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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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500 people? that's 500 more votes for romney in a very tight state.


Looks like they didn't even bother with their late-stage shift to sensibility this election season.

Gotta double down in the face of adversity!

And lol @ that Wisconsin quote. Again, Marquette, which nailed the Walker election/recall, has him up 8!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Wow how the mighty have fallen. 4 years ago he was called "Chuck Godd" on PoliGAF.

So there's no way we are talking about Nate Silver like this in 2016 right? He's just a numbers guy so he shouldn't turn into a media dolt like Chuck has.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
So what channels are you guys gonna be tuned to on election day? I'll be able to livestream Al Jazeera and the BBC right? I've pretty much given up on the news media in this country.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You know, an Obama win would lead to a thousand years of darkness. GOP is losing their fucking mind and would continue to do so.

Let them go mad. The more insane the right wing acts, the more insane right wing constituents act, the faster it drives a younger generation away from their reality tunnel.

Hell, it seems the entire reason why Ryan was picked is that he provides a superficial appearance of youth, vigor, rationalism, and common sense. Even though he's as hollow as as the Good Year blimp and does in fact know nothing.
As long as Obama's ground games turns out the WI voters, they will be good.

Of course, WI choosing to go red in 2010 and then not recalling Walker is a bit worrying. Dems kept saying for both those cycles that their turnout operation will tip the scales. Now Republicans are saying the same about it lol
Hell, it seems the entire reason why Ryan was picked is that he provides a superficial appearance of youth, vigor, rationalism, and common sense. Even though he's as hollow as as the Good Year blimp and does in fact know nothing.

Has Ryan done anything to benefit Romney's campaign? Anything at all?

He didn't give Romney much of a boost after his selection, he gave a pretty weak performance in the veep debate, and I really don't think he's making Wisconsin any more competitive than it would have been otherwise.
The reason why we all liked Chuck four years ago because he was a mostly realistic stats guy delivering news on how fucked McCain was. Now he's a full blown teevee pundit, which is like the most useless thing ever in an election season where there are better avenues of analysis and you can skip the punditry entirely and just watch the election from purely a data-driven standpoint.


Has Ryan done anything to benefit Romney's campaign? Anything at all?

He didn't give Romney much of a boost after his selection, he gave a pretty weak performance in the veep debate, and I really don't think he's making Wisconsin any more competitive than it would have been otherwise.

Nope. If anything he has been a needless drag on the campaign.


So what channels are you guys gonna be tuned to on election day? I'll be able to livestream Al Jazeera and the BBC right? I've pretty much given up on the news media in this country.

Switching between Fox for the lulz and CNN to see their stupid hologram device and Wolf keep calling it a tie.


Of course, WI choosing to go red in 2010 and then not recalling Walker is a bit worrying. Dems kept saying for both those cycles that their turnout operation will tip the scales. Now Republicans are saying the same about it lol

Exit polling said that there were a good number of "don't recall Walker" voters that supported Obama. So Romney would need a more Republican electorate than the recall to win.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Fox News.

Why would you not want to see the meltdown live?

I'll never forget how sad and depressed they looked after it was called for Obama in 2008.


Are John Stewart and colbert doing anything that night?
Yeah, they'll be live at 11pm EST. Last Presidential election they combined shows and did them both together.


Btw, know whats funny? If Romney somehow did win, the Dems keeping the Senate will make it impossible for Repubs to get rid of Obamacare. The GOP was all confident they could repeal it through a reconcilliation bill by having 51 votes in the Senate. Thats not happening (most likely) so either way Obamacare is safe.


The NYT had a recent article highlighting the failure of the surge to thwart the insurgency in Afghanistan. Not only have we failed to reduce their potency, but they're even expanding into previously secure provinces. And their strength should only increase as ISAF forces withdraw and the ANSF take command of security.

The province highlighted in the article is particularly problematic because it evinces the insurgency's suffusion from their Eastern strongholds. Thus, they've not only consolidated operations in Wardak and Ghazni provinces, they're extending into Central Afghanistan. But it's not solely the Taliban which is expanding. The Haqqani's seem to be extending into central Afgahnistan as they have perpetrated most of the audacious attacks in Kabul. And even smaller groups such as Hizb-e Islami are reportedly operating in the interior. So not only do the insurgents retain their bases in the South and East, they're preparing to challenge the central government in the forthcoming years. As our presence gradually diminishes, the situation could deteriorate precipitously. I'd prefer we accelerate our withdrawal as our efforts are profitless and wasteful. But it seems the 2014 framework remains the plan.
So what channels are you guys gonna be tuned to on election day? I'll be able to livestream Al Jazeera and the BBC right? I've pretty much given up on the news media in this country.
I'll watch C-SPAN primarily but also check the foreign stations to gauge their reactions.


Till 2016.

Not only is Paul Ryan going to lose this election (probably), and became a national laughingstock with that charity sham, he lost a debate to a guy who Republicans have been framing as a mental midget for years. He lost handily to Joe "gaffemachine" Biden.

He's done. If he's lucky, he'll still get to be the GOP's budget boy.
Not only is Paul Ryan going to lose this election (probably), and became a national laughingstock with that charity sham, he lost a debate to a guy who Republicans have been framing as a mental midget for years. He lost handily to Joe "gaffemachine" Biden.

He's done. If he's lucky, he'll still get to be the GOP's budget boy.

Eh, 4 years is a very ling time.
So what channels are you guys gonna be tuned to on election day? I'll be able to livestream Al Jazeera and the BBC right? I've pretty much given up on the news media in this country.

I usually listen to PBS for my news, but on election day I will certainly have FoxNoise on. The bitterness, despair, and denial will be a thing of glory. It should not be missed.

It might be worth tuning into C-Span for the call-ins...The wackos will be out in full force!

I like this idea
I'll never forget how sad and depressed they looked after it was called for Obama in 2008.

does anyone still have the youtube where karl rove was talking and brit hume interrupted him to let him know that Fox was calling Ohio for Obama in 2008? I used to have the youtube made from dailykos for Election Night 2008 and would watch it from time to time because the silence and despair they conveyed was so very very magical.


Eh, 4 years is a very ling time.

Not really. He's not very charismatic, he's not a good speaker, and now he's going to be a loser. The big boys, Christie, Bush, Rubio, will crush him if he tries to run for pres. Being VP is this guy's only hope of having a chance nationally. He'd be the Pawlenty of 2016.
Either way, it's a win-win for Fox News: If Obama wins, they can continue the attacks against him and DEMs, and if Romney wins, they defend him and continue to attack DEMs.
Not only is Paul Ryan going to lose this election (probably), and became a national laughingstock with that charity sham, he lost a debate to a guy who Republicans have been framing as a mental midget for years. He lost handily to Joe "gaffemachine" Biden.

He's done. If he's lucky, he'll still get to be the GOP's budget boy.

Good points but I tend to believe his allies will argue he was muzzled by Romney, and I'm sure we'll get some behind-the-scenes reports saying that in the coming weeks (regardless of who wins). Ryan is still loved by the WSJ, Kristol, and the other members of the GOP brain trust.

IMO the biggest factor will be that Ryan's Medicare budget didn't hurt Romney. Polls continually show voters trust Obama more on Medicare yet also show the elderly sticking with Romney by large margins. That bodes well for Ryan's future.

The biggest hurdle will be that the idea of Ryan is bigger than the politician/man. He's just not any good at campaigning apparently. Contrast that to Christie, who may be the second best active politician in the country. Ryan is boring on the stump and never sounds genuine; you can tell by his face that he just isn't concerned about anything outside of cutting government in painful ways
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