will turn blue because suburban teacher moms suddenly have an epiphany and decide to vote for democrat President. But because of rapidly changing demographics in the south and the west. Passing immigration reform in the next 4 years can help solidify the Latino support for democrats, but they already support Obama and democrats by a majority. Lot of young people are also moving to Tx for jobs and careers, and the heavily populated urban centers can prove to be tipping points in the near future.
Sandy Helps Push Gasoline Prices Lower

Newt caused Sandy to drive down gas prices. Thank you based Newt.

Yeah, the oil price is decent right now ($88/barrel WTI) and should be relatively stable for at least a couple years barring an Iran fiasco. So gas prices should not be an issue for this election and hopefully even the 2014 election. They could rise by 2014 but the only reason that would happen is because the economy is kicking ass so that would be good news too.


If Obama wins the comfortable victory that the polls suggest he will next Tuesday, one question that I'd be interested to hear opinions on is "Was 2012 a winnable election for Republicans?". Will 2012 be seen in retrospect as winnable for either party like 2000 and 2004, or never winnable like 1996 or 2008?

One the one hand the Republicans had the strongest possible candidate from their field, the economy was soft enough, and despite Mitt Romney's generally poor campaign Obama's stumble in the first debate provided the opportunity he needed.

Then again, if re-election campaigns are a referendum on the incumbent, then if Obama wins then how suitable a candidate Mitt Romney was shouldn't matter. The economy was growing just fast enough, Obama ended the Iraq War, got Bin Laden killed, ran a scandal-less administration, and had legislative accomplishments like health care reform and ending DADT.


Sam Stein ‏@samsteinhp

Marquette Law School poll of Wisc voters: Obama 51 Romney 43 (1,243 likely voters, live interviews, cell phones included)

If you believe these WI and OH polls, why would MI be any different?


First time PoliGAF poster here. A couple of pages back people were talking about Texas going purple by 2020; that's unlikely at best. I work in public education as a psychologist in a large urban area and let me tell you, people here are as red as you can get.

Every meeting I am forced to endure, AYP is discussed (No Child Left Behind stuff, too complex to really get into) and how the school district is completely screwed. After those doom statements (which are fairly accurate to be honest) everyone around me, mainly teachers, are all "Damn Obama! This is all his fault! I can't wait for Romney to get elected so he can save the school system."

It's absolutely insane considering (1) Bush created the horror that is AYP and NCLB and (2) Romney fucking hates public education. We're talking about special education teachers here who are voting Romney in large numbers. Jesus, Romney would get repeal special Ed if he had the chance and all these teachers would be fired. Yeah, I just don't see Texas turning purple in as little as 8 years.
It's about demographics.
If Hispanics keep voting Democrats in the numbers they do today and if demographic trend holds, Texas will go purple in 2020 (maybe even as early as 2016).

Though I do expect the GOP to do a 180 on immigration to fight that trend.
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