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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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If Obama wins Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida down south, along with holding the western States of New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado, then the 2008 election will increasingly be seen as a realigning election, where increasing Democratic inroads into hispanics and younger voters changed the map for the foreseeable future to open up both parts of the South and West.

If there's one downside to a big EV victory, it's that this apparent realignment will be more likely to alert the GOP that they need to change if they want to remain electorally viable. A narrow victory gives them mental room to blame the candidate or fraud or anything else that is not themselves.

Still.. I want them fucking crushed. Let 'em fight over their party's future for my entertainment!


butthurt Heat fan
There will be so many bitter tears if Obama wins a EV landslide, lol.
The right wing freak out is going to be a thing of beauty. I'll be over it like Cartman on Scott Tenorman's delicious tears.

Still waiting in line, btw. Turnout for early voting has been huge all week.


Nah, they'll probably just blame any loss on that RINO moderate flip-flopper for not being a true conservative. They'll just push more right like they always do.

We shall dine well November!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
If there's one downside to a big EV victory, it's that this apparent realignment will be more likely to alert the GOP that they need to change if they want to remain electorally viable. A narrow victory gives them mental room to blame the candidate or fraud or anything else that is not themselves.

Still.. I want them fucking crushed. Let 'em fight over their party's future for my entertainment!

It doesn't make sense to want them to not realign. The current Republican party is outright dangerous. I would have a lot tougher time cheerleading Obama if an actual intelligent, well-reasoned conservative was running because I personally run very moderate.


butthurt Heat fan
Real talk. How do I counter the "children will be left with crushing debt to pay" card? I can only play the "Bush racked it up big" card for only so long. I need a trap card.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Real talk. How do I counter the "children will be left with crushing debt to pay" card? I can only play the "Bush racked it up big" card for only so long. I need a trap card.

Children will be left with a crushing debt to pay even if you elected Romney since his plan doesn't mathematically add up.


Real talk. How do I counter the "children will be left with crushing debt to pay" card? I can only play the "Bush racked it up big" card for only so long. I need a trap card.

Ask them how Romney's tax plan specifics solve the crushing debt. Remind them Romney has offered little specifics, and the details he has told us about have been proven by non-partisan tax studies that it would increase the tax burden on middle and lower class families while giving the well-to-do a bigger break than they have now.


If there's one downside to a big EV victory, it's that this apparent realignment will be more likely to alert the GOP that they need to change if they want to remain electorally viable. A narrow victory gives them mental room to blame the candidate or fraud or anything else that is not themselves.

Still.. I want them fucking crushed. Let 'em fight over their party's future for my entertainment!

Call me a dreamer, but the sooner the GOP abandons their xenophobia and intransigence to taxation, the sooner our country/economy becomes the envy of the world again.
So, splinter the elephant's bones for America's broader future.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I think I managed to kill off my inner chicken little today. I'm not sure what happened, but all the anxiety is gone. Obama has this in the bag. I've known it for a long time, but still had those stupid lingering doubts and fears. I am so happy to put that White House Honey Porter I made into a keg. Tuesday is going to be awesome.
Why should republicans stop obstructing? They'll just revive the tea party for 2014 and start chipping away at that alleged 12 million job recovery we'll get "no matter what." We'll get a repeat of the debt ceiling nonsense, more taxes obstruction, and a higher deficit because Obama can't just say "No deal? Well see you guys on January 20th fellas. Thanks for the revenue."
So CNN is covering the storm that killed 50 some americans. FOX news is talking about how the WH needs to answer questions about Libya. Priorities.

Anyone that thinks Fox News is anything but a propaganda outlet for the GOP is delusional or stupid. The left doesn't pretend the Maddow, Schultz, and O'Donnell are neutral news people.
Your children aren't going to pay the debt back. Nor are their children. Or their children's children. Or their children's children. In fact nobody is ever going to pay back the debt. As long as the economy is growing the debt may actually continue to grow without a problem. Since its a fact that liberal policies have shown to create more jobs and grow gdp more than conservative policies, liberals will keep America prosperous. The end.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I'm bummed that Biden is probably going to be too old to run in 2016. I don't know that he could win, but I'd be thrilled to have him in the Oval Office.


Why should republicans stop obstructing? They'll just revive the tea party for 2014 and start chipping away at that alleged 12 million job recovery we'll get "no matter what." We'll get a repeat of the debt ceiling nonsense, more taxes obstruction, and a higher deficit because Obama can't just say "No deal? Well see you guys on January 20th fellas. Thanks for the revenue."

Only difference is this time I think Obama would blatantly expose them for obstruction instead of trying to play nice. Since he would not be running for re-election he can do what Clinton did and basically tell them go kiss his ass.
Hey folks, been with no power for two days and no cell service. Downtown got power this morning so I'm plugged in and with wifi.

So last night i was listening to radio news on my crank radio. At midnight the news ended and some talk show began, called something like Joe bachelor, anyone heard of it?

They were talking about Keynesian economics bls numbers etc so i listened in for my nightly poligaf.

They went to commercials promising polls next, so i got excited.

