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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Where's the contradiction? I think Romney will win, but I'm not 100% confident or something (like Hannity allegedly is). I'd say I'm about 55-60% confident Romney will win, simply due to Ohio.

You are clown shoes, man.

You said "This is why I'm not worried."

The post you were responding to was ABOUT OHIO and very pro-Obama.

Stop trying to "bu-bu-but" to spin this shit, Phoemney.

Stop trying to to walk this shit back. Own it and realize you got caught.



Karl Rove tries his hand at playing Nate Silver to prove Romney winning in a landslide

But doesn't it all come down to the all-important Buckeye State? Here, too, the early voting news isn't encouraging for the president.

Adrian Gray, who oversaw the Bush 2004 voter-contact operation and is now a policy analyst for a New York investment firm, makes the point that as of Tuesday, 530,813 Ohio Democrats had voted early or had requested or cast an absentee ballot. That's down 181,275 from four years ago. But 448,357 Ohio Republicans had voted early or had requested or cast an absentee ballot, up 75,858 from the last presidential election.

That 257,133-vote swing almost wipes out Mr. Obama's 2008 Ohio victory margin of 262,224. Since most observers expect Republicans to win Election Day turnout, these early vote numbers point toward a Romney victory in Ohio. They are also evidence that Scott Jennings, my former White House colleague and now Romney Ohio campaign director, was accurate when he told me that the Buckeye GOP effort is larger than the massive Bush 2004 get-out-the-vote operation.

Democrats explain away those numbers by saying that they are turning out new young Ohio voters. But I asked Kelly Nallen, the America Crossroads data maven, about this. She points out that there are 12,612 GOP "millennials" (voters aged 18-29) who've voted early compared with 9,501 Democratic millennials.

Are Democrats bringing out episodic voters who might not otherwise turn out? Not according to Ms. Nallen. She says that about 90% of each party's early voters so far had also voted in three of the past four Ohio elections. Democrats also suggest they are bringing Obama-leaning independents to polls. But since Mr. Romney has led among independents in nine of the 13 Ohio polls conducted since the first debate, the likelihood is that the GOP is doing as good a job in turning out their independent supporters as Democrats are in turning out theirs.

Aren't those early voting numbers worrying?
You are clown shoes, man.

You said "This is why I'm not worried."

The post you were responding to was ABOUT OHIO and very pro-Obama.

Stop trying to "bu-bu-but" to spin this shit, Phoemney.

Stop trying to to walk this shit back. Own it and realize you got caught.
He doesnt care. All he cares about is being the center and focus of this thread. Stop feeding into his shit.

Karl Rove tries his hand at playing Nate Silver to prove Romney winning in a landslide

Karl Rove doing "the math" in 2006

SIEGEL: If you could name races between, certainly Senate races, all...

ROVE: Like the poll today that showing Corker's ahead in Tennessee or the poll showing Allen is pulling away in the Virginia Senate race.

SIEGEL: Leading Webb, in Virginia, yea...

ROVE: Yeah, exactly.

SIEGEL: ...you've seen the DeWine race and the Santorum race and, I don't want to...you call [the] races.

ROVE: I'm looking at all of these Robert and adding them up. I add up to a Republican Senate and Republican House. You may end up with a different math but you are entitled to your math and I'm entitled to THE math.

SIEGEL: I don't know if we're entitled to a different math but your...

ROVE: I said THE math.
You are clown shoes, man.

You said "This is why I'm not worried."

The post you were responding to was ABOUT OHIO and very pro-Obama.

Stop trying to "bu-bu-but" to spin this shit, Phoemney.

Stop trying to to walk this shit back. Own it and realize you got caught.

why the fuck are you letting him troll you so hard?

tuesday cannot come soon enough.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Karl Rove doing "the math" in 2006

SIEGEL: If you could name races between, certainly Senate races, all...

ROVE: Like the poll today that showing Corker's ahead in Tennessee or the poll showing Allen is pulling away in the Virginia Senate race.

SIEGEL: Leading Webb, in Virginia, yea...

ROVE: Yeah, exactly.

SIEGEL: ...you've seen the DeWine race and the Santorum race and, I don't want to...you call [the] races.

ROVE: I'm looking at all of these Robert and adding them up. I add up to a Republican Senate and Republican House. You may end up with a different math but you are entitled to your math and I'm entitled to THE math.

