It looks like we can breath easy about the possibility of losing the popular vote. Thank goodness.
I want bitter tears, not violent rage.
I want bitter tears, not violent rage.
In other words, Obama is a n*****. And it was a popular concern.
This. Obama has too many paths to 270 where they have very little without Ohio. They see that they're losing there and want to get another state in play. The only state they can honestly feel somewhat confident in is NC. They're desperate.
We've had recent PA polls. Its not close. Quit crying
Wow, the quotes about Christie are digusting.
It reads like "he's a good man, even if he needed help from a black man."
its like white audiences being disgusted a black main character saves the white person/people!
Onion has been on a tear this year.
The New York Times reported on Thursday that Senate Republicans applied pressure to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) in September, successfully persuading it to withdraw a report finding that lowering marginal tax rates for the wealthiest Americans had no effect on economic growth or job creation.
"The pressure applied to the research service comes amid a broader Republican effort to raise questions about research and statistics that were once trusted as nonpartisan and apolitical," the Times reported. Democrats in Congress, however, have resurfaced the report and published it in full. It can be read below.
Republicans told the Times they had issues with the tone, wording and scope of the report, but they clearly objected most strongly to its findings, which undermine the governing fiscal philosophy of the party, that tax cuts for the wealthy will spur growth and benefit everybody.
GOP officials told The Times that the decision by the CRS came after a cooperative discussion, but Democrats have suggested that the move is part of a broader effort by Republicans to squelch legitimate research that runs counter to their economic principles.
its like white audiences being disgusted a black main character saves the white person/people!
Just listened to Rush talking about Chris Christie... Yeah, he delivered. lol
Racial attiudes in the midwest are very different from the rest of the country (meaning in states where it's 75% to 80% white). Also, the auto bailout is a big deal around here
It looks like we can breath easy about the possibility of losing the popular vote. Thank goodness.
I want bitter tears, not violent rage.
By different do you mean more enlightened, or something more subtle? I know a racist Ohioan lady who voted for Obama in 2008 and will do it again this year.
I'm still trying to figure out how ANYONE can believe this bullshit. A dictator...really?
Do these clowns realize that if Obama was trying to be a dictator he wouldn't be going through the process of having a fucking election?! And without Congress, he essentially can't do ANYTHING?!
Went ahead and cast my vote for Obama today because, as a poll worker, I wasn't sure if I'd have enough time to leave my post on election day. We're already understaffed as it is, although I've been told that we're going to have a large number of "independent observers" at the precinct to defend against "voter fraud". I have the highest authority of any election worker at my precinct and I will escort these teabagger busybodies out at the first sign of meddling or voter harassment.
I found that pretty damn funny haha.On the other hand, this quote was nice . . . . it showed that even people on the right know that Fox News is blowing smoke up their ass:
This is really the first election Ive felt absolutely terrified, Thornton said. Fox is trying desperately to make it out to be a Romney landslide, but Im nervous.
Thread on frontpage. Maybe you should go back to working on your double sigma statistical analysis political analyzer you came up with and tell us how WI is looking![]()
DBQ's a two-fer, IA & WI.Dubuque, IA
Hopefullly this gets more attention. On the flip side, the GOP certainly know the best timing to silence it's critics.
Republicans told the Times they had issues with the tone, wording and scope of the report, but they clearly objected most strongly to its findings, which undermine the governing fiscal philosophy of the party, that tax cuts for the wealthy will spur growth and benefit everybody.
Wow, Romney on the offense in PA while Obama resorting to playing defense in WI. I guess Obummer's ploy to politically exploit hurricane Sandy using campaign surrogate Chris Christie backfired big time. Looks like this election is going to end up as a historic win for real analysts like Dick Morris and finally expose that twerp Nate Silver for the fraud that he is.
Can't wait for a grown-up to be back in Washington, putting America back to WORK.
Can't wait for a grown-up to be back in Washington, putting America back to WORK.
"Today's Republican Party: Facts Mean NOTHING."
Went ahead and cast my vote for Obama today because, as a poll worker, I wasn't sure if I'd have enough time to leave my post on election day. We're already understaffed as it is, although I've been told that we're going to have a large number of "independent observers" at the precinct to defend against "voter fraud". I have the highest authority of any election worker at my precinct and I will escort these teabagger busybodies out at the first sign of meddling or voter harassment.
This is actually the first time I've cast an absentee ballot. Feels good, but a little strange too.
Hopefullly this gets more attention. On the flip side, the GOP certainly know the best timing to silence it's critics.
Blame government for not creating jobs.Government does not create jobs.
Wow, Romney on the offense in PA while Obama resorting to playing defense in WI. I guess Obummer's ploy to politically exploit hurricane Sandy using campaign surrogate Chris Christie backfired big time. Looks like this election is going to end up as a historic win for real analysts like Dick Morris and finally expose that twerp Nate Silver for the fraud that he is.
Can't wait for a grown-up to be back in Washington, putting America back to WORK.
Reuters/Ipsos VA O + 5, 49-44
Reuters/Ipsos VA O + 5, 49-44
Reuters/Ipsos VA O + 5, 49-44
Reuters/Ipsos VA O + 5, 49-44
Reuters/Ipsos VA O + 5, 49-44
I salute you.
Good luck on election day.