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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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So is CNN not going to call out Romney's bullshit auto ad or what? Even the CEOs of Chrysler and GM have come out saying it's blatantly wrong.

"This is what Mitt Romney said. This is what GM and Chrysler CEO's said. Here's a Mitt Romney spokesperson, and here's a GM spokesperson. Was Mitt Romney lying? You decide"


Handing out huge tax breaks to the wealthy is the GOP platform. They can't just stop saying it. I don't expect them, if they lose, to be more progressive, I expect them to start demurring a la Ron Paul.

They probably could have even gotten away with the tax breaks if they were willing to be more progressive on a few ultimately inconsequential social issues.

But yeah, people thought the 2008 loss would result in a lot of Republican "soul-searching" and all it did was give us the Tea Party.
"This is what Mitt Romney said. This is what GM and Chrysler CEO's said. Here's a Mitt Romney spokesperson, and here's a GM spokesperson. Was Mitt Romney lying? You decide"

"we report, you decide" (I know that's FOX but it seems CNN actually follows it closer. FOX just tells people what to be outraged about)
Here is an easy way of saying to the people that are not Empty Vessel. If they really care about the future generations start actually paying for their future now through taxes and NOT cutting spending on stuff like education and infrastructure, stuff that is actually going to be needed for those future generations. This train of thought is actually the one thing that pisses me off so much in public that I actually stop and argue it even to people at my office. "I don't want my children to be saddled with debt but I don't want to pay a damn dime for my generations mistakes, lets cut our childrens funding and cut social security net for them and medicare, that will help them for the future! But don't cut funding for military, that's a no-no we need that for the future generations!" Ignoring the fact that debt as it stands doesn't actually matter the way most normal people look at it, even if they look at it in a normal way, its just woefully selfish and it boggles my mind what goes through people who say that.

Yep, that answer is pretty good.

"You don't want to saddle your kids with debt? Well then lets go back to Clinton era tax rates and pay it off."



Maybe Romney shoulda picked Rob Portman? This race would look very different if Romney had a 2-point bonus in OH.
"we report, you decide" (I know that's FOX but it seems CNN actually follows it closer. FOX just tells people what to be outraged about)

CNN will report what happened but doesn't have the balls to call out a lie. Instead they focus on the immediate aftermath of a story, for example, Romney's jeep misfire. They will bring in "experts" who will "argue both sides", and in the end, will leave you hanging (this is exactly what happened with Benghazi incident, they simply failed to point out reality/common sense). They won't decisively say Mitt lied, because that will end the controversy right there. And you can't have that. Blitzer gotta eat.

Maybe Romney shoulda picked Rob Portman? This race would look very different if Romney had a 2-point bonus in OH.

Ice burn.

Of course Rob Portman has his own problems. He was Bush's budget guy. Yeah, those Bush budgets were not exactly models of fiscal discipline. And he is short & translucent.


Would that had done anything? Ryan's not helping him in WI.

Ryan's not helping anyone after he was embarrassed on national television by Biden

Portman would have been a better pick just as a politician, Ryan is very much a Sarah Palin-esque pick (Controversial, fires up the base, but not ready for primetime)


Almost there . . . and then, we rest :)

Would that had done anything? Ryan's not helping him in WI.
VP candidates can actually make a difference. I was talking with this guy I was campaigning for Obama with, and he said he used to be one of the leaders of Alaska for Obama, and apparently Obama was actually ahead in Alaska until McCain picked Sarah Palin for VP. After that, Obama apparently dropped like 40 points or so in the polls and they just kinda gave up and focused their efforts elsewhere. Not that Alaska really matters that much anyway, but it's still some anecdotal evidence of how VP candidates can turn states.
Ryan's not helping anyone after he was embarrassed on national television by Biden

Portman would have been a better pick just as a politician, Ryan is very much a Sarah Palin-esque pick (Controversial, fires up the base, but not ready for primetime)

Portman is boring and would have gotten destroyed by Biden in the debate, and Ryan is way out of Sarah Palin's league.
VP candidates can actually make a difference. I was talking with this guy I was campaigning for Obama with, and he said he used to be one of the leaders of Alaska for Obama, and apparently Obama was actually ahead in Alaska until McCain picked Sarah Palin for VP. After that, Obama apparently dropped like 40 points or so in the polls and they just kinda gave up and focused their efforts elsewhere. Not that Alaska really matters that much anyway, but it's still some anecdotal evidence of how VP candidates can turn states.

lmao. Nothing moves a state that much on anything.
Ryan's just a terrible fit with their campaign strategy. He's a policy dork, at home with a powerpoint deck and a policy agenda. The no-details Romney campaign doesn't mesh well at all to his strengths-if they were running on some specific platforms and plans, he'd be decent at communicating them to a wider audience.


I never realized how small Marco Rubio is until I see him on the stage with Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney and the others. Doesn't bode well for his chances, Presidents are historically taller than the average American. He really does look like a boy next to them with his youth and smaller height.
I think the rash of hyper-conservatism is a fad that will moderate itself out. Defeating hyper-conservationism is my biggest issue in this election. To me the results of this election dictate whether the GOP moderates now or decades from now.

