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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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OMG...the Romney campaign bought $5,000 worth of food and handled it to supporters outside to give back to them as they ushered in?!?!

Please tell me this shit isn't true.

Since MSNBC keeps mentioning Buzzfeed I'm going to guess it's the only source:

The Making Of Romney's Storm Relief Event

This seems pretty damning:

Empty-handed supporters pled for entrance, with one woman asking, "What if we dropped off our donations up front?"

The volunteer gestured toward a pile of groceries conveniently stacked near the candidate. "Just grab something," he said.

Two teenage boys retrieved a jar of peanut butter each, and got in line. When it was their turn, they handed their "donations" to Romney. He took them, smiled, and offered an earnest "Thank you."
So the Daily Caller, the same people behind the last Obama video nonsense, has info about a senator being involved in a sex scandal yet they are waiting until the middle of the night on the east coast to release it? LOL, yeah, OK

"We have a new Obama video! This time he's talking even blacker!"

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"


Won't stop picking the right nation
Is it historically known that the undecided break for the challenger?

Seems more of a meme than bad news for Obama
I think Sam Wang mentioned that he removed this assumption from his model after 2004 because without he had predicted the election exactly and with it he was off by a decent amount.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I am so jealous of anyone who has grown up in a liberal family. My god. I got into it hard with my brother and my mom today. My mom had three miscarriages and is super prolife. My brother is a libertarian. I work with both of them. I spent two hours explaining how Romney stands NO chance at winning the electoral college, but it still boiled down to me 'being wrong' and them being right. I love them and hate them at the same time.




Not sure is this was posted yet but it sure eases what worries I had left.


I am so jealous of anyone who has grown up in a liberal family. My god. I got into it hard with my brother and my mom today. My mom had three miscarriages and is super prolife. My brother is a libertarian. I work with both of them. I spent two hours explaining how Romney stands NO chance at winning the electoral college, but it still boiled down to me 'being wrong' and them being right. I love them and hate them at the same time.

Talking with things like "facts" and "e-vi-dence"
(Kids in the Hall reference? anyone?)
just results in a glassy-eyed stare for my efforts. Buzzword talking points like "communism" and "socialism." I ask them to define these terms, but they can't, which leads me to quip, "if you're going to insult someone, know the definition of the insulting words you're using. Otherwise, when you're asked to explain further, you look foolish."

It's almost scary, like a body snatchers-type happening. I mention about the whole "Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama are consistently at the bottom of most quality of life measurement rankings, while the northeastern states are consistently at the top. So.. how's this voting pattern working for us? You know what the definition of 'insanity' is; you know very well that I've heard you reference it."

They hit the roof when they found out that I gave several hundred to Obama in 2008. I imagine it'll be even funnier this year. :)

And I'm sticking to my earlier prediction:


I am so jealous of anyone who has grown up in a liberal family. My god. I got into it hard with my brother and my mom today. My mom had three miscarriages and is super prolife. My brother is a libertarian. I work with both of them. I spent two hours explaining how Romney stands NO chance at winning the electoral college, but it still boiled down to me 'being wrong' and them being right. I love them and hate them at the same time.

I think I'd prefer that over the passive aggressive comments / rants I get.


Awesome... further confirmation that Iowa is locked away. On WI, I trust that Marquette poll a bit more than Marist's numbers, and Ohio is obviously done as well. Which is all good news for Romney, of course.



Who is this woman who keeps watching Obama speeches at her dinner table alone and then complaining that he's not helping her? Why should I care about her problems?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I am so jealous of anyone who has grown up in a liberal family. My god. I got into it hard with my brother and my mom today. My mom had three miscarriages and is super prolife. My brother is a libertarian. I work with both of them. I spent two hours explaining how Romney stands NO chance at winning the electoral college, but it still boiled down to me 'being wrong' and them being right. I love them and hate them at the same time.

It's the power of people who have never really learned what actual critical thinking or objectivity is. Generally, people like that are given to magical thinking. Things happen because you want them to happen, and if you want them to happen bad enough, they will. And things you don't want to happen won't happen if you convince yourself they won't.

There's no higher thought going on there; it's like trying to get inside the head of someone who has kept one eye closed for their entire life and can't comprehend what stereo vision is. If they ever opened their other eye, there would be actual reorganizations of neural connections and they would literally think in a different way.

People say it's just subjects like politics and religion that cause many folks to act that way. In my experience those subjects just bring out the irrational thinking more easily - it's always there. But usually confined to subjects that are "harmless". Or go unnoticed.

There's an otherwise nice older woman I know, the mother of a friend, who always votes republican because she's totally on the fear bandwagon. Is terrified of everything in life. Whenever it rains, she won't leave her house. Because in the yard there's a 200 year old split oak tree. A century ago it was hit by lightning. The nice lady is convinced that because that tree was hit by lightning a century ago, there's an extremely likely chance lighting will strike it again, and so you're in grave danger if you stand outside in that yard in the rain. Even if there's no thunderclouds and static in the air.

It's pure fear, combined with no experiencing thinking in a logical framework.


No Scrubs
In a democratic hold I wouldn't think so. Even a month before there's time to prop someone up. Now, no.

But that's assuming Twitter knows what's up.

The only reason to hit someone like this less than a week out is if what you have won't hold up. If this was an actual thing, assuming it isn't, its the kind of thing that would have sunk him even if they had used it last week.


Won't stop picking the right nation
It's the power of people who have never really learned what actual critical thinking or objectivity is. Generally, people like that are given to magical thinking. Things happen because you want them to happen, and if you want them to happen bad enough, they will. And things you don't want to happen won't happen if you convince yourself they won't.

There's no higher thought going on there; it's like trying to get inside the head of someone who has kept one eye closed for their entire life and can't comprehend what stereo vision is. If they ever opened their other eye, there would be actual reorganizations of neural connections and they would literally think in a different way.

People say it's just subjects like politics and religion that cause many folks to act that way. In my experience those subjects just bring out the irrational thinking more easily - it's always there. But usually confined to subjects that are "harmless". Or go unnoticed.

There's an otherwise nice older woman I know, the mother of a friend, who always votes republican because she's totally on the fear bandwagon. Is terrified of everything in life. Whenever it rains, she won't leave her house. Because in the yard there's a 200 year old split oak tree. A century ago it was hit by lightning. The nice lady is convinced that because that tree was hit by lightning a century ago, there's an extremely likely chance lighting will strike it again, and so you're in grave danger if you stand outside in that yard in the rain. Even if there's no thunderclouds and static in the air.

It's pure fear, combined with no experiencing thinking in a logical framework.
I can't find the precise quote, but Abraham Lincoln once lamented the apparent contradiction and paradox that only a mind that is already open is capable of refinement and intellectual improvement. A closed mind is incapable of understanding how closed it actually is. To accept the benefits of critical thinking, one must already be predisposed to it.
Yup. This is bad. Even if he wins on tuesday he'll eventually be pushed out by the party...and Christie will pick his successor until a special election next year.

I can't wait to find out all the details, do you think they will release the "Whitey" tape at the same time? Slow down, how about we wait until an actual reporter worth a shit says something about this first.


Oh my god, so much butthurt crammed into one single image.

'Tis but a small sample of what to expect over the coming days. I'm thinking of upgrading my photobucket account for one month so that I can detail this type of reaction on Election Night and beyond. I've gotten to the point where I can screencap this stuff pretty quickly.

It's going to be so fulfilling to see these loons get a healthy dose of despair.
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