Obama winning NC by not going there would be some ninja ish
how would fox news/cnn etc spin that?
He's playing small ball. He's in Roanoke County right now (where I live), speaking at a business (Integrity Windows and Doors). There might be 500 people at that rally
I'm still surprised that he's only visiting NV once, considering that he's maintained a modest lead there and that he can win NV/WI/OH, lose every other battleground state, and still end up with 271 EVs (WI/OH/IA won't cut it, though WI/OH/CO would). But like I said, hopefully confidence.
I hope there's a documentary crew filming Romney the moment the election is called for Obama and it is released. I want to see the disappointment. This guy already sounds bitter in his stump speech.
500 people? that's 500 more votes for romney in a very tight state.
McCain won Roanoke County by 20,000 votes
I'm still surprised that he's only visiting NV once, considering that he's maintained a modest lead there and that he can win NV/WI/OH, lose every other battleground state, and still end up with 271 EVs (WI/OH/IA won't cut it, though WI/OH/CO would). But like I said, hopefully confidence.
How can a group of people be so deluded?
(Wait...WI/OH/IA is identical in terms of EV to WI/OH/NV. They both have 6, and they both win.)
I think that Obama and Romney have both abandoned Nevada as basically locked up for Obama.
That's Romney's fallback to taking Ohio. Keep it and OH safe, and Romney has no path.
Obama was already in Vegas last Wednesday (remember Katy Perry?), he's put in his time there.
He put his time in Katy Perry?
They're not deluded. They're deluding others.
This is the single most comforting thing I've read about the campaign in days. Romney is losing, they know they're losing, and now their desperation is expanding to comical proportions. Flail more, Mitt. Dance for me.
That is actually what I meant. How can people watch this stuff?
I took a road trip on Saturday to see the Huskers play about an hour away and the whole way there and back, everyone in the car were pretty much guaranteeing a Romney win...
These are people who make over 1 million/yr, another makes 200k, and another is some exec for an online company...
No way, according to Fox News reputable sources like Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, etc, etc, etc
Romney is winning by at least 3%. He is looking like a 300+ EV win.
No joke, this is literally what they said as of last night. How can a group of people be so deluded?
(Wait...WI/OH/IA is identical in terms of EV to WI/OH/NV. They both have 6, and they both win.)
I think that Obama and Romney have both abandoned Nevada as basically locked up for Obama.
This stump speech is so disjointed.
I really don't understand how these guys can keep to these grueling schedules for such a long time.
That's shitty. What other sites do you use that aggregates the latest polls up to the minute. 538 only updates once a day.
Reid has ensured that Obama doesn't even need to bother spending much time in Nevada.
It's so delicious knowing that Ryan's national ambitions are done for in five days.
Romney was on the very verge of looking real manic out there. Which isn't surprising, he knows that, minus a miracle, he's toast.
Till 2016.
Romney was on the very verge of looking real manic out there. Which isn't surprising, he knows that, minus a miracle, he's toast.
Till 2016.
Till 2016.
On my phone, but here's a new OH poll: https://twitter.com/theplumlinegs/status/264009450166312961
Romney was on the very verge of looking real manic out there. Which isn't surprising, he knows that, minus a miracle, he's toast.
Josh Kraushaar said:The more I hear from smart GOP/Dems, this election is coming down to Wisconsin, Wisconsin, Wisconsin. That may be tipping pt state, not Ohio
Dispatch said:If the math holds up, he said, as many as 4,500 registered voters will not receive absentee ballots they requested. As many as 6,000 provisional ballots cast by registered voters could go uncounted, he added.
Rasmussen is out with two news polls:
Colorado: 50R-47O, their last poll had Romney up four and nobody else has had Romney higher then +1 this month except Gravis and ARG
Wisconsin: 49-49, their last poll was also a tie. No other poll has showed it this close since mid August.
In conclusion, Rasmussen is being Rasmussen