I disagree. They would have almost defeated Obama with pure obstruction, and many will argue they only loss due to a bad presidential candidate; how would this race look without the guy who argued Detroit should be left to die?

IMO the only hope for things getting better is if dems take at least 10 seats in the House. Obama will benefit from a smaller, more ostracized tea party that Boehner can get around with a few democrat votes; I continue to believe Boehner is an old school republican who is interested in getting things done. Meanwhile I think the Senate will be better due to the democratic caucus getting more liberal (Warren, Baldwin, Murphy, and Kaine will hopefully win). I'm more apt to believe compromise is possible in the senate


I never realized how small Marco Rubio is until I see him on the stage with Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney and the others. Doesn't bode well for his chances, Presidents are historically taller than the average American. He really does look like a boy next to them with his youth and smaller height.

Don't worry. When he loses his hair in a couple years he won't look all that boyish.


Would that had done anything? Ryan's not helping him in WI.

Is Ryan helping Mitt anywhere? I guess it could be viewed as a pick that ignites the base, but that base was going to vote for Mitt anyway (as in anti-Obama vote rather than pro-Mitt).

I don't think Ryan is helping in any swing state or WI; at least Portman might have helped with Ohio.
I disagree. They would have almost defeated Obama with pure obstruction, and many will argue they only loss due to a bad presidential candidate; how would this race look without the guy who argued Detroit should be left to die?

IMO the only hope for things getting better is if dems take at least 10 seats in the House. Obama will benefit from a smaller, more ostracized tea party that Boehner can get around with a few democrat votes; I continue to believe Boehner is an old school republican who is interested in getting things done. Meanwhile I think the Senate will be better due to the democratic caucus getting more liberal (Warren, Baldwin, Murphy, and Kaine will hopefully win). I'm more apt to believe compromise is possible in the senate

Why do people still believe this, ignoring history all together. If Bush can get a second term after starting an illegal war that killed 4000 Americans, than Obama who has numerous accomplishments including getting OBL, would've too.

Now you're just talking revisionist nonsense.


That girl in the bunny hat
Why do people still believe this, ignoring history all together. If Bush can get a second term after starting an illegal war that killed 4000 Americans, than Obama who has numerous accomplishments including getting OBL, would've too.

Now you're just talking revisionist nonsense.

And it's precisely the revisionist nonsense Republicans will use.
Is Ryan helping Mitt anywhere? I guess it could be viewed as a pick that ignites the base, but that base was going to vote for Mitt anyway (as in anti-Obama vote rather than pro-Mitt).

I don't think Ryan is helping in any swing state or WI; at least Portman might have helped with Ohio.
Ryan's perceived strengths were:
1) Young, energetic, ignite the base like Palin
2) "serious" economics guy. Beltway's favorite pet when it comes to "making difficult choices".
3) From swing state Wisconsin

Romney needed all three: shore up conservative base and show that he is serious about economy. Wisconsin win will be icing on the cake.

His downsides were his medicare plan and ultra libertarian views, which Romney machine effectively sought to hide from mainstream's view. Rob Portman was a thud. He doesn't excite anybody. Him being budget director of W meant he will be hung around Romney's neck, and poll after poll said Portman is the least known VP candidate nationally. Really, really big gamble. So in retrospect, Ryan pick made sense.



You guys, we've got it all wrong

"Then, in October, Obama lost the Southern swing states of Florida (29) and Virginia (13). He also lost Colorado (10), bringing his total to 255 votes.

And now, he faces the erosion of the northern swing states: Ohio (18), New Hampshire (4) and Iowa (6). Only in the union-anchored state of Nevada (9) does Obama still cling to a lead.

In the next few days, the battle will move to Pennsylvania (20), Michigan (15), Wisconsin (10) and Minnesota (16). Ahead in Pennsylvania, tied in Michigan and Wisconsin, and slightly behind in Minnesota, these new swing states look to be the battleground.

Or will the Romney momentum grow and wash into formerly safe Democratic territory in New Jersey and Oregon?

Once everyone discovers that the emperor has no clothes (or that Obama has no argument after the negative ads stopped working), the vote shift could be of historic proportions.
With friends like these . . .


Superstorm Sandy Rumors Cost Congressional Campaign Manager His Job
By Abby Phillip | ABC News Blogs – 5 hours ago

The congressional campaign manager who confessed to spreading falsehoods on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy has resigned from Christopher Wright's New York City congressional campaign.

Shashank Tripathi, under the guise of his Twitter handle @ComfortablySmug, sent out several pieces of misinformation during the worst of the storm Monday.

He is being blamed for spreading the now-widely debunked rumor that the New York Stock Exchange trading floor had been flooded with 3 feet of standing water. The rumor was eventually picked up by CNN and New York Magazine until NYSE officials shot it down.
In a message on his Twitter account late Tuesday, Tripathi apologized and offered his resignation on Wright's House campaign for the 12 th congressional district.
Tripathi was first outed by BuzzFeed.

"I wish to offer the people of New York a sincere, humble and unconditional apology," Tripathi wrote. "During a natural disaster that threatened the entire city, I made a series of irresponsible and inaccurate tweets."

Other rumors included a false report that power would be shut down in all of Manhattan and that the New York subway would be closed for the entire week.

Great job dude, you've painted GOP campaign people as big liars.
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