SIEGEL: I don't know if we're entitled to a different math but your...

ROVE: I said THE math.

Karl Rove found his numbers the same place he found the Iraqi WMDs

Aren't those early voting numbers worrying?

He's just cherry picking semi-random numbers, i.e. showing that early voting is worse for Obama than in 2008. Well no shit - nobody is denying that Democratic turnout is going to be lower than 2008. That doesn't ipso facto lead to the conclusion that Romney will win the state and has nothing to do with Romney pulling out an extra 4% in the polling aggregate while simultaneously getting shit on from every angle for his lying Jeep ads.

If the numbers flat showed Romney winning, they'd just post the fucking numbers showing Romney winning, not trying to extrapolate hidden data withing the polling reports. The entire point of canvassing "likely" voters is to extrapolate that data. The difference is who's doing it - a professional pollster or Karl Rove.
You tell me.

If it's locked up for Romney, why is he carpet bombing the state, making more visits there than Obama?

Maybe Obama's campaign doesn't have the money or staff to compete in Ohio as consistently as Romney's. Obama seems to spend a lot of time in smaller, more manageable states like Iowa
I am freaking out because I will be on a ten hour flight on the day the election is called. I will be among the last people in the us to hear the result.

In 2000, I was on a plane and they announced Bush victory over the PA. I'm pretty sure the Captain will announce it over the mike. (I was overseas when it was announced.)


So I got my new Newsweek today and the cover....lol, Stop stealing memes Newsweek.

Mama, please dont respond to his trashy idiocy.

Too late.

Maybe Obama's campaign doesn't have the money or staff to compete in Ohio as consistently as Romney's. Obama seem to spend a lot of time in smaller, more manageable states like Iowa

Ok PivotDark.

Go look at the field office number breakdowns between the campaigns, take some time and try to come up with another troll attempt and then come back and try again.

You're the same guy that thought Hilary would beat Obama so please, try again.

And since you mentioned Iowa, it's obvious that state still hurts you in your secret spot to this day.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Isn't this in direct conflict with like... EVERYTHING about the state of the race?

Obama has like 3 times the field stations in OH than Romney does. Everyone who has even a vague mind for strategy knows what Romney's doing. The Republicans don't actually believe they are winning. It is part of the GOTV strategy to encourage GOP voters - its the same reason they did ad buys in Pennsylvania. I sincerely doubt that Romney believes he can win in PA, he just wants to create the impression that he has a very good chance at winning since that, more than anything, will cause lazy voters to show up to the polls.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Menendez article is up

Ok, Menendez is fucking divorced? I didn't know that; that changes everything. Plus the hookers aren't underage...so what exactly is the issue here. If it's just he said she said...meh.

This is not only nothing, but nobody's going to believe a report in a fifth-tier GOP rag 5 days before a huge election that he banged some hookers once.


No Scrubs
This is not only nothing, but nobody's going to believe a report in a fifth-tier GOP rag 5 days before a huge election that he banged some hookers once.

Yup, they're just throwing it out there and hoping it sticks. They hope the news picks it up and runs with it and that there won't be enough time to check it. I've got $20 says the hookers were paid to say it.



I don't get what happened between the point of a prostitute knowing that her client called himself Bob and was a white American.

And then:
"When shown a photograph of Sen. Menendez, the women said they recognized him as the man".

I suppose he was the only American Bob visiting the Dominican Republic?
The story of only paying her $100 instead of the agreed fee sounds even worse. Weak accusations.

Edit: Oh I see he's divorced, this is a scandal how again?


Just saw a trailer on HDNet flipping through channels for the documentary "The Hope And The Change" from Citizens United Productions, the makers of Hillary: The Movie and many other fine films. I couldn't find the exact trailer for it, but it consists entirely of people who say they're life long Democrats who supported Obama in 08 but won't be voting for him again because all he's done in 4 years apparently is golf, play basketball, and go on talk shows. I'm not exaggerating.

I don't think the documentary has had much of an impact.


No Scrubs
I don't get what happened between the point of a prostitute knowing that her client called himself Bob and was a white American.

And then:
"When shown a photograph of Sen. Menendez, the women said they recognized him as the man".

I suppose he was the only American Bob visiting the Dominican Republic?
The story of only paying her $100 instead of the agreed fee sounds even worse.


Edit: Oh I see he's divorced, this is a scandal how again?