They came back with Halloween music and bad news for Obama.

Obama buying defensive ads in Pennsylvania?
Colorado firmly in Romney side?
Iowa tied?
Michigan in play with new ad buys?
Ohio polls showing tied?

And then they seriously went in to talk about the hurricane being bad news for Obama because I voters without power always vote against government

Wtf happened guys? Did i miss major news?


Hey folks, been with no power for two days and no cell service. Downtown got power this morning so I'm plugged in and with wifi.

So last night i was listening to radio news on my crank radio. At midnight the news ended and some talk show began, called something like Joe bachelor, anyone heard of it?

They were talking about Keynesian economics bls numbers etc so i listened in for my nightly poligaf.

They went to commercials promising polls next, so i got excited.

They came back with Halloween music and bad news for Obama.

Obama buying defensive ads in Pennsylvania?
Colorado firmly in Romney side?
Iowa tied?
Michigan in play with new ad buys?
Ohio polls showing tied?

And then they seriously went in to talk about the hurricane being bad news for Obama because I voters without power always vote against government

Wtf happened guys? Did i miss major news?

Nothing really happened except Romney and his camp realize he has no path so they are spending money pretty much in every state they can, they have to find an alternate path now that OH,NV,IA,WI are pretty much off the table


If there's one downside to a big EV victory, it's that this apparent realignment will be more likely to alert the GOP that they need to change if they want to remain electorally viable. A narrow victory gives them mental room to blame the candidate or fraud or anything else that is not themselves.

People think that a loss is going to really result in a lot of "Republican soul searching" that results in some big changes. But honestly, they could have had this election in the bag if they just stopped trying to hand out huge tax breaks to the mega-wealthy, and maybe been a little more progressive about women's issues and immigration. Sure it might have pissed off the rich people and immigrant haters.....but what are they going to do? Go vote for Obama instead?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why should republicans stop obstructing? They'll just revive the tea party for 2014 and start chipping away at that alleged 12 million job recovery we'll get "no matter what." We'll get a repeat of the debt ceiling nonsense, more taxes obstruction, and a higher deficit because Obama can't just say "No deal? Well see you guys on January 20th fellas. Thanks for the revenue."

I think the rash of hyper-conservatism is a fad that will moderate itself out. Defeating hyper-conservationism is my biggest issue in this election. To me the results of this election dictate whether the GOP moderates now or decades from now.

People think that a loss is going to really result in a lot of "Republican soul searching" that results in some big changes. But honestly, they could have had this election in the bag if they just stopped trying to hand out huge tax breaks to the mega-wealthy, and maybe been a little more progressive about women's issues and immigration. Sure it might have pissed off the rich people and immigrant haters.....but what are they going to do? Go vote for Obama instead?

Handing out huge tax breaks to the wealthy is the GOP platform. They can't just stop saying it. I don't expect them, if they lose, to be more progressive, I expect them to start demurring a la Ron Paul.


So is CNN not going to call out Romney's bullshit auto ad or what? Even the CEOs of Chrysler and GM have come out saying it's blatantly wrong.


Real talk. How do I counter the "children will be left with crushing debt to pay" card? I can only play the "Bush racked it up big" card for only so long. I need a trap card.

Here's how I do it.

1. Fully 60+% of the national debt is held by either the people of the United States or the U.S. government. Those holders are entities like the Social Security Trust Fund, the broad market of U.S. Treasury notes, and the Federal Reserve. So in reality most of the debt, we owe ourselves. I'm pretty sure we won't call in our debt in such a way that it collapses our economy.

2. The top 3 non-US debt holders are China, Japan, and Great Britain. Two direct allies (JP/UK) and one cooperative competitor (CH). None of those debt holders are interested in the US economy collapsing either.

3. We're on pace to exit the Great Recession with +1.5-2 GDP growth, greater than almost every other developed nation in the world. And with growth, the total debt becomes a non-factor compared to inflation of the currency, which is also staggeringly unlikely.

4. If at this point, they are still not convinced, tell them Obama's increased the rate of spending growth by the smallest amount since Clinton and Bush 2 increased it by the largest amount since Reagan. So, if you want slower debt/deficit growth, vote Democratic.


Real talk. How do I counter the "children will be left with crushing debt to pay" card? I can only play the "Bush racked it up big" card for only so long. I need a trap card.

Here is an easy way of saying to the people that are not Empty Vessel. If they really care about the future generations start actually paying for their future now through taxes and NOT cutting spending on stuff like education and infrastructure, stuff that is actually going to be needed for those future generations. This train of thought is actually the one thing that pisses me off so much in public that I actually stop and argue it even to people at my office. "I don't want my children to be saddled with debt but I don't want to pay a damn dime for my generations mistakes, lets cut our childrens funding and cut social security net for them and medicare, that will help them for the future! But don't cut funding for military, that's a no-no we need that for the future generations!" Ignoring the fact that debt as it stands doesn't actually matter the way most normal people look at it, even if they look at it in a normal way, its just woefully selfish and it boggles my mind what goes through people who say that.
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