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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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i really wish the Republican party kicked out the religious anti science crazy folk out, along with racism and being against gays (which comes from religiousness really). Then I'd vote for them.

They will practically have to do that to stay relevant in the next 20 years.


I think this unofficial Christie endorsement is similar to Obama's Colin Powell moment in 2008.

It's the canary in the coal mine.


It's Wednesday and No one has come to pick up the trees in the one major road in my borough. Those stupid overpaid lazy government (local) workers. I truly understand where the tea party is coming from now. I don't think government will ever work efficiently in this country. If I were Chris Christie I would fire them all and replace them with Mexicans at half the salary plus a green card

i really wish the Republican party kicked out the religious anti science crazy folk out, along with racism and being against gays (which comes from religiousness really). Then I'd vote for them.

They will practically have to do that to stay relevant in the next 20 years.

How bizarre. You've gone from loony pro-obama debate fanfic to nigh-on libertarianism*, all because you haven't gotten some fallen trees cleaned up quickly enough?

Only in PoliGAF.

*because obviously the free market fairy would have that debris removed lickety split!
Others mentioned Georgia too here. What's different compared to the last election? What caused the (seeming) enthusiasm among black voters?

To be honest, I think it's a circling of wagons.
Obama has been absolutely assailed (both with and without merit) this campaign season, and many here are taking it personally. There's been a sizable grassroots mobilization.
I live in the Inman Park/Little Five Points area in Atlanta, and not a day goes by I don't see someone at a Highlands/Freedom Parkway, or Moreland/Euclid intersections passing out materials or engaging to counteract general electorate ennui.


To be honest, I think it's a circling of wagons.
Obama has been absolutely assailed (both with and without merit) this campaign season, and many here are taking it personally. There's been a sizable grassroots mobilization.
I live in the Inman Park/Little Five Points area in Atlanta, and not a day goes by I don't see someone at a Highlands/Freedom Parkway, or Moreland/Euclid intersections passing out materials or engaging to counteract general electorate ennui.

Still bad news for Barry and that state banned Ray Charles for years didn't they?
Christie has climbed up in respect IMO.

I really believe that the damage in NJ is too massive to play politics, especially in a state that vote for Democratic Presidents.

Both Obama and Chris are doing the right thing. Fuck partisan hackery, the people should be first

screw the conservative pundits
Is there a reason - demographic or otherwise - why Indiana is solidly Republican while the rest of the Midwest is blue/purple?

Indiana lacks a big city/urban area to balance the state out. Illinois, Ohio, have huge urban centers but are very very red otherwise.

I'm sure that the NW corner of Indiana is Blue too, but peobably not enough people to balance downstate.


Such a sad state of affairs that's the GOP considers it outrageous for a sitting governor to show the POTUS respect in the aftermath of a disaster. That's quite pathetic when you think about it. If a blue state got hit by something while a Republican was president, and the governor played unnecessary politics, then I'd be extremely disappointed at them and I'm sure most liberals would agree.


I don't think that's even a current picture. It's from when Obama visited after Irene and things weren't anywhere near as bad.

Today's picture



The bigger question I have about Indiana is how it went blue in 08 to begin with.

It's the only state Bams won that is completely hopeless and there's a good chance he loses it by 10+.


Another PAC going up with 3 million $ in ads in MI/PA

Nate Cohn finds your posts humorous at best:

tnr said:
The list of battleground states has exploded with one week before the election. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota are suddenly receiving millions of dollars after most assumed they rested safely in Obama’s column. Many Obama fans are fretting and Romney fans are enthralled that they’re on the offensive. But interpreting ad spending is extraordinarily difficult in this election and these buys are insufficient to alter perceptions of the state of the race....
The fact that Restore Our Future is driving spending increases, rather than the Romney campaign, casts a certain amount of doubt on the competitiveness of all three states. Regardless of whether Obama's up 1 or 3 in Ohio, Romney's electoral map isn't as pretty it should be, at least based on the national polls. If Romney had a truly credible route to victory in any of these states, as Eric Fehrnstrum suggested in Minnesota, it would be wildly negligent for the Romney campaign to embark on anything short of an all-out effort to claim a victory. And although the Obama campaign felt these states were close enough to justify defensive spending increases, they appear to agree that these states aren’t as competitive as the initial nine battlegrounds. Despite Obama's response, Team Romney is outspending the Obama campaign by 5-to-1 in Minnesota and Michigan. In Pennsylvania, the Obama campaign is only being outspent to 2.5-to-1, perhaps a sign that they take the threat moderately more seriously in the Keystone State. But the Obama campaign probably isn’t alarmed by the situation in Pennsylvania if they’re allowing Team Romney to outspend them by 2.5-to-1 over the final week of the campaign. With the polls showing Obama with a modest lead and nearly fifty percent of the vote in all three states, it’s not hard to see why.


Marginal cost of a dollar to a SuperPAC is pretty low.
Christie is going to need all the federal money he can get to fix this. It shouldn't be surprising why he's palling around with Obama. And of course, being seen as a "bipartisan" maverick during times of disaster is a good thing for someone looking to 2016.

It's also worth noting that John Kerry has been traveling with Obama today.
At this point, is there even 3 million dollars worth of ad inventory left to buy in PA? lol. Gonna be a lot of crappy ad slots.

The bigger question I have about Indiana is how it went blue in 08 to begin with.

I think part of the thing was late precincts from Gary (Chicago media market) coming in huge for Obama that pushed him over at the end, iirc.


Christie is going to need all the federal money he can get to fix this. It shouldn't be surprising why he's palling around with Obama. And of course, being seen as a "bipartisan" maverick during times of disaster is a good thing for someone looking to 2016.

It's also worth noting that John Kerry has been traveling with Obama today.

Seriously. He has to get this right with re-election coming up in a blue state
Christie is going to need all the federal money he can get to fix this. It shouldn't be surprising why he's palling around with Obama. And of course, being seen as a "bipartisan" maverick during times of disaster is a good thing for someone looking to 2016.

It's also worth noting that John Kerry has been traveling with Obama today.

Yeah, clearly Christie is using 100% resources at his disposal and he should. I really don't see how there's anything super-secret-buddy-political to saying thank you to the prez during an epic disaster, but hey it's election season.


If Obama wins Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida down south, along with holding the western States of New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, then the 2008 election will increasingly be seen as a realigning election, where increasing Democratic inroads into hispanics and younger voters changed the map for the foreseeable future to open up parts of the South and West.
So CNN is covering the storm that killed 50 some americans. FOX news is talking about how the WH needs to answer questions about Libya. Priorities.


lol at Rush believing that Christie is distracting Obama for Romney.

At the RNC Christie speech was more about him than Romney. It would benefit Christie more for Obama to win than Romney.
Guys, think about this: With the exception of Indiana, it's possible (however small) for Obama to come close to his 2008 blowout.

Just take a moment to let that sink in.


Why does being based in North Carolina give them a polling advantage?
For some reason all of the polling organizations that have been based in North Carolina have shown the race a tie. The ones that aren't based in NC have shown a Romney +5 advantage on average.


This guy speaking at a Romney event is absolutely nuts. Apology tour, Muslim Brotherhood, and crippling debt all in the space of a minute.

Edit: this woman is even nuts-ier. "Romney! Romney! Romney! Romney! Romney! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" to a practically silent crowd.
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