Something something hookers. If this were a thing it would be put out there at 2PM not 2AM.


Yup. This is bad. Even if he wins on tuesday he'll eventually be pushed out by the party...and Christie will pick his successor until a special election next year.

Hope it's not true cos his hypocrisy would probably force him to resign more than anything

Andrew Kaczynski ‏@BuzzFeedAndrew

Menendez said the Secret Service offices who solicited prostitutes should be fired: "You don't go solicit prostitutes." http://youtu.be/bpkTJlSPxn8
Now its no big deal? Jesus. Don't you get tired of your schtick?

Initial reports suggested the hookers were underage, and I didn't know Menendez isn't married. And given the flimsy claim, which has no evidence....yeah. Even if it were true I'm not sure it matters who he fucks as long as they're legal.

I was worried about something that would lead to a resignation. This sounds like typical New Jersey shit


If this is legit, why isn't his opponent bringing it up directly? I guess they fed it to the DC but if they've got the goods, why not leak it to the local media?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I just love the flood of "Romney's secretly winning by a landslide" articles that vary from a hunch to cherry picking fake data.

It's kind of telling that the best case for Romney winning by far is being made by Nate Silver - he points out on 538 that if Romney actually carries the national vote by Gallup or Ras averages, then he will likely win the EC as well.
Guys, I hope you're ready because


Seriously. The stuff we're about to read/hear will be off the charts.


No Scrubs
If this is legit, why isn't his opponent bringing it up directly? I guess they fed it to the DC but if they've got the goods, why not leak it to the local media?

Because it isn't legit. They're just trying to hit him and hope word of mouth carries before anyone can correct it. Like I said, only reason you hit someone like this so close to the election is because your attack has nothing behind it and you don't want to give anyone time to prove you wrong.

EDIT: This is the kind of story it would take a few weeks to chase down and disprove, hence why they used it a week before election day and not earlier.
Guys, I hope you're ready because


Seriously. The stuff we're about to read/hear will be off the charts.
What I'm looking forward to the most is how Rush is going to go OFF about Chris Christie tomorrow.


Guys, I hope you're ready because


Seriously. The stuff we're about to read/hear will be off the charts.

I plan on continuing my election ritual of laughing at the Sean Hannity forums for the intense inanity and meltdowns that will erupt out of them. It was really something else in 2008.


Won't stop picking the right nation
It appears that Howard Kurtz is now blaming Hurricane Sandy for "blunting the momentum that Romney had achieved since the debates", never mind that Obama was already on the ascendant even before the hurricane struck. I guess journalists have found a convenient exit out of the Romentum narrative if it fails to transpire. Other journalists and pundits are taking a postmodern "we can't really know anything" approach. Objective knowledge is impossible to achieve! No one knows who's winning! God, I can't wait for November 6th to arrive.
lol @ that Rove article.

He maintains a small but persistent polling edge. As of yesterday afternoon, there had been 31 national surveys in the previous seven days. Mr. Romney led in 19, President Obama in seven, and five were tied.

A blatant lie.

It appears that Howard Kurtz is now blaming Hurricane Sandy for "blunting the momentum that Romney had achieved since the debates", never mind that Obama was already on the ascendant even before the hurricane struck. I guess journalists have found a convenient exit out of the Romentum narrative if it fails to transpire. Other journalists and pundits are taking a postmodern "we can't really know anything" approach. Objective knowledge is impossible to achieve! No one knows who's winning! God, I can't wait for November 6th to arrive

Someone on Fox said Sandy was "mana from heaven" for Obama. Seriously. It might have been Kurtz.

Fox News lol. 3 things.

1. Still can't let Libya go. Sorry bros, you got whiskey dick

2. lol @ bias alert

3. climate change headline misleading. Scientists skeptical about blaming Sandy on climate change, not on actual climate change. See, this is how they mislead people with a faux title.


I guess we'll see who's right on tuesday
You are basically a right leaning political pundit. Ignoring evidence, going with your gut and hoping for the best. A completely irrational, anti-scientific approach and it doesn't matter at all if you, in the end, you turn out to be "correct" as it was based on pure chance and not on actually compelling evidence. There is literally very little that distinguishes you from the likes of Dick Morris. Facts are not opinions and it is a fact that the vast majority of evidence points towards an Obama win and you certainly aren't qualified to determine whether some of the evidence is bad. Indeed, no one is. How embarrassing